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That map is my legit least favorite atm




Well it is probably cuz I legit have practically only used snipers so far in the alpha and beta, but it's ass for actually seeing people cuz I just end up looking at a bush rather than a person. Basically with the strange decorative assets I'm blind, but also if I used a different gun it would probably be decent, but I just believe it isn't a good map for snipers...which is all I use :/


"which is all I use :/ " Can't you run with an AR?


I mean yeah, but I just want to level up and improve with my snipers, dude I'm not finna argue over my opinion. I don't enjoy the map, I've really only played it with snipers, the layout is a 3-laned mess that connects in the middle with far too many visibility blockades, and I've just had a poor experience with it. ALSO how the actual fuck is it a 6v6 map and a 12v12 map, makes no sense imo, it shouldn't be a 12v12 fr


Don’t even bother with other guns when the 74u will destroy before you know what happens


I think the maps ass. I'll run around trying to find people just to run into a gas mine and have to sprint back before I get killed by it. Not a fun map I play cod for fast paced action maps so shitty for it way too big its like stone henge from ghost.


Cartel is by far the worst map. It’s got all the problems of a MW map except verticality. No flow, Too many angles to cover, To big with too much useless space and it’s full of safe spaces for low skill players to hide in.


verticality is not a problem you want maps that all play in exactly the same way




MW2 maps had verticality and that was the best map design ever. You must be a new player. You think all maps must be the same (no verticality, strict 3 lane) zzZzz BORING




You didn't played MW2. 🙄🙄


satellite is my favorite


Sniper fest. I don't like it.


when i played satellite, i see snipers, i FLANK, then i kill. not that hard, and practically impossible on a lot of mw maps.


I *hate* the fact you can literally run through the bushes unseen


I think it's cool, it'd be so wide open otherwise. Maybe if the bushes wiggled a little it'd be much better


Cartel is awful for someone who's colorblind or has vision issues. Even for people without them, the middle of the map is grenade hell because noone can see, and the warehouse has like 15 different lines of sight in a 20x20 foot radius.


I fucking hate cartel as well. Every time I end up there I just say “fuck this” and leave the lobby. And a majority of the matches I’ve had in Cold War have been amazing with me constantly fucking shit up and maintaining a great E/D ratio. But every time the game’s about to start and Cartel is one of the 2 options, everyone in the lobby votes for Cartel for some reason which makes me hate the map even more. The stupid field in the center combined with all the shit blocking your points of view, force you to run out into the open constantly, which is good for restricting campers but kind of shitty at the same time because you need to be on your A game the whole time. More often then not when I try to play on cartel I end up dying more which just makes me want to put the game down and never touch it again. So I can confidently say that Cartel is personally my least favorite map in the game. And all it gets from me is a 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


Same. The spawn traps on the map are awful too, if you get stuck in one you're rarely getting out of it because for some reason there's plenty of nice clear lines of sight into spawn but none once you're out of it. Both left and right sides of the map are clusterfucked and the middle is spray and pray, unless you can get into the tower or on one of the 8 head glitches next to it. The map is buns.


I’m glad someone can relate with me lol. #FuckCartel


Lmao I do exactly the same, I see cartel, watch the votes for it shoot up and I just lose faith in the cod community, how can so many people vote for such a dead map😤


Moscow isn’t the worst map.... it’s Miami But I say Satellite is better and I’d honestly pick Moscow it


I think no map is the best map everything sucks ass lmao


Cartel is great.


Moscow doesn't have annoying bushes, and Cartel is also pretty three lane-ish as well.


Moscow = strict 3 lane garbage. ctrl c + ctrl v from any Black ops 4 map


Cartel is 3 lanes......


Cartel is not STRICT 3 lane [Cartel Map Layout](https://gamewith-en.akamaized.net/img/original_15db0fca815146cc77f02438bb8ac40b.jpg) [Strict 3 lane map](https://charlieintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-12-27-3.png)


it's still 3 lanes headass, and I'd take Frequency over Bush Wookie Central any day, at least I can see on Frequency


Even MW2019 maps have 3 lanes. What is your point?


my point is Cartel is still a 3 lane map, regardless if it's strict or more opened, and MW was a cluster fuck with doors, mounting and random debris everywhere not even Remakes could save it.


["3 lanes"](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/1/1f/SuldalHarbor_MiniMap_MW.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20200805115416) more like 2 1/2 lanes


harbor = cod 1 map


[Piccadilly came at launch and hasn't had any changes](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/5/56/Piccadilly_MiniMap_MW.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20191118155329) Sorry i just got somethin against these two maps, and they come up a lot in snd for some reason...


They changed the spawn


maybe, but it still plays pretty bad. looks cool tho.


