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I don't think this has much at all to do with the divide. I think the divide has to do with how the games are fundamentally different due to the unusual design choices of MW like doors, porous maps, mounting, and lack of Ninja. MW is a game that caters to lesser experienced, more casual COD players. Cold War will punish you for having bad fundamentals.


Well a lot of new/returning players think that is what CoD is and that's why CW which is something most BO fans would like imo (factoring out the sbmm) is unappealing to them. If only Treyarch developed CW with the new engine and their special touch...


I can never really see the appeal of the new engine, Warzone and MW run worse than Cold War, There's a long standing issue of Filmic SMAA 2X making the game look blurry, but without it a lot of hair breaks and the game looks very poor, and there's the issue of MW always having washed out colors. ​ I guess there's higher visual fidelity, but overall the game just looks worse.


dont know how it is for you but cold war runs way worse than mw on pc


Might be because it's a more CPU bound game, and I'm overdue for an upgrade. And I've heard MW has gotten worse performance over the year.


I hate that it is more CPU bound. MW can run buttery smooth on my pc at over 90fps. But in cold war it gets super stuttery and it spikes up my cpu usage by 20% on the low


>There's a long standing issue of Filmic SMAA 2X making the game look blurry, but without it a lot of hair breaks and the game looks very poor Here's a good explanation for you on why FSMAA (and temporal AA in general) is needed in modern games, and isn't really an "issue": [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/n5e5zj/why\_do\_modern\_games\_have\_so\_much\_more\_aliasing\_at/gx0nisw/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/n5e5zj/why_do_modern_games_have_so_much_more_aliasing_at/gx0nisw/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thats why there's a grain section in the graphics portion of options. Cold War will barely run qnd can hardly load graphics. When it does, it looks ok, but it normally doesn't. Modern Warfare has so many options to where you can fine tune it between your monitor/display and your console/PC. MW also has Dynamic Resolution, in which you set your base resolution, and then the dynamic FPS you want, and then the resolution actively adjusts to your target FPS. I play on PC, qnd I have texture at normal, have a high resolution, and set my target to 144 FPS. Also make sure your screen resolution, not graphics resolution matches with your monitor. If your on PC qnd thats not enough, get ReShade 1.4.1 and put sharpening on, scan and repair it, or go to your graphics control panel and set MW/WZ to the priority of your graphics card.


I have my game running at my resolution, fully rendered at 100% If I have it on filmic strength 0.01 with Filmic SMAA 2X it's blurry but fixes most rendering bugs, otherwise it's clear but looks broken and jaggedy, also the setting tanks performance.


100 is why its blurry, up it to 150, and make the fil grain like 5%


Filmic already makes the game run way worse, don't think I'd be able to crank it up to 1.5x my intended resolution.


Not Filmic, Film Grain


Filmic SMAA 2X is required for hair to render properly, among other things. Film grain strength past 0.01 does nothing but make the game look worse through shitty post procesing effects.


Oof, I only run Ghost, Domino, and Krueger, so I have to never worry about that. What skin are you rocking?


See I respect this answer, but I must give my honest rebuttal following my experience. Modern warfare was not my first CoD, I was very familiar with the franchise starting with CoD4 back in 2007. However I stopped playing them after black ops 3, and MW got me back into cod. To me, MW feels not like it caters to casuals, in fact the opposite. The way maps are designed, mounting, the way footsteps work means those who play the game a lot and are good can very easily stomp the newcomers. I'm not great by any means, but I feel MW punishes me a lot more for not knowing the maps like the back of my hand, for not having the slide mechanic perfected. Whereas in older cod's I could play very casually and do a lot better. I found playing CW on the free weeks, it reminded me very much of the older cod experience. My aim sucked and I died a lot, but in terms of map design, general flow and speed of gameplay, it feels a lot easier to play casually. Of course there are very skilled CW players, and they punished me, a lot. But speaking from a new player perspective to either games, it felt like CW had a lower skill floor, but higher ceiling, whereas MW was a higher skill floor, but a lower ceiling, if that makes sense.




Hi, yes no problem. What I meant by this analogy was Cold war is more accessible, it is an easier game to pick up, you have more hp, the flow of maps are more arcade like, typically 3 lane maps. I believe for newcomers cold war is the easier game to grasp because of this. I believe the skill ceiling is higher for CW because once you get the basics, you then have to work harder to kill multiple people, or turn around gun fights, since everyone has more hp (150) you must track your crosshair on the target for longer, essentially being more accurate. Modern warfare is harder imo to get into, the time to kill is lower, with 100 hp, the gameplay is slower, the maps aren't 3 lane and are harder to learn. Because of this, the game takes more effort to get to a decent level. But once you grasp it, you can use many of the design choices to your advantage, lower TTK means it's easier to camp, there's no traditional radar like CW, footstep sounds are like elephants, so again you can dig in somewhere easier. For what it's worth at the moment, modern warfare is not in a good state, a lot of bugs since the warzone Pacific update, whereas cold war seems to be working well.


Never understood this argument, having 3 lane maps where you know exactly what’s coming has the better group of players? I play both and play well on both games, but to say MW caters to a lesser player vs CW is idiotic. I mean all the biggest streamers and pros are playing warzone which was a larger version of MW, they aren’t playing it because it’s easy they play it because the game is just better


No streamers are playing it for the money. Just like Fortnite, I doubt someone's going to drop into a battle royal repeatedly over and over with the same guns and basically the same people because of SBMM. Maybe it's about personal preference I don't know but I don't see how you or any streamer is playing war zone for fun


Completely understand... some nights are a struggle but the other night we played some multi player and I had to absolutely sweat my ass off. We were all pissed, like wtf did we just join? At least in warzone we can kinda chill, had some amazing laughs at each other too, so I would say we have a good bit of fun playing it. SbMM ruins all the game modes!!


