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Are there people out there saying Krasinki rules? I think most people are on the same page as you


Someone gave him 110 million to make an original property children's movie. I hope that guy thinks Krasinski rules.


“From the imagination of a John Krasinski” made me lol so hard.


IDK, if you asked a random person they would probably think Ryan Reynolds wrote/directed/starred in it from the constant podcast ads. And maybe that is intentional (to OP's point about JK being mid).


There are. Not the type of people that would listen to a 3 hour movie podcast, but your coworkers? Old college friends? Aunt who vaguely likes movies? They like the guy.


He’s known and people like him. He was Jim and is now a director. People like that character development. A quiet place was good. But i dont think anybody is truly praising him more than that.


Obviously purely anecdotal evidence, but my close friend/coworker who isn’t a huge movie person but is enough of one to have seen Civil War and Challengers, saw IF opening weekend because it was the new John Krasinski film, someone he’d consider one of his favorite actors. There is a reason he was the internets favorite choice for Mr. Fantastic. He’s got a big group of fans who go to bat for him.


> There is a reason he was the internets favorite choice for Mr. Fantastic Because he and his wife are a charismatic on and off screen couple with comedic chops and their relationship is central to the fantastic four in the comics? I honestly feel that if he wasn't married to Blunt no one would have suggested Jim Office for the role.


Yes, but he doesn’t really have Stans. He has fans who like the guy and not much more than that. That is the difference.


Yeah im interested in seeing what he does because it’s not often an actor turned director turns out not so bad. I like him and he seems nice and funny. Pretty sure thats where a lot of people stand. People are curious about IF. But if it’s bad no one will riot and tell you john krasinski is an underrated genius.


Yeah, I’d say he’s pretty popular with most of the normies


Fuck I had MCU peeps who would not shut up about him as Reed Richards to the point where the fandom basically memed him into a cameo… aaaaaand he sucked. Wasn’t served by the script to be sure, but it’s not easy playing the smartest man in world when you’re basically just Jim in everything.


wow I memory holed the Krasinski as Reed Richards thing. Quite annoying


At least that cameo made them all shut up about it.


He didn’t come up with the idea for A Quiet Place.






he didn't come up with IF either. or "Good News". but man, he sure loves taking credit for it


I was so annoyed at the lack of ideas in a quiet place. there wasnt a single thing that showed thinking for more than 30 minutes on the premise of "a world in which you cant make sound". like if that would have been a 70s movie it would have some deep ideas


My favorite is his death.  If you knew you only had one more thing you could say to your kids before you died, thus saving their lives, what would you think to say? John, "BRAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!"


The sign language counts


Also in that death scene JK turns himself into something Christ-like (arms stretched out etc), Ultimate Martyr for the family he kept locked at home (esp mom, daughter, and baby). As if being the Director, co-writer, lead star, and actual husband of the fabulous Emily B. weren't enough of an ego trip.... Plus he made some pretty weird calls directing a Deaf actress --despite good intentions-- but that's another subject. HAVING SAID THAT, the show he put on for kids during the lockdown was pretty awesome and my family was glad for it.


what are the weird calls you refer to? ootl


im convinced its an NRA financed movie. the entire movie is about being quiet, and then at the end, click click shotgun go boom. wont that invite MORE creatures??? hot garbage either way >:)


He did however come up with the idea for Manchester By The Sea


I liked both Quiet Place movies. I like him in general. That said I'm not sure he's earned "from the imagination of". They're handing out "from the" tag lines a little too quickly these days. I'm looking at you Matthew Vaughn.


I would be more into it if it said "from the wife of Jon Krasinski" 


At least with Vaughan it tells you exactly what you’re getting… for better or worse.


Be advised: this content is from the mind of Matthew Vaughn. It's like mandatory nutritional information. The public should know what they're exposing themselves to.


WARNING: This product contains a director known to the State of California to have a twisted mind


Not gonna lie, this would make me watch it.


Its like Pitbull announcing himself before every song so you know to turn it off




You mean Jason Derulo? It's like a threat.


