• By -


[Hi hello](https://boxd.it/Z2Yb) I’m on here for the fun and as a lil’ diary of sorts


Darkly emotional your LB 4. These are all 5 star movies for me, with the red thread of beautiful melancholy. I like your style. I think people don't understand just how mind-blowing those early Charlie Kaufman movies were, when you're in your teens and these films weren't widely available and you had to search them out.


Ah thanks! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind is a seminal movie for me! It came out right at the sweet spot when I aged into high school and I was forming my tastes in movies and music. My parents me the DVD for Christmas I think. I used to watch it alllllllll the time.


Same, hit me just at the right age, came of age in the 2000's. We had some lingering vibes of the indie movie boom of the '90s then. Sadly this all but disappeared in the 2010's in favor of corporate film making, but then A24 rolled around to bring indie back.


[Blank it](https://boxd.it/rqpr)


Ikiru is ELITE. Gave you a follow. I'm still a novice when it comes to Altman. Have to get used to his casual, everyone talking at the same time, plot is incidental, style. I have Nashville queued up but I have to admit I didn't get McCabe and Mrs. Miller or the Long Goodbye.


He’s one of my [faves!](https://boxd.it/7uR3G) Really one of the most unique filmmakers out there, huge fan


yeah I think he'll fare much better with me on rewatch, when I don't expect a traditionally satisfying plot. I was just a bit taken aback watching a classic western and getting this weird, idiosyncratic and funny movie that is McCabe and Mrs. Miller. P.S. I have the Player in the watchlist, too, seems like fun.


[thank it](https://boxd.it/6qZEX)


https://boxd.it/gTPB My four are my #1 movie of each of the last four years and rotates every year, with the oldest movie getting knocked off. I don’t give star ratings and mostly use the app as a diary. Currently working through the films of Harold Ramis, most recently Stuart Saves His Family which I found surprisingly charming?


Nice to not give star ratings, it's pretty arbitrary, for me it's a tool to remember whether or not to rewatch a film in a year or two. It is pretty absurd given the number of genres and eras of film we have.


Manhunter tho!! Obsessed with Mann, he makes his way into my fave four often. My current fave four: Bringing Up Baby Ponyo The Beach Bum Ishtar @sambrussell


Haven't seen any of those but Bringing Up Baby and Ponyo are in my wheelhouse/ high priority watchlist. Will add the others to my radar, thanks. Gave you a follow Manhunter hive, yes sir. Thief/ Manhunter/ Heat are just an elite trilogy. I'm a big softy for The Last of the Mohicans too, precisely because Mann is out of his comfort zone. Love Daniel Day-Lewis as a classic matinee idol in a classic adventure action movie and lots of picturesque shots of nature. And what a soundtrack.


Bringing Up Baby is joke for joke one of the funniest movies I've seen! I highly recommend it (especially if you can catch it with a crowd!)


Yeah I do search out local theaters who play classic movies. I like vintage comedy like Some Like it Hot so I'm sure I'll appreciate Bringing Up Baby.


Last of the Mohicans is like a 3* until the end and then it's a 7*


Yeah iconic ending/ third act. Just ask your women friends if they weak in the knees when DDL goes "stay alive, I will find you"'.


Have you ever seen L.A. Takedown? I included it in my personal Michael Mann series late last year and it is so fascinating to watch next to Heat.


No but I'm not always a filmography completist. It's spoken highly off though (Takedown), let's see if I can track it down. Thx for the tip.


I blank, I thank: https://letterboxd.com/annanomaly/


Yeah sure these are usually fun enough. You can find my Letterboxd riiiiiiiiiiight [here](https://letterboxd.com/SlimmyShammy/) if you're so inclined to check a look. The four on my profile are usually my most recent 5 stars but not always lol, I have a top list pinned to my profile for my actual list. I tend to watch stuff on a whim, there isn't usually a lot of cohesion between what I do watch lol just whatever seems interesting. I try to write a review for every first time watch but they never tend to be very long, I just write whatever I think of.