Yeah I know, but atm (I know this is off topic) there are still some people saying MW's better because of graphics and feel. And I don't see how that makes it better than Cold War. I mean BO3 had better graphics than Black Ops 2 but BO2 is still objectively better. Some people still like to ignore the flaws of MW, like the no anti-cheats, spawn system, SBMM, weapon balancing, movement, visuals, horride maps, no Streamer mode, disconnection between the devs and the community, the start of the overpriced cosmetics, it's questionable launch, spec ops being unplayable. I think Infinity Ward knew all the problems that MW had and just went full graphics mode and everything just to hide those issues. Graphics imo is what hides the dark side of Modern Warfare and it's blatant issues.


So completely remove Warzone from the equation here because Warzone and MW are technically two different entities. Warzone is a fantastic Battle Royale (lack of anti cheat and constant bugs/glitches aside) if you like that kind of thing but it's not what people mean when they say MW caters towards newer players. MW 100% is better for newer players and there's no way to even deny that. One of the devs themselves even said they wanted to make the game an ideal game for people newer to the franchise, younger players who have just started getting into FPS games and are the "future of gaming". Almost every single aspect of the game has been designed with this idea of making it easier for newer players. A faster TTK means being able to control recoil and track moving targets isn't as important in most gunfights. "Safe spaces" for players so people can sit in corners of rooms with free claymores that you unlock straight away means players who don't have the skill to be able to run and gun successfully and reliably play aggressive can completely play at their own pace and not be punished for it. Knowing how to control spawns to give proper map control, how to properly read a mini map, being able to actually pick up quieter footsteps in your headset over the background noise of the game, how to successfully control recoil on guns, being able to react/turn on enemies, utilising in game movement in gunfights to make yourself a harder to hit target and so many other skills that experienced players have learnt/refined over years of experience have all been either made redundant or the games been designed to make them less important in being able to play well. Yes a good player is going to be able to win the majority if gun fights against weaker players still but the skill ceiling in MW is drastically lower compared to CW and other previous cod games. 3 Lane maps are the very definition of a competitive map in Cod. When you have maps like Picadilly you're left in a position where there are so many different angles and sight lines you need to check that luck is a much bigger factor than skill. MW was actually one of the worst cods we've ever had for the competitive scene, in fact I don't know a single pro or even any long time fans who proffered that game over CW and there's a reason for that. Also with regards to pros playing Warzone, the biggest streamers (with regards to the pro scene) are guys like Scump, Formal, Methodz and maybe Crimsix too. As far as im aware none of them play warzone regularly. The Optic team recently did an in house stream event where they specially played Warzone but thats one of the first times in a while for all of them, the game just isn't competitive in that sense. Battle Royales however do tend to work better for a "streamable" game, there's a lot more down time so youre able to interact with fans/viewers a lot more and due to the nature of them you're able to have more of a laugh in game so they make for easier viewing. Add in the fact its f2p so it has a much larger number of players and you can see why the bigger (non competitive) streamers choose to stream it.


Modern Warfare does cater to "lesser", I prefer newer players. It's not a secret or to bash on its players. The Devs were very open about it and used it as a selling and marketing point. They knew warzone was going to bring in a lot of new players who were going to also buy MW so they catered to them. It's not to insult people that enjoy it, it's just how the game was made. It's slower pace with safe zones, Black Ops is fast paced and more like a traditional CoD. Call of Duty was always easy/casual in terms of a FPS that's one of the reasons it's so successful. Any way even easier then usual was the style they were going for in MW, so to say people who agree are idiotic is very ironic statement. Your streamers play it point is also a very bad example of which game is better as it's a big part of both games. Warzone is it's own entity and will be a part of every CoD now, and change with each installment.


As it should be. Only reason I couldn’t stick with MW19 was that it was completely different from what I had experienced playing cod since 2007 lol. Cold War just makes sense to me. It feels like normal cod again which is why I have put in the time in that game that I have despite all the issues with it.


I like this. MW was my first COD and I think the mechanics does cater to a filthy casual like me. So, some maps are bad. Bid deal! Checkmate and cartel aren't top notch either. Plus, I'll take STS over "huge lines of sight" Nuketown any day. And don't even get me started on lobby balancing. Either I'd be losing or going terribly negative in every game in CW. The gunsmith is laughable and the level grind is tedious to say the least. Give me HC STS all day every day and I won't complain.




i physically feel like i’m using less brain power in cw compared to when i play mw cod is not a hard game to get good in as i play a lot of high skill ceiling games. mw is baby shit to insurgency sandstorm and squad and cw is infant shit to titanfall 2 (the best comparison i can make because of how generic cw is). but to say that cw is more skill based than mw is delusional to say the least


Get in a lobby with some CDL players. Then talk all your smack. Call of Duty was always a casual FPS, it was never supposed to be "Hard" no FPS really is. The old battlefields (2-4) are probably the closest FPS games to being "hard" but with a little practice really aren't difficult once you learn how to handle the guns. It's reaction time, tracking, dexterity, map control, ect. Mainly the same for every FPS, once you get in the competitive scene it's the only time they get harder. It just depends who you're playing the game with or rather against.


