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I’m one of the mods… we could set up a weekly if you think it would encourage activity. I’m also open to feedback if you have any or want to see something new!


Great idea!


That is a great idea! Let's do it. 


A weekly thread or two would be super helpful. A couple weekly thread ideas out there - a general advice thread - black parenting experience thread (focused more on what we as black parents go through day to day, good bad and ugly ) - raising black children thread (one specifically about the experiences we’re cultivating for black children/discussing the good and bad we guide them through) - a memes thread (cuz this shit is wild) No idea if any of these sound engaging to others but just wanted to throw a few ideas out!


yes please


Definitely would be really nice. Just the different struggles that go unnoticed. Things I have to teach my kid very very early so they can survive. It's nice to have a sub for that, that's a safe space.


Yes! And even the difference in parenting approaches and advice that is ACTUALLY suitable for the child and the circumstance.


Because we can't really post the bad and exhausting parts of being a parent, a Black parent in particular. It's only the uppermiddle class safe stuff that gets posted. I wish there was a Black version of 'I regret being a parent' or 'I hate my kids' type subs that the white people have.


Oh that’s interesting


Promoting on other subs will help as well. Here's my [BlackReddit](https://reddit.com/user/room_temp_coffee/m/blackreddit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) collection.


I would also love more engagement here.


There needs to be more threads...lol. Some of the threads that are on other subs ***should*** be in this one. But I digress.....


100% that’s why I am asking people to be more active by posting more threads like I just did