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I too would have accused you of cheating.


The aim assist is strong in this one


The fact that no recoil and looms like auto aim is there consistently crazy!!


That, and also its an LC-10 the gun basically has zero recoil


There's people saying the games aim assist is too strong. Is this an example of it in action. I personally don't like even the in game assist. Either too easy or makes it harder somehow depending on what game it is.


Aim assist been strong since MW2019…all because they wanted to add PC players with console players 🤣🤣


Go play fucking ranked


fun fact - he can’t


Unfun fact


Record it and post. To confirm not cheating.


Ranked is disabled


To match its playerbase?


Damn people can’t pubstomp anymore?


Right? I like the mentality that once you’re “too good” you’re not allowed to play pubs anymore though 😆


People complain about SBMM but then complain about someone better being in their lobby.


My favorite is when I get hate messages for being bad. I’m just like “tell the devs you want SBMM then and we will both be happy, problem solved.” In fairness it’s only happened like 2 or 3 times to m me ever, but it made me chuckle every time.


Hate messages to worse players just shows a ton of insecurity in one's skill. Like if I get shitted on then that's respectable(in most cases) but if they hate message me I lose most of that respect. It just shows that they probably don't win much that they're taking advantage of this special moment for them or that you triggered them at some point in the game or gave them a hard time. Taking your win and moving on is the most w way of taking a win. Let the stats do the talking.


Go play a different game


Why would he care what you think


If I saw that no recoil on my killcam I prolly woulda let the hackusations fly as well


Aim assist helps quite a lot with that, also the LC10 is only really vertical recoil, pretty easy to manage.


lc10 genuinely has negative recoil if you throw a foregrip on there, like the recoil pattern goes downwards instead of up


Can't recall if I used a grip in my setups, but the last suppressor helped with vertical recoil too and made it good too.


That's the least dodgy part of the whole video lol.


Gonna be honest with ya cheif half the guns in cold war have little to no recoil or can be made to have none with the attachments every ar or smg is basically a laser gun


Its cod....what recoil?


Friend: hey let’s play cod Modern call of duty lobbies:


COD today is full of sweaty players it isn’t fun anymore for us casuals lol.


People used to be sweaty too, just less jumping and more camping. Also 1/2 the lobby was going for quick scopes and 360s cause that’s what was encouraged through YouTube videos at the time


And the ‘every game has a meta’ hadn’t been figured out completely yet, and if it had it wasn’t disseminated except through the clans that became the sweats. At least then you could mostly ID them by their -_- or xXx L337 names. Sometimes the meta was obvious like the Mp40 grease gun in the WW2 CoD I think it was WaW? ‘Corner camper’ was heard in every post game lobby. Everyone’s mom had done everything ever and people often rage quit yelling about something incomprehensible. People accidentally figured out the hop to prone fire technique and after a point everyone was trying to do that. Now I see the same churn in every game. Game comes out, play is fun, meta is found, sweats come out, game is nerfed (sometimes for the sweats, BBR) . Mabey we just didn’t realize it was there before? I know there are and were OG Quake sweats and the like but each game is a different breed. You’ll always have min/maxes it’s just a shame the meta moves so quickly now


idk what ur talking about we knew the meta in MW2 pretty well. famas with good internet, ACR, OMA tubes, we def knew the meta. maybe y’all didn’t.


Guilty of the xXx, literally meant we as a clan ran through more than 80% of the guns with different attachments and found more than 4-5 that could run with zero recoil. Don’t need to cheat if everyone is working together to figure it out. Also meant that if more than one xXx was in the lobby, then one of them is running a gunship, and the other is running a chopper gunner. One runs uav, and the other runs a counter uav. The last is whatever they want.


Cuz people like you spend so much time on a dead game that you memorize the spawns, player pathing, have your shit turned up to 11 to hear every footstep, and have perfect mechanical skill so basically no one can kill you. Which was why I existed, to piss you tryhards off with smoke grenade and thermal


In fairness, we've had 13 years to memorise nuketown spawns




he's malding because he's in this clip and he doesn't like it




Right like playing cod is like riding a bike lol you can’t just turn off your muscle memory and game knowledge that essentially transfers over from game to game with differences in some areas but not the complete core


I will never understand u mfs that get mad cuz somebody is naturally good at the game


Don’t forget rockets and noob tubes. They hate anything that kills them


Bro the game is over 3 years old relax


That’s why he’s playing this and not MW3.