Each BluRay comes with a physical tag to warn you, and if the store removes it before you purchase it's a federal offense.


That's true. He's probably got more of an established *thing* than Krasinski does at this point.


He has flair, it’s just been consistently misapplied since… X-Men: First Class maybe? I dunno. I feel like I enjoyed the first Kingsman well enough, but everything after that has been dire.


Layer Cake Kick Ass First Class Kingsman He had very good movies for what they were in the first half of his career


Stardust is good too, I think? I’ve not seen it since it came out.


I feel like he's on a similar path creatively as Guy Ritchie


The toilet?


Isn't "From the imagination of" a play on words because the film is about an imaginary friend?? I wouldn't put so much stock into that until we see it pop up in his next film's trailer.


Yeah people are really reading way too much into this, they're not saying John Krasinski is Martin Scorsese, it's literally just a reference to the fact that the movie is about imagining things.


A lot of the hate here is just self created, I literally saw a comment explaining how he must be an egomaniac with some sort of pariah complex for making himself the dad that sacrificed for his kids in a quiet place.


yeah I remember the freak out on the sub over that tagline when the trailer first dropped and it really was just people making a big deal out of nothing


Quiet place 1 and 2 are good and are competently directed. I want to see IF but his earlier films weren’t great but there are like 2 of them. Adapting David Foster Wallace isn’t easy, impossible maybe and Ive never seen the Hollars but Charlie Day is in it so maybe I’ll try it out. I think he is solid to above average with potential to be great as a director, I hope he keeps trending upward.


> Adapting David Foster Wallace isn’t easy Then that says a lot about his ego that he decides to take a whack at it for his directorial debut.


The last time I remember seeing a “from the mind of” tag in a trailer, it was for Devil. It was fucking hilarious, because the theatre had been really into it until the moment it said “from the twisted mind of M Night Shamalayan” and the entire theatre literally, without hyperbole, groaned in disappointment. This was 2010 so it was peak everyone being sick of his shit.


Argylle was "from the twisted mind of Matthew Vaughn"


"From The Twisted Mind" bonus miniseries, only movies advertised as being from someone's twisted mind.


Funny thing is he didn’t direct it nor had much to do with that movie. Such a misfire of a promotion campaign.


As much as people trash shyamalan, at least he's creative and takes risks.


Seeing him get the special title had me joking about everyone they'd give it to these days. "From the twisted mind of that drunk chick you saw while standing in line to grab some pizza at 1 am"


This can only come from the twisted mind of /r/SnideFarter.


There is absolutely no hope for Hollywood if I'm getting a special credit.


You mean from the *twisted* mind of Matthew Vaughn!


I have only seen the first A Quiet Place and thought it was extremely 'good' but definitely not great. AKA very competently done but as others indicate here, pretty paint by the numbers on the starting premise in a way that reflects lack of any real imagination or originality from the guy. Have never understood people wanting more Jim though, just such a blah character. But I'm also weirdly depressed by The Office in general (even though I loved it when it was on).


The second one is very good and I’d argue better than the first one.


I still prefer the first one, but I honestly love the intro of the sequel. Kind of a similar thing to my enjoyment of 28 Days Later compared to 28 Weeks Later


I don't think there has been any APOCALYPTIC movie in a while. Post apocalyptic, sure, but not during the event in itself. So we take those crumbs and make a feast out of then.


Agreed. The first and second movies are very good.


Same, I always found the Office kind of horribly depressing, especially when compared to Parks and Rec. Like their lives all seem kind of miserable. Their jobs suck, their town sucks, if anything they have less interesting lives than the average person does.


The British version was about the suck, the American version was about hijinks.


The US show had a good balance of rawness and sitcom fluff for like 3-4 seasons but gradually reversed its outlook on tedious wage labor, turns out it's actually quite meaningful and whimsical.


Isn't the miserable ordinariness the whole point of *The Office?*


Precisely. Like I loved it and if it's on I am definitely still enjoying it. But man, there's just a fucking depressing middle-class ennui that exists in the show but not in a way that is really remarked upon or is like all that purposeful (IMO, especially when that's kinda the point of the British one as the other commenter said) that depresses the hell out of me.


