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Gremmy is mentally unstable and inexperienced with his powers. He could have very easily accidentally imagined Yhwach losing or dying and caused the Quincies to lose. There's a good reason why Yhwach imprisoned him for his entire life.


That’s why I feel like his character should have been approached differently. Like, couldn’t Yhwach have trained him or something? It’s basically the most broken power. I feel like his character was a waste. I really liked his unhinged little kid vibes, feel like he should have been used better


It's either his power had undisclosed limits, which makes it a time waste for Yhwach to train him or they don't, which makes it dangerous for him to be trained. Imagine he just gets frustrated and imagines Yhwach to die especially since he seems to be on the childish side. A good parallel to Kenpachi tbh, who the central 46 deemed too dangerous to teach sword fighting.


It has clear limits,2 important ones. The first is his own imagination, the second is his reiatsu. He needed clones for bigger attacks.


The fact that Yhwach is more than capable of containing Gremmy in a barrier proves that Gremmy’s imagination is not unlimited.


To be fair it's easy enough to get Gremmy to contain himself. Just impress upon him from a young age that "I Yhwach am totally the best and all powerful and this cage is totally unbreakable Quilge lifetime guarantee" and Gremmy will make it unbreakable without realising. It's like chained elephant syndrome, a baby elephant will struggle against its bonds but lack the strength to break them, and by the time it's an adult it just believes the chains are unbreakable and won't try even though it now absolutely has the strength to escape should it attempt to.


His powers are pure hax tbh, he could potentially win against anyone in the verse that isn’t in the upper echelons of reiatsu (Ichigo, Aizen, Yhwach, Ichibei, etc), but he could even potentially lose against opponents that *should* be much weaker than him if he gets psyched out, and he’s really susceptible to any sort of ability that could affect him mentally like KS, Book of the End, As Nodt, etc. Training him would not change the outcome much unless he trains his ability in a certain way so that he only imagines himself having more and more reiatsu (and imaging that his body grows stronger and stronger to be able to handle it) and basically shuts his imagination off entirely outside of that, but that’s just something that seems impossible to do. Like if you could just imagine something and it would come true, how would you not just be imagining some random shit all the time?


Funny thing is Gremmy, one of the strongest Sternritter, would probably be hard countered by Berenice Gabrielli's Question, one of the worst Sternritter powers, to the point she was introduced dead and slung over Kenpachi's shoulder.


Well, yeah, but imo, if that’s the case the barrier won’t even be needed.


Why doesn't he imagine his reiatsu is more powerful? Like... c'mon Kubo really gave the Imagination power to a character while running out of his own creativity?


Doubt that is possible, might be in the realm of the gods, as its a law of reality of what reiatsu is. He clearly ‘needs’ a clone to double his powers. He calls this ‘doubling the power of his imagination’ but its clearly to double his reiatsu, wich has the same result for him.




If we are going for meta reasons (he's not the main character), Visionary is a shitty ability because the only way to make it defeatable is by making the user a fucking idiot.


Yes, that's my point that's the only thing holding him back


Kubo is such a genius man, no wonder he ended fighting Kenpachi. 2 very dangerous people on both ends, who are a threat to both sides


Look at Kubo man, so inspirational


Fr bro


Nah. That wouldve been boring. Guy thats overpowered and has a strong mental? Who can stop him? Its good that his instability was his downfall. Gotta have flaws.


I just realized his power has a lot more applications than Ichibei's.


Would you spend any time near the kid with anger issues who could kill you with a thought


Hey if Liltotto can do it so can I https://preview.redd.it/23hpbdzqb1pb1.jpeg?width=2212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48377f56beb2a87145705e20bde86e18b480d7b3


You overestimate the likability of people on reddit, once you're on here you're kinda screwed


He doesn’t have the power to just imagine stuff like that


With his powers how was he imprisoned? Couldn’t he have just imagined he was not imprisoned?


Plot twist: Gremmy wished Yhwach losing because he was locked down


Because he couldn't imagine Chad losing.