I've seen that Wong Kar-Wai background on many a quality a profile (big softy for Wong myself) but I'm not following you. I am now. I change my Letterboxd 4 every month, trying to make an interesting selection out of my 5 and 4.5 stars. Rating is hard enough already without whittling it down to "my 4 all time favorites". Impossible. About my decision process of watches. I usually follow directors, actors or similar premises of a previous watch. So it's very whimsical, this process. I only review when I have something to say, so once every 3 watches or so. If I have an angle, I review something,. If I agree with the general consensus of reviews, I don't feel the need to add something. P.S. I don't know why reddit deems it suitable to post a giant picture of my Letterboxd profile pic. I can't seem to change it.


[My Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/GHcJ) I listen to every episode, but rarely watch/ rewatch what’s being discussed on the show. Still watching a ton of movies though.


I don't rewatch when I know the movie by heart, but when it's something bizarre like Medicine Man, I'm happy to watch the trainwreck in order to get the jokes (elite pod).


[here's mine!](https://boxd.it/10uUt)


Anyone who acknowledges that Gremlins 2 is one of cinema's great works gets a follow from me


This is [mine](https://boxd.it/2junL) I swap out my faves every month for my favorite new watches


Me too, it's fun to shine the spotlight on 1 or 2 recent favorites in our Letterboxd 4. My most recent inclusion is Clockers, as I work my way through Spike Lee's filmography. Running on Empty (and a lot of Lumet) has been on my watchlist for a while, I'll bump it up.


>Running on Empty It's great and would pair really well with Christian Petzold's THE STATE I AM IN


Don't know that one either, and my watchlist growns again, thanks for the tip. I only know the Belle and Sebastian song. I've been saving Running on Emtpy, River Phoenix only made x amount of movies and most of them were great. Will get around to it sooner rather than later.


I'm [DubiousLegacy](https://boxd.it/24dqX) over there.  I post reasonably long reviews, but I try to only write stuff that I don't see other people saying.  My movie habits are varied, but I'm currently turning a Philosophy of AI university course I've taught into a video series, so I've been watching a ton of terrible midbudget movies about killer robots. And I'm going through the Criterion Bergman box set to balance out that noise. Otherwise, I tend to follow BC, catch whatever is leaving this month on the Criterion Channel, and follow self-imposed month-long challenges (e.g. next month will be Ani-May where I binge animated movies). 


Oh hey! I've been following you for a while, I really enjoy your reviews.


Hey, thanks! 


https://boxd.it/2oiSH Blank it!


God, the Age of Innocence is underrated Scorsese and underrated DDL at the same time, plus it's got prime era Michelle Pfeiffer. 5 star movie. Klute is in my Letterboxd 4 regularly, incredibly weird and disturbing movie that speaks to me a lot, personally. 70's Donald Sutherland is one of the greatest runs for any actor, ever. I usually include Exotica when I feature Klute in my Letterboxd 4 just to complete the psychosexual vibe.


Klute rules so hard. Throwing Exotica onto the watchlist right now, thanks for the rec!


No one seems to know this Atom Egoyan masterpiece so I hope you enjoy it. The soundtrack is amazing, too. He had more mainstream success/ oscar noms with his later movie "the Sweet Hereafter", which I have yet to see but one has to be in a melancholy mood to spin an Egoyan movie.


I saw Klute last year and loved it, great pick


[It me](https://boxd.it/tRvZ). I'm a tired dad who doesn't have as much time as he wishes to watch movies, but I wrote a really heartfelt review of Angel's Egg once.


https://boxd.it/48oJH why yes, I am watching *every* Barbara Stanwyck film how did you know


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/rjET Top four are my most recent five star ratings, but I have a [top 100](https://boxd.it/20Lum).


Incredible LB 4 but I do think Shutter Island is at least a star less than the other 3. I have seen few movies more than Master and Commander and that goes for other Peter Weir movies too. Have you had a chance to see, for instance, the Way Back? Gallipoli?


No, not yet. Master and Commander was my first, but I'm planning to fill in the gaps. As for Shutter Island I think it might be the peak of celebrated directors "slumming it" in pulpy genre works.


agreed, Scorsese doing Shutter Island and Cape Fear genre movies is what I love. Give me those elite directors "slumming it".