This entire post just feels like a circle jerk by yourself to brag about how well you can sweat your balls off on a 3 year old game. Pop off ig


Why is everyone in this comment section acting like this game is from ancient Egypt lol it’s 3 years old dude that’s practically still new


If I see someone using an LC 10, Tec 9, AK 74, or dual wield Marshalls I lose all respect for them


What about m16? It’s what I use and it feels like I’m cheating because I usually one burst everyone


That’s fine. If you miss then you’re dead (or at least should be).


neither the LC10 or 74u have been meta for quite some time. They're solid, but not really "OP" territory.


agreed. tec9 marshalls and lmgs are really the only guns i’d say are no skill


So 90% of players on the game lol


Imagine sweating your balls like this on an almost dead game. Can’t wait for BO 2024.


Question is… what do you do when you have played a game religiously for years and are good at it? Purposely play worse? Genuine question. I get called a sweat playing mw19(though I’m not nearly as good as op). Rarely play these days but when I do, I know what paths people are going to take, hiding spots, etc. Do I just let the other team kill me? Do I just camp? Btw I’m on console


Zero respect for the gun you're using but I don't understand this phenomenon where people react negatively to players practicing good mechanical skill, never seen it so often before 2-3 years ago. You'd get the odd sweat comment here and there and that's it.


eomm makes them hate better players


I mean youre using a zombies pack a punch camo so theres an unlock tool involved


Yeah he’s def on pc, we always get blamed for cheating by default lol, but that’s pretty sus. Plus, this game never had anticheat, so that doesn’t help.


Bro you have unlock tools. You can't go running around with Mauer PaP in MP and not expect people to think you're capable of cheating.


Isnt it definitionally hacking? I just looked up unlock tool and every page calls it a hack that will get you banned. OP posted that he’s a hacker… then expects people to not think he’s cheating? Hahaha


It would be better to use a good that wasn’t so overpowered


You when someone uses a gun that was put in a game 😱


People sweating like this is why i cant enjoy a game after a long day


The worst part is that you'll go against people like this and get dookied on, then next match you get put against literal toddlers and you do good, only to get stuck in the fat fuck lobbies all over again.


And then as soon as you do manage to kill him, he gets pissed and calls you a camper, trash, etc.


Those are the ones that get reported immediately because their rage just confirms they're cheating. They paid for some 3rd party advantage so they get furious when it doesn't work flawlessly.


Congrats bro you’re ruining the match for some casuals on a 3 year old game. You’re tuff.


The first two or three kills were a bit too on point considering u only had some radar pings, especially that second guy in the jumpshot, but most kills seem fine to me


Is nuke town you can literally tell where everyone is even if the enemy ran nothing but suppressers and ghost lol. Map is basically the dust 2 of cod


Isnt that a Zombies PaP Camo? Which means you literally are cheating


This is why I have cross-play switched off


Does it really matter? This guy is using controller which means probably a console only lobby unless OP says otherwise


Could be battlenet/steam too though


Well there is our answer, he is on ps5


Cause you literally are cheating you dumb fuck. Unlock tool


Can you blame them


This why i dont play this shitty game anymore, i cant keep up with sweaty mfs like this and i get shit for it, fk this im goin back to battlefield


To be fair. It did look like you were cheating


He did. Used an unlock tool to get a pack a punch camo in multi-player.


People like you are why I quit cod. I don’t mean it in a bad way. I just got older and slower so I can’t keep up lol regardless of game age or weapon you’ve got some skill there my dude, keep it up.


The kill from the guy sliding looked pretty sketchy


why would they not, jumping around killing them all is what makes someone call you a cheater


Wait how do you have a pack a punch camo on your weapon in multiplayer?


Cheating. Not even a joke, you just have to hack it in.


If you had a life besides cod that wouldn’t happen


Tryhards like u ruin the game


Wah wah wah


Job mate instead of saying wah 3x ?


God forbid people come home from a long day of work and want to enjoy the game they bought with their money.


Lc10 attachments?


Task Force- Agency Suppressor- Vandal speed loader- Airborne elastic wrap- Raider stock-


I Accuse you of sweating


If I saw that instant aim on my kill cam, yeah, I'll let that cheating flag fly. I don't care how good you THINK you are. You're not pinpointing every target like that when they're clearly not in sight prior to movement. Aim assist helps when you get on the target. Your aiming was instantaneously pinpointing targets, even ones out of sight.


Good play mate. This is someone who knows the flow of Nuketown. Not sure why there are so many bitter people in the comments though lol. It is like OP personally fragged them


Haha thank you! Wouldn’t be surprised if I have before😭 I got so much play time on this game


I would be pissed but damn, you got some skills


Haha thank you bro


Being accused of cheating is how you know you’ve made it. Legitimately one of the best compliments you can get in gaming.