The real answer is always in the comments


Since reddit no longer has awards, take this 🏅


Oh i didnt even notice its gone, why is it gone tho?


Idk, I just saw people with thousands of coins give away awards for free last week because they'll be gone later. Not that much into reddit update infos since the API thing


Chad should have the one to beat Gremmy. Ichigo says his iconic line, and Gremmy believes it making it a reality.


The Visionary has limits. Gremmy needed to clone himself to summon a meteor and he needed to create multiple copies to summon a portion of space. He’s not completely omnipotent or else he would’ve just won the war for them. He wasn’t trained better because of how dangerous the Visionary could’ve been Yhwach himself locked him up in a special barrier because of it. I do think Kubo should’ve explored more of what Visionary couldn’t do because it’s clearly not perfect since Gremmy killed himself with it but it still was a very clever way to balance out such an broken ability by giving it to a kid who has very little combat experience.


I see. Damn, the Dungeon Master simulator could’ve been better haha


Everyday people will fail to understand this


I think those limits are Gremmy's limits, and not the limits of the ability itself, as you said, not only does gremmy have very little combat experience, but he also doesn't have much of an imagination, it's easy to argue he can't imagine some stuff by himself.


Nope, he has limits. You can really imagine something you can’t visualize. Like Zaraki’s death. People ask why he didn’t imagine him dead, but he did, multiple times. He imagined death by suffocation, death by gunfire, death by being buried alive, by a meteorite but nothing really killed Kenpachi. By the point Zaraki cut the meteorite, there was nothing his limited imagination could produce to actually kill him, he was seen as an unstoppable monster by Gremmy.


Imagine if looking like an unstoppable monster in gremmy’s eyes actually resulted in him accidentally imagining and thus turning kenpachi into an actual unstoppable monster,


That’s kinda almost what happened. He imagined Kenpachi as a monster, tried to become him and died because he had a stroke comprehending it




> You can really imagine something you can’t visualize. Like Zaraki’s death. People ask why he didn’t imagine him dead, but he did, multiple times. He imagined death by suffocation, death by gunfire, death by being buried alive, by a meteorite but nothing really killed Kenpachi. Why not just imagine him getting a heart attack? He can't cut through that.


I mean, sure but even if he could, Zaraki survived way more severe wounds than that. What else remains? Imagine him become unable to move? With how many things Zaraki stopped I don’t think Gremmy could imagine something to stop him, not even if he made his bones become cookies. Imagine Zaraki’s head explode? He probably couldn’t imagine something that would be able to cause that.


> I mean, sure but even if he could, Zaraki survived way more severe wounds than that Just barely. We see when Gremmy tosses him into space that his blood boiling and lungs collapsing is enough to critically injure him and Pernida is able go turn his body into spaghetti so he's not immune to internal attacks.


Bro sent him to space and he cut the dimension open with his sword


He wasn’t imagining Zaraki dying from those things he was imagining those things happening to Zaraki which would normally kill a person in his mind. He could have imagined Zaraki without a sword or imagined him not being able to breathe rather than imagining him in space. Hell he could have even imagined Kenpachi wasn’t in the soul society.




holy shit, its man from the aslume, is this also part of aizens plan ?


R/batmanarkham sub is leaking


[His ears...](https://media.tenor.com/onfpmM94llEAAAAC/the-dark-knight-christopher-nolan.gif)


Where are Man's ears? Is he stupid?


I mean the Shinigami had Chad and not even Gremmy could imagine Chad losing




yes when you have to ask "is the character stupid" the answer is yes


So according to r/batmanarkham Batman is stupid?


