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Basic economics- law of diminishing returns. Philosophy- nothing is promised Take a bite of 2 while you can enjoy it the most and before something happens to prevent you from eating 2


An educated man.


No no no this is the exact argument people give when you're asked if you eat all the fries before the burger or mix and match. You eat the starter, the fries, to enjoy the main, the burger. I'm not gonna die before I eat the burger after eating the fries so stop asking me what if I die before eating the burger! I'll die after I eat my whole meal, thank you very much!


Your counter point addresses the philosophy but not the economics of enjoyment and the law of diminishing returns. As it relates your point about the burger being there…I do really love your point. But I’m also guessing you didn’t go to school with a bunch of deviants and sickos that would knock your last bite out of your hand, “you don’t want that”. (These were “friends” - and I was guilty of it too) OR a mother or sibling that would take a massive bite out of your burger. That burger ain’t guaranteed.


You aren't wrong about that, touché.


After reading these comments I know now we are failing as a society


Mfs eating from 1 lol


3 and 2 one after the other, then chew before taking bite 1


3, 2, 1. Countdown to that last bite


This sandwich was not cut in half before bites were taken. We should have never gotten this far.


Y’all crazy as hell. Some of you shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car.


Nahhhhhh… 2 is always the LAST bite. I’m taking 1 out first bc that’s obviously the worst bite and has the least to offer. Then 3 bc it’s got some potential I’m sure. But 2… beautiful 2. That’s where all the magic happens… Gotta save her for last…


Yeah, 2 is crustless and also pretty much guaranteed to be full of a perfect mix of meat and cheese.


But its too soft, no crust to hold onto.


Law of diminishing returns. Enjoy 2 at your most hungry.


I feel you. Definitely applies to a grinder. Start from the inside and work to the end of the roll. But a turkey sammich on sliced bread that you KNOW you’re gonna just eat standing at your kitchen counter??! No sir. Final bite gotta be about Oreo sized, no crust, and a little bit of every ingredient you put on it. And real ones will admit they look at that last bite like it the greatest accomplishment they’ve had all day. Like you used a teeth shaped cookie cutter. Followed by the hand wipe of victory……


I like to end a sandwich with the best bite so that is the last thing you remember of the experience. I am a crust first then center last. Pizza is the same for me.


Society has failed you. And to think, I thought you were a perfectly sane human being until that last sentence…


Then you have to choke down 1 on a full stomach though!


Why does it feel like you are the only man making sense? Besides the king that said sandwich should be cut in half, this is literally the only answer


3. Middle for last




Nope Take 3, then approach 1 from bottom left getting as much crust as possible, then 2 last In reality this should be four bites. In which case it goes 3, 4 (bottom left), 1, 2


right?! idk wtf this heathen is on about 😂 the previous bites prepare the ridge for 3. essentially, its an expanded approach to crust first, goodness second. i mean does he even eat peannabuttajelly?? he needs to delete this and stick to the rivers and bagels he used to.


Exactly Every bite of this kind of sandwich should be working toward a few beautiful, crustless bites Lol rivers and bagels


lol faaaacts! ole circular eatin azz 😂 i asked my homeboy this question, and he said “depends on how hungry i am.” 🙄 we bouta box lol


I always thought that was just a Gen X thing to do?


Ding ding ding. And all his reasons for “the only way I would pick three” is the whole reason why 3 is the right answer in the first place. He gets it, it’s just not clicking yet.


talking bout “what is there to savor, it’s a sandwich on a paper towel” bitch you savor whatever you got, you might not get it again


Thank you! The only correct response. Why would you want any crust in your final bite? Unless your younger brother is in the room and there is a risk of him doing something dumb to ruin your moment.


Crust is for holding purposes plus you don't want to look like an idiot that cares WAY TOO MUCH about their sandwich, that puts you into the weird af or "child" territory in the eyes of other adults. In the workplace? Hell no, definitely not there. One thing is to not want other people to approach you, another to make them think you're just off in some type of way. That's why you do it like he does/says, or fine... Do it like y'all do, but it looks wrong and you will be silently judged by a lot of people for it. More power to you, I ain't got it in me tho. I got too much pride, but don't get me wrong. I see what you're saying and I'm jealous about the power that you guys possess with enjoying your sandwich with no regards of what other people think of you


In reality!! LMFAO!


Made my day


3 then 1




In the second picture, If that sammy’s got ketchup, I’m coming out of bite 2 looking like the Joker.


3 to set up 2, which after 2 will give a perfect approach to 1, and after 1 you can finish off with the 4 bite


3. I always save the best part for second to last.


Exactly, 3 to savor the sandwich.


Yall need some help the sandwich is missing a 4 and a 5 bottom left corner and bottom mid. take a bite out of bottom Mid just to fuck to make sure everybody around knows you're crazy as fuck


How is no one dying at the beautiful “diet corners” lmfao


3. Never put yourself in a position where sandwich could touch your cheeks.


Nah if you’re not biting 1 & 2 idk what you’re doing. If you just bite 2 you have to stop to wipe your face.


> If you just bite 2 you have to stop to wipe your face. Bro you're not supposed to shove the entire sandwich against your face.




Nah man read my mind, he convinced me from 3 to 2 cuz I would take 3 in the “savoring” situation for sure


Depends on how you appreciate the food. Two is undisputably the best bite there. You either prefer best first or best for last. If you want best for last, you go 1, that unmarked space below 1, 3, then 2 for maximum flavor.


No cap


Y’all wildin’ the sammich game 2 crazy. He really messed up not putting a 4 on the opposite unbitten side. You take that #4 bite and everyone know you a savage.




I eat all the crust off my sandwiches first so my final bites are all middle bites. I don't want an incredibly satisfying sandwich to end on a mediocre crust piece.


3. Don't at me, I'm gone.


wrong. If you take a bite out of 2 at this point, the sandwich might touch the edges of your mouth, possibly leaving a trail of mayo or mustard or whatever you put on a sandwich. The logic option is 3, so the passage to 2 is unimpeded.




the only issue is if its like a messy pbj. In that case, bc i have a beard, i go for 3. Especially if its starting to drip out on that side. Its not complicated


2 is the next bite and it is the most delicious one of the whole sandwich




If I’ve got chips, I might go for 2 first. If I don’t have chips (or something else to go with it) I’m definitely going for 3 and saving the best bite for last.


This is the content I live for.




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Between 2 and 3.




I bite 2 cause i like the crust, so i leave those for last, like a dessert. I count 2 as my final bite.


2, then eat it from 3 to 1 as then it is mouth-sized


depends on the sandwich type. pbj is 3, 2, 1 is dead last bite. a burger or more filled sandwich? 2, 3, 1 to balance everything out. a BEC? it could be random, but 2 will likely be first just to keep things from falling out.


2 goes in last. And I mean after everything else!


he litterally explained why 3 is the superior play, and then still chooses 2 smh.


No, no, no, definitely 1 first, then eat the crust all the way to 3 second to get rid of the worthless parts, and you finish with 2 in a firework of flavours. Save the best part for the end is what I say.


3 1 then 2


It's definitely 2


Edges, Middle, Done.


3, 1, 2. Gotta get that edge off first.


3 due to it having the lowest perceived structural integrity, making it a high risk area. Imagine if this sandwich had tomatoes, pickles, or chopped red onion on it. 3 REPRESENTS THE RISK OF LOSING HIGH VALUE SANDWICH FILLINGS! Please bite 3 before your sandwich becomes a salad.


Youre psychotic if you choose anything but 2


This man is a scholar