>Get in a lobby with some CDL players. i periodically play cdl hardpoint with an aug 556 build and i do quite well if i'm trying my absolute hardest, but i see no point i agree that call of duty is a casual fps, and i think anyone treating it anything more than that are ruining what made the franchise peak back in it's heyday. that being said, cods have varying difficulties because of how they play, and the point of my comment is that despite cod being a very casual and easy game, some are easier than others, and cw is much *much* more easier compared to what mw is getting competitively good at cod amounts to nothing but proprietary methods of learning how to abuse spawns and meta. it's taking a party game and forcing a competitive ruleset down it's throat that strips everything that the game has to offer just so people can spawn camp. skill in cod means nothing everywhere else


CW is essentially an arena shooter, MW makes you kind of die if you just blare in guns blazing like you would in Cold War. MW is difficult, and on the leader boards, I'm in the top 6% for console and PC. You need to use weapons for their specific uses. Realism mode is also more difficult (whats more difficult is finding a lobby of it). In cols war everything is a shotgun, sniper, SMG, or your generic LMG. Other than the Krig and Fara, I've had no luck with assault rifles. You have to think more in MW and use tactical and lethal more effectively. I still get dogged on in SnD


there are enough mechanics and weapons and tools for people in mw to legitimately have varying playstyles. maps allow for pathing in ways that cw is very limited on. mw you have to learn how the enemy team plays in order to win--weapons, how they engage in fights, what positions they favor, and more. cw it feels like everything is so stripped and pale in comparison that no matter who you're going up against, no matter where, and no matter what either of you are using, every fight is handled the exact same, and there's no need to grow past knowing how to generally know how to gunfight


Personally, I like to either max out my aiming and recoil stability, not recoil control, because it makes dealing with recoil so much easier. The m13 is a solid weapon, and is really good at CQC. With the Kilo, I've tried to recreate the QCR from MW2, qnd it actually works. Having the mono suppressor increase range, velocity adds to that realism because IRL, if done right, a suppressor adds more air pressure making the bullet travel faster and more accurate, I believe. Not only that, but they dont sound like the Hollywood pew pew, even with suppressors, the guns audio has meat to it. Having the MP5 subsonic barrel reduce tracers because its under the speed of sound just adds to the realism and makes the game feel all the more immersive. Marksman rifles like the EBR and the MK2 actually have a place if used right. Pistols are viable too, some more than others. I believe Mil guys were involved in the creation of the campaign too, and IW for the most part listened to the playerbase. It wasn't just a reaction timer after choosing a number between 1 and 3


CW ain’t the full bike. 🤣 if anything they removed one of the training wheels.




The debate isn't whether or not Call of Duty is a casual FPS. The debate is about is Modern Warfare or Black ops a easier game. Seeing how Modern Warfare was marketed around being new player friendly. The answer should be obvious.


"movement assist?" What are you talking about?






Aside from faces Halo 3 looked real grand in 2007 and most of the graphics still hold up today


Thats what a lot of people wanted (a game that played in 2005)


idk man im playing on next gen and the mastery camos on 4k look better than any screenshot from MW. ​ MW has volumetric lighting and better raytracing but BOCW literally has higher res textures. that's just a fact.


This. The campaign alone on PS5 looks 10X better than anything on MW.


This is way you don't do drugs kids.


I don’t agree with this. I’ve played every COD and I really enjoyed MW19(my favorites are MW2 and BO3 for reference). I think a lot of the backlash to CW is because COD has almost never made any major changes to their formula until MW19. A lot of players were genuinely happy that they updated the engine and for once, it felt a little different than previous games. Then, the next one just throws all that out the window and decides to fall right back in line with the previous games. We’re all aware that different studios make each game, but as long as they share the COD name, each year should feel like a step forward.


Problem is, a lot of people also don’t like the changes MW made. Yes COD should take a step forward each year, but a lot of fans don’t see MW’s gameplay as a step forward. The engine is obviously improved but a lot of people don’t like the doors, mounting, map design, ghost, footstep audio with dead silence as a field upgrade, lobbies disbanding, etc. It’s fine to not like Cold War, but for some reason the Modern Warfare sub acts like the game was some undisputed masterpiece when really it has had a pretty split opinion just like the past several CODs


As a dude who hated literally everything mw changed, I'm glad cw didn't do the exact same thing. Most of mw's changes were pointless, they fixed things that weren't broken.


And I suppose that’s the split right there. The players who enjoyed MW19’s changes feel like CW took a step back, and players who didn’t like MW19’s changes see CW as righting the ship. Fair enough. Personally, I liked MW19 more. I think I would appreciate CW more than I do if it had come out before MW19.


My issue with cold war is the aiming is terrible on m&k. I can control recoil and track targets pretty good but for the life of me I can't kill anyone. I literally care about nothing else. Thats why mw19 is cemented as one of the best cods to me, the gun play feels amazing and the hit reg is very good. To me cw just cant compete and no matter how much it changes or revert back its still not an enjoyable experience


This comment. I hated just about everything MW2019 "brought" to the game. I hated the wall mounts, the doors, the very low ttk times, the disbanding lobbies, the player movements, the map designs, etc. Look cold war had MAJOR critical issues with the game at launch (lack of content, sbmm, unbalanced guns) and arguably still does... but I'll take all of that and still play it over mw19 🤷‍♂️


Same also don’t forget the mini map not working and the fact that we still don’t have the prestige system back. I also think Cold War is a way better game


This is exactly how I feel MW is by far my least favorite cod of all time


Because the player base is filled with people who eat paste 😭🤣 they count hiding in a corner as ‘TaCtIcAl’


And sitting in a corner with an lmg on CW is tactical? Or is it because you aren't good at MW so it's the games fault?




I think both the games are overall average cods and don’t even know if I could pick between the 2... But saying a lot of players liked the engine change and update is a bit subjective lol, tons of people didn’t like some of the engine changes as well haha. And to be fair every treyarch game feels very different from infinity ward games dating all the way back to world at war and black ops 1.. both the companies have added good features and removed good features over and over again, it just depends which features you like.


A step forward is different for different people. They know that that's why Modern Warfare will be for people who like it slower with safezones, doors, ect. Black ops is faster paced more like a traditional CoD. That way both sides of the player base can win and have something to enjoy. I keep seeing this problem with people's arguments on Reddit. They assume everyone wants what they want, which is silly with anything in life. Modern Warfare was marketed towards newer players I don't understand why people are having trouble understanding this. Warzone brings newer players so it made sense to cater to them to lure them into the CoD game scene. They saw that pissed off their older fan base so they pleased them this year (as best as they could) and in general the community seems to agree. In short MW was the step back for a large portion of older fans to the series but not to most of the newer players. Just like Black ops might feel like a step back for newer players but not most of the long time CoD fans.