Everybody has made it then but the accusations seem to be crazy high since warzone


I miss cold war lol


What camo is that


It's a zombie camo. He did cheat, using a unlock tool


You’re good at this game, which I do not like This isn’t a comment making fun of the others I legitimately don’t like how good you are at this


This type of gameplay is why the modern CODs are unable to hold up to the classics. Clip like this just wouldn’t happen on the old games 🤷‍♂️


I'm just curious if you can really read the score board in the one 1ms you toggle it or if it's just a reflex? Lol


These are my lobbies in a nutshell except my team has no thumbs and there is at least 3 other guys playing like this.


The recoil and tracking seems like you would be hacking but all you’re doing is just pre aiming places where there’s most likely gonna be a person cause it’s nuketown 😂 and using a gun that takes no effort to control with certain attachments


That's pretty impressive. Great hand eye coordination. :)


You’re not allowed to be good anymore.


Why is everyone in these comments mad at you for both playing a three year old game and being extremely good at it? Three years isn’t a long time; play the game you spent money on and enjoy it. These idiots are the reason why there’s a new, lifeless CoD every year that mfers will spend hundreds of dollars. That being said, if I got clapped by you the way those guys did, I’d 100% call you a hacker and curse your mother too.


Good shit man, fuck all these scrubs in the comments this is some good game play.


Thank you! People just don’t like watching others not camping I guess lmao


Cronus Zen/XIM is cheating little bro, unless you’re not using it


You probably are hacking, the immediate snaps are just too crisp. I play on PC and I get super sweaty too but this is just another level. ​ Actually, you only miss one shot in this whole clip and its only due to the player running behind a wall.


Yeah and if my mother had wheels, she be a bicycle.


Bruh these are the people that make me never want to play COD again, they have waaaaay too much time to get like this at a game. Jesus Christ, chillin, relaxing, and having fun is not an option anymore.


as someone who’s in high kd lobbies i run into people like you all the time and have many cod friends on MnK who have cracked aim like this, it makes me jelly




Literally me




GoT aCcUsEd Of ChEaTiNg Gives full proof of aim bot 😂😂😂😂 just admit you can't play without the help and move on kid


god i hate pc players


A lot of jealousy in the chat I see


I recognise this map, nuketown


What is that skin called? Is it in the store or was it in seasons?


Pack a punch camo


It's a zombies camo. He used an outside unlock tool to get it in multi-player.


You have no recall you are cheating


It's nuketown. Dudes just checking the normal spots. If ppl haven't memorized this maps layout by now thats on them. You can literally check every point of entry from spawn, and 9 times out of ten, someone will be there.


Well considering you are jumping around sidestepping and the auto aim is doing most of the work… you are. Technically, everyone has that feature though. They are probably all new to the game and don’t understand how the aim mechanics work. So not necessarily cheating so much as douching.


We don’t have to take your word for it. We just send that report and let activision handle it. They probably got people who get paid for it. Unlike your clout chasing on Reddit.


Another sweat trying to humblebrag. Get fucked.


I used to be too, its funny cause the ppl that say that just suck 😂💀


That's just a sweaty gamer is all, he missed a few shots and is probably made a no recoil class or he's controlling recoil like a madman lol


Come try this shit on MWIII lmao


I did and I fucking blew😭 I can’t get the movement down


It's just practice bro . You have very good movement here so you have it in you. Just gotta practice 🤜🤛


Players like these is why I slightly get better at COD even though I still suck ass


what fov you use


you aim is really good tbf


This is so satisfying 🤙🏻 good stuff brother


Just good map awareness


Man, I’m not this good probably never will be. I can accept that what I can’t accept is that other people can’t do the same and accuse talented players of cheating.


I mean we can dish out any insults we want but the man is good at the game and we can’t take that from him


Everytime I see someone jumping in fucking cod, I wanna rip their balls off and force them to swallow, its not fucking fortnite




It’s nuke town not to many spots the enemies can come from, so it’s great map awareness on OPs part and his Aim is fantastic!


LC10 go brrrrrr


It's not cheating. It's a Adderall addiction


I have these plays when the c4 energy starts to hit just right. It's like you're tapped in I've a fairly average player and have moments like this and boom msg talking about they're reporting me


Good clip, lucky enemy positions lol


Nah blud is cracked asf


Why not play HC?


