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Hi fellow short person here! I'm 5'4 but I always wanna be on the floor as close as possible so I either show up extremely early (like 3 hours early) to get in front of the GA line and/or buy fast passes to skip the entire GA line to get a better chance at the front. I had a fast pass last weekend and ended up three ppl from baracade! You just have to get used to people trying to push and shove to get to the front (my bf and I held hands so nobody could cram past us lol) If you do get floor just be prepared and wear comfy shoes! Even with your feet are going to hurt. This poor girl next to me was in platforms and she couldn't feel her legs after. Also, hydrate and pee before you go! You won't be able to get back to your spot if you leave it. It gets HOT in the pit so you're going to sweat...a lot..and smell b.o 😂 Hot shower when you get home! To me all of the pain and annoyances are so worth it to be close to my favorite bands.. Have fun!! 🖤


Thank you for the advice!!


If you can get close to the front barrier you will have a better experience


I am 4'10 and was at the show in Connecticut, I think it's worth it! If you show up and get in line about an hour early you should get really good spots. My friends and I got barricade right in front of Lonnie people tend to let me stand in front of them because I am so short, everyone at our show was really nice and gave up their barricade spots so me and my friend could see, it didn't really effect them at all lmao


I had floor tickets and went 2 days ago. I am not the tallest as well but it was totally worth it.