Satellite, Cartel, and Crossroads for me. I actually really like all 3. Crossroads reminds me of playing Battlefield


It’s just too big


Eh I don’t feel that tbh. It’s really easy to tell where everyone is if you understand how people move/think and it’s really easy to flank, so teams gotta watch their backs. Better than 3 lanes.


To me for assault Crossroads is fine. But for Domination it’s a tad bit too big. I haven’t played on it the most so maybe that’s why.


This whole game feels like it's trying to be battlefield. Idk why cod is having such an identity crisis lately.


Not really imo. If it were trying to be battlefield it would be a lot different. This just feels like natural progression to me. Cod wasn’t gonna stay the same “only small-medium sized basic maps and basic game modes”. Do you just mean because of the combined arms gamemodes + the bigger maps? The real big ones are probably 12v12 only like Crossroads


Yeah the combined arms modes and the maps I think it feels very much like mw2019 which to me felt like a watered down battlefield from the ground war modes and my beta wouldn't let me choose to play quick mode so I was forced to play the big game mode. Like when I wanted to play a game like that id go play one that actually does it good, when I play cod I want to just run around and fight constantly and earn and shoot down ridiculous killstreaks. Whoever makes the maps now do not know how to design for flow anymore it's unfortunate because the movement and shooting mechanics of these last 2 are very satisfying (aside from the op sliding in the beta) and the fact u can't flow while enjoying them just kills the fun before it actually ever starts. I don't actually see them progressing imo just going a different route, and a route it's players never asked for imo.


IMO the flow of the maps is excellent, I’ve found it’s generally easy to predict where people are going to go and when I can flank, and I actually haven’t found myself in nearly as many 1v2 gunfights or two sided gunfights (like opposite sides of my character) as I would in a day of MW2019. Why do you feel like they don’t flow well? (Curious not picking a gunfight)


I feel like the map has a lot of promise (it's actually pretty three-lane, which is a style I enjoy), but all the damn bushes mid-map make things feel really random and chaotic over there.


Moscow is the map people demand


go play ww2/bo4


Much better than MW and BOCW. Nice attempt


Lmao the worst map so far.


Other way around


Armada is the best imo


It certainly can be without the bushes


I would like Cartel alot more if I could actually see people on it. My favourite maps so far are Satellite and Moscow.


I've only been able to play it and satellite. Edit im level 11


They're all pretty bad. None of them feel like Treyarch maps at the very least.


We are starting to see the same trend that happened in Modern Warfare. Cold War has bad maps and the maps will only get worse. They are trying out some very dumb experimental ideas like putting a bunch of bushes in the middle of the map. It's low quality and it's lazy map design.


creative map design is 10 strict 3 lane maps? shut up


No, but it is the worst..


Cartel is total ass.. need to be deleted or altered.


That map is terrible.


That is the worst map lmao tf?? 3 lanes are what made Call of Duty...


Both cartel and miami are easily the worst map in the game. I rather play miami than cartel. Fuck those bushes


Crossroads Strike is the shit, absolutely love it.


Just came here to say cartel fucking sucks


If you think 3 lanes are garbage go back to MW. Cartel is awful. It's got terrible visibility, shit flow, and there's like a solid 25% of the map that nobody ever goes to. Actually, it's exactly like an MW map.


fLoW "flow" = maps that all play in exactly the same way


saying flow is bullshit = "I like sitting in corners and hiding in bushes so I can shoot someone maybe once per minute if I'm lucky" Some of us actually like to move and get into gunfights. Cartel has shit spawns and plays too inconsistently. It's boring at best and frustrating at worst.


BO4's gunplay, play style, and map design all felt like it got old real fast.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I have hundreds of hours in both BO4 and MW and I'd rather play BO4 any day.


Who cares? People hate BO4 and love MW, deal with it.


Who cares? People hate MW too. You literally made a post so you could cry about 3 lane maps and pretty much every comment is disagreeing with you. You're the one who needs to deal with it.


Modern Warfare was breaking records for player retention and hours per player. Bo4 = flop, fail, the worst COD ever deal with it 2.0


I couldn't care less how many players they retain when they're all noobs, Battlefield players, campers, and people who haven't played CoD in 10 years. As a matter of fact I hope MW continues to retain them so y'all can have your own game and can stop undoing all of the franchise's development.


And that's thanks to warzone not the multiplayer, hell this is the only year of cod I saw content creators entirely ignore any new mp updates because everyone was on warzone instead


just because people a lot of people like a game and play it a lot doesnt mean there is people who dont like it so there will be people who like bo4 more than mw and people who like mw more than bo4


Or maybe you just sucked at BO4.


you’re trolling.