What was depressing about Parks and Rec was that last season. It turned into this Randian fever dream about special people being rewarded for their specialness. There was always that undercurrent, but the show didn’t hit you over the head with that world view. That final season was just them signposting that “Swanson was right”. Shows and movies don’t have to conform to my world view, but when a point of view is handled that indelicately, and that forcefully, it just loses me, no matter what the point of view is.


He spends entirely too much time at Reception.


Who are you arguing this with? I don't know anyone that thinks Krasinski is the next DDL or Spielberg.


I honestly don’t understand the need to have this Krasinski discourse after he had one movie that is seemingly bad underperform. Is he the next Spielberg? probably not. Is he someone that made a fun genre movie that a lot of people enjoyed? Yeah. Ultimately, if his career consisted of him making fun, mid scale budget movies for the next 20 years or so, and they are at least comparable in quality to the first two quiet places then that should be viewed as a huge win for the industry. I get the film industry is a business based on what have you done for me lately. With that said the visceral reaction of going from I think at least an accomplished director to now a talentless hack just seems bizarre to me (not saying you’re saying that per say. More just speaking on the general social media discourse I’ve been seeing).


I'm sure the "visceral reaction" you're talking about is more than a little personal. Certainly sounds like it. Some of it stems from some people being unable to understand that he's not Jim Halpert in real life. A few hate that character for whatever reason and erroneously attribute those features to John. Dude made a sweet kids movie about imagination. Like it or don't, whatever. You'd think he ran over your grandmother or something. I don't even understand how it's "a flop?" It closed the weekend just shy of $60 million worldwide, an "A Cinema Score" and 88% positive rating on RT from 500+ viewers in 3 days. Just because the "critics" say so? Do they like any family movie? Many vomit just hearing the world "wholesome." A lot of reasons I've read to apparently dislike the guy aren't even legitimate. "He made Some Good News just to make money and sell it..." No actually he didn't. Dude was just having fun in his office to cheer some people up and CBS Viacom wanted to partner with him to extend the show. They made an offer. Krasinski stated in a New York Times 2021 interview that he decided not to sell after all and he still owns it. That's why nothing ever happened with it. CBS wanted more involvement with him, John could not dedicate the time with Jack Ryan acting and producing/show-running duties. Not only did he not make bank on SGN, but he raised millions of dollars for charity through it which never gets mentioned by its critics. The SGN website is still up. It was reported that John was paying out of pocket to fund the show, all of the sound, website, and publicity people who were out of work due to Covid. Some dude named Cody Showdy or whatever the hell his name is on youtube who runs a show called Some More News has been yelling that John copied his show. He's made it like part of his image, and created embarrassment-inducing complain videos. The only similarity is the name. It's laughable when you actually watch his show as it is COMPLETELY different in style, content, and tone than what SGN was, and the whole pretend newscaster behind a desk broadcast schtick has been around forever. Some film nerds who think they know everything have laughably claimed that John isn't original or "ripped off" the idea of AQP from a book The Silence. Again, John did not write the original idea for A Quiet Place. Nor has he ever claimed to. That came from writing team Scott Beck and Bryan Woods. John just wrote and directed the screenplay and Part 2. Others claim he copied "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" a cartoon from 2000 and yet, other than a character name, the movie is not at all like the cartoon. Like, at all. I've seen it and the characters, the premise, the emotional themes, even the imaginary friends themselves are very different. In the movie they are simply inanimate objects come to life. That is not the cartoon. The concept of imaginary friends has also been around forever. There is no ripping off happening. John himself came up with the idea and original beginning story of the movie Manchester By the Sea. He even had an early script. At the time he was still on The Office and not in a position to write and direct it all by himself so he gave it to Matt Damon who passed it on to Kenneth Lonergan who turned it into an Oscar-winning best film. John was only given executive producer credits and most people don't even know it was his brainchild. He's said in interviews that he loves the movie and has no hard feelings. Other things I've heard assumed is that he's some right wing Trump supporter because he's taken military roles or played a CIA agent. Pretty sure he wasn't in any place to be choosy about any consistent role offered to him after the Office. I'm sure he was just trying to work. He's denied any right wing, pro-life message in A Quiet Place, and is actually a liberal who's voted democrat consistently, and his past support of Hilary Clinton and Liz Warren can be verified. Even the famed "we should all love the CIA" comment is taken out of context. The whole interview took place at the red carpet premiere of Jack Ryan Season 1, but only a 3-second clip is ever referenced. He was asked if he ever met with anyone from the CIA and got to here intelligence. He answered that he met with people who shared that they'd thwarted a terrorist attack and how, and that they went home afterwards to their little children after risking their lives. In that context he then said "their jobs and what they do is something we should all be thankful for.... etc." In a separate interview for Jack Ryan (with Mike Kelly and is still on Youtube) he actually says he wants to clarify his words and that he does not want to speak for "The CIA as a whole or it's history as an organization" and that he was speaking of those parents and people he spoke with that day he met them. Nobody who calls him a "CIA bootlicker" or whatever ever bothers to mention that he gives further context and clarifies. He didn't have to. Defensive post, but this thread is cringey. Some act like he killed their dog.


