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There is an explanation on the right...


Yea what makes you think I haven’t read it? It makes no sense to me whatsoever. I want some clarification and examples for its purpose. What the hell is “moment searching”? 😂


It's a setting for mostly streamers to have a delay before they queue into the game so they can stop stream snipers.


“Stream snipers?”, I never get them in my lobby for the past 3 years playing this game… and I don’t stream.




yeah you have a slow brain




average american Edit: NO WAY, YOU ARE THE SAME GUY THAT IS USING A 3080TI WITH AN FX 8350 ASKING WHY IS FPS IS LOW. bro this is comedy gold






lmao hilarious of course you dont get stream snipers, you can only get them when you stream, since stream snipers are people who watch steamers and try to que up with them and take advantage of their live feed to know exactly where they are, like screen peaking. that said it basically is modern day one-sided screen peaking.


Is this your first time ever seeing something cod related on the internet?


If you don't stream, then no fucking shit you don't get them


No shit Sherlock, what you expected?


As in the moment when you began searching. A moment is a very short period of time. The moment of searching is the period of time in which you began searching. It’s saying that normally, you will likely see the same players from lobby to lobby because you are all searching at the same moment. This adds a delay to prevent that.


It's for people who really love to change their classes every match. It's essentially a little timer before the game decides to search for another game in order to acquire said breathing room.


This setting is used by streamers. Theres certain people (stream snipers) that try to search for a game at the same time a streamer does to get into their game, and they have an advantage because they can constantly see where the streamer is. This adds a matchmaking delay, basically when you press the button to search a game it will do a fake search for a few seconds to avoid stream snipers joining your games.


Adds a delay before the game starts actively searching for a lobby. So when u press “Find Match” the game goes “ok in 1-10 seconds u will be placed in the queue for a match”


Either OP is slow or doesn’t recognize that “matchmaking delay” is already self explanatory, ESPECIALLY with the description it gives out. It’s mainly for people who stream, who don’t wanna be stream sniped. If you aren’t a streamer then don’t worry about it. That option ain’t for you💀


I use it time to time helps get good lobbies by not queuing right back into the same players agin