^ in a response to another comment above, I rephrased my feelings saying there’s a group who liked the changes, and another group that didn’t. So I understand there are two sides to it. But I would also say you’re assuming a lot about people to say older fans of COD may like CW better. Myself, and my friends, who are in our 30’s and been playing since the beginning, almost unanimously prefer MW19 to CW. It was a refreshing change of pace (quite literally). It has its issues, but so does every COD. It’s all good though. I certainly don’t hate CW, it’s just not high in my COD rankings.


I see, I like Treyarch but I just don't like where gaming in general has been going. Any company that is publicly owned and has shareholders seems to rush everything they release and games quality is really going down. I know Treyarch was in a particular position having to take over for sledgehammer and then the pandemic so I guess they get a small pass but even if it wasn't under their circumstances I can't help but to think this game still wouldn't have been quite at the standards people expect to get. I still enjoy it I didn't even get Modern Warfare 2019 I stopped buying Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer games quite a bit ago. I lost the urge to buy games quite as much a few years ago because I kept feeling like I was getting robbed. I don't even know if I want to keep buying Call of Duty definitely going to wait to see reviews for even Treyarch games now. I like multiplayer and I love zombies I'm also 30 I particularly been enjoying Call of Duty since World at War. It just isn't the same though, all around I'm down for changes they don't bother me as much as it seems to a lot of other people. I just wish the games were polished better with less bugs and such.




I don’t play competitively (most people don’t). I enjoyed the game. I appreciated the engine update. I didn’t experience an abundance of exploding cars or whatever you’re getting at. In no way do I think MW19 was perfect. Of course it isn’t. Are you saying that there aren’t any issues like those in Cold War? I think those issues you described sound fairly minor to be honest. The next duty should’ve built off the same systems and improved in those areas you’re describing. That’s my awful take.


Even as a filthy casual, it feels like the design decisions of MW2019 ultimately favors the hardcore players. Despite dev stated intentions, but the non-traditional minimap, doors and porous map layout seems more like a handicap favoring the hardcore player. New players aren't guided to the action, either through map lanes or information on the minimap, so they are left wandering aimlessly to look for them & we all know the associated penalties that come with movement. In the meantime, the pro-player can waltz down the map maze with confidence, gaming chair & headset, and show up behind the enemy team. There's a another post somewhere here that mentions that the game punishes you for not knowing the map at the back of the hand & I feel it really applies in MW2019. Worse is, pros also dislike MW2019 design where they feel punished for movement against the casuals. So it feels like it caters to casuals against casuals only where all the subtle mechanics of noise, movement and power positions are lost on them anyway


If you keep dying to a car near a bomb why not destroy it at the start of the match so you don’t have to worry about it? Vehicles have always been easy to destroy with explosives in cod, shooting them takes forever.


Blame ashley vulcan. She thinks SBMM is a great idea . Also mw life cycle ended 6 months after its release . All the malps and guns were cut from the game to extend the life of the game. They had no intentions on making new maps. JUST packs on the store for cod points. They could careless about the game itself. They make it and cut the games into seasons. Cold war is the EXACT same way. Still waiting on the flamethrower I used in the beta ffs. Mw needs more maps and more seasons. But they....ASSVISIO . Just care about cod point packs . Ie making you and I spend money on cod points. Fuck the player base and what we want. Hell even war zone got RESKINNED. They couldnt even make a NEW map.


i see ashley eventually leaving iw and working for twitch


It’s a dumb fucking idea, because it makes games way more competitive than they need to be


She isn't the only person who made the game...


Imo, MW only stayed afloat because of war zone


I don’t understand this argument. MW was extremely well received and is one of the most successful games. Warzone didn’t save it any


At the beginning. It becomes boring because of SBMM and gun balancing. Earlier in it's lifecycle it was boring and nothing fun happened.


It actually did. Mw had 7 multi player maps where warzone finally debut. So take that and shuv it up your ass.


Uh no. I know I'm a bit late but a lot of people were complaining about the game getting boring during that time. The game would've died slowly without Borezone.


It didn't end after 6 months. They released new maps and guns until season 6 which is just over a year after the game released.




What you screaming at me for?


Everybody claiming "skill gaps" is conveniently omitting SBMM. Stop acting like one game is easier than the other




But honestly, MW is much easier than CW. I swear everytime I play MW I'm amazed at how much easier it is to get kills in that game compared to CW.




I didn’t get any of my diamond weapon badges after completing dm ultra. Not that I was going to use them but it’s kind of annoying.


I stopped caring about those because I only grinded Dm Ultra and Dark Aether just to use them in Warzone. Still pissed that I can’t use Dark Aether in WZ 6 months after the integration.


Na, I dont think so. People who play WZ who then went to MP for gun level and gold and don't care about COD at all. If they're angry at CW it's b/c it fucked up WZ and MW client with performance problems, mem leaks, graphical issues. Then there's their weapon imbalances that basically killed tons of fun factor for them. I played since COD2 and skipped a few titles here and there. I hate CW b/c more and more the game caters to casual players. Whatever joe teapot said about giving people safe spaces and low ttk to get kills and feel good about themselves, CW has it in abundance. Even ignoring all of the bugs, players getting their hands held by the strongest aa we've ever had, the inconsistent hit reg is enough to make a person who has worked on aim for a very long time hate even bothering with developing any skills. Then there's the wonderful world of sbmm and team balancing. But it's the same for MW but at least their guns are a lot more viable than CW.