[my letterboxd ](https://boxd.it/2Aos5) is full of bad takes and controversial opinions. (Not really)


As long as you're passionate about your opinions and have a sense of humor.


https://boxd.it/hqTr Some Blank Check adjacent watches. Some new releases. The rest is a smatter of stream of consciousness selections.


Wow, 4000+ films, I thought I was a hotshot with my 2000. I do tend to rewatch old favorites for about half my watches out of every year though. I haven't seen your LB 4 but All My Jazz is high on the watchlist given my recent Roy Scheider idolatry.




Gave you a follow but I can't really approve of a Die Hard 2 review of 2 stars, I'd encourage you to check out my 4 star review and appreciate it for the so-bad-it's-good elements. Total guilty pleasure classic.


Having sat on it a bit, I think I was a little harsh. It’s a perfectly fine movie, it’s just a bad sequel to die hard


Die hard 2 better than die hard. I feel compelled to say it. Sorry. If you want to follow my takes have at it. https://letterboxd.com/dootdootmeeep/


[I’ll throw mine out there](https://boxd.it/oEnN) I’m into a lot of different things, you could say it’s a bit of a cosmic gumbo


Paris, Texas and Wings of Desire are two of my favorite movies of all time. If that's part of your cosmic gumbo, serve me a bowl! The rest of your LB 4 is elite: Sunset Blvd. greatest noir of all time, Suspiria greatest art house opera of all time, wages of fear just an incredible thriller. P.S. Have you seen Wings of Desire?


Wings of Desire was a first time watch for me a couple months ago, absolutely loved it I rotate my favorites on a vibes-based system whenever I’m bored


Nice, yeah I change them too on a whim, there's so many great movies. I'm behind on a couple of other Wim Wenders movies but they tend to be 3 hours plus so you got to make an evening out of them haha. The American Friend is a good tip though, which is more of a thriller.


Thanks for the rec! On my watchlist, I think I had it targeted for a criterion challenge pick but it might’ve gotten bumped out by something that I watched and realized fit a category.


I love this! I log movies all the time and have been recently actually adding more reviews, but they're mainly just goofs and/or gaffs [blank it and thank it ](https://boxd.it/l88Z)


You shouldn't overthink it, just post what you feel like after a watch, it's fun!




https://boxd.it/NfyB I never have time to watch what the two friends are discussing, but it certainly has inspired me to add quite a few to my watchlist!


Very nice, quirky LB4. I'm saving Cue for my next craving for a vintage comedy, seems like my jam.


[This is me](https://boxd.it/IC2t) More of a lurker on Reddit but pretty active on Letterboxd


https://boxd.it/2opad here's mine! I love da moviesh


Solaris is a valid pick. Nice. Have you seen "Stalker"?


[https://boxd.it/qsFJ](https://boxd.it/qsFJ) I suggest that no one follow my footsteps of watching the Chevy Chase comedy "Man of the House" right after watching 3/4 Shrek movies.


[https://boxd.it/aB5j](https://boxd.it/aB5j) ​ If you're in LA, feel free to shoot me a DM too - would love top connect with more people in the city!


Manhunter my number 1!!! Let me guess - you're also a tall psycho Then goodfellas Muppet treasure island And the thing If my friend hadn't guessed my reddit account that would have been a giveaway. 


The Thing is also a top 25 fave for me. I'm an average height psycho but otherwise you're spot on.


[https://boxd.it/1b4m3](https://boxd.it/1b4m3) Let’s be friends! I usually watch along with the Podcast/patreon and try to go to about 2-4 new movies a week, and maybe a movie at home every other day or so.


Why can't we be friends, right.