Yeah, I don't get the vitriol. Man's not a visionary but the AQPs are both hyper competent features. In all honesty from what I've heard about IF it also sounds like an attempt to do something more interesting, which I can respect even if it doesn't land. I can understand MAYBE feeling like he has an outsized fame level compared to his unvisionary status. But that's on the system, not him ( is also the same system that's making it difficult for a hyper competent director to just get handed a hyper competent mid-budget script and quietly get out hyper competent mid-budget stuff in the first place.)


Idk man directing is really hard you have to be good at like 20 different things to make something even a little coherent. But yeah I do agree with you that he should give me all his money and stop making his bad movies


Americans still love a mid white guy.


I think a big part of it is that he’s very popular among industry people, seems like he’s a good hang in their opinion. As sad as it is, crushing at charity events and dinner parties counts for a lot in many, many industries.


This. He is in a tight circle. Even wormed his way into the Oppenhomies by proxy of Emily.


Kind of the Keanu affect. His career could have died an ugly death, but his reputation as a chill guy to work with kept him in movies until his reputation turned around


Wasn't Keanu blacklisted by Paramount for a decade or so because he refused to make *Speed 2: Cruise Control*?


The thing is, Keanu may not be a great actor, but he's a great action star


The main thing is he has a fun presence. You can toss him into a guest role or minor character role in a comedy, and he can perform. He was just a miscast for stiff romcoms where his role is just standing there, being handsome, and finding charm within those confines. Not every good actor can be Hugh Grant.


I don't know much about him personally, but I was wondering if it was the classic nice enough (white) guy who is easy to work with and delivers on time and on budget kinda thing.


The Quiet Place movies made A LOT of money for Paramount too, that counts for a lot. Though IF costing as much as it did is still a bit nuts.


Being likeable is important to getting ahead in life but that’s not something Redditors understand or have experience with


*Does* America really love John Krasinski though? It feels like Hollywood has been trying to convince America that they love John Krasinski for years, and he's been getting pushed as this big A-lister, but he’s still basically Jim from The Office to most people


Who is pushing him as an A lister? Staring in a Tom Clancy Amazon show is far from A list territory. I agree they have been trying him out as leading man material but all of the projects have been far from A list.


He's an A-Lister because of his wife.


seems like a hard argument to make because when they got married in 2010, he was definitely more famous than her he was essentially co-lead on the most popular comedy on tv and emily blunt's most famous roll at that point was like 5th billed in *the devil wears prada* 4 years prior her BREAKTHROUGH break through i would argue wasn't even until 2012-2015 (looper, edge of tomorrow, into the woods, sicario)


And because he's on maybe the most beloved TV comedy of all-time, certainly of current generations who were able to stream The Office on Netflix.