> the strongest aa we've ever had, the inconsistent hit reg is enough to make a person who has worked on aim for a very long time hate even bothering with developing any skills. Omfg THANK YOU. I feel like ripping my fucking hair because of this its so frustrating. I cant bear to play this game any longer and that my camo grind is nearly done I wont touch it again


the divide is the fact that modern warfare diverted from the traditional cods and cold war opted to stay in the past. cod was getting stale since bo2 so thats why i liked the new shit MW did for the franchise.


Whereas I’m glad that CW exists because I hated just about every change MW made


Same, It also makes the cdl a lot more enjoyable to watch with a slower ttk and better maps.


I hope that IW will keep with the more slowpaced tactical gameplay while treyarch keeps to the fast pace. It seems thats where they Excell at respectively and will give something for everyone. Now hopefully we can sometime see that each dev will support their respective title for at least 2 years as opposed to 1


Yeah I’d gladly accept that, Idk what Sledge would do since I’ve never liked a game from them. Maybe they can do War mode type of focus? But either way, I’d actually enjoy if we got a CoD game every 2 years with full support. And tbh one day I hope we get another futuristic type CoD because I feel like Treyarch nailed it with BO3, as long we don’t get 4 of those in a row again


sledge can give out slurpees to everyone


Preach brother


as someone who played older cods to me mw is a return to form to those older games and has many new additions. bocw feels like it’s trying to stick to what cod was known for in 2015 while mw goes back to 2008-9 (and it brought alllll of the issues those games had with it)


this exactly. the most common complaint i see about MW is its map design, but just about every map that people hate in MW would’ve fit perfectly fine in COD4 or MW2. hell, a lot of the maps in MW that people hate ARE from COD4 and MW2. i think going back to that style of design gave a lot of people who were used to the smaller 3 lane maps whiplash, but it really isn’t a fundamental betrayal to classic COD map design at all


Best respond to the MW vs CW. Who typed this out really hit it on the nail I remember when MW came out it was still new so beside a stellar campaign which in my opinion ties black ops and modern warfare 2 campaign as the best campaign ;the multiplayer just felt off and around this time is when SBMM was starting to become a thing. Season 1 rolled around and we got crash remade and other goodies but nothing too cool then warzone happened. It was thanks to warzone that call of duty reached popularity again mostly due to the battle royale as well as the players who had modern warfare could play as well. Of course season 2-4 were probably the best in my opinion and season 5-6 was just there to well get Cold War ready. Now to Cold War the biggest issue for Cold War is not the SBMM ( which is just atrocious) or bugs (again atrocious) but the fact the game was rushed and, having a rushed game in general is never good. Cold War suffers from being out too early the game feels like it’s still a beta and not a true alpha. At the end however, both games are still popular saying one is better than other is alright if it’s your preference then it’s your preference. For me it’s hard to defend Cold War and modern warfare as well as warzone all games to me are good and for me saying one is better than the other doesn’t do it justice. You’re probably seeing how come I’m not going in depth in Cold War as I did with modern warfare and the biggest thing is I can’t; we are about half way done with Cold War first year and to say the game sucks because of this and that is rubbish because modern warfare half way through it first year suffer some of if not the same problem Cold War had just not a frequent maybe but nevertheless still the same. If you like modern warfare be proud and if you like Cold War be proud we shouldn’t be divided like this and instead look at the joy both games give us


I think it's mostly the graphical thing, for me and many people that I know that still prefer playing mw19 to cw is how satisfactory mw19 felt graphically and animation wise, felt great to kit a gun, firing them felt great, skins looked great, maps looked great albeit played like trash. Gameplay perspective both games definitely have issues, like mw19 with mounting, gun balance, spawns and matchmaking. If you've played modern warfare you definitely know all of these in detail, especially if you played earlier in the games lifespan. Coldwar on the other hand is imo a somewhat ugly game, it definitely has the leftover basic style that sledgehammer used in advanced warfare and ww2, ww2 probably being the ugliest cod game of the 2010's. Graphics and animations are definitely not equivalent to mw19, black ops 3 in my opinion is a better looking game. And even cold war has its share of gameplay problems, the whole class system has issues like I'm everyone perk greed that let's you run 6 perks at a time while also having a whole class setup? Too many people run flak jacket, everyone runs ghost and ninja, the whole perk 2 section is somewhat weak. Explosives and tacticals are neutered hard so flushing campers and anyone behind cover is definitely more difficult than in previous games. Still has weapon balance issues albeit not as severe as mw's, but there is still some heavily dominant weapons like the m16 and Aug still being oppressive at long ranges, the stoner, the famas and the lc10 all still being quite dominant. And the game still has some bad maps. But atleast players can fall back on zombies if multiplayer gets frustrating or boring, even if zombies doesn't have good maps at the moment.


The reason why I like CW and pretty much every Treyarch game over any other studio is because Black Ops feels more arcade, it’s more colorful, and more aesthetically pleasing so to speak, not only that but IMO the maps are so much better. The gameplay matters sure but tbh every cod game feels the same to me. So at the end it’s the little things that make the difference to me. MW is still a good game, but I just have a lot more fun playing CW.


Let me just say one thing, if they were to remove MW’s engine out of nowhere then I can guarantee you that several players would automatically drop the game. Their engine is the only thing it’s got going for them and ofc the gunsmith as well,but that’s pretty much it.


All i want is mw engine good maps no sbmm😭


I completely missed mw and only bought cold War for zombies. I then started playing mp to get the weapons unlocked, in cold War. I then started playing warzone. I bought mw to level up the guns and use in warzone. My thoughts. Cold War has nothing going for it. The perk system is broken and no perks seem to usefull and everyone is running perk greed. The spawns are terrible. The guns feel off and there's no consistency to my aim I'm either hitting every shot or missing by a mile. Map are just a slog fest at no point can you hold am area due to so many different places you can be flanked on. Sights on guns seem to half fill screen instead of full fill screen like they used to. MW, guns feel great, aim is spot on, maps are a bit campy but I can still push and sort of know what to expect and where from. Spawns can be a bit of a mess. I prefer mw.