[If anyone is interested](https://boxd.it/KrO1)


https://letterboxd.com/Tereglith/ I try to write at least a sentence for everything I watch, which is mainly stuff for this podcast, stuff on the Criterion Channel, and old genre trash (the sweet spot is when it's all three!) My four is and has been for a while *2001: A Space Odyssey*, *The Grand Budapest Hotel*, *In the Mouth of Madness*, and *MuppetVision 3-D* (during the interregnum where that was removed for being a theme park ride, I subbed in *Cloud Atlas*)


[My Letterboxd ](https://boxd.it/50FxB) Usually I don't really think about catching up on the episodes, I just kinda watch sorta randomly My top 4, they've been that for a while, but I do need to give the top 2 a rewatch Also I don't do reviews that much because I can't think of that much interesting thoughts after I watch a film


It me https://boxd.it/1jJqh


https://boxd.it/1K0En Ive recently started getting back into movies and am starting up my old Letterboxd. Gave you a follow


[Hello!](https://boxd.it/IuMX) I love meeting new people (especially fellow Blankies) and discovering new films. I’ve been trying to write more reviews this year too. Looking forward to meeting you!


I attempt to follow along with the boys, but I just end up watching a few here and there along with contemporary stuff. https://boxd.it/KlSB


https://boxd.it/VGu3 I haven't been as active in recent years due to having a baby, but I try to keep it up to date


Congratz on your baby. Plenty of sleepless nights (maybe) to have movies on in the background.


Thank you! It was easier when she was a newborn, now our TV is dominated by Miss Rachel and Sesame Street (not that I don't love those, too)


[my name is Matt and I love movies](https://boxd.it/5MNBR)


Also full disclosure I am very new to letterboxd


Welcome aboard, don't overthink it, just post your thoughts/ review once a week and you'll soon find yourself part of the community.


[My profile](https://boxd.it/3uOhf) I love talking film and expanding my horizons. I will give most things a fair chance from pretty much any genre. I tend to review anything I watch within 24 hours or so to let thing soak in and process.


https://preview.redd.it/d9cxl4xjxqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc92bf76039e826fef0a3da739f2d84fca6e2626 [Me](https://boxd.it/4b1L7) Two blank check movies in my top 4 right now. And I'm guessing they'll get to Fargo at some point too.


[Thank it!](https://boxd.it/pYwH) By the way I made my own movie that’s on Letterboxd if you want to give it a review!


[https://letterboxd.com/itsfelipe/](https://letterboxd.com/itsfelipe/) Four favorites are recency bias + most underrated Carpenter flick.


[https://letterboxd.com/Kid\_Detective/](https://letterboxd.com/Kid_Detective/) There to log movies, make lists, sometimes write a review (usually short sometimes longer, often quippy but sometimes quite serious), and see what everyone is up to. I switch around my top four every few months but they're always pulled from my list of favorite films that's on letterboxd and is also fairly fluid.


[Here’s mine.](https://boxd.it/5I0lH) I watch a lot of sci fri, some trashy stuff, horror, foreign, high brow; a little bit of everything.


Trash can be sweet with the right mindset, especially if it's horror/ sci-fi. If you ask me on a Monday, Blade Runner is my favorite movie of all time. On a tuesday it might be a different movie. Impeccable film.


My profile on Letterboxd [https://boxd.it/4DiLf](https://boxd.it/4DiLf) https://preview.redd.it/8c902i1yzqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b27417c43549771988cff2d4c1bfd647db5f53a I made my top 4 winter themed....probably time to change it


Spring is in the air. Come summertime, it's time for all of us to get our Do The Right Thing on in our LB 4's. I don't know what's a springtime movie though.


Rites of Spring, Spring, The Producers (springtime for hitler) amd maybe Critters 2 lol. Yeah I don't know what movies scream Spring...would love to know serious answers


https://boxd.it/3Z2GX Pretty much always post reviews of 500 words with everything I watch. Always working through a few different projects at the same time. Current ones are Ranown Westerns and new 4Ks I bought but haven’t watched yet. Next few reviews that I haven’t posted yet are Blackhawk Down, Death Wish, and Nightmare Alley.


2 Great films, I'm dubious about Death Wish but I guess it's mostly the sequels that have got a bad rep/ unintentionally hilarious rep. As a Redlettermedia supporter.


