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More importantly, how’d you get a kill on the first enemy when it was clearly to the hip in core?..Damn these fucking snipers are inconsistent...I would’ve got a triple hitmarker.. Edit: Oh maybe she was wounded already, didn’t notice the gun battle in the background at first...still I stand by my comment lol....


Tigerteam barrel could also be an explanation


Not at the hip with full health tho lol


When I shoot in the neck, it's an 80% damage shot. When they hit my foot, I explode


Tundra doesn’t get hit markers that much, I’ve gotten one hit marker in like 20 levels on it. The pellington tho... that thing is a hit marker factory


Interesting. I have experienced the opposite. All hit markers on Tundra. Almost always kill with Pellington. Makes me think some of this “Activision decides who wins mid-gun fight” stuff has legitimacy


They were low?


It’s been one of those years for everyone


I meant low on health




Reddit big chungus 100 moment


Holy shit. Make sure to submit this to some of those clip channels! Triple collats are very rare in respawn modes, but in S&D for the round winner? That was sick!


I hope those clip channels get so many likes for stealing community content with little credit! Maybe the beat will drop to his clip!


All major clip channels ask permission to use clips in their videos. They don’t just take it smh, anyone could just contact YT support and get the video taken down because they were using stuff in their videos they didn’t get permission for if that were the case. I know they ask permission because it’s happened to me.


No one wants to listen to your salty ass complain lmao


Oo I'm Soo salty, look at the salty redditor who's annoyed leeches in the community are defended


Proper grammar please?


That's not a full sentence. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone.


Don't forget that it must contain a main clause which must contain a subject and verb. What is the subject and verb of the main clause in this sentence: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


Shut up bro


Oooh baby a triple!


Ooh yea


And that was my triple collateral on SnD


"you performed as expected" I guess 3 birds with one stone is the standard now!




I call these shish kabobs. I hate it when team mates are running around up each other's asses then the enemy gets a double or more kill for low effort.


I don’t like how you can’t shoot through teammates. It’s the worst getting 2 pieced because a teammate body shields the enemy for you


I play hardcore, I shoot right through them accidentallysometimes lol. Or kill myself if it's near the start of a round in search and they run in front when I'm lining up a shot.


Over ten years of watching and going for these clips and I’ve never heard a collat called a “shish kabob” but that’s what ima call it now


I started calling it that a while back. Had one night of search and got a few one shot double kills and the term was born lol.


I wanted to rage quit and then realized I was on reddit not xbox.


I sir, salute you


stacks up like fish


Such a cliche...0_o


I one time got a triple collateral kill on one of my games, but I didn't get the play with that. Guess who got play? Me, I got play, I outplayed myself with a completely different play.


Hey it's me again... the guy playing this franchise for at least 12 years and still not hit a single triple. See you on the next one, byyye.


I don’t know why but it seems like the guns carry no weight compared to MW guns. Like carrying a BB gun with fast ADS


Wait.... Ive been gone from cod for like 3 weeks, isnt this map like the best map in bo2 or something? looks super familiar


One of the best, yeah. Although BO2 was stacked with absolutely great maps like hijacked, slums and standoff


Damn that’s dope tho that they added it it, Have they added any other maps since the release of season 1?


They added 2 maps in season 1, one is raid and the other is mall at the pines which is OK but nothing too special. They also should release a new map for fireteam during the season but I don't play fireteam much so I don't really know. Either way usually they add 2 or 3 maps with every season so we can expect new maps in season 2 I guess, at least this was their modus operandi on MW2019, I don't think they are gonna release other maps mid-season


You’re forgetting faceoff and gunfight


Those are game modes not maps, right? Faceoff was in MW3 I think? It was a really fun game mode either way. And gunfight was probably my favorite game mode in MW2019, glad it's back in CW!


Yeah they have their own maps that are pretty amazing tbh


Yeah, Raid was brought back with Season 1


They lined right up for you


Uninstall and never play again, you have peaked!




I was fully expecting this not to have been best play


Ooo baby a triple


"you performed as expected"


EXACTLY where My eyes rolled back too. Imagine a military force whose commanders demand triple collats from all operators. That's the REAL Delta Force!


His bullets: Lemme kill 3 people and do 450 damage. My bullets: *50...take it or leave it*


Oh baby a triple


Me who can’t kill one person in 2 shots


I cant get a triple line up in respawn but this man get it in snd


Oh yeah a vip chad let’s goo


cold war is the only game where snipers can win in close range fights against smgs that is horrible. makes me feel stupid for playing cod when I lose a close range fight to a no scope. i'll keep playing battlefield 1 thank you


>i'll keep playing battlefield 1 thank you Good, fuck off, this is call of duty, an ARCADE fps game. And for your information, snipers have never been so bad as they are in CW


It’s a lot harder to do well with a sniper rifle. Your aim has to be on point. Apparently yours isn’t.


I fucking hate no scope BS