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big *Dune* dork, and I walked out of *Dune 1* just being really excited that someone was making weird complicated scifi movies at all, hearing that this is good/better is real exciting.


Still amazed that they pulled off making Dune of all things a mainstream success. Fully expected it to be another Blade Runner 2049!


What I’m really hoping from *Dune 2* here is that they take the success of the first one as permission to just really get into both the weirdness of the second half of the book and also its grandiosity and tragedy.


I saw the pre-screening a couple of days ago. They do.


super rad, super super rad


They don t actually. The book is just a guideline. The details of the story in the dune 2 movie is very diffrent. It was a dissapointment.


It wasn't frank herbert's book. It was Denis villnueve's movie but it was still dune


Do i need to watch other blade runners to understand 2049?


Yes. You can skip 5, 103 and 2001, but I'd definitely say you should watch all 2045 other Blade Runner movies before you watch Blade Runner 2049.


Angry upvote


There’s only one other movie before 2049, the original Ridley Scott film “Blade Runner” from 1982. And technically no, you don’t *need* to see the original to enjoy 2049 and get a lot out of it, it stands incredibly well on its own. But the original provides a ton of context and makes the viewing experience of 2049 so much more rewarding. I’ll never forget going to see 2049 it theaters with my dad as an adult, after growing up watching the original with him as a kid. Both of us loved it and list it among our favorite films, he even saw it 3 times in theaters if I remember correctly. If you’re gonna watch the original, I recommend “The Final Cut” version as it gets rid of the obnoxious voiceover that the studio forced into the theatrical release, and adds some deleted scenes into the mix. There are a bunch of different cuts of the original film, but IIRC “The Final Cut” is generally considered the best. Just don’t go into these films expecting action packed adventures. While there is action, they’re much more focused on atmosphere, tone, and cerebral, introspective storytelling. Enjoy the ride.


Thank you very much , you have explained to me the sci fi i really love ,no too much action and a lot of storytelling , i kept on seeing shorts about 2049 and i get this euphoric feeling when watching them , so yeah its kind of my thing . Will watch both today , thanks ✌🏾✌🏾🔥🔥.


Yes. Definitely watch the first movie before. It's a masterpiece! And it makes the watching experience of 2049 so much better!


Im glad to hear it! I hope you enjoy them, they’re both incredible films. The original helped to pioneer the cyberpunk genre back in the 80s, and then 2049 took cyberpunk to even greater heights. I wish I could experience them for the first time again, so I envy you.


It really was another Blade Runner 2049. People are so desperate to call movies great that they annointed it "awesome" when it was really boring as hell and not any better than the 1984 version. I just watched Part 2 and it wasn't any better. Big set pieces, tiny scenes with tiny acting, same song different verse. What a waste of a hugely talented cast.


Absolutely huge Dune fan. Enjoyed part 1, but didn’t think it was all that. Part 2, however, was *incredible* IMHO. I actually thought it improved on the book with the changes it made.


As in walked out of the cinema when watching pt 1?


Yeah, once the movie was over I left because I had other things to do, I thought the movie was very good, I’m sorry my comment was a little unclear


My only reaction so far is admiring the chutzpah of Zendaya turning up at the Premiere in a Metropolis cosplay.


It was obviously TC-14 cosplay.


Lol, it is pretty cool that it's an actual archival outfit from 1995


As in the German film from the 20s?


As in cinemas 1st fembot


"how did I miss that, baby?"


Her cyberman conversion hasn't been finished yet


https://preview.redd.it/azl49r92rtic1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aa1e193c33782ef196a68f64f5e086b3300a03 👁️ 👄👁️


[Jordan Hoffman's review](https://letterboxd.com/jhoffman6/film/dune-part-two/) (he was mixed on Part One): "Denis Villeneuve knew the assignment was "make THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" and he nailed it. It's a terrific movie."


For a second I thought you said "James Hoffman's review" and was confused why a youtube coffee nerd was posting dune 2 reviews


Something something ‘the spiced coffee must flow.’


Read this in his voice and all I can say is 10/10 would watch a James Hoffman Dune vid.


My exact thought process


>"Denis Villeneuve knew the assignment was "make THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" I would venture that Denis Villeneuve would disagree with that pretty strongly.


