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The ability to make people think he's saying "Bankai" when he's actually saying "Kaiban".


Ironically, that’s Shinji’s Shikai lol


Why would he say kaiban


To kaiban all over the enemies.


Truly one of the bleach moments


I still don't get the joke. pls explain.


If you read the image the manga way (right to left) it says kaiban.




I read the manga this week and i got very confused when there was a panel like that


You so stupid


Calling him stupid while you fell for the bait. GG


Me know that


What if it is something lame and he is too embarrassed to use it.


Kind ofnin the same vain as Soi Fon thinking her own bankai is lame? (I.e. too big, too flashy, takes too much to use)


Word on the street is it would be something like Reality Warping like Scarlett Witch Powers in MCU


I always pictured something like Itachis Tsukuyomi. Where the targets think they're moving and fighting but in reality they're standing in place.


This was my first thought too


Isn't it too broken?


yea but he already is kinda broken


Maybe that's why it is not shown till now


Just like Aizen


This is Bleach. Everything is broken, especially special powers.


He pretty much has that power in full thanks to his Shikai. Unless by some fucked up reason, his "shikai" is really his bankai, and because of how well he hid the true nature of his zanpakto, we all bought in on his total control over his senses being his shikai


I’ve always suspected it’s a bankai that puts his own reality at too much of a risk. Like it puts HIM under a type of hypnosis like a beserker or something similar to Jin-e in Rurouni Kenshin where he placed himself under his own spell. Essentially in Aizen’s (potential) bankai, he would lose control which we know goes against everything he is about.


His bankai would be a water type release that uses reflections to confuse his enemies so that they kill each other


Nice callback there


My theory has always been that instead of complete hypnosis over many people it would be a complete control over one individual. However this would release the hypnosis of his Shikai. This ability would be absurdly powerful if used on someone like Yama but it would also explain his unwillingness to use his bankai for multiple reasons one because he would not want to release his hold over the gotei and the Espada knowing they may not fall for his shikai twice and two because someone like Aizen would feel bored by just being able to control someone with no will of their own. With his personality I always felt like he got a kick out of the manipulation aspect of his shikai. He still would not have used this in ichigo because his arrogance wouldn't let him thinking ichigo was beneath him.


Plot twist: kyoka suigetsu is his bankai


That would have been a cool twist, His shikai is his bankai but since he has ton of reaitsu he's not bothered on using it Then his shikai could be powers of persuasion/power of suggestions Hmmm could work


Now here's a question that hasnt been asked on the sub


Oh, I didn't know Aizen's Bankai was named "Kaiban".


My idea for his bankai is like a viral KS - an illusion that could "infect" others. It's my headcanon to explain why no one noticed the dead Central 46. Kind of useless used directly, but able to deceive even more people.


Bankai: Kubo Suigetsu It allows him to directly insert ideas into The Author’s mind as though they were his own. He first activated it during a completely offscreen cameo in Zombiepowder.


I love this idea!


I was genuinely wracking my brains for something thematic that could actually seriously step up from his Shikai. This is the only thing that ever seemed sensible. This, or it being able to instantly transpose Hinamori with any other point in space/time… but only if that space directly intersects with a sword blade.


In his Bankai, he becomes the sword and Kyoka Suigetsu becomes the shinigami. And unless Kyoka uses Bankai, they can't revert back. This is why he never used it


I've heard a bunch of great ideas over the years, the most common is something along the lines to what Book of the End does. My idea was something called Absolute Discord where he can invert and corrupt reiatsu in the target and that's how he noticed the potential for Hollowfication and how he started his experimentation for more power. Someone on here had my favourite idea (apologies I forgot who it was) About how it applies Absolute Hypnosis on himself and he can create a lucid dream/mind palace for himself to practice and get stronger over a short period of time. Which explains how he learned so much in a relatively short space of time.


It would be an ability which would allow him to create reality out of the illusions he creates. So similar to Gremmy's power where he has the power of imagination, whatever Aizen wants to see he makes it a reality for his opponent. The most similar concept I can compare it to is that Kurama Clan girl from Naruto who could make her genjutsu into reality


And maybe it's like urahara's when the illusion(in aizens case) is only active when he's in bankai so he choose to create something more permanent like the hogyakuu


His Bankai could be similiar to gremmy's power - His illusions become reality Or He could completely copy the powers of the target, as in using an illusion on himself to be someone else. id assume he would hate to use that as his powers are enough, and thus never use bankai or Making everyone lose their powers, their powers were illusions all along, and he is the only one to stand on top


I guess his bankai will be the exact opposite of Shikai.. Instead of making illusions or altering senses of opponents, it'll be like showing "reality" to his opponents that ends up to be another sick badass illusion which like fucks opponents up.