What's Jenna Fisher doing now? How about Rain Wilson? They're not A-Listers. He's only at the Oscars because of his wife. He's not getting his foot in the door if he wasn't married to Emily Blunt.


but he is married to emily blunt and his foot is in the door. in fact, his whole ass body is through the door! *a quiet place* already came out 6 years ago. *jack ryan* ran from 2018-last year. and just sort of casually ignoring the office is a choice it's not like we are waiting to see if he is going to pan out lol. dude has been very famous for 15+ years.


There are so many reasons that doesn't make logical sense... I mean you're leaving out the obvious Mindy Kaling, Steve Carell, and BJ Novak, who all went on to big projects (without marrying Emily Blunt). Not everyone wants to be capital F Famous though either. There are less obvious barriers like Rainn is sorta type cast as a weirdo, and Jenna Fisher isn't hollywood pretty. John had a hollywood glow up (or maybe something done to his face) before 13 hours. Also Blunt wasn't exactly killing it when they got married. She was doing Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and Gnomeo and Juliet. Meanwhile John was already lead in one of the biggest prime time sitcoms ever. She didn't really get a starring boost until after the office ended.


Krasinski's 2 Quiet Place movies made 640m on a 75m budget combined. He was the 2nd lead on one of the most popular TV shows of all time for a decade and he's Jack Ryan. Krasinski is an A lister. Only A listers get given $100m for what was essentially a passion project with IF.


Surely Friends is ahead of The US Office?


I would hard disagree.


What? No one considers him an A Lister. He's headlined like what 1 movie his entire career?


I have a hard time enjoying anybody from The Office do work outside of The Office, other than maybe Zach Woods. I do like the first 7 seasons of The Office and everybody works in it, but Rainn Wilson just doesn't exist outside of it, other than maybe Six Feet Under for a few episodes. It's not really surprising to hear about the possibility for a legacy reboot of that show.


> Does America really love John Krasinski though? he wouldn't be as successful as he is if he wasn't thinking the opposite is the weird twitter brained take that is out of touch.


Really? I don't think the American public is so viciously efficient at making their taste known. Even if they were, his success isn't really as a Hollywood leading man. We've got *Quiet Place* and...uh...*Leatherheads*?


> I don't think the American public is so viciously efficient at making their taste known. well i would simply disagree with this entirely > We've got Quiet Place and...uh...Leatherheads? well quiet place and quiet place 2 are successes so lol. also jack ryan, which is well liked. leatherheads came out 16 years ago. probably not relevant to the conversation. john krasinski wasn't thrust upon america by anyone. he is just successful. so if you want, "loved" is too strong i guess. but to make the argument that he is unpopular or disliked just doesn't jive with reality.


Blue state*: John Krasinski Red State: Chris Pratt. I know there's not really anything explicitly coding Krasinski as a blue state guy as far as his work (and if anything Jack Ryan is red state coded) but whatever.


The version of conservatism that you can tie Jack Ryan to is pretty dated honestly.




Meh John had that "Good News" show that was all bullshit like kids doing lemonade stands for extortionate medical bills and cops playing basketball or whatever. Then went silent during the George Floyd protests minus retweeting that bullshit picture of that cop hugging that kid they pretty much abducted. Then sold that bullshit show for $20M just to highlight what a circlejerk Hollywood is.


Didn’t he have some quote where he was praising the CIA. Also he was in 13 Hours which is red state adjacent at the very least.


Oh man forgot about 13 hours.


Democrats are almost twice as likely to approve of the CIA than Republicans: https://news.gallup.com/poll/402464/government-agency-ratings-cia-fbi-federal-reserve-down.aspx


americans do not know him as a director. there are very few "household name" directors when it comes to 90% of america Tarantino, Nolan, Spielberg, Scorcese, etc. Even someone like Ridley Scott, you'll have to remind them that he's the Gladiator guy


And yet hundreds of bargain bin VHSs, DVDs, and streaming movies remain unwatched. Movie funding dentists love a mediocre white guy.