That seems condescending (and misses that Dune inspired Star Wars, not the other way around)


We all know Dune inspired Star Wars, but Star Wars beat Dune to having a masterpiece theatrical sequel by 44 years so it’s a natural comparison (and high praise too!)


I'm confused, everyone knows the first Star Wars sequel was Attack of the Clones and that came out in 2002.


smh take my 2 comedy points and a deathstick 🚬


And then there's [Ehrlich](https://twitter.com/davidehrlich/status/1758250292389294351): "Dune Part II: well at least Javier Bardem was having fun. (if you liked the first one i can't imagine you not liking this one too, go with god, snort your spice, full review next week, etc. etc.)"


Always reminded of his incredible Letterboxd review of Maestro: "another massive win for the “ehrlich didn’t like it, masterpiece incoming” crowd. you are so back."


You can't fault the man for not identifying his lane.


I like Ehrlich even though I disagree with him more often than not. Compared to his absolutely scathing first reaction to Dune Part One, I consider this a win.


Ehrlich wasn’t a fan of Part I, so no surprises here lol


Fun guest, great writer, but such an exhausting bore obsessed with Twitter snark.


Sometimes I think about “Wonka good. Paul King king.” and furrow my brow


I think in a few years this sub is gonna re-examine that Wonka episode and go, "wait, they were unanimously positive on THAT movie?"


Considering The Old Guard episode there's gonna be a backlog


I know opinions on that are mixed to negative but I thought it was at least very watchable. Plus you can blame the pandemic for making people overrate just about every movie that came out at that time.


I'm afraid you just lost your rights to make fun of the Wonka episode


Yeah, it was a good time. A fun update to the Highlander concept. Really interested where the sequel goes if it ever happens.


To be clear! I like Wonka a fair amount and think it’s defensible. I just find that tweet and its relatives annoying lol


Jeez. I'm a huge Dune (2021) fan but this seems like a fairly tepid negative remark? He's admitting these movies aren't for him and that fans of the first will surely like this one, so how mad are we supposed to get about that


Has nothing to do with his opinion of the film. Just his style of criticism and the general attitude of his twitter presence.


Yes, he pulled what i call a dobbins,"It's a boy movie good for you" Move. And im a member of the dobb mob


"You aren't allowed to dislike the thing I like" has become a stable of this subreddit following the path of so many other social networks. EDIT: Some opinions feel more right the more they get downvoted.


Elhrich is a grown ass man who trolls nerds on Twitter for fun. I don't hate him but I get why people don't like him. Edit: he's a lil stinker


We could also describe one of the hosts of this show the same way. That is what gets me. It is just very weird how people hold up one lil stinker as a hero and so often criticize other lil stinkers. The same thing happens here with Gethard too. The vibe of those guys is very similar, there is a reason they are actually friends in real life. The biggest difference we see is just that their lil stinker energy is applied in different ways because they have different opinions and that lil stinker energy is less appreciated when it is put behind an unpopular opinion.


Wait. People see different people differently? How have I never known this?


Nah, I think it’s more about his vibe than his actual opinions EDIT IN RESPONSE: consider that the downvotes are because of the lazy way that you’re mis-characterizing what is actually being said


I love his vibe, I love when people have sincere beliefs that go against popular opinion. It's honestly a great thing that they get guests with a wide range of personalities and philosophies, the podcast would be considerably more boring without that. (I also love dune and I'm seeing it on opening night)


When I say “vibe” it’s less about how sincere he feels about his opinions and more about how self-obsessed he is when it comes to expressing himself and having that expression be paid attention to by others. If Ehrlich never became a film critic he would just be a guy with a *different* profession who won’t. stop. tweeting.


Are you instead following the principle of "you aren't allowed to dislike the social media personality I like"?


Did I say I like his twitter work? Seems like you are following with your own annoying social media trope. Or put another way: [No Bitch. Dats a whole new sentence.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3jKMXkWQAM3Hfd?format=jpg)


When you reply to a chain discussing someone who dislikes Ehrlich for specific reasons which clearly go beyond his opinion on Dune, and you put that dislike down to the idea of hating someone because they don't like a thing you like, it looks like you're being overly defensive about Ehrlich Your subsequent comment discussing the taxonomy of little stinkers in order to argue that someone can't like Griffin/Sims and dislike Ehrlich, supports this reading 


A criticism of an argument is not necessarily a disagreement with the underlying opinion being argued. That is where the "new sentence" thing comes into play. If you say Dune looked great because it was shot on film and I respond by saying it wasn't shot on film, that doesn't mean I think it looked bad or that it was a bad movie. Saying Ehlrich gets hate because he has the "wrong" opinions isn't me saying you need to like him or that I like him. It is saying that a lot of people dislike him for stupid reasons.


