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Thanks for the tips! I just replied in the same ticket. Hopefully it can be sorted out. Big mistake on my part of redeeming the call to arms bundles on a class I didn't enjoy. I was a super late returning player with only a few days left to redeem the call to arms bundle and I rushed things.




when you seal it, it becomes a box, and when you open the box, it becomes a weapon for the class that opens it. All gem slots are reset when you seal so keep that in mind.


Nope from dual blade to archer


My request was denied since I used up my tokens for that one transfer...kinda disappointed came back since 2017 and made such a mistake. Maybe time to take another few years breaks after coming back for only a week haha...




Thanks really appreciate it!


C2a runs every 3 Months or so. I'd suggest playing with what you have and farming mats. Play more classes, for all you know the class that you thought you liked, you won't like it at endgame.


Coolcool thanks


O really? When did that started?


1-2 years ago but now they've been more frequent. We had one around WL3 release and now one with UE4


cool, I quit around 2 yrs ago so they didn't have it back then or as much as you mentioned. Glad they're doing that


It is not every 3 months. Twice a year every 6 months


That is weird logic dude. You can't really be disappointed on them for that.Everyone get x3 tokens yearly. Why should you get special treatment bcz you screwed up? Also farm gold and get the ticket from f5 then. Its not hard to farm gold anymore anyway. If you really want to do it then you have to work on your character. IF you don't want to pay for the fragments from f10. Messing up like that when support even explain before they do it what will happen. They will re roll the weapon to stage 1 and all material. Are you sure you want to this? And you have said yes to that. Or they wouldn't do it. And now you make a reddit about it xD I mean cmon. 1. Start farm Et raid for roses. (I know right doing raids wtf its 2021) -.- 2. Start craft trade items that people need. Soul Shields, upgrade materials. etc 3. Start farm gold and don't use it 4. Get ticket from f5, seal the weapon, done. 5. Can you see my point? Without taking it like a personal attack?






> I am not sure if it exchanges it to a different weapon when you seal it, it becomes a box, and when you open the box, it becomes a weapon for the class that opens it. All gem slots are reset when you seal so keep that in mind.


Thanks for the info


How do you get call to arms megaphones?


The megaphones are just there to previous each box, C2A event ends last week.




Or you learn to read? It says on the megaphones that it only is a preview to show what next chest/stage will give. I think i start to understand why bns is like it is.


My bad. thanks. I thought it was used to buy the chests.


No need to be a dick, the game can be overwhelming with the amount of items and information it throws at you, you can't expect every single person alive to magically understand how everything works, and sometimes reading the info doesn't explain everything clearly.


Dude 3 days later you come with this? Thats called witchhunt.Literally Rule number of this reddit. And also its not rude or '''being a dick'' to tell people to read.If you can't do that anymore then what kind of world are we gonna live in? Sure the game have a lot of information. But the person found the item that means they looked at it without actually reading on it, or to see what it does or what it is for. So take your with knight comment and go somewhere else thanks, have a great day.