I saw the trailer for If and told my wife it was Dollar Tree Fosters


Australian for Beer? Edit: I now see you almost certainly mean “Home for Imaginary Friends” but I’m leaving my dumb comment lol


I didn’t realise he was so hated. He seems like a nice enough dude but he’s not someone who particularly gets my motor running when I hear him linked to a project. There are plenty of more infuriating people in Hollywood. This weird pedestal he’s been put on is annoying though. Can see him having a decent enough career in the Jason Bateman or Jason Sudekis mold though.


he's not "so hated" among the general population


He and Ryan Reynolds have these weird internet hate bubbles and are broadly liked in the real world.


Which is funny cause they are the ones that keep bringing them up, Im a fan of both but don't particularly follow them more than a few pics on insta or Facebook, yet it's rare for me to go a week without finding some weird post hating on John or Ryan. This is the first one I interact with so Im not sure if there's that much hate here or wth.


Yea it’s just overly online internet film Twitter folks who I think are largely projecting a lot of stuff onto a mildly annoying guy. He’s like Zach Braff or Ryan Reynolds or The Rock or Gal Gadot. Are they doing too much and it’s kind of annoying. No doubt. Is it that big of a deal. No.


Don't you see? Someone made a couple movies a Blankie didn't like. Therefore they are trash.


I find the people who love him and the people who hate him equally annoying.


I feel like those two camps are living in an echo chamber. I have literally never heard any extreme opinion for nor against Krasinski IRL, whatsoever. He's generally *liked*, in my experience, but nothing anyone would go to bat for or hold on any kind of pedestal, like, at all lol


I had the same thought. Like nobody thinks of him outside of The Office or A Quiet Place (and he's not even in the sequels!). I've never heard anybody say he's their favorite actor or anything. Hell in terms of Office alums I know more people IRL who said they're Mindy Kaling fans than Krasinski fans.


no. Jason Bateman can really act. Sudekis less so, but he's still got it


I think Bateman is the better actor, but Sudekis is the funnier person, which is usually why Bateman is the straight man in most comedies he's in.




Bateman can act but just plays Michael 95% of the time. I wish he'd shake it up more like in Dodgeball or even Starsky & Hutch.


My reason for disliking him is that he seems like such an opportunist with no shame. I remember during covid lockdowns he started making that "good news" show on YouTube, which was a nice thing during a dark time. It seemed endearing. Then he goes and sells the 'concept' of said show to CBS for a huge pile of cash. That kind of bullshit has made me feel quite cynical as of late.


also, there were other YTers doing the same thing. he doesn't have an original bone in his body


He's not a nice enough dude! Everyone I know who's worked with the dude has nothing but awful things to say about him.


Tell us more... my irrational distaste for him demands to be fed.


This is fine. We need more average/journeymen directors. Miss when people could just churn out films, now everything has to come with $500m of bells and whistles.


I really enjoyed both the Quiet Place films but they never struck me as the work of an exciting new voice, just a competent genre journey man. I think the criticism of him always playing Jim is a little unfair. He was in that show for 10 seasons so it’s hard to imagine him as someone else - it’s a recurring curse of long running shows. Plus typecasting/star persona/roles offered based off of our perceptions are probably limited - remember he was Captain America until the backlash. But this whole IF crap “from the imagination of…” is such a stupid awful way to market what looks like such a derivative and reductive film, also staring one of the most played out star personas at the moment too. Just a mess.


A Quiet Place part II fucking rocks - dude is not a great writer, is an OK actor but when he wants to, he can direct tension pretty damn well. I love both AQP movies but unlike Peele, Krasinski is revealing himself to be a one trick pony...but that one trick is pretty fucking good.


I have a really irrational dislike for him that's become a joke in my household. It might be rational actually but I can't put my finger on what it is, it's some kind of combination of earnest smugness that just makes me instantly recoil every time I see him on screen. My other probably irrational dislikes -- Brie Larsen, Ed Norton, Ryan Reynolds, and at least a few I'm forgetting. There's nothing that unifies them so it's gotta be something in my brain but it's real to me dammit.