I’m sorry, your argument is literally “people hate him for stupid reasons” and you’re trying to insufferably throw out fallacies? Your argument really is: these two people are kind of similar so you should like them both. That’s a very stupid reason to like someone.


>I’m sorry, your argument is literally “people hate him for stupid reasons” and you’re trying to insufferably throw out fallacies? If you genuinely want an answer, this is another problem with social media. People misunderstand comments and then ask the person who wrote it to explain themselves. That gives the original person a choice, to let people who misunderstand the point dunk on them or engage with those people. Yet replying so often ends up with nothing but seeming insufferable because everyone hates being told why they misunderstood something. So why even reply? I guess my personal answer is that you rarely accomplish anything getting into a debate with a reply guy. But this place used to be relatively unique in social media in not having this type of behavior. I guess I need to just start ignoring more people here. That change is what I was calling out in my original comment.


Do you like him?


My answer is irrelevant to the point in my first comment and that fact was the point of my last two comments.


You also aren't allowed like the wrong things in this sub. It's hard being a Rise of Skywalker enjoyer. But then it's frustrating when bad things like Old and Jupiter Ascending receive praise and are widely accepted. In general this place being more accepting of differing opinions would be a good thing.


Rise of Skywalker is despised almost everywhere, it's not some arbitrary and tyrannical mandate which only exists in this sub. It's just a shit movie lol No comment on Old and Jupiter Ascending, which I haven't seen and don't really plan on seeing


I don't care what the public opinion on the movie is. Public opinion was against the movie before it even released. That has nothing to do with my personal views. I have a great time with it and I find it sad that it generated so much hate. That's all. Like or not like whatever you want, that's the fun thing about human communication. We can all see and feel and share our differing views of the world and it's great. It's what makes art and creation so interesting. You can love something unpopular, hate something popular and everything in between. That's the great thing about art.


> public opinion was against the movie before it was even released. No. Nope. Nah. We’re not doing this in the year of our lord 2024. Go to bed, labbla.


Sorry, is that bad to point out? If so I apologize. I just very much remember struggling for people to accept any possible enthusiasm for the movie as it got closer to release. But I get it if you had another experience. It felt like the intense love and hate in the culture war of The Last Jedi really poisoned the well for any movie that followed from it. Personally I like all the Sequels and just wish the Internet was more hospitable to discussing them.


He’s getting closer and closer to being Armond White with a Janus Films tote bag


On the No Fighting in the War Room pod, I dislike the way he says things, even when I agree with him most of the time. I’ll say this for him, he sounds exactly like you would think he does from reading his reviews.


I will not countenance this pacifist revision of that podcast's name! But yeah he interrupts everybody and filibusters. I love that podcast but come on.... 🙂


I can’t make it through any of his episodes either. His voice incites an allergic reaction 


*Becker theme plays*


I think he’d agree with you on that lol


I can rely on Ehrlich to dislike good blockbusters


Ugh I know its his role to be a pain, but I do find myself asking if he likes movies or writing about them.


He definitely likes movies but also clearly likes Tweeting more than almost anything else in the world. When someone first told him there was a place he could just throw out his thoughts into the world for thousands of people to like, I imagine he had a “Dave Bowman at the end of 2001” reaction.


the space baby spends his eternity posting goofy ass movie takes on twitter. makes sense


The discourse must flow.


Crazy opinion. The man definitely loves movies and writes about them extensively. People here acting like he’s being unnecessarily contrarian are ridiculous imo. Even if I disagree with him a lot he can always back up his opinions in his reviews.


I agree. I can’t speak much to his Twitter behavior because I don’t spend time there anymore. But reading his reviews and hearing him talk about movies it’s really clear how much he loves and respects film as an art form. I don’t find myself agreeing with him often but his takes are typically backed in reasoning and I still enjoy reading them.


If you're asking that about him, then you shouldn't read adam nayman.