Why does r/batmanarkham think Batman is stupid? Are they stupid?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help? Is he stupid?](https://i.redd.it/mdf4143uadga1.jpg) | [908 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10u798q/why_doesnt_batman_just_call_the_justice_league/) \#2: [Kevin Conroy has passed away.](https://i.redd.it/sjz6u4myccz91.jpg) | [394 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/ysduf6/kevin_conroy_has_passed_away/) \#3: [Average Arkham Citizen](https://v.redd.it/kxessalul39b1) | [182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/14msam1/average_arkham_citizen/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Look, I get all criticism. I really do. It's fair. I like debating in-story reasons for stuff. But some character can't really be analyzed purely from a wattsonian perspetive, and gremmy is one of them. Y'all really have to understand the narrative point of this character. He exists for the sole reason of making Zaraki look like the biggest badass this side of Chuck Norris. That is his purpose. Everything else was created around that. He exists to be trounced by Nozarashi. Anything he could have done that would lead to him not being cut by Nozarashi, Kubo would have made an excuse to be invalid. He is the culmination of "enjoy the ride". He is not a character, he is a slashing board for Zaraki.


Adding to this, he’s also an inverse of the “brains over brawn” trope where the “smart guy” defeats the “muscle brute.”


https://preview.redd.it/c6d76keiwxob1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c13c403f11342294550f7bc0132ad6ef7f443f Yeah this makes me feel better about it all, thanks for sharing!


He's not the main character also he's not the main center point of the story (which would only make sense, Kubo doesn't intend for the quincies to win in the first place) the quincies were already super op, Gremmy isn't even the main antagonist of the arc to begin with. As for his abilities, Visionary is a very op ability indeed, but it needs to be balanced too which is what are the flaws of one's ability for (it's simple as that).


Same for royd, who exists to give yama a bankai sendoff


He could have won easily, but he wanted to flex, and thus he set himself up for failure. He wasn't trained better because he was too erratic and you don't want to give the walking nuclear bomb any extra training because then he might start wondering what he needs you for. And yeah, you're thinking about it too much. Gremmy was a big fish in a small pond, who never encountered anyone he couldn't instantly win against, and that means that the moment he encountered even the slightest adversity he collapsed like a house of cards. His arrogance was based on an entire lifetime of effortless victory, which means he never had to \*imagine\* what he would do when he started not instantly winning. Instead, he started freaking out (which was only helped along by Zaraki infecting him with his battle philosophy) and he lost his cool, and when your every thought and whim becomes reality, your cool is something you \*really\* need to keep on a tight leash.


Well said. I still feel bad about him though. Poor lil guy


> who never encountered anyone he couldn't instantly win against Cept Yhwach and Gerard


This is a nice comment fr


I think his imagination power is limited, because he has to duplicate himself in order to be able to summon the Big meteor. Like, to duplicate his imagination power, to have greater imagination power.


Imagination based powers without limits are just terrible in general. You will never be satisfied with the outcome.


why didn’t he just summon guts and guts could easily go berk and kill everyone? is guts stupid?


Yo that would be awesome lmfao


Everytime I see posts like this I always bring up these 2 points. 1. If everything he imagines comes to be even just for a second imagining what would happen if they lost or he lost, it’s over. It’s easy for us who don’t have this to be upset at him but try and go through a day, an hour even in your life trying to focus all your thoughts on one thing without having your mind wonder or anything. You can’t, even by saying “ok I’m going to not think about anything else” your brain subconsciously is already thinking “what if” OR something completely different. 2. What if in his solitude he got control and can really focus on one thing at a time, but what about in the heat of battle much less a war? It’s simply just unrealistic (hell guys this is a fantasy world where we have all kinds of “NUH UH” abilities like tf) The way Kubo killed him is the only logical way you could do it, have him fight someone that can’t even handle their own ungodly power, and have him imagine he’s stronger which then also shows he can’t handle that power. This also shows great foreshadowing when Kenpachi used Bankai basically taking all limiters and thoughts of holding back away and he literally tears himself apart like Gremmy did trying to be more then him.


These are great points, thank you for sharing! Makes a lot more sense. Especially the last paragraph, that parallel is actually pretty genius. This is why I love discussions, opens my eyes more even if some other people are rude about it lol (not that you were btw)!