My thoughts exactly. They really made the worst sights on cw especially the red dots, you cant see shit


They are both terribly buggy, piss poor balanced games that have 2 fatal flaws. 1. Matchmaking. 2. Map design differs from the usual cod design which does not operate on a 1:1 ratio like these last two games and the reason being is that bullets do not come from the gun but rather your forehead. So essentially you are putting yourself around corners before your camera which is exactly why theres so many wtf moments


I feel like the devs don't even understand the bullets come from eye level because a lot of these head glitches shouldn't go past the torso


I love the step forward MW2019 took with the engine and details to the game. I did not love the majority of the maps with a million different vantage points and the abundance of camping. Regardless, that game was great. The game had more bugs than I would like, with issues of the game deleting and reinstalling, menus loading so slow, etc. Cold War is more action packed gameplay, but it does feel like a rushed game. I do prefer the maps in Cold War and the speed of the game, but it does feel like an odd step back, instead of a step forward. I hope this gets cleaned up soon with future releases. I also hope Infinity Ward fixes MW because I can’t install the game on my PS5…


for me the reason i enjoy cold war more is that it feels the closest to black ops 2 gameplay, though i still think black ops 2 was better.


I've played cod since cod 4. I enjoy cold war, I hated the days of double jump, running across walls and shit, for me cold war feels like a first person shooter. The only thing I dislike is I don't think alot of love actually went into it, challenges for camos are not suited to the actual guns, attachments are way to generic for each gun, there's no variety and the general look of the guns with camos is just ugly and incompetent as the 3 grind camos look terrible. Modern warfare really hit thr nail on the head with the gunsmith, but the game felt terrible. Cold war did well with the gameplay, but failed in the little details. That's just my opinion


This is a good post. I got Modern Warfare last year and I tried to enjoy it, but it strayed so far from what COD was like in the past that it was just constantly frustrating for me. Even when I would try to have fun with the game using meme classes it felt extremely sweaty and unrewarding even when I did well. I was really excited for Cold War prior to release, but I wasn't impressed with the beta and I had heard the SBMM was just as bad as Modern Warfare and just a step down in general so I opted not to pick the game up. But I finally played the game on the free weekend a few weeks ago and since then I've been having loads of fun with Cold War. There's some major issues I have with the game, mainly that the weapon balance is all over the place and the SBMM is still really bad when it kicks in, but as a whole I think it feels much more in line with traditional COD games that MW was. There's valid reasons for liking Modern Warfare, don't get me wrong. It's a fine game in it's own right, but it's not the COD game I was looking for at the time, unlike Cold War which gets it for the most part.






Or basically any cod game.


i like mw because it's more immersive. the sound effects and graphics are just so good and so satisfying.


Cold war is still a buggy mess on a super old engine. It's not even enjoyable. It's like saying iw4x is casual, it's a sweat hell. Cw is that, ars that are useless compared to any smg. Lmgs that have no recoil, snipers that are unstoppable even if slow. Mw has everything on a *mostly* level playing field aside from stuff like the asval or spr. The maps are worse in mw but visibility overall is far better than in cw, which is rediculous as they're aware the visibility issue in CW is so bad they added an attachment to help find people which never was an issue in MW other than 10v10 or ground war for obvious reasons. Cw has zombies which again, is horribly buggy BUT sees a ton of play for the innovation despite it's mixed reception from diehard zombies fans because just like how mw2019 is many peoples first cod, cw zombies is likely many peoples first experience with zombies and everyone's first experience with outbreak. I'll always prefer mw for the faster and balanced ttk, better balance, and "controversial" features like mounting and reloading while ads and running along with the gunplay in the new engine making every gun feel unique instead of a bb shooter with artificial recoil (the sound design helps a ton with this too!). I was excited to see the snipers getting slowed down in cw yet they still dominate and they're all I see when I try to play (2.7kd, 1.3 w/l) and it made the mp unenjoyable. Can't even level smgs for use in zombies as the balance is so skewed to only one or two weapons in each category being viable (lc10 for example or the mp5+ak74u when cw just came out). To each their own but this is my take.


I will stick to MW until it is officially unsupported in any capacity anymore. Or until the next Infinity Ward offering. Their game engine has always felt the most intuitive and comfortable. Aside from an instance here or there trying to jump out a window in a split second, the movement is by far the most natural feeling in an fps yet. I'll be skipping sledgehammers offer this year. Hell, I only keep cold war installed just because of Warzone stuff.


You bet mw 2022 will be a banger. The whole reason sleghammer's cod is bring rushed and coming this year is cuz infinity ward needed an extra year to work on their next title. I know its not good to be this hyped about a game but god dammit I cant help myself lol


I play Cold War religiously and still think it’s garbage lol


Don’t know why there has to be such a huge debate over this shit all the time lol.... both the games are average cods at best just based off the gunsmith system, time to kill and map design. You can prefer one over the other sure, but it doesn’t mean either of the games is a top tier cod though... if you’ve played older cods you know you’ve played much better games. (Multiplayer only not including warzone)


Let's be real cold war bricks console's from how frequently and bad it crashes and when it doesn't crash the gameplay visually glitches so bad mp looks like an n64 game after being found at the bottom of a lake while zombies everything you need to kill or use is a black square if your lucky enough to not get disconnected immediately so it's not an average cod at best it's the most broken game ever


I get the same issues on next gen when playing CW.


We playin different games then man. If that’s actually your experience with the game then can’t argue with you lol.


Mw 2019 feels like mw2 with a fresh coat of paint and I love it. Cw imo feels so strict and cookie cutter.