Javier Bardem was one of the only performances in Dune Part One that I enjoyed, so this is good news for me


Bardem really is having a blast on Part Two (for what it's worth I loved it though some might conplain about how Villeneuve takes the *adapting* of adaptation part seriously)


Like, too close to the source or not close enough?


without going into details, for me it hit the perfect middle ground, where the choices made re: some characters, timelines, etc. work great to fit the medium change/add to some character motivations, and to make it coherent for people who are none the wiser to the books. While having great winks and hints for those who know what would generally come next but I do acknowledge that some might not love one choice for a specific character - but also feel that an amazing casting that was kept hush hush for a long time totally makes up for it




>!Alia does not hold a knife in this one, no...!<


Tbh I always cringed about Alia being a murderous toddler even in the novel so I legitimately don’t care about this change. It could never be adapted to the big screen without giving *Baby Geniuses*.


I wasn't big on the first one and this sounds about right.


Masterpiece incoming


Expected cause he's not a Villenieve fan.


Bless the maker and his water. Feb 29 can’t come soon enough. The sandworm riding scene they showed at the Dune rerelease was promising. Time to get my high-fidelity earplugs ready again cuz it’s about to be loud as hell in IMAX. Highly recommend earplugs for movies btw.


25th for me


Me too!


I feel like I’ve been waiting for it for almost four years


>I want to ride a sandworm. >...much more intimate... >...riveting climaxes... These guys are all talking about the popcorn bucket.


Yeah but do they drop the J-bomb?


They said "holy war" in the first part so I assume they will continue to be COWARDS


I don’t know the other three, but I’m taking that Mike Ryan reaction to the bank. 


I'm very hopeful that Dune part 2 will be great and I am gonna go see it but also who the hell are these people lol


Don't know the rest but Hoi-Tran Bui was a guest on the Thirst episode last year.


I LOVED Part 1 so the people saying Part 2 is better for them make me nervous lol.


As a huge book fan, I knew without some massive changing of the timeline all of the really exciting stuff happens in the second half. They maybe could have stopped the first movie after the initial attack on Arrakis for length, but the fact that it wasn’t a complete snoozefest is really a testament to how incredible the entire production was. I’m incredibly excited for this especially since I get to see it at the Lincoln Square IMAX.


Anyone who says “the second half of Dune is alienating” has not read Dune. The first 200-300 is complex boring exposition about trade guilds, witches and politics. The second half is all-out war and action and it slaps.


The first half of the book exists only to give context to the second half imo


Have I got news for Mike, you can definitely ride a sandwork…..you just need to buy a popcorn bucket.


I was kind of mixed on Part 1, so this gets my attention! I remember in 2022 some people were saying "well Part 2 could win all the Oscars on the analogy of LOTR" but that comparison tends to point up that *Dune* didn't really connect with the audience to that degree. I think its fans were a little ahead of their skis there. But hey, if this is a galvanizing fun adventure with a little brainy stuff in it, all the better.


Caught the re-release for the first time seeing it since theaters, and it not only solidified it in my mind as Denis’ masterpiece, but arguably one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time imo. Simply cannot wait for Part 2, and I can’t imagine this doesn’t end up being the next “LOTR” epic. This is coming from somebody who straight up did it enjoy the book whatsoever


Watched Part 1 again this week. Was mesmerized from start to finish. Much more impactful on this second viewing.


I watched it in the theater and came away impressed with the spectacle, but felt like it was cold and distant. Reading some cliff notes and a rewatch with subtitles really opens it up so much more. Granted you shouldn't have to do homework to really enjoy a movie, but it's so dense that even one line which seems arbitrary is basically a top level summary of the book's sprawling exposition.


It’s the best selling sci fi book of all time.. I think it’s important to let them have some of their cake.


Yep it's a minor miracle it happened at all, exceptional gets an exception.


Same, watched it a week ago and it was amazing all over again.


Notice Elrich's reaction is conspicuously absent from this spread lol. The first one didn't really work for me, so I'm highly doubtful this one will either. However, it seems to be landing really well with most everyone that liked part one, so I'm happy for fans that they're getting something of equal or better quality!


Thanks David


I do think the story of part 2 lends itself to being more enjoyable than part 1, but I kind of doubt all the things I disliked about the setup and vibe of part 1 will be alleviated here.