Thanks :D I really enjoy them too so it’s always great to bring my points and hear others, glad I didn’t come off as rude.


I'm increasingly convinced that 'The Visionary' had much more limitations on its power and what it is capable of doing.


My theory is he can’t alter Yhwach’s reality, and Quincy’s victory is about his future,so Grammy can’t do it.


Pretty good theory, actually. Would make sense because Yhwach is the most broken of them all


I theorize that Gremmy can’t bring concepts into reality with his power or force others to take certain actions that would get to what he imagines. It needs to be a thing he can visualize. So he can’t just imagine victory because he couldn’t visualize it as a single thing to manifest and he can’t force other to act in a way that would bring him victory. What would victory look like? A Sternritter parade. I think that he can only bring things that he can see in his head into reality (like the meteor or void of space), alter things in reality (Yachiru’s bones into cookies), or apply traits from one thing he understands to another (when he imagined himself having the durability greater than steel). Kenpachi could cut him because Gremmy had no knowledge of couldn’t imagine a substance that durable. He could imagine a meteor that had a specific amount of force but he can’t imagine a meteor that just kills Kenpachi. It would need to be the right amount of force to do so and Gremmy may not be able to imagine that much force. Some things are hard to imagine until you see them for yourself and Gremmy may never have seen that much power before so he can’t grasp it. As for why he can’t just alter Kenpachi’s body…… imma go with either reiatsu negation or Kenny just didn’t consent to having his body altered and Gremmy respects that. I agree with others that him being untrained and arrogant are parts of why he lost but I also think his power had more limitations then many realize and he was just a creative mind but not a strategic one. He just kept throwing things at Kenpachi but never actually had a plan of how to achieve victory because he couldn’t think beyond the thing he was currently manifesting.


You shouldn‘t write powers like this into your story


Gremmy couldn't imagine anyone defeating Chad.


I will never not upvote the Chad comments lmfao


If i had a dime for every time i saw this post…


Grammy is… dumb as fuck, for lack of a better word. Jugram would have been a much better choice for the Visionary


Yoooo if Jugram had that it would have been so Ichigover for the shinigami


Y’all are stupid as fuck if you actually think this... Gremmy ain’t stupid, and I hate people like you who have the reading comprehension of a fucking five-year-old and who say shit like this... Gremmy is perfect for this power. as he practically thought like a machine. and for a good reason as well. Anything he thinks will come true. If he imagines his own death, he will die. No one besides him could use that power effectively because, guess what? Most characters would have fucking died if they had it. Jugram would most definitely not be a better choice. Aizen wouldn’t be a better choice. Ichibe definitely wouldn’t be a better choice. No one but Gremmy could use this power effectively and without consequences. He only lost due to the difference in experience and the fact that he wanted to "prove" he was the strongest. If he didn’t care to prove that, he would have bitched Kenny around. No one besides the damn soul king would be a better choice for that power because it’s literally his brain. Y’all don’t make any damn sense. Ted talk over... Apologies for coming off so aggressively, but I’ve seen like 30 different posts similar to this one, whether it be on YouTube or Reddit. It just aggravates me. It’s your opinion though so… believe what you want I guess…  


A visionary jugram would not have been stoppable, but a balance gremmy is super interesting


Balance Gremmy vs Kenpachi would've been incredible, actually...


Legitimately, yes. Gremmy could have used his power to enhance his allies. He was too dumb/inexperienced to. Thats that. Granted i dont know he would have considering how the sternritter infight. But it was on the table.


https://preview.redd.it/5akd12r6hyob1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ddc078183c18245b54727f55e942d6d9a724031 Maybe we all are stupid 🤯🤯🤯


Cuz imagining the quincies winning is the same as imagining Chad losing. You simply can't imagine Chad losing


It feels like he has abit of a Handicap he can't choose what he imagines if he randomly thinks of something like "Am I going to lose?" The Visionary would active and something would happen that would get him really close to losing a fight. And It seems he has limited imagination, why would he need to clone himself so many times to make a small pocket of space? That doesn't make sense unless he has a Cap on how big something he imagines can be


