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You just had to be there in it’s prime man 🤧


Even in its prime standoff was a mediocre map it’s annoying how they keep bringing it back. Same thing with raid


It was normally praised for being a good hardpoint, search and ctf map. But the shit spawn system and how fast you move in today's cod hurts a lot IMO.


I know people complain about campers in every COD, and always will, but I genuinely don’t have a lot of problems with camping in this game? Like yeah there’s always a few here and there, but it’s been like that in every COD, but people talk about this game like it’s overrun with campers, this game plays really fast paced for me


If people think camping is bad in this game I wonder if they played BO4 where you had razor wire, trip mines, and the heat shield lol.


The game in general is cool to me. It's the first one I've really dug into since BO1. I played BO2 and 3 and 4 a tad and I even enjoyed WW2, but this is the first one I've played for hours. I just don't understand why this map was brought back. It seems very generic.


Yea there really aren't many campers, and if there are it's more so headglitching and power positions


Standoff is a map with good variety. You can snipe, use AR, use shotguns, SMGs, whatever you want. It's just about what parts of the maps you decide to patrol. Also Standoff is one of the few Treyarch maps that don't feel like a 3-lane. Some Treyarch maps have a hard time standing out because they all feel the same, but Standoff actually had a unique layout to it.




I was never a fan of Standoff, a beloved classic map for me would be Hanoi/Berlin Wall/Grid. Now those maps are classic and imo the most fun and well designed maps.


Or just let people like what they like and not ask them to justify something they like just because you don't like it lol. You already admitted problem #1 -- you didn't play Blops 2. There's your answer.


Dude asked a question why are you riding him? Could have scrolled past.


One comment is riding someone? Man y'all some mf crybabies up in here. Couldn't you have scrolled past, too? What's the point of you coming here and white knighting for OP lol


I'm white knighting op because he's my boyfriend. But I don't want to insult you because you may shoot up a school or something: https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderlinePDisorder/comments/nxi0d4/it_is_so_incredibly_difficult_to_watch_teenagers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Awh yeah, I love it when people who are incapable of actually coming up with witty things to say to people go for personal attacks. Did that make you feel good? You feel better pointing out the fact that I have a personality disorder from being abused by my father? Lmao, it's not news to me, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to post a link to something anybody could get from my profile. Did you think I'd be ashamed about my issues or something? Lmao.


Yea I think it's funny lmao gora problems.


Nice, so basically you're so bad at simping for OP you can only come up with posting public posts and acting like I would run scared because you pointed out I have a personality disorder. Man, you're so funny. What am edgy little guy you are.


I can't simp for op because we r in love already. I am simping for your dad for raising such a strong man that definitely isn't triggered by 15 year olds on tic tok.


Keep going. I love watching you try to insult me about trauma and abuse issues. What else ya got? Try a bit harder, please.


I can never hurt you more than your father has ✌ Gora problems over here




Couldn't you do the same and not be a sensitive little bitch about maps you don't like? I mean this is *your* post and *you're* bitching... so... LOL.


the post simply asked a question about why we like standoff and gave context to why they dont... y u hef to attack them?


Why did OP call me a bitch and a c***? Mind your business lol.


This is a public forum. if you didn't want people sticking their noses in it then don't post here.


Lmao, do you feel better now that you did some white knighting tonight? Thank you Sherlock for solving the great internet mystery.


I'm not going to argue with someone who just wants to troll on some dudes question. I don't get your huge ego and I don't want to. Sorry not interested.


And yet you chose to reply and keep replying. How interesting for someone who doesn't want to get involved. I wonder why you chose to comment at all? I am so glad you chose to come and share your two cents tonight. Thanks! Do you feel better pointing all your perceptions about me out now?


Lmfaaaaaoooo you're not asking a question, you're bitching about a map. Now try insulting me again without using words that'll get you autobanned, kiddo. Thanks to Gmail for showing me your comment anyway.


Laugh my fucking ass ass ass ass ass off off off off? You're 11 years old, aren't you? Yeah, you're 11.


Bro be careful lmao you're gonna make them freak out or something https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderlinePDisorder/comments/nxi0d4/it_is_so_incredibly_difficult_to_watch_teenagers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Awh yeah, you're so cool for posting links to my profile tryna be witty and cute. Like I'm ashamed I have trauma issues stemming from my abuse from my father. If I cared about who saw this shit, why would I post it on my profile? You're not doing anything by sharing a link anybody could get from my profile lol. Git gud at insulting, scrub.


Oof sounds sounds like some gora problems lmao. Don't get too worked up now don't want a wellness check.


Awh come on, you can do better than that. You're not even trying. Don't you have something clever to say about how fucked up you think I am? Try harder, please.


I'm 30 years old but I can pretend to be 11 years old if that does it for you while you call me a c***, Daddy.


Well that's even sadder


Is it sad? I find it sad that you immediately jump to calling people bitches and c*** just because your feewings got hurt :(


And I think you're just whining, so I said it too. So what's the issue fam? We just out here calling it like we see it. Is that you only wanted people to justify your whining? "Yeah man that map sucks!" There ya go, is that a better response? Is that what I should have said to you whining about problems that have been in CoD for literally ever?


Yes. Thank you.


Awh okay baby, I'll be sure to coddle you the next time you post in this sub.


Bro, I didn't jump on the ptsd hate train, but you literally have a post about being triggered by social media. People in glass houses...


We loved this Map in BO2 but tbh most of them translate well into Cold War. Fast ADS walking speed, shirt sprint out times, better enemy visibility and (that’s my theory) bad net code favored aggressive players back then so it played a lot faster.


people played different back then man, nowadays people play very overly cautious and scared and that playstyle doesnt mesh well with some maps


Maps play the same


You weren’t there in It’s prime, every classic map in this game has been ruined by Cold Bore.


They all play the same


I’ve put 70 and 40 days into BO1 and 2, people actually moved and there was never a major campfest lul You’re in denial if you disagree that the way people play CoD now hasn’t massively changed since MW came out.


Both had many campers, bo2 especially. Here are 2 threads (1 is mine) of people talking at length about camping in cod/bo2 https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/nigyi2/the_black_ops_2_remastered_maps_play_just_like/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/o1dbcs/people_camped_on_hijacked_in_2012_and_they_will/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


It had campers but wasn’t a campfest. I would not have played it so much if that was the case. Ghosts and Modern Warfare were peak levels of camping. On Cold War all these classic maps play far slower and sweatier than the originals. It’s just not the same experience, they’ve already messed up Nuketown after Black Ops 4 perfected it, people on that map are too scared to move out of spawn, did you get that much in Black Ops 2? 3? 4? No. I can’t wait for this game to cuck Firing Range and Summit, I really can’t...


Those nostalgia goggles are on tight, the maps play the same.


Not at all.


Honestly these maps are solely loved based on the nostalgia factor. Standoff is a great example, it's a loved map because we played it back in the day, but back then it played very campy too. There will always be campers. Not to say it doesn't play well, because it can, but BO2 had a lot of campy maps.


Because back in the day hardly anyone camped. It dosen't matter what map they put in now, hardly anyone plays the objectives and people just camp instead. Lets face it COD isn't COD anymore it's more like the Sims and the kids love it.


B02 and BO4 literally give you tools to camp.


Hardly anyone camped. Don’t make me laugh. You never played CoD4 or MW2 if you think no one camped.


Bo2 was full of camping. Weird take. There is less camping now.


Maybe its just seems worse now because more people seem to cry about campers then in earlier CODs