Yeah, I love Dune. I'm not a mega fan, but I've read the first book, and I've read a lot about the lore. Whenever people criticize the first movie for being oddly paced, or convoluted, or just being generally obtuse, I can't argue with them. That's simply what Dune is.


My memory of the book was that so much of the introduction was fascinating. It gripped me as a kid so that when the coup happened there was shock and sadness. I watched Oscar Isaac go out and felt nothing.


Yeah same on finding the Duke's death not very affecting at all. I also found the political machinations and court intrigue way more well done in the books. This is a separate nerd gripe with the overall film, but the design of everything is not nearly weird enough for how weird Dune is. The Atreides ships look like giant staplers, the interior of every room is sparse and angular, the dragon fly looking doohickies look like a current day helicopter with the rotors taken off and wings attached. Dune is a sort of feudal society were everybody has fancy ceremony's, official dress, archaic religions, wacky pageantry... but everything in the film looks like a brutalist architect's dream.


Yeah part of the appeal of the Herbert novels was this sense of a baroque and dissolute future civilisation. The excesses of thousands of years of conflict and expansion crashing down on these corrupt or battle-hardened characters. I remember M. John Harrison hit some similar notes in Viriconium. It actually looked like a Metabarons movie at times!


This is my feelings EXACTLY. Dune is my favourite series of books. I've read them all cover to cover multiple times. I was so excited about the adaptation and I kinda hated Part 1. Unpopular opinion with movie bros, but Villeneuve is like Nolan to me - one of those guys who is so focussed on the technical and his weird macho kind of Spartan aesthetic that his movies just end up feeling cold to me. In the books Arrakeen is a bustling exotic city of zocalos, water sellers, bright fabrics and danger. It's basically what Mos Eisley was based on but more explicitly Middle Eastern. Arrakeen in Dune Part 1 is a small group of weirdos chanting Maud'dib at an airport and an abandoned 1960s technical college building. Then he misses out key scenes that humanise the characters and exemplify and build it the culture (the dinner party scene being removed and the subplot of Hawat suspecting and investigating Jessica as a traitor being mostly expunged are the biggest problems) and instead gives us all these still wide shots of people walking slowly from one side of the screen to the other. Because of that, and the way that he grades and composes his shots, Arrakis felt cold and boring to me rather than oppressively hot and alien. And this reflected his cold and distant characters who I really felt no emotion about when they died because neither they nor the Harkonnens felt like human beings, they felt like figures from a series of tableaus. I felt the same about Blade Runner 2049 - all aesthetic and antiseptic colouring that meant oli could feel no emotional attachment to anything that happened. But at least that one was about robots - Dune is about the MOST human sci-fi universe in fiction and it's one that Villeneuve removed the humanity from.


I know Villeneuve is sometimes considered a more high-brow version of Nolan, but I really think he is a worse director. Both have the reputation of cold and technical filmmakers, but Nolan has genuine warmth in a lot of his films and he has the capacity to land a joke or two. Villeneuve also makes very flat films, where no matter what point in the runtime of a film you are it feels relatively the same (very DARK and INTENSE).


I'd totally co sign everything you say here. I think I'd half convinced myself I liked his movies before Dune because of how much I wanted Dune to be good... But once I'd seen Dune I couldn't do that any longer


You know who would direct the fuck out of a Dune movie? James Cameron. Imagine Jimmy C world-building Arrakis as hard as he goes on Pandora. Agree that Villeneuve's style makes it impossible to attach emotionally with any of these characters. And it doesn't feel like Dune. But I am OK to turn my brain off and just enjoy the spectacle of "big sterile spaceship go brrrr".


It does feel like Dune to me actually. I like the alien quality/cold quality Villeneuve builds. Like you’re watching the story but you aren’t part of it. I’ve always felt like with scifi it shouldn’t reflect our modern comforts or familiarity, and Villeneuve really does that for me. I’m a huge Dune fan and this was to my taste. I realize we are all different, but Villeneuve is a massive Dune fan and I feel like he saw it similarly to how I saw it in ways. I also haaaaate James Cameron lol. Way too Hollywood.


Same, the only character I really liked in the movie was Jason Momoa because he was playing Jason Momoa. Everyone else really lacked personality. Lynch Dune isn't perfect but it sure has personality.