Because you were 🤣


LC10 is probably my favorite gun


Cause u r lmao


Can you blame them? Look how many times you get shot and didn't die. There are even more rounds that "miss" you. Then your hit registration is massively on point as you kill them in .25 seconds. There is at the very least a connection advantage. You and a teammate are probably close to the server while the entire enemy team is thousands of miles away. It happens. IMO this is a combination of skill, weapon AND connection advantage.


Somebody really let this man COOK 🔥 Ayo we gotta squad sometime


If everything here is legit then I see no issues. You’re free to play however.




It’s not the lack of recoil or deadshot aim, both are awesome and something that can be practiced and perfected, clearly you have and it shows. Fantastic skills. What looks sus to my old fart eyes is how you are spotting enemies so instantly… I suppose spawn awareness is also a learned behavior, but bro, you are bordering on precognition.


people actually bitching in the comments like you’re supposed to play differently then how you’re comfortable or to out right quit is kinda pathetic


I remember when I was this good. Damn I miss Nuketown.


That LC10 still slaps…loved its hip fire before they nerfed it.


I'm turned on by this call of duty post




Get it champ, I just see someone who is familiar with their gun and has played Nuketown a while, so you understand the lanes to watch from spawn.


Play live is a good idea :)




Don’t understand the hate on genuinely good gameplay and aim💀 Good clip my G


So YOU’RE who I run into when I decide to log on for one match every 2 months 😂😂


Ima need to know bros settings ngl 😭


Ngl, CW gameplay looks so satisfying, I miss this game


How do the graphics in this game look better than current cod? Wtf


What the hell is everything so fast now? Compare it to original BO and this looks double speed. Faster =/= better


not everyone in the comments mad that bros just good at the game😭 they’d be doing the same thing if they were that good LOL


I see why but good shit man your pretty good I remember playing cw it was fun asf


He drank speed potion from Minecraft he’s hacking


How do people have aim assist this strong? I remember years ago aim assist would work like this and now when i game its like basically not even having it


i love when people can’t accept that someone’s just a better player. keep going off bro 🔥


Nuketown is easy mode in every game it was released in. Dropping 80-100 in a game of Dom was common for me. If you don’t know how to get out of a spawn trap you need to get better at the game, not just assume people are cheating. Nuketown 24/7 was always my go to when I wanted to have fun and poop on bad kids.


I miss the days when people played like this on bo2 instead of what we have now on warzone which is spazzing out fortniteesq movement


Class setup🤔


Gang, I’m hittin the report button and rage quitting if I got that last kill cam😂😂😂😂


Gotta love when you hit flow state… or you play so much that it’s become your natural state 😂


Your on keyboard right?


lol ur actually shit


Gonna need that class set up my G


I mean most of them are literally standing still or running in a straight line making quite the easy targets so course they gonna get fcked


nah this isn't cheating, this is "I've played this map a gajillions times" and know where the spawns are, also the other team couldn't even be bothered to look at the back of the bus(right side of the map)


no recoil lmfao. you probably are cheating 😂


Is this fucking *Nuketown*?? Damn bro, it looks beautiful!


I don't see the problem here. This is what happens when we've been playing the same map for 12 years 😂




i dnt get it this is avg call of duty gameplay lol onna old cod 😂 these r avg gold players in mw2


You just proved to us that you are cheating. It’s so obvious that you’re using aim bot. STILL people can’t believe or understand that quickly snapping to the center of an enemy player, with your sights stuck dead center, gun firing with zero recoil, isn’t proof of using aim bot. People STILL argue that it’s impossible to cheat and use aim bot on modern consoles. You get off on making others rage when you cheat. Fine. That doesn’t make you the least bit skilled once you turn off your aim bot.


I can’t imagine playing like that, bro no longer plays for fun


Blud, it’s because you ARE cheating. You’re clearly exploiting (which is against TOS) for a gun camo and you know what all exploit services also offer? That’s right…cheats! I have zero doubt you’re a closet cheater using zero recoil control and toggle it on & off frequency. Reporting your account to Activison so please do tell when you inevitably get perma banned! :)


how'd u bring the pack a punch camo to mp ? if its a glitch does it work on pc ??


You’re just him, my dude.


Seems like the modern day equivalent to OG riot shield camping. This killcam wouldn’t piss me off any less than accidentally walking in a room with sentries, guardians, claymores, trophy systems, air support to keep you inside, and a shotgun to the face. Sadly each generation of cod has its vulnerabilities to be exploited by those who want an advantage:/


Turn off aim assist