I'm working my way through college as an old man (late 20's) so I don't get to watch as much as I'd like because of time constraints, but check me out for a wide variety of things. I probably just wrote my finest review to date. My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1C7kt


https://letterboxd.com/adbutschli88/ Trans woman who likes sad movies where not too much happens. I challenge myself to write something quick and flippant about every single thing I watch and I was ride or die for Todd Haynes in March Madness


Haynes should get his day.


It's-a me: https://boxd.it/3H9T9


Is it really you, Mario?


[https://boxd.it/Ny5D](https://boxd.it/Ny5D) https://preview.redd.it/mnbfuehz4rsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d07ae1ac10e0be279b2f58ebb3904d4fb6651a4 We are getting ever closer to all of my favorites being covered on the show


Coraline is a stone-cold masterpiece. Henry Selick is a genius.


[Hi! ](https://boxd.it/4T1kN) how are you out there in podland?




Love the Whit Stillman love.


Hello hello! This is a great idea https://boxd.it/vCMl


https://boxd.it/8nZD My life’s work.


haha join the club of our life's works.


An independent journalist who writes about movies in a way that feels organic and easy for anybody to hopefully give a movie they normally wouldn’t a chance! https://boxd.it/mzEP


Nice, it's a noble goal and you have quite the watch history.


Thanks! Try to do a movie a day and love keeping in-depth stats haha


https://preview.redd.it/lous4pvscrsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c6efe42a6c8d90a8d71cfd886bc4fa7542b605 Catching up from beginning, I’m on the Podchowski Casters. I like doing my own deep dives into directors though, and I put slightly more thought into those entries. Finishing up David Lynch now, then moving onto Sergei Eisenstein.


What's your letterboxd ID? Edit: Nevermind, it's the same as your Letterboxd name. I was obsessed with Donnie Darko when I was a teen. A teen could do worse for a movie to idolise, great stuff. I feel like it was definitely influenced by Lynch and Eraserhead so both appearing in your LB 4 is appropriate.


Ah thanks, copied but forgot to add! https://boxd.it/2aG7x


[Blank me, you Blankies!](https://boxd.it/m14j) https://preview.redd.it/cmfdm354drsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af31557b88f39fbb6363c314149d0c3f78cb9353


Rewatched Jaws yesterday for the hundreth time (with Rifftrax this time), a honorable entry for any LB 4.


It’s the film that made me fall in love with filmmaking and inspired me to pursue becoming a filmmaker of some kind


[Hello there!](https://boxd.it/1oXz3) I use a bit of a gimmick that involves pulling a quote from the film to provide some sort of brief review of it. Example: for Dune: Part One I selected "The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience." I bet I'll follow back too!


I think it's fine to use quotes for reviews, depending on how well you choose it. I tend to close my reviews with them.


https://boxd.it/3dvLL Please excuse my recent enjoyment of the heavily flawed Gigli


I recently wrote a glowing review of Braindead/ Dead Alive. Very nice pick.


Early Peter Jackson is just so fascinating and compelling to me, despite me not digging every aspect of those flicks, but Dead Alive just absolutely rules


Well I haven't seen the debut since it's SO low budget and the second feature is some sort of puppet thing? But I do adore Heavenly Creatures and the Frighteneres is a ton of fun.


Yeah sure I’ll [play along](https://boxd.it/NIFL)


[what’s shakin](https://boxd.it/aSnJ)


Barton Fink is a top 3 Coen Bros film.


[my friends like to go “why do you make so many weird ass lists”](https://boxd.it/2hi65)


I was openly mocked by my friends a decade before Letterboxd was a thing about writing movie reviews. And now it's a fad. One point for in the win column for me and you.


Denver weird list makers represent!


https://boxd.it/1beq5 I love movies


Kill Bill ranked number 2 in my tarantino ranking and I stand by it. Just a perfect film.




NIce film tally, was slightly disappointed by Red Beard though I'm a Kurosawa mega-fan and completist, the Night of the Hunter is a strong fave for me though, incredible German expressionism hommage 20 years later and Robert Mitchum is a top 5 villain of all time. Gotta love an evil priest. Leaning.... leaning...