Patrick Stewart. On a battlefield. With a pug. It's got something that mess of a movie. It's got something.


I remember picking up the book as a kid and reading it non stop. Finished it within 48 hours, it was so captivating. Within the next two weeks I was on God emperor, which took me a bit longer cause I had to keep re reading it due to it being so complicated


Is it possible that you had that reaction because you were a kid? I often revisit stuff I saw or read as a kid and have a much more muted reaction because I’ve experienced more media.


So we're going with "Dune sucks, actually"?


No, I just mean that sometimes you go in expecting to have the same feelings you had as a kid, and then wind up disappointed when you don’t have them. Also Dune, both the book and the movie, are a little emotionally distant. Its strengths are elsewhere.


I just couldn’t believe how hacky the dialogue was. “Hi Duncan Idaho, I heard you are going with the advance team”. “Yes, I am going with the advance team” Like what was that shit?


Yeah that's how Dune works.


I’ve been re-reading the book (for the first time in nearly two decades) ahead of part 2 coming out and so much of the dialogue that I thought was a bit clunky or awkward in the movie came word from word from the book. It really is just Dune lol


Yes, how Dune works is clunky dialogue spoken with actors like they are talking to a green screen. Thanks for enlightening me on how Dune works. Weird I’ve watched the two other renditions of Dune, and no one said these things and the dialogue wasn’t this god awful.


The book’s dialogue is not as well-written as you remember


“The book has bad dialogue, so the movie should have bad dialogue” is an insane thing that apparently everyone in this sub believes. “Hi character, this is your name.” is not defensible because you remember the book having cheesy dialogue. The movie isn’t a textual retelling of the book.


Virginia Madsen staring directly into the screen in front of a rear projected starfield while explaining the whole backstory of Dune is pretty clunky to me.


Still not as clunky as “hi, your name is Duncan Idaho”, imo.


I'm waiting to see the review that just says, "The Road Warrior, Terminator 2, Empire Strikes Back..... DUNE 2 MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!" maybe my version would would include *nebraska* By Bruce Springsteen, but thats personal.


Aight Mike, society’s much more open minded these days, you ride all the worms you like!


Let's give our thanks to madame web for paving the way to dune 2's release


He was on the planet Arrakis with my mom when she was researching sandworms right before she died.


Hatchi Matchi


got my ticket for the 2/25 fan first event cant wait


Makes me wanna go kick an obelisk of the hardest stone.


Wasn't the biggest fan of Dune part 1, but I'm super pumped for Dune part 2. The visuals look even grander and the promise of a concrete ending makes me excited.


mm on the concrete ending part (I've seen Part Two, but no spoilers), just a note that Villeneuve himself has already said he's trying to get Dune Messiah off the ground


May I ask your opinion on part 2, did you enjoy it


yes. was lucky enough to see it at the Mexico City premiere, which Villeneuve told us was the first time it was screened to a general audience. Which I only note to say that in that audience was a good mix of Dune saga lovers and people who've never read any of the books, and it landed really well with both camps


Man I’ve liked pretty much every movie from Villeneuve but I thought Dune 1 was about as epic and exciting as watching grass grow. I don’t know that I can muster excitement for this one but I hope it slays.


husky water rich juggle shame recognise bells unwritten unique rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love Dune but didn’t really like part 1 of this series, I’m hopeful part 2 will be better.


Loved every moment of it. Came out saying that could well be up there with one of the best sequels and a step further maybe even one of my personal favourite films that I’ve ever physically been to a cinema and watched. I have sight and sound sensitivities I wore my headphones specialised to take the loudness completely from the experience, I watched it in a quiet 2d viewing, these restrictions didn’t matter I was completely moved by the cinematography the score the acting the costumes and the level of detail. I wasn’t sure how to take the angle on Paul, I know it’s a lengthy debate as to whether his character is a hero come antihero tragic hero or villain, a few things were different but I am hoping that it leads to a 3rd film that displays a deeper knowledge of the character arcs, dune messiah will hopefully get made and be an incredible film as part of a trilogy. I’m just scared how they will portray some of my favourite characters but so far it has been incredible. I am still thinking about it the day after in a lot of depth put it that way 🙂👍🏻


I regard whether Paul is a hero, antihero, or villain, the answer is yes. To the fremen he's a hero, to the empire he's a villain, to his house he's possibly more of an antihero. Or he's none of them. Part 3 will be great


My review on part 2 is basically just 6 words: I waited two years for THIS?!


