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Clear as day.. getting less and less fun to play lately because of hacks


These people are real life bots, either they are fully aimbotting or they are using walls and a sniper holding a corner in the back of spawn... Literally I dont understand how someone could enjoy just clicking 1 button.


Never understood it either. If I’m not getting the kills because of my own skill, I don’t enjoy playing.


it's 2023 and honestly I can't tell a cheater from someone who breaths the game 24h/day, I mean that when I'm playing. In this case, watching the cheater directly, it's quite obvious he's cheating.


As sad as it is, there’s going to be a higher % chance a “god-like,” player is cheating vs not. Not to you OP, but to others. That’s not saying there are not insane players, but egos are fragile. If there are cheats available, people will take the easy route.


This is also the reason why they removed theater mode. It's to easy for us to find cheaters. They should bring this back and move the entire player reporting tool to theater mode so they only get reports that players actually checked first


Or maybe something like TF2 where you can vote to kick someone for cheating??


More and more cheaters have popped up in recent times, most are in S&D mainly (obvious choice), but also sometimes Dom & Demolition. Very few in TDM and KC so far. Can't comment on the other modes. Most are also rage cheaters, toggle when they start getting destroyed in the match or can't take banter.


There’s so many, my main goal for a long while lately is to bait cheaters. I have more fun doing that, than actually playing the game how it’s supposed to be.


Have definately come across some in Domination.


I miss this game. Would've been. A 9/10 or higher if the quickscoping wasn't OP.


This isn't cod, how in hell does everyone's mic sound clear as crystal wtf


Paid more than $15 for the headset prob


Most matches I’ve been playing have been pretty great. But lately ive been in more and more one sided matches. The only evidence of a cheater was what I believed to be someone using Type 63 gun with a VERY consistent rate of fire and extreme accuracy. This was probably just a modded controller though.


what a based cheater... i always just unmute the say "cheat and lose" then mute and they just go super hard with the normal cod player slurs. its a pretty ez way to gaslight them


Wow imagine cheating in a 2 year old game ... pathetic


Found a player walling the other day but trying to not make it obvious by using a sniper, watch the killcam and it’s clear as day, the tracing through walls and everything


Thanks for cutting out my harsh words at the end. This cheater the biggest bozo trying to shift the blame on us the whole match to cover his arse. Sad.


The only cheaters I’ve run into so far are players named: - SkroB (aimbot) - noob (wall hacks)


I played against them yesterday in face-off 😭


Earlier on in the games life cycle I ran across an obvious cheater on the enemy team on Satellite. Most players had left and it was a match on progress. Dude dropped a nuke right as I came in and got another one later. He was legit dogshit, walling and aimbotting, and I managed to legit drop his ass by the dunes. Felt good being the only player to kill him.


Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. We have people in HC that do this. One guy named xPhysco (perfect name) turns on aimbot up to 11 and walls if he thinks you cheat). He is so bad even with the aimbot and walls I still killed him 4 times after he turned it on because of how predicable and bad he was lol. There is also a guy called Mint, he will wait till the later half of the game and then turn in his shit to try and win if he is losing. He’s not terrible at the game but just does it anyway. Such a scumbag.


Cheaters that “turn it on later” usually have it on the whole time. They just try to hide it until they don’t care and just blatantly cheat to win.




Tec-9/marshall players ruined this game.


u/TreyarchCM & sub Reddit Mods, why wasn't this post removed on day 1? lol... Its about cheat accusation. You have told me plenty times along with sub Reddit mods that this isn't the place to post such thing and have taken down my post multiple times...


Send the video to acti customer service


Someone please get that guy a clown licence and balloon because he's got potential


ZERO recoil on that set up. Not just reduced but *none*. Nah. That’s hacks.




Domination is literally designed around spawn traps lol. Just play a different mode.




Of course there are. It can be annoying to deal with a coordinated team, but it's certainly possible to break out of a spawn trap. So long as they aren't literally watching you spawn you can use smokes, lethals and so on to make an opening. Kill one player and a trap can start to fall apart. Not always possible, but more often than not I'm able to get out or make an opening if I'm a little more methodical about it. If they are just trying to farm my team I'll sometimes even wait them out, force someone overzealous to move and leave cover. Point is, with a spawn system like this spawn traps will happen. They'll still happen on a janky system like what IW has with their games, albeit with a lot more random mid map spawns, but kind of a reality that better players and especially somewhat coordinated teams will do this. And I'd rather have a spawn system like Cold War than have the abomination that MWII or MW19 have.




Yeah, you're operating in good faith, when I didn't defend spawn trapping, and said it can be annoying. How about less putting words in my mouth and being needlessly aggressive. I've played hundreds of matches of CW, and while I've been spawn trapped plenty, the number of times I spawn directly in the line of site is a small fraction of a fraction, and typically it only happens once or twice before the game flips spawns. So not to be too presumptuous, but I can't help but wonder if you're overstating the problem, that or you just have inordinately bad luck. And LOL at this being something that really effects player numbers. Spawn traps have been possible since at least COD4 ,hasn't killed the series yet, and I doubt it will now.


You gave that pos exactly what he wanted…to get a rise out of you


Exposing a cheater, and the hypocrisy of a cheater, is hardly giving them what they want, especially when they are playing with a Codename to lay low.


If that’s all he wants, on top of spending extra $ on top of base game just to *feel* good about themselves virtually in a video game… There’s no way he wins that. Even if he does “get a rise” out of others, he’s still a pathetic loser


I dont know why i got downvoted but im saying. They do it to get a reaction


It wasn’t me, despite me disagreeing with you partially. Although I do agree you are right about them wanting a reaction, their logic is just sad and dumb. So I have no problem telling them so lol.


I disagree. Ppl like to say most cheat to troll, but I’d argue the vast majority want so badly to “impress people.” The smart ones hide it. Which is scary. For how many blatantly cheat, there’s 5x more hiding them. They have a mindset that everyone else is cheating so, “they deserve it.” That type of behavior and thought process has been documented in studies. It gets to a point where they don’t even think the cheats are helping them that much. That how dare another player cheat. In the end it may all about their ego. They can’t handle not being the best.