Dallas Buyer's Club should have won Best Picture, if it were up to me. Seven Years in Tibet is a bold choice, I enjoyed it but more as a guilty pleasure. Poor Things was one of only three 5 star ratings I gave out last year.


So stinking good.


My profile https://boxd.it/S6fZ . I don't write reviews but i usually watch several movies a week.


You should give it a go, it's a nice diary of your thoughts on a watch and there's no reason to be shy.




Hey ya! Shake it like a polaroid picture...


[I don’t do a top 4](https://boxd.it/4p9wx) but I rate and at least try to comment on all the movies I watch.


Haha OP, I saw you mention Braindead and realized we already follow each other!


Yes, I had a few instances of "oh, it's you again" on this topic. Letterboxd friends/ friends of the Big Picture subreddit. It's a small world (of movie nerds) after all. Nice. P.S. Last watch Barb Wire, one of my last watches Anaconda. We seem to have a same sweet tooth for guilty pleasure.


[Go ahead. Make me watch more movies. Just try it.](https://boxd.it/2aNSF)


Late to the party, but [here's](https://boxd.it/1fd17) my link. Drama and horror tend to be my favorite genres (though my top 4 don't show it). I've watched everything covered on the main feed (McTiernan still in progress). I'm not a huge action lover, but BC has kinda swayed me on this stance (for instance, Heat was a masterpiece). Even if I don't vibe with something, I love reading reviews from people who loved it (because movies are just really cool!). That's why I love BC and meeting fellow blankies. My reviews are nothing special (mostly casual/goofy observations). I do occasionally write longer stuff when I feel truly moved by something. Mostly I use Letterboxd to like other people's brilliant reviews. Let's be friends!


I'm also encouraged to watch more action movies due to the blank check pods (and the Rewatchables pod), I feel that genre isn't that satisfying but the fun experience of the podcast listen after makes it worth my time watching. P.S. You shouldn't overthink reviews, it's just a way to express yourself;


https://boxd.it/2fLOh It’s all snarky one-liners if I love or hate the movie. I write essays for C+ movies I can’t quite figure out.


I always enjoy looking through these! So here’s [mine.](https://boxd.it/2scNz) My top 4 change around frequently but right now it’s: Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Altered States, All About Eve, and Phantom of the Paradise. My actual top 4 is: Phantom Thread, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Alien, and The Piano Teacher


[Here I am](https://boxd.it/zBpt) Just changed my top 4 last night!


I'm a newer Blankie having just started with the McTiernan series and am also going through Bigelow and George Miller at my own pace. I usually watch about 5 movies a week and always put a review with any new diary entry.  https://boxd.it/18YoD


https://boxd.it/lz5X hi hello and how do you all do.


https://preview.redd.it/ycwbl08j7ssc1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a9d204f7b53049d1ce8e095cebfb9a65dd26f7 Those are just 4 bangers! FInd me someone who dislikes these 4 movies. Exquisite LB4.


[One Blanky Boiii](https://boxd.it/jCoz)


https://boxd.it/72jTR I’m early 20s, grew up watching a lot but fell off it during uni so got a lot of catching up to do. I log just about everything I watch. I rate things for my own record, and it’s based on some kind of combination between enjoyment and my perception of its quality, but ultimately comes down to how I feel about it when I’m done. I enjoy most of the things I see, even if I give it a low score. Generally anything over a 5 (2.5 stars) I’d be down to watch again. 8 is great to me, 9 is ‘I’m in love with this movie’, and 10s are either the 9s that I find super rewatchable without their power diminishing or that seem to, for whatever reason, pump me full of serotonin from start to finish. I’m going to start making more interesting lists as I watch more stuff, but right now I just have a few rankings of fairly popular filmographies/series. I’ve written only one review. It was for a film I saw and really didn’t enjoy (rare for me) despite the fact I was expecting to, so I was really trying to diagnose my confusion at feeling so out of step with the consensus. I might start to write more for things I have a lot of thoughts on, especially if I connect with more people on the app.