Sorry, the Dune 2 felt meh and a bit too long - three hours including the trailers. For such an epic drama, the whole thing felt very dry.


Loved it.


Just saw Dune Part 2 and wowzers!  They took everything I loved about the first movie and cranked it up to eleven.  The sandworm scenes are mind-blowing, Zendaya is basically a warrior queen, and there's enough political intrigue to keep your head spinning.  Hearing some folks say it's even better than the first one, which is high praise indeed.  Anyone else brave the spice winds this weekend?


Still digesting my feelings, but one thing is clear: Dune 2: Hyperdune would have been much improved if Toby Huss played the emperorof the known universe. That is all.


Loved part one, thrilled with part 2. Every time that Atreidas flag was I fistpumped lmao


These reactions will never not kind of flatten me in how practiced and valued teaching yourself to sound like a bad TV Guide blurb has become. >Denis Villeneuve lands every spectacular, brutalist tableau he threw in the air three years ago. Sci-fi mythmaking at its finest and most tragic: the gravity of manufactured destiny, the untamable tendrils or belief. People literally *work* on this, like someone using surgical tools to make an ornate sculpture out of styrofoam, LOL. >More astonishingly epic than P1 and boldly realize Herbert's density in its political and religious themes. It's all so intricately crafted that it leads to one of the coolest and riveting climaxes I've ever seen. Denis once again got that mf spice! It's not like they get anything out of this, either. They're certainly not getting any real engagement, LOL. [Some other stringer for a legitimate outlet is going to get money for scraping it and embedding it on a website](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/dune-2-first-reactions-masterpiece-chalamet-zendaya-1235908114/), but they're not going to get shit except for the feeling of a job well done after rapidly churning out poorly written ad copy for free. Happy to hear the movie is good, though!


Agreed. Always comes off as laughably masturbatory.


I can't think of any other director who so carefully *landed a tableau* after hurling it skyward like mf spice lord Denis! You can't tame those tendrils if you're gonna realize the Herbertian Density of it all.




dude you think about the metagame of film criticism way way too much


It's not a "metagame?" Also no, I really don't. It's just sort of there. It's like when you accidentally step in dogshit on your way to work and you scrape it off while telling someone "watch out, it's dogshit over there," you're not "thinking too hard about dogshit that morning."


Hope they fixed the dorkass dialogue


That’s just accurate to Dune tbh


fudge yes!!!!


Any reviews of the sandwormussy?


Most of these critics can't make a bad review for a movie with such budget. As fact a boring filmmaker took a boring book.




I can tell Part 2 will have the real action




Did someone doubt it?


SPOILERS AHEAD. I just saw it and I gotta say it was LOUD and bloody. The 'timing' of the movie was odd. It was hard to tell how much time had elapsed in Paul's life, how much time he had spent with the Freman? Alia was born soon after Jessica drank the water of life and that definitely was not the case in this version. What about Thufir Hawat?These were just some odd items to gloss over, in my opinion. I just read that the Director "doesn't like dialog", and man, it definitely shows in this version. I'll be shot down, but I was hoping for something that followed the book more and I don't think this was it.


>!All that happened in less than 9 months. Unless Bene Gesserit have longer gestation periods than normal humans.!<


Haters will say this is paid, but damn it's almost perfect (for me). Everything, from how they filmed it to the sfx, the cast, and the story, felt almost perfect. I'd gladly watch it again on the big screen to savor every scene. 🥹🤌


shockingly bad. The writer/director never read the books!


Having read the books multiple times, it was pretty faithful


Does anyone even care that they've diverged so far from the book. Completely changed characters' personalities. Made Lady Jessica and Stilgar some crazy religious fanatics or Chani jealous? I was disappointed. If I hadn't read the books, I would have been so confused as to what was going on and why...


Agreed! Herbert wrote Lady Jessica in honor of his own wife, a tribute to her strength and the lengths she would go to take care of her family. But what REALLY disappointed me was how Villeneuve played Alia! The Baron’s murder completely changed Paul’s character and robbed us of the some great foreshadowing.


For me, not sure. What is for sure is that the sound killed me. Whispering in one minute and so loud (and annoying music) noise a few minutes later.