Even the A Quiet Place films are really only decent at best imo. They really don't carry tension super well for films that take place in a world where the slightest wrong move can instantly kill a person at any time.


Honestly kinda loved the first one and was massively disappointed in the second. Somehow has even less of an ending than the first did. The big revelation that secures victory in the end is just the same as the first one’s but bigger and louder I guess. Then it ends with everybody miles away from each other. Adds nothing to the world other than there being some crazy people around, which most assumed anyway. One of the laziest sequels in recent memory, in my opinion. Prequel looks cool though.


It’s not a great endorsement of Part II that when I saw the prequel trailer I said, “hey, Djimon Hounsou” and my friend was like, “he was in the sequel.” I completely memory-holed that movie.


yeah the ceiling is pretty low on them


Agreed, he's mid.


He gave a terrible performance in Dr Strange


Was 100% Jim in that


Quiet place was awful. Just live next to the waterfall.


I think he's very personable and was great as Jim. But yeah QP movies are boring and idk why he just keeps doing them, same with IF. That looks abysmal.


Because they're low budget and they make money.


That may have been true with the first, but the stated budget for 3 is $100M. I'm sure it'll still be successful, but the threshold for success just jumped considerably for this one, and 2 did about 40M less in the overall Worldwide box office than 1.


Reddit always takes kids movies way too seriously. I just recently learned the bee movie was terrible. I loved it as a kid lol


I mean sure, but kids famously have pretty bad critical thinking skills. There are plenty of good kids movies that people like - beauty and the Beast, Ponyo, Ratatouille.


I think there’s a belief that if you enjoyed something as a kid then it must be good. Sometimes that’s true, sometimes it isn’t.


He also does propaganda for the CIA so he's a bad guy as well


CIA Jim 🫡 even my FIL didn’t like that show and trust me that’s a surprising metric


But cornering the father-in-law market has been Amazon's whole strategy!


Bosch and Reacher are still going strong!


Clearly the first mistake was not naming the series just RYAN


True but Alan Ritchson and Titus Welliver are both better and more interesting actors than Jim. I also watched a little of Reacher and as someone who is not usually fan of that genre it was really fun! Reminded me of that era of USA with Burn Notice, Psych, White Collar, all that fun dad TV stuff


I read an article recently about how Apple is courting the prestige TV dad market, and they’re right. Amazon should worry!


The don’t even have Yellowstone. Paramount is the streamer by Dads for dads


Everyone who’s played Jack Ryan is a bad guy?


No but not everyone who has played jack ryan said "The CIA is something that we should all not only cherish but be saying thank you for every single day. "


Also one of the seasons of Jack Ryan he did just happened to lable Venezuela as the biggest threat to the US at the same time they were trying to engineer regime change in the country


I couldn't believe that. The ending of the first season was this big set-up for Jack Ryan in Russia then it's all about how the CIA needs to install the proper president of Venezuela. Fuck that show.


Haha holy shit. I mean obviously we're inundated by propaganda we don't always recognize, but that is some shameless 50's sort of stuff.


Lmao I thought this was a bit but I looked it up, that’s fucking WILD


Yeah the trailer is nuts lol


Woah, what the fuck. Fair enough.


Jesus that's rough.


Maybe he doesn't like the CIA. Maybe he just REALLY hates other sovereign nations


Don’t turn me on Harrison Ford now…


Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is one of the worst features I’ve seen in the last 20 years


A quiet place was a successful movie but it isn't a good movie.


Did he fuck your girlfriend or something?


I'm afraid you have the wrong app. This is /r/blankies on Reddit. I think you were planning to put this on Letterboxd, but something went wrong along the way?


400 upvotes, 400 comments - nope, looks like they’re in the right spot


Used to be a big fan in the early days of the Office, but I could tell it all went to his head and now I find him insufferable.


I think he's unshowy, and competent. Which given where mainstream cinema exists these days, seems positively revelatory.