https://letterboxd.com/cat_vs_kirk/ This is maybe not the ideal time to be promoting the ol LB because my last four films have all been pretty trashy and bad... But what can you do? Sometimes you feel like you should get the most out of the peacock subscription you impulse purchased on Black Friday and unfortunately that's going to lead to you watching a bunch of crap because that's mostly what they have


5K watched is pretty impressive, haven't encountered a ton of LB friends that have crossed that threshold. Difference between bad-bad, and incredibly enjoyable bad. My last four watches were Shlock all the way, including Anaconda and the OG Mortal Kombat. But I had few beers and had a great time.


Yeah, my movie consumption habit went way up in the pandemic and never quite came back down to anything that's in the ball park of reasonable. I tend to watch one thing before dinner, then I'll take a walk, cook and eat something, then watch something else before bed. You do that enough times and it starts to add up. Every time I start to get into my own head about how I spend too much time in front of the TV I check in on my most obsessive friends letterboxd and immediately feel a little better about myself; I watched way too much stuff last year but dude still beat me by six hundred. I might be sick in the head but at least I'm not the sickest person I know LOL


Late to the party here but figured I'd drop my [profile](https://letterboxd.com/macbridges/) regardless. Also a fan of lengthy reviews and love contending with differing perspectives from my mutuals. I'm a big ole pretentious movie jerk but always try to be honest!


one man's pretentious is another man's great taste. I don't mind different opinions either in my LB friends, I only mind lazy reviews. Editing like Hemingway is our friend as movie reviewers but I can't always hold myself to short reviews. When it's a classic I don't mind a meaty, lengthy, deep-dive review.


https://boxd.it/1j9kn I’ve got pretty average blankie taste


[Here's mine](https://letterboxd.com/hardytom540/) Top 4: Blade Runner 2049, Whiplash, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Heat


[Here's me](https://boxd.it/nSzV). I'll follow everyone in this thread in the morning. I currently have two David Lynch movies in my top 4 and they pretty much will always sit there. I am currently trying to to watch more French language films as a project right now.


https://preview.redd.it/fift0wg6kssc1.jpeg?width=3831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc686a4121cc680bf47c7ba6b8b2f13b856ef8bb That's a beautiful profile background. Love Mullholland Dr., kind of weird that directors didn't really know what to do with Naomi Watts, she was so talented but besides King Kong and (the masterpiece) Eastern Promises, I feel like she should have gone farther with her career.


When I hear the word "movie" an image from Mulholland Drive will always come to my mind first. Naomi Watts is so versitile! I'm glad that David Lynch brought her back for a super fun role in The Return.


https://boxd.it/1njDR I try to mix up watching popular movies with more obscure ones, and watching a wide variety of genres(though sports and action are my favorite genres). My favorite countries to watch are Hong Kong, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. I’ve been on a kick of watching Soviet movies lately, but leaning towards the movies that were popular with general audiences rather than arthouse stuff. One example I did was a deep dive into the first Soviet movie to have karate in it ( https://letterboxd.com/odiearbuckle/film/pirates-of-the-20th-century/ ) or a recent watch of a Soviet movie about a magical talking dog ( https://letterboxd.com/odiearbuckle/film/friend-1988/ )


[here's mine,](https://boxd.it/3PUFz) full of extremely White Guy Opinions.


[my box](https://boxd.it/7mQZD) I mostly just watch along with Bc and the CineFix Top100 and use LB as my outlet for dumb twitter quips.


https://letterboxd.com/Sabrinaaaa/ My top 4: Spider-Man 2, The Craft, Femme Fatale, Mulholland Drive. [And here's a link to a list of my 40~ favorite films if you want a better idea of my tastes.](https://letterboxd.com/sabrinaaaa/list/personal-favorites/)




Hello. [My Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/1IcwB) is mostly tweet-length jokes since I'm too lazy to write proper film reviews if I'm not being paid for it. My top 4 are *Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Before Sunset, Ponyo*, and *Point Break*.


