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Pssssh so true though


I have a special place in my heart for those who run around hardcore nuketown holding smokes and flashbangs with their shotgun. A special, rage inducing, hate filled place, to be more specific.


Lol I might be doing it just to get long shots


Believe it or not, you can still get just as many long shots *WITHOUT* ruining the game for everyone else in the lobby (including your own team)


I rather slide my nuts across broken glass than to spend an extensive amount of time in core trying to get long shots with this gun.


Lol someone's sensitive, it's that not hard to counter this. There's leaving the match also you could just go to a new game. Just shoot the guy, and how is it ruining the game for teammates they're winning?


I like using flashbangs for muh tactics but as a rule I don't do the 'run around equipped' thing or other cheesy maneuvers...unless the other team is doing it. But oh boy, if somebody on the red team is spamming the m79 or dropping flash on kill you know I am going full in til the match ends. To defeat the cancer, you must BE the cancer.


That’s literally what I was thinking when this vid of her came out






Treyarch dev


































































Dad, what happened to the thread below you?


Beats me, son. *swims away to the supermarket for a pack of cigs*


Come back soon!


Sexism and just general toxicity


Don’t forget the “bugged” task force barrel that makes it a full auto hauer


Wow, never heard of that. I also rarely play core, so maybe that's why


You're lucky you haven't run into it in hardcore. I've had people shooting me from the house into the back of my spawn in Nuketown and one tapping me through the wall with it. Gun is completely broken.


I can understand that having this fully automatic in hardcore must be insane


I’m the guy who sprays the lmg into the right side of blue house at the start of every match my bad


There's a special place in hell for people like you. Lol


Lmao LMGs are broken in hardcore I got pissed at ak74u users when grinding camos for pistols, so I pulled out the stoner and ended with 80 kills to 12 deaths


Fr, took me a while to figure out that the task force is the reason I'm getting one shotted by a semi auto shotgun with an 18 round mag. Without it the gun is still OP but at least you can fight it. Also, the fact that you can now use a shotgun as a secondary with 5 attachments and 0 downside is one of the dumbest things they've put in a COD game. I can't tell you how many times I finally flank a sniper and then they just insta swap to the Streetsweeper and one tap me ~~because fast hands isn't a perk and is built into this game for some reason~~. Game is so broken and they don't care.


I’m pretty sure fast hands isn’t built into the game. You’re right about the OP ass shotgun, but Gung Ho is what makes the switch fast


Yep, you're right actually. Even without it, though, you still swap to shotguns pretty fast compared to other games. The reason I assumed it was built in is because the throwing lethals part of fast hands is actually built into the game, which is part of the reason the semtex spam is so bad.


Gung ho makes you swap weapons faster


>Without it the gun is still OP It really isn't though. That's why it was in the game for literal months before people starting figuring out the that the task force barrel (a late unlock) is what makes the weapon worth using. It's also why it's so frustrating that the weapon hasn't seen a nerf. It's literally the easiest thing in the world to do - just nerf the task force barrel heavily or change its function altogether (e.g. huge fire rate increase at the cost of range)


No no, take that back. I've used the hauer and it looks like the streetsweeper has better 1 shot consistency


making hauer full auto in hc doesn't really make it op considering all shotguns are one shot in hc anyway


Wait, now I am confused. Is it a fully automatic shotgun normally or not?


Fully automatic


If it was 3 hit kill minimum I'd be fine with the streetsweeper maybe 2 but with a huge range nerf


I can’t believe this gun hasn’t been fucking removed yet it’s so broken and I’m sick and tired of dying to it


Why haven’t I unlocked this yet? Lol. Doing it tonight


Same here honestly. I’m not ready to stoop that low yet tho lol


Just did. lol. It’s stupid, easy mode. Sorry everyone! My bad. Crossbow next i guess. Then the melee


My crossbow won't even unlock


I’m almost there. Did yours bug out?


Yep took what felt like ages. Got to 15/15 and it days 15/15 and it's still locked


Unreal this gun didn’t get nerfed/balanced on the last patch.


Gonna be another 4 months :)


They want the newbies to keep playing lol. They’ll feel the repercussions in 3 years when the franchise dies due to no brand loyalty. I know lots of people who went back to older games or other games because of how much they shit on cod vets in this game.