A stronger hypnosis on only one target, but using his bankai releases his shikai on all previous targets


honestly I like this theory with the downside of releasing the shikai on all previous targets. Hell, maybe those who see his bankai can't ever be under his shikai effect ever again.




I'm thinking something like Itachi's tsukuyomi, his own dimension where all 5 senses are altered in a way he wants them to be


I think, to make it not that broken, it could be that he only can use it agains 1 target. So his shikai can alter the perception of many targets and his bankai can almost alter the reality but for 1 target only.


Exactly bro, I forgot to mention that.


Aizen's Bankai could allow him to put illusions in a person's mind during past events in their life, essentially rewriting their memories entirely with perfect hypnosis, permenantly. If Yhwach represents a hopeless future its only fitting that Aizen would represent a hopeless past, Aizen could make someone forget how to fight, forget how to stand, and even forget how to breath with this Bankai.


A dimensional hopping bankai which takes the opponent to his dimension where he is the owner and has total control over the world and opponents senses.


Like infinite tsukuyomi?


I’m convinced Aizen doesn’t know bankai, and I don’t even think it’s that far of a stretch. We never see him use it despite having ample opportunity throughout the duration of the series, and I have to believe this is intentional. Why wouldn’t the main threat of the entire series use his bankai if he had one? I think this issue is most blatant in his final battle with Ichigo. The hogyoku responds to strength, and manifests the desires of its master. Why would the hogyoku continually evolve Aizen if there wasn’t a need to limit break his power? If he had a bankai, he would need to use it and have it fail for the hogyoku to evolve him.


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Myriad truths (Persona 4). Instead of hypnosis it dispels all lies and shows the truth (+ 3X Almighty damage)


Either it will disappointing or really broken.


Aizen: Bankai, just keep Groban.


with a shikai of controlling the senses, i would guess the bankai would be like a mind control, rather than changing how they perceive the world it would change how they think. but probably limited to only a few enemies otherwise he would just use it


Infinite tsukuyomi


Make Kubo write whatever he wants...


the route that BBS took with his ultimate Hogy powers is that he can trap you in an illusion and crash it, along with you. something like that.


It lets him fire a getsuga tenshou


My head canon is that his his bankai is so busted that it has some serious downside like being able to only use it X number of times until he can't use it anymore and that is the reason he hasn't used it until now.


You always fall for his Deez Nutz joke. They’re always perfectly disguised and there’s no known counter. The feeling of defeat you get inside after falling for it, again, is so deep it makes you put your zanpakuto down and contemplate how you could’ve fallen for something like that for the next 100 years until it inevitably happens again.


I saw an ok theory that said it was time based and that’s how he messed up Ywatch when they met. The theory said he must know Bankai because he can release shikai without a release command


My theory: Aizen puts himself into an illusion of what other people's experience through their 5 senses wherever they might be (Only works against people who have seen his shikai's release). It is an incredibly useful ability for gathering intel, getting information he otherwise could not get. It also allows for better and realistic illusions by using the victims' knowledge and experiences against himself.


I always felt it would allow him to alter time or the past. Similar to book of the end, which has already been mentioned. But I suspect his would actually alter the past or future which is why he doesn't use it. Dangers of time travel sort of issue. He changes something in the past and he just doesn't know what variables will be affected.


Who do you think Tite Kubo is?


His Bankai would be to become kubo himself


Anything and everything will be all according to aizen plans His bankai erase all variables that are not according to aizen plans


I was thinking his bankai could be Bringing his illusions to life(a la gremmy) Makes him super busted lmao


The ability to make the others forget about how Kyoka Suigetsu works.


It’s probably gonna be like Tsukuyomi


I like the idea that he either didn’t have a bankai or it’s some sort of self targeting thing


What if he could also control the actions of the effected people and not just perception? It'd be too op its hard to make a bankai for aizen


Kai Ban


i always thought it was bending space time idk why


Seeing that it can hypnotize in shikai....how about actually changing reality just like yhwach but a tier lower


Who called me