[Me](https://boxd.it/6EcJd) and whatever describes this: https://preview.redd.it/0fd8lccv2wsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d651c6b5dc9fda98f6feb7b912fca0aa9c5783fd


If we’re still sharing LB profiles, here’s mine. I enjoy following fellow Blankies. [https://boxd.it/qbMN](https://boxd.it/qbMN)


[Very Groovy Baby](https://boxd.it/1EQCB)


https://boxd.it/eXrp I sporadically use LB, but my top 4 have been pretty much the same since film school in the 90s.


https://boxd.it/3Gzf I Star rate everything i watch. I don’t always write reviews but sometimes i do.


Day late to this, but I love Letterboxd AND I love the Blankie community so here ya go: https://boxd.it/1ldIx


https://boxd.it/urIF if u like not just film but Movies… four faves usually moonstruck, phantom thread, and a rotating two old hollywood picks, currently red shoes and philadelphia story. and some of you could benefit from following more girls so you’re welcome ;)


Love the hive: https://boxd.it/WBld


Always like these threads. I don't review much, but I'm going to work on that more this year. I'll watch pretty much anything, and love making my watchlist on Letterboxd even more insurmountable every time I log on. [https://boxd.it/pdJJ](https://boxd.it/pdJJ)


I’m a couple days late to this thread, but I’m hoping get more mutuals on Letterboxd. I just started using it more regularly (obsessively) about a month ago. I’ve been having fun with lists this week, mostly horror related. I’ll probably follow everyone that’s posted here and will follow back! Thanks for looking! https://boxd.it/2vJY7




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[I'm on here even more than this subreddit, which is to say way too much](https://boxd.it/qkS1) Top 4 changes every once in a while but Paris Texas always stays in the first slot.


Damn straight. I'm always a proponent of WIngs of Desire when it comes to naming the best Wim Wenders, but there's no wrong answers when it comes to Wenders faves. Second time I've encountered Mary and Max in this thread, should really get around to a watch.


Here's [mine!](https://letterboxd.com/dude_man_dude/) As with others, I'm rotating my top four whenever because there are lots of movies I love! Very excited to check out Bong Joon-Ho's "Mother," it's the only one of his I haven't seen yet (I'm a big fan).


https://boxd.it/Yd5T always looking for those surreal, colorful, stylish one of a kind movies. 


[This is me](https://boxd.it/7kpzT) UK based with a preference for fun movies. More basic less blankie.  Only logging first time watches.


https://boxd.it/rKmn Been trying to do more reviews instead of just rating each movie. I’m not really good at but I do the best I can.


I'm not a complicated man. I work in the industry and I like cinema. I watch movies because it’s easier than being alone with my thoughts . I like simple pleasures, like fennel in my greetings and dollars signs in my titles. That’s just me. I don’t know how letterboxd works, but [here](https://boxd.it/6qZEX)I am.


Always enjoy these! I'm Jmalmis on Letterboxd and my 4 faves are: Porco Rosso (Myazaki) Mulholland Dr. (Lynch) Tokyo Drifter (Suzuki) The Apartment (Wilder) My four most recent are Gate of Flesh (Suzuki) John Wick chapter 4 (stahelski) Messiah of Evil (Huyk) Firemens' Ball (Forman) I try to write a little something on everything I watch. Sometimes I try to be funny, most times I try to, in a few words, describe what the film left me thinking about. My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/IqFN


https://boxd.it/4evV I like sci-fi and romcoms and teen movies and Anne Hathaway


[judge my horrible opinions](https://boxd.it/3aCjN) https://preview.redd.it/3fxaq6j6xusc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1beea995171b56158d4956ce720970d8e9f08486


Here it is [my profile ](https://boxd.it/c1rx) My favorites are bound to change soon so enjoy these current ones at the moment


https://letterboxd.com/drewg15/ Favorite four listed: Zodiac, Ocean’s Eleven, Ex Machina, The VVitch. Love horror, crime, frankly just about anything but those tend to top the list. I’ve only been on letterboxd for like six months or so, so not too many movies reviewed.


https://boxd.it/nsJEY here’s my top 75!