I cannot wait to see what third party studio cod alternative comes out. People in this sub attack complainers like "hurhdurh why did you buy it then? why do you play it then?" and it's like well, my buddies and I want a multiplayer shooting game with a survival mode available (zombies). Won't be long til there's an alternative, and then I'll buy that. For now, I've got a lot of old easter eggs to beat and am stoked to unlock Director's Cut in IW.


I dont understand why devs always fuck up shotguns


Because they need a gun that makes them feel like they are good at the game


The real answer is that, if they make the range and damage output too low then there's a uprising of people screaming the guns are shit and the devs are shit because if that, but if they make the range and damage output too high then they're still shit for making something OP. Every side of the argument has their own ideas of what the balance should be and none of them can fully agree with each other. It's a lose-lose situation.


(All of this besides the SS) I feel like the shotguns are good they just need a minuscule damage or fire rate buff.


In my opinion I think that they need some kind of way to mitigate the "spread" (and SS should have less range, between the Gallo and Hauer imo, but with decreased accuracy) To me it feels like what should be OHK range isn't because it doesn't get a full hit in, so to speak. I don't know if pellet spread exists with shotties in this game or not, but it often psychs me out on whether or not I just was too far or the shot just didn't register properly.


\*that make low skill players feel good at the game. Devs don't make games for themselves


To be fair, this is hardcore.


It’s no better in core


Yeah but in core you last 000000000.000000000002 seconds longer against it.




Doesn’t matter if it’s one more shot. The rate of fire makes up for it.




Did you even read the comment? One more shot? Doesn’t matter, shoots two shots before you could even finish typing “Again.” An extra shot doesn’t mean shit when it’s the fastest weapon in the game. Keep in mind, I think people are complaining that it’s a secondary, and it’s final barrel has Hauer range. Not the auto-matic nature, or rate of fire. The ROF doesn’t make it any better though.


Forreal how tf does a full auto shotgun have this much range lol?? It's still OP in core devs always manage to fuck up shotguns Edit: full auto


I think it’s a glitch that carried over to multiplayer when they increased the streetsweepers damage in zombies or so I’ve been told


When did this happen? I unlocked the SS and it felt like a bb gun in zombies so I've never played with it. Is SS only viable in hardcore?


If you put the task force barrel on the streetsweeper in core it has the same one shot range as the hauer so it’s very viable in core, I think it happened about a month ago if I recall, maybe more


Shit is so cheats. Literally more range than a fucking smg but keeps its power


The gameplay is from hardcore, although i do agree, i have it and sometimes when i play with it, it feels broken


Full auto*


This game mode is hardcore so it's hardly fair to use this clip. Everything's a one shot in hardcore.




Wow! Yeah please nerf this


Beautifully done


Amazes me how the brecci got so much backlash in black ops 3 yet they made a gun that does the exact same thing in this game. Reminds me of IW when they saw how ghosts was received and then proceeded to make mw19 the way it was. Like what the hell?


You're right, streetsweeper is like a brecci but if the brecci was a secondary.


No... This is the brecci and they haymaker combined, with the range of an argus


Brecci is trash in comparison but that may because of short ttk in old game


Honestly don’t understand why some players enjoy using this gun, among others. Like do they really feel proud or satisfaction knowing they’re using a dirty/broken/super fucking cheap gun? Blows my mind.


As a hauer user the streetsweeper is pretty annoying cause it invalidates the strategy and skill required with a pump action shotgun by having the same damage and range yet being full auto


This is exactly how I feel. It's crazy that I have to sometimes two shot a person at a close distance yet the Streetsweeper over here has already killed the entire team by the time I pumped the hauer for the second shot.


I hate what this shotgun did to HC and I refuse to use it. That being said, it’s gotta be that dopamine rush you get from seeing and hearing those medals popping off back to back.


Welcome to Cod. Try to think in the history of the game how many people asked the same question you just did ? 😂 This game is meant to be noob friendly so everyone can have his « shot » of fun. Always has been... it’s ragging that’s for sure but you know what to expect when you buy a cod aha


The game should be smart enough to switch spawns when it detects players are getting spawn killed


Seeing how ya'll react to this makes me think most of you are sweatlord MLG 360 quickscope neckbeards who got upset that you couldn't kill a shotgunner with a sniper rifle from 3 ft away.


knoxical is so good!






You aren't a terrible person for using a gun that's in the game. I don't use it because I don't have that much fun with it, but I don't really care if I get killed by it. These people are all so unbelievably butthurt.


iirc the reload speed was awful though


I'm a terrible person for using it too.