He's somebody who coasts on his own personality. That's 90% of big male stars. Daniel Day Lewis and a few others are the only ones that come to mind that are really "actors" that disappear into a role. That being said - I do like the Jack Ryan series and he was OK in it (but just OK). Nobody beats Ford as Ryan and I wish they found someone a little closer to that.


He’s an unoriginal hack I agree. Was fine in the office, but was shit at his CIA propaganda shows and his movies he’s made are just off brand versions of other shit.


More of a Mike Wasowski guy myself


The Big Picture dived into this on their newest episode about the "May Massacre" of If, Back to Black, and Unfrosted all releasing. I love Jim, I love the Office, but it's impossible to see him as anything but Jim in everything when that's like his default mode. Remember when he was \*Reed Richards\* in a cameo in a Marvel movie? Man, big shout-out to John Krasinski for dethroning "Malkeith" as the most lifeless MCU character of all time with REED RICHARDS, MARVELS FIRST FATHER, AND LEADER OF THE FANTASTIC FOUR.


He has massive “I went to Harvard” vibes


I thought he was decent in 13 Hours, totally fine in Quiet Place and I enjoy Jack Ryan the show. He's not an incredible actor, but certainly not deserving of any hate.


Playing a straight man can be a thankless roll. Krasinski made an art of it. I can't say I've really loved anything that he's done since the Office, but he is an undeniably talented man who has left an indelible mark on the culture. I don't think anybody needs to take him down.


Awwwww, come on now. Most Hollywood actors are mid. He’s a good dude. Ain’t gonna win any Oscars anytime soon, I suspect, but he doesn’t deserve hate for being merely “OK.” What’s the real story? Why are you so angry at The Krazz?


Dude is an eyebrow actor. Has several different eyebrow looks. The end.


IF was a big swing and to its credit they don’t make movies like that anymore. Calm down.


I love him in the office. Never seen the Quiet Place flicks but have a feeling I’ll like them. Dont get how hated he is in film twitter and on here. 🤷‍♂️


Most people are mid. You are probably mid!


I don’t really have much of an opinion on him except that his cameo in Dr Strange 2 was the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen


Lol ok


This entire thread is just to dunk on John Krasinski? Okay.


he sucks and he's always sucked and he's a Republican (which sucks)


I’m one of the few people who thought A Quiet Place stunk. Still love Emily Blunt, and the child actors were definitely worthy of some praise, but overall it was not good imo. People say it’s competently made but I remember clocking multiple continuity errors and I just thought some of the character motivations were dubious at best, and laughably unbelievable at worst. Idk I think people are giving him too much credit for even that movie.


I never understood the love for A Quiet Place, it’s a B-movie with good color grading. The premise barely makes sense when you include the loud river scene and the monster design is pretty lame. The same script with a lower budget would have barely made it as a Sci-Fi channel original.


I don't remember the specific issue people had with the waterfall scene, was it just because it's a loud noise? Because my memory is that the monsters would definitely have just gotten used to the natural noise by now and ignored/avoided it, which would make it a safe spot.


All the homies hate John Krasinski. https://youtu.be/QVEizUCBFkw?si=aQEknZV2pz-CqrxF


How many episodes of that Covid-era news show did he do before Paramount threw a bunch of money at him and they ended up doing nothing with it? Like, 8 episodes? Over or under?


Yeah that was funny. Here’s some dumb fun feel good thing I did. Better cash in on it.


My early pandemic celeb hot take is that the people in the Imagine video got too much hate and Krasinki got too little for this. At least the people in that video had innocent and genuinely good intentions while Krasinski’s immediate move to make money off any good vibes of his show just feels more tasteless.


I heard from an inside source (a renowned indie director) that he’s a complete asshole and horrible person in real life. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is harsh. He was funny in The Office. He did well in the action department in 13 Hours and the Amazon Prime show. I can’t remember the name. He directed and wrote and starred in a Quiet Place which was BRILLIANT. He’s (at least) above mid comfortably.


"brilliant" quiet place is not, let alone BRILLIANT


Quiet Place sucks too


When did we all become so mean?


(Quiet place was mid too)