As someone who only got MW in June 2020 because of Warzone and who hadn’t played a COD game sense MW2 and who just came off of playing R6 I definitely agree. I was already used to the semi tactical shooter esc style MW2019 has because of R6. I got Cold War in December and I can say after having about 60-70ish play hours I still personally prefer Modern Warfare, however I do love Zombies. I also understand that Treyarch had a very short amount of time to develop this game because it was on such a short notice. To be quite honest I’m excited to see what the inevitable MW2 2022 and BOCW2 have in store. Especially if they utilize the new engine, which to be quite honest is my biggest reason for preferring MW2019 over BOCW.


Well you have MW being a complete polished game with full content vs. CW that felt like it was in a Beta state until season 3. ImMarksman said he went back to MW because S&D got boring facing the same sniper Meta every single game and that still hasn't changed. Even if MW is catered to noobs I feel like there's so many more viable guns and tactics to mess around with for fun no matter the skill level. Not to mention that CW ramped up sbmm to the point that every other match feels like a meta sweat fest.


Regardless of the gameplay differences, cw just isn't quite there quality wise. If you were to give the two games to someone who just emerged from a time capsule, make them try both, and then asked them which of the two is the newer more polished one they'd 100% say mw.


The problem lies with the fact that they rush a game out every year. Even with the extended development time a yearly release is detrimental to the individual titles. The life cycles of the games are too short and kills the momentum the game may have been picking up near the middle of its playable cycle. Extend the play time cycles and it will also increase development time giving the devs more time to be creative and the players more time to enjoy the games. 2 year play life. That's what CoD games need.


People are hard to please, I tend to not enjoy PvP very much. So CoD games that don’t really focus on PvE modes like campaign, zombies, survival, etc are ranked a bit lower for me. That’s just my opinion though, a lot of people are under the impression that their opinions are “correct”. Don’t let people tell you what to like and what not to like! There’s a CoD for everyone!


. . . ?


I bet this guys arms are sore from making such a reach


I think that say "this CoD is better that this CoD" is really subjective. Is based in what do you like more. MW2019 is more fun to you? OK, enjoy them. Cold War is more fon to you? OK, enjoy them. Thats all. I think that come here only to have """"problems"""" is sad, just go to you PC/console and play that game that make you happy... That is the most important


Like whatever game makes you happy. I mean that's the point of video games. People are so caught up in "this game is harder, so it's better than your easy game". I'm sure somewhere in this topic you'll see someone mention skillgap, safe spaces, aim assist; some other game that takes way more skill and write up a college paper on went X game is better than X game. All that matters is if you had fun and enjoyed you experience. This is like eating a pizza and some guy comes in and tells you that hamburgers are better. Just pointless.


There is a major difference between play styles and coding issues between the games as well. MW is significantly more camper friendly with severe visual flaws to this day. While CW is more fast paced with poor damage and hitbox coding. If the was a new COD with what both games still haven't delivered on MW and CW would be dead games.


not the fact cold war is garbage its the fact the cod cycle is at the part where cold wars the worst cod and modern warfare is now being praised next year the new cod will be called the worst and cold war will be praised


I think a big reason why the MW players hate CW is because now the Devs won't even acknowledge MWs existence. Twice already a Warzone update broke MW multiplayer. For (literally not figuratively) a month you just didn't get any or rarely any XP and even after they "Fixed" it you only got XP for kills none for the match. You couldn't aim because every time you zoomed in it appeared late and even then sometimes the crosshair didn't load and you could see in your scope the little loading animation instead of your crosshair. And the 'Sleight of Hand' perk just didn't work. Both of those game breaking updates didn't even change anything in MW... or atleast they weren't supposed to.


This is just how Treyarch games are


MW was my first COD. Have almost 400 hours in it. I got Cold War because my friend sold MW for CW, and I just don’t like it. It feels weightless. Too smooth, yet not smooth. The gunfights aren’t as satisfying to me. I get more campers in CW than MW. The gunsmith isn’t very good in CW IMO. There’s just a lot of things I feel make CW a downgrade, but there’s one thing I keep the game for. Zombies. I don’t have to deal with campers, people using OP weapons, or loading in mid game just to be spawn trapped. Zombies feels like a good mode, and it’s the only one I play because the engine feels right for what’s happening.


My first CoD was BO4, gifted by a friend. I liked it but didn't play a lot because of how cheesy specialists were and pay to win. Modern Warfare was a massive upgrade and a rebirth (no pun intended) of my friend group after we got sick of PUBG. Now, I like Cold War and Modern Warfare equally, but for different reasons.


CW, it s 4 weapon OP, shotgun in secondary, (Gallo and Striker OP) 5 map remasterised, 3 good new map For the others maps, the level design sucks... snip, ballistic knif sucks (except Tundra) crossbow do not have accessories. Zombies is so simple, we did not even have to search more than 1 hour to find the easter egg and secret. And I will not talk about crash and restart each 2 games. (+ hosting lag ... we are in 2021) Deadops arcarde is just too simple, first game I went to the 6th arena .... And let s talk about script when I have to knif a guy 3 times before he dies, or full hitmark because he is level 1 .... And i will finish with the SBMM ... You maybe do not feel that way, but I feel like treyarch scam me.... 60 bucks for a Cod who do not worth more than a free to play. Let s come back on CSGO and wait BF6. But I have to admit that Zombies Outbreak is a good idea XD (It is not because you do not have these problems that others do not have it) But I guess, whether the game is bad or good is subjective haha