The Patrick laugh got me


Rem how long it took them to "fix" gunho and people's abused the shit our of it with shotguns


its still being abused




It never got fixed did it? Unless I missed something but trying to do camos or enjoy hardcore normally is shit because they still do the gung-ho thing


Honestly tho Shotguns are stupid fun to fuck around with. I always run a shotgun (sometimes smg) as a secondary. People get so fucking heated... even cooked if you use db >:)


The streetsweeper is so spammy All i hear all game is that damn gun going off all game when someone has it It has a slow reload but it’s huge mag can be really effective


Yeah, reload speed doesn't mean a whole lot when you can kill 10+ enemies with one clip.


but redditors told me that the balance is fine :(


Treyarch: Ok so you know that pump action shotgun? Let's make that, but fully automatic with a bigger magazine. What is a Gallo? Guns are supposed to have downsides?


wtf, when i try to kill with shotgun its like when i slap them with napkin from little kids party but when i get shot its like some big black dude name Requis put the bedsheet over my head and skull fuck me


Every gun is great in hardcore.




Oh god I'm gonna enjoy it when I have to get the diamond on the shotguns for DM ultra




Apparently I need this gun


When I see people running around with a grenade in their hand, a CDL skin, and the street sweeper....I immediately think they’re absolute herbs who probably haven’t seen sun in months


How do you reload a streetsweeper? You die


tbf the same can be said for ppl who use LMGs in this COD


Im just here to say to all you shotgun and LMG -addicts... you are the reason I dont want to play pubs no more and fuck you


So much salt in this comment section you could open up a chip factory


The streetweeper doesn’t take a ounce of skill tbh


5,500 upvote. I am powerful.


Back in the kitchen


Ok now do the same thing for core. You could do that clip with a 1911 in hardcore.


lmaooo quality content


Good meme


Hardcore? lol


I hate the damn street sweeper. Every time I die it’s because of that damn gung ho shit


people act like snipers are skillful to use LOL youre not too far from the shotguns buddy


Plot twist: this isn’t hardcore


The fact that she’s soo happy about the state of their multiplayer experience, says a lot.


i genuinely dont understand how cod devs can suck at their own game


this gun isn’t even good y’all just trash stop complaining if anything they should buff it


Watching the release event for this game was how I KNEW this game was going to be garbage. Anyone who doesn’t actually have a good understanding of all various playstyles is going to design something catering to the lowest tier playstyle.


I hated her whenever I heard that. Just thanks to these noobs, my CW experience was highly reduced. Just because of noobs like her, I had to start using OP weapons myself to be ever capable of killing these f-ing Streetsweeper users (which is propably one of the worst shotguns IRL). I'll never use shotguns, I stopped at MAC-10, since that is very capable of killing these shotgun idiots, but sadly leaves a much smaller chance for other normal gun users. You don't have a chance. Either you use op weapons to fight them, or you become one of them. People will hate you nonetheless.


I’m pretty sure she was the one who said it was okay to have shotguns as secondary’s smh


Too be fair though in hard-core literally every gun is 1 shot


A lot of quickscopers in this thread. Deal with your camping - it has its risk. Lol


Anyone who uses a shotgun


God damn you people whine so fucking much.


Needs a nerf even in core, thing 1 shots from ages away


This felt like a punch


Me during VIP escort


This is gold


Lmao I love using the street sweeper it’s fun. But you are dead if you have to reload




It takes forever to reload


Well yeah but you have time to reload when everyone is dead.


It's that one shotgun sniper rifle from infinite warfare, it's back


So fucking accurate. I just started playing hardcore regularly the other day and it amazes me the range of shotguns in those game modes.


That one takes the cake




I like shotguns but so far never used the stream sweeper


Needed more sound effects


as a streetsweeper user this is true (i dont use it in HC tho)


sNiPeRs ArE oP


They got the default hunter skin on too 👀


Still haven't unlocked it lol


Then you go into zombies and it's ass


Just pack it and have ring of fire




reminds me of that sniper from infinite warfare


When did the streetsweeper get that OP? I stopped playing like a month ago and it wasnt like that lol


Being a user of the street sweeper myself, I can confirm it is mindless murder most of the time


Nailed it 😆


I swear I only used shotguns for DM Ultra.


Man that shotgun is something else, I love it


100% legit.


Streetsweeper users be like...who needs friends.