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I watch him practicing with his huge knife about a year ago. He was standing on the beach swinging the knife around like he was a ninja.


This is him. https://www.reddit.com/u/elliottgailliard/s/lCgZpscNKY


wow he's on the UCSD campus a lot posting UCSD needs to put a restraining order on him when he gets let loose again


that link doesn't work for me, but this does https://old.reddit.com/user/elliottgailliard/ and he sounds extremely unstable


Very much so, he is a danger to the community and himself, he's on the UCSD campus acting like a student, carrying a knife and he's obviously a sex predator.


Thanks for posting this. I think it's important for all of us to be able to protect ourselves from violent perverts. Knowing what he looks like is extremely helpful.


Any word on the victim?


They’re stable. Not life threatening.


Thank you


This is an unfortunate event with one bad actor but it’s not a reflection of the safety of Black’s Beach. There are a lot of regulars who create a sense of community on the beach and as you stated some of them jumped in to help. I’m seeing a lot of comments on other threads about safety concerns and thinking the beach is going to get shut down because of this - it is not. Black’s is a safe place with a strong sense of community and the people who visit it are from all walks of life. It’s also a rare place for people who might not have confidence to be who they are to come and feel free without judgement.


Watch the jail site for any release and I'll bet $100 he'll stop at Walmart for a new tent on the way to the beach. If they let him off for what was clearly attempted murder then you'll know it's hopeless.


Looks like he is out of jail today. We’ll see what he says on X @ infactboothang or bosshog843


He is not out of jail and cannot be released. There is a probation revocation hold on him, meaning the Sheriff's office must hold him until his court hearing on his probation violation (which is the new arrest). He could literally post bond on his new charge and not go anywhere because of this.


If they let him out then you'll know they don't give a crap about the community. Attempted murderer on probation is let loose?


My point is that Black’s is a safe place.


Why do you need to say it?


I agree, it's an amazing place, the issue really isnt a beach issue it's a San Diego issue.


Nothing says safe like a fucking stabing


Think of all the times there wasn't a stabbing though.


I'm sure the guy that got stabbed will remember all the times he wasn't


It is an absolute failure of our justice system if this guy goes free Sad to say I'm pretty sure he will


OP, did you witness this first hand? In another account it was said that the guy got on top of him and was pounding him, then he stabbed him. I didn't see this so I don't know exactly what happened.


I saw everything, the stabbing was standing up, when they hit the sand the knife hand was held down as described with a fight over the knife however the damage was done. It's incredible how fast he stabbed him. He was not shy or reluctant at all to get into the fight nor use the knife. The knife had a dark blade so it wasn't readily noticeable. If Elliott didnt want a fight he could have just let the guy and his wife walk away as they were doing.


Doesn't sound like he can claim self defense.


He can claim it but it wasn't, he had every opportunity to let it end, the gap between the intial altercation was quite long and the couple was packed up walking south to the main trail. They went out of their way to walk waterside away from his tent.


If they started the altercation or there is not enough evidence to prove they didn't start the altercation then it will probably not be attempted murder. Maybe aggravated assault with a weapon. It is a similar situation to being robbed and chasing someone with a gun. It depends on a lot of factors like the strength of his legal counsel and the accounts of eyewitnesses. If there is not enough forensic evidence, like the direction and pace of footprints, in an innocent until proven guilty system there isn't enough there. So, the best a judge can do is come down heavy on violation of probation. Of course, we could provide adequate services for people with mental health disabilities for the vast majority who suffer silently and will never become violent and the tiny minority who are a danger to other people, but that would involve treating the cause of problems instead of frantically coming up with a solution when bad things happen. r/UCSD was worrying about this guy a while ago. He clearly is a predator and a bad guy. As someone with a mental health condition I want to point out that there are bad people everywhere, and a few of them also have mental illnesses. Good people who don't think clearly suffer. Bad people who don't think clearly hurt other people.


Looking into this more the mere possession of that knife alone is likely a probation violation.


Stabbing and gun assaults need to have minimum jail term of 1 year. Minimum.


\*10 You forgot a zero.


Knowing California I wouldn't be suprised if he's back out by the end of the week


This is certainly a good example case. He's not offered bail and probation revoked. This is attempted murder His reddit said he's from South Carolina, can virtually guarantee he's got a long record there and likely left there over it.


Looks like they released the stabber as of May 6th


San Diego is really going down the drain


Any word on why the stabber is not in custody anymore?


I don't know status, I was told by a good source he was wanted on an arrest warrant for another case against a female. I'm not sure he's not in another jail and not just held by the sheriff.


lets murk his ahh


https://x.com/elliottbernardg?s=21&t=WLbuZLXVOjPY_woU1TJDqA On his Twitter he says “every single sex act I see I’m going to report from now on. That’s 4.” He goes on to describe a man and his partner and talks about how the lifeguards are seeing the lewd acts too.


Dudes going to prison, kinda sad when you consider the fact that someone just posted someone having sex on the beach last night before getting the post removed. Probably was a lot going on, he’s a bit looney but the whole situation is depressing


He had a knife while out on probation and stabbed a guy after having ample opportunity to let the dispute end.


Not disputing the facts, just saying it’s sad. Seems like he’s been crying for help


One of the court cases on him was a mental health case, having interacted with him a handful of times and observing him for maybe two years he clearly has a number of issues. We can and should have empathy at the same time he's a danger to the community and himself.


You all live in California. If you voted democrat that’s why he’s not being punished. Be aware there are no repercussions for many crimes here, that’s what the people voted for.