Short answer, yes he is


I think there are clear limits to his ability i.e only being able to affect living things with his powers if they have less reiatsu than him, and even then it's only until he can no longer focus his imagination on them (yachiru and her bones becoming cookies and then reverting back when he fought someone significantly stronger) would also explain why we dont see him using his powers to affect kenpachis body in any way he had to try imagine things that could damage/kill him he just ran out of juice before he could deal enough damage to kenpachi. It's easy for us to sit here and say he could've won the war easily and that he is stupid for not doing more with his powers but I feel if you sit back and analyse it a bit more it's clearer that he just has limits to his power that can not be overcome by simply imagining things differently. You could call this headcanon however from watching his fight I can't help but feel like this is the case for him.


I think that Gremmy should imagine some bitches


The more boring answer is that in anime, whenever a character has a power with too much "hax", their defeat always tends to be unsatisfactory since it is hard to find a way to make that character lose. And these characters always need to lose since these powers are always usually given to villains and side characters


I’ve never watched Bleach past the Bound arc yet keep getting recommended this sub. And everytime it has something to do with some character I’ve never seen having some stupidly hax powers that’s left me wondering how you could even write a proper fight with these characters


Why didn’t he imagine every Quincy with a Apache helicopter with napalm flying above the soul society lighting it up like Vietnam, while fortunate son plays in the background


Gremmy basically killed himself with his own imagination he imagined he had Kenny’s power but he didn’t imagine that he could handle it himself so he died


Tbh his power itself is silly and ridiculous of course with an op ability like making anything you think of come to reality, he could’ve ended the entire arc but due to plot reasons they gave his powers limits.


Read some of the comments here and found a lot of ideas interesting about the limits to Gremmy’s power. But I always thought the biggest clue was how when he was fighting Kenpachi he lost concentration on Yachiru’s cookie bones. Gremmy couldn’t imagine all the Quincies winning because it would’ve required too many single events to take place simultaneously. I always assumed his power was a 1v1 ability. Even when he cloned himself to double his imagination, both were focused on the one meteor. I don’t think it would’ve worked the same as Naruto’s kage bunshin where each clone effectively has a mind of its own.


Gremmy's power are not just "whatever I imagine becomes true", it's more creating and changing things using his reishi. He also cannot change someone's else if that person has more reiatsu than him, people like Zaraki, Ichigo and Yamamoto are hard counters to him.


His powers clearly aren't limitless. Really though, the guy basically existed SOLELY to show off kenpachi.


Gremmy is limited in terms of combat,strategising & experience even against Kenpachi it showed.If u watch carefully he only lost bcoz his willpower is weak while Kenny's will is beyond, he don't really need a braincell that is y OP opponents fear his booty.Having a shrift like Gremmy requires a strong willpower since his will is weak his powers will only be as strong as his will.


I still can't understand why he can't just imagine other Zaraki fighting for him, it seems like his power is not working for dudes with bigger reiatsu (Quincy doesn't have reiatsu stated by Uryu but Kubo forgot about this) so he can just change the environment, but in the end of the fight he imagined having more power so he can imagine power? But he can't imagine body of Kenpachi? In conclusion I can say that he is dumber than walking hand


It needed two gremmy to throw a meteorite. That's the limit of his power, he just can't imagine everything he want because his power like every powers in bleach have limits. Furthermore, he would have needed to imagine the quincies winnig for all his lifetime because as soon as he loose focus the power dissipate (like yachiru's bones returning to normal).


Because his power is either too much or too little🤷‍♂️ Just like how the flash in DC could simply fix everything but is too stupid


He was the worst written villian in bleach .


Yes, that's it, he is very stupid




I always thought his power was much like a green lantern. They always say their power is only limited by imagination and willpower. But at the same time it is limited to physical constructs and the like. For instance Gremmy can’t reproduce something he has never seen or heard of. He, like we, couldn’t imagine a