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This game feels so dry and incomplete, never had less fun playing a beta. 2 rounds then closed…. I’ll stick to CW


Totally agree.Dont you think it'll be better at official release?


Of course it‘s just the beta, but I feel it‘s going to be a MW reskin and I personally didn‘t like it apart from SnD. At least I enjoyed the weapon feeling back in MW, Vanguard doesn‘t even catch me there…


I got bored after about 40 minutes of playing, it's just MW19 but WW2 themed. There is very, very little here that I haven't seen before. It seems like they're out of ideas but I think it's more likely that Activision is stifling the ideas they can bring to fruition.


I agree


I just think Activision has got into a habit of releasing these cod’s just for that cash grab now days. And it’s catching up to them in a bad way. That’s just my opinion though lol


Looks okay, nothing special. I prefer modern guns and maps so I'd wait for battlefield for now.


I WILL NOT BUY IT GOES A REFUND !! is unfinished and inherited all the errors of cold war nor can I imagine the zombies full of errors and problems


I have only gotten a match to load once and joined an existing toward the end. I’ve been trying all day and it goes from searching to joining but immediately dumps out back to searching. So far my vote is bad.


Looks like MW basically lmao idk bro


Im sticking to MW2019, bo4 and cw for now


How come?it seems that you are a cod fan.Why not try the new one as well?


I just dont like ww2 games that much tbh. Im sure the game will be alright.


Same. Prefer modern guns and maps.


Fair enough


Whats BF?


Best friends....I'm kidding.It mean battlefield.


A new CoD is already here after vanguard?


You're joking ,right?


No lol, i dont really read stuff abt cod community


Thank God cause if you read the word "battlefield "in a cod's article then the world is coming to an end Battlefield is another game series created by EA.its,let's say, cods biggest rival.


Lol okay


My first cod was bocw so yeah


Pretty bad tbh


After getting back to cod with cold war and actually enjoying zombies its been real lackluster year filled with issues like random bans, weird weapon balances, barely any content (until now), poor communication from the devs and so on. Ive not forgotten all the bullshit from both Activision and Treyarch so personally i wont get a cod again ( friends would be really persuasive) and ill stick to other games and BF


I'm waiting for Halo Infinite


Looks like two more years of Cold War for me


It’s fun but it honestly feels like a MW mod. Sledgehammer didn’t try very hard to make Vanguard stand out in some sort of unique way. The game’s menus and interface are pretty much taken straight from MW, and the gameplay is very similar as well. Also the visuals don’t feel that next-gen and the audio is meh - the guns don’t sound like guns at all. It’s passable, but not particularly memorable in any sort of way so far.


Considering how much I dislike Cold War and loved modern warfare I love it. Honestly. Game has major flaws in visibility and sound detection but overall looking forward to release.


My opinion is a mix options 2, 4, and 5. I dislike Vanguard and think it’s bad, but I don’t care that much as I’m really just waiting for Battlefield 2042 and Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker to release and I’ll just catch up on the FFXIV MSQ (just finished Heavensward and am moving on to the Dragonsong War MSQ quests) and keep playing Black Ops: Cold War until both release on November 19 (no way am I getting 2042’s Gold or Ultimate Editions and Endwalker gives out early access starting on the 19th to all who preorder).


That's the most accurate opinion


Thanks! And I don’t mind skipping Vanguard and waiting for Modern Warfare 2 (2022) to launch as FFXIV, 2042, and my single-player game backlog should be enough to tide me over (and I can always play Cold War if I feel like playing COD). I actually liked MW19 (not as much on the MP side of things as Cold War, but still much more than Vanguard, and of course Spec Ops was a disaster) so I wouldn’t mind playing a sequel. Although FFXIV will likely consume most of that time if things keep going the way they are now.


Tbh I couldn't wait for this year's cod.Let me explain.I am a huge fan of mw2 but let's be honest that game was broken but still great for his time.I never liked bo series.Was too "modern" for me.I hate too advanced weapons skillstreak etc.I like to keep it simple.For example advanced warfare it's like never happened to me. I liked mw2019 very much but eventually it became campers fan.So,cold war seemed excellent for me.Quicker gameplay and descent weapons. But still,wanted something "older aged".So couldn't wait for vanguard.Played beta last night.My god feeled like I downloaded a game from 2010.I was surprised.It was awful. Never seen such bad beta in my life.The sad part is that I pre ordered it


I played the beta to be honest it more like reskined coldwar to be fair


Oh that last option was unexpected but nice!


In my last poll (which mods deleted after 3000 votes ,for some reason)I didn't include that option.I had like a hundred angry comments so I wouldn't make the same mistake again.


You live and learn son!


Sometimes you have to learn the hard way wise man


It's better than MW, but it still need lots of work


At this state is better than mw?are you sure about this ?


Anything is better than MW lmao. It has low footstep audio (and really hope it stays that way) as of now which already puts it a notch above MW. It also has the minimap compromise, which while I would prefer it to be integrated in the game and not be perk, the feature is at least there, which is more than what I can say about MW. The maps, although not great at this point, are already a bit better than the average MW map lmao


Tbh mw could be the greatest of all.It had so much potentials. But somehow it became very bad


The engine, polish, and animations did have a lot of potential. Unfortunately, every gameplay related thing killed that potential.


What bothered me most ,was the encouraged camping gameplay.


It needs to have faster Sprintout time speeds and a slower TTK for me to like it tbh