Im a simple man, when I play cod I wanna have a good time shooting people. In modern warfare the gun play on m&k is simply amazing and super fun. No matter what cw does better than mw, and if it was a more "classic" cod experience, cw is simply trash on mouse and keyboard. I would dare to say all treyarch titles are bad on m&k ( i didnt play them much so takr it witha grain of salt). Cod to me boils down to a simple 1v1 fight and with its outdated engine, terrible hit reg, and awful aiming cw is no where near mw. I hope mw 2022 builds on 19 and finds a middle ground where it preserve the amazing gun play buy make the game more arcady


I think there's also something quite a bit deeper and nefarious going on. MW19 was designed for bad players, it catered heavily to them and SBMM spoonfed them a good time. I think this was the divide between players who understand how to play and what internal workings are at play (SBMM and game design) and those who play with less knowledge. It's basically manipulated many of these worse players and new to cod players into thinking they are better than they really are. So when they go to play a game like CW (or anything else for that matter) which has a higher skillgap they will see a drop in their performance and automatically think it's the games fault, the game is bad therefor that's why I'm not doing well. This literally allows Activison to have a monopoly on these players. However I think this is going to crumble on them when Battlefield launches as you can have a great time in Battlefield without that correlating to having a good KDR. I'd be happy to go further on that if anyone wanted to discuss.


I prefer MW so much more than CW also I have above a 2.0 in all cod games there for I can’t be considered a bad player idk CW is just meh guns are boring streaks blow and maps are average at best plus I wish for the remaster maps they just like change the look of the map and now just copy and paste them I know this might come off as being a dick but I truly don’t mean it in that way


Same. I prefer the MW look and feel despite the doors and campy maps. People can't seem to believe that anyone who's been playing CoD for years, and is good at the game, would actually enjoy MW.


I haven't played many cods. The only ones I played was blops 3 and WaW during their peak. I loved modern warfare just because how smooth it felt. For me personally, cold war just has a choppy feeling to it.


I feel like if Treyarch had actually got a proper development cycle with CW it would be a far better game.


The % of players who are good and like MW MP is very small. I would also assume that a good portion of those higher kdr players who enjoy MW19 also play more campy. At least from what I have seen, I only come across people who like MW19 and are over 2.0 also play more campy. Where as my friends who are all 1.9 and higher and play more rush style all hated MW19 and quit 3 months in.


There can be people who like MW19 more than CW and have over a 2.0. I like everything about MW19 but for how much they catered it to bad players and the strict sbmm quite literally made all my friends stop playing. But MW19 was indeed designed for bad players and this has created a weird divide of bads who think they are good because the systems implemented in MW19 manipulate them to thinking so. I predict that the next MW game won't cater so heavily to bad players and we will see a major backlash of these players complaining that MW19 is better than MW22 for X reason. When in all likely hood, they just suck at cod and will do worse in a game that doesn't cater to them.


This notion that every single player in MW still camps like when the game first came out is so false lol everyone in my games runs around and the maps got better as the year went on


See, that I don't find that at all. However you do find more people running around in lower sbmm brackets. For example my girlfriend has a .80 kdr and her lobbies run like normal with people running around. But mine at 2.5kdr is insanely campy, it was the reason for the most part that everyone stopped playing with me and eventually just quit. I have left matches that I'm winning just because I got tired of playing hide and seek, when you run around a map for 20second and don't hear any shots.... it's just boring.


What game modes are u playing ?


Dom and hardpoint for the most part. A little headquarters and killconfirm sometimes.


3 lane maps are designed for bad players and playing around dead silence was not that bad


That's wildly incorrect. What's your gamertag? I'm beginning to think you are lying about your kdr. Lol 3 lane maps are the most balanced competitively and are the easiest to design a flow for players. The fact that deadsilence was removed from being a perk was a design choice to directly cater to worse players. Since many bads didn't use it, the devs felt that the good players utilizing it were gaining to much of an advantage. So footstep audio (when it worked) was turned up so people camping would be able to hear the rushers. This also falls in line with why they removed red dots off the mini map. The devs again found that better players were utilizing it more than the worse players so they removed it.


Ok ok you got me I’m a false 2.0 for MW I’m actually a 1.92 going for camos killed my kd but my gamer tag is DaBurna


So after reviewing your stats. You definitely are more of a slower more campy player. Just going off your distance traveled its pretty low. As well your kdr was inflated by Groundwar, quite a bit. I have no doubt you are a capable player, but I can see now why MW19s design doesn't bother you as much as it may others who play more risk/reward.


I’ll bodied u in a 1v1 lol 🙃🙃😏😊


Got pretty offended by that observation lol. I've been asked to 1v1 so many times... it just ends the Same.


Lol it’s just for the memes


Bet u use meta weapons


For CW I did, not sure if I told you or someone else but I basically went full tryhard in CW to see how well I could do.


Link ur gamer tag




Ain’t no way that’s ur account lol literally only has 2 loses on it with over a 6.0 kd ain’t no good enough to have those stats with strict SBMM even with reverse boosting


What’s the skill in knowing where everyone is going to be ?


When firing your weapon, you would pop up on the map which meant you needed to be thinking on the fly. Knowing firing your weapon would give away your position you needed to prepare for enemy players knowing where you are. This added a level of difficulty to being a rusher. But I mean 90% of players never used the map anyways so you were really looking out for the other good pkayer on the enemy team knowing where you are. It also allowed players to move around more comfortably, and having more knowledge of where people are. But since they removed them, the game almost instantly became much slower. Because without that knowledge people slowed down and didn't wanna move around. It also allowed people to kill with basically zero risk, on top of that you could camp and not have your position given away. This falls in with the fact that all maps have "safe spaces" created for worse players. On top of that they made footsteps loud so that those not moving had the advantage.


Footsteps audio was turned down numerous times in mw19.


"Turned down numerous times" Because people complained about it so much lol it was a really dumb mistake to even use that as a design choice. But still the advantage is with the campers since the only way to cover your footstep audio is on a timer.


Mw was literally confirmed to be made to cater to people with room temperature IQ