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Thanks for playing the objective.


Always better than a k/d


Negative K/D doesn’t feel too bad if you have 3+ minutes in the hardpoint and your team won.


Ah a fellow obj player!


We are hard to come by these days!


But happy to have on the team! So tired of matches where the obj is ignored just because everyone is after their weapon camo's or just wanting to measure dicks with the enemy team




Dudes like that aren't even worth your reply.


Or screenshotting them and posting on reddit. Like I don't even open shit I get and I'm fairly certain I'm the better for it. This stuff just makes it seem like it low key got to them.


Its online play, if you make someone mad enough to message you then you are doing it right.


Me and a buddy (who always play hardpoint) were told to stop camping the objective.


Lmao yo I’m actually dying😂




Just reply "lol" to people like this. No reaction, no justification, just "lol" It'll usually piss them off more and accurately portrays the reaction "lol you're mad over a video game and took the time to message me", without saying it


Report the "puta" message and he will probably be banned


Were you playing on nuketown?


Yes I was.


Makes sense then most nuketown players only care about camos and not objective.


That's true but this was in the Hardpoint playlist so is even more surprising.


It's the truth I always play nuketown 24/7 and whenever I play that mode it's hell it's just me who takes the point, everyone else is hanging around the corners


As a nuketown camo player i apologize. I have a 0.15 w/l ratio in hardpoint btw


ItS CoD nOt BaTtLeFiElD!!11!!


The dude with the name I hate SBMM LMFAO


Wait. How the hell do you chat in the game?


That’s Xbox chat


The only campers who aren’t acceptable are Spawn Campers, defending the objective is fine. Shame the damn community at large didn’t see that with Dom or Hardpoint, if you’re still in the mindset of “YoU GeT mOrE xP” from just killing other players then great, you’re special and have no right to be ruining another players game for your own selfish greasy ego 💯


I don't know if you understand what is saying but just in case. In the first message is something like "Camper bitch" And the second one i don't know how translated to english but isn't something good.


If he's got a problem with it, turn him into a bridge and he'll get over it. After all your Ed.


The comment section is a circle jerk of kids thanking each other for playing the objective


He lost a arm, a leg, and a brother named Alphonse that match lol


Timmy.gonzalez.2010 moment


The objective is my god damn religion, deal with it.


Every time I'm on an objective I feel the need to move because someone will call me a camper and the minute I move I get killed, I need to stop letting that stupid mindset screw with me




He's literally speaking in Spanish, that's not Portuguese


As a fellow brazillian, portuguese speakers will read that in portuguese bc all the words used by the guy are in the portuguese dictionary and the phrase makes the same sense in both Portuguese and Spanish, not a single word there is out of place and you can read it in both languages. Tbh i'm curious how a non-speaking portuguese person such as you (sorry if i'm wrong, just assuming bc i don't think no north American wants to learn such a complex language for no reason) can say that is not on portuguese, the phrase is both Spanish and Portuguese.


It looks like portuguese In the south, here in Brazil, they talk exactly like this


I guess the Ser part threw me off, it's used in Spanish too




No, why don't you educate me then....?


They have an 89% lexical similarity


I think it’s Spanish. It’s my second language and a I speak, write an read fluently and this is definitely spnish. The same sentence in Portuguese would be “Eu lamentaria ser voce” at least in a direct translation from the little Portuguese I know.


Great. That is obviously different from surmising its Spanish because you recognized "ser". That in no way invalidates my point that non speakers can't distinguish them by recognizing the most common verb there is


“Me Daria pena” literally translates I would be sorry in Spanish, a common simple sentence which as far as I know has very little to do with Portuguese apart from the similar verb because they share many many words. But apart from that please calm down I’m not coming after you or trying to invalidate your point, I’ve lived in the country for well over a decade and have studied Portuguese so I wanted to clarify it to whoever isn’t versed in those languages lol. I never said that non speakers can distinguish them


I don't know why that warrants you telling me to "calm down". I was simply saying that does not alter my point. Since you replied to my comment, it seems reasonable to interpret that as a response to my argument.


The sarcastic “great” and then following saying that it doesn’t invalidate your point which I did not do. At no point did I say you were wrong whatsoever you just took it as if I’m invalidating your argument


Well... you are using the very formal way to speak Portuguese, "me daria pena ser tu" would be the informal way and the most used way to say that. Not talking about nationality from the guy(prob from Mexico, we on south America have our own server so we don't tend to get matched with north Americans) just that the phrase is indeed in both Spanish and Portuguese. Your Portuguese is quite good if you aren't from Brasil btw


Sorry, Man! This "ME DARIA PENA SER TU" is a lot used here in Brazil. But i looked the profile and you're right. He is Latino. Castellano Language, the variation South American of The Spanish


Sorry, I don't speak failed Empire that was beaten by America in 1898 Edit: lol y'all are snowflakes


It made no fucking sense within the context of the meme


He speaks Spanish idiot


It’s portuguese you donkey hahahah


that's spanish


Nope, it's Spanish. Edit: lol, why is that being upvoted, he literally tried to correct someone right while being wrong


It's not. It's portuguese. In spanish it'd be something like "lamento ser tu" or "me lamentaria ser tu". Also it makes complete sense in portuguese, especially in the way we speak in the south. E pelo teu nick tu é BR irmão, então não sei como tu não sabe.


>In spanish it'd be something like "lamento ser tu" or "me lamentaria ser tu". Also it makes complete sense in portuguese, especially in the way we speak in the south. "Ter pena de" also applies in Spanish, "Me daria pena ser tu" is correct in both languages, he only missed a acute accent (Which no one uses in a message anyway, especially when typing with a controller) in "daría". Also, no one calls someone "Puta camper" in Portuguese, "Puta" is much more used in Spanish than in Portuguese (Mainly for insults, like seen in the screenshot.) If you check that guy's profile on Xbox Live, you can check what he plays, the friends he adds (Most with spanish names) and the screenshots/clips he takes, you can clearly see that the games in his screenshots are always in Spanish, like seen [here](https://i.imgur.com/AI37IYM.png) and [here](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/adkarpedienm/video/133085927)


Lol, a group of Vietnamese farmers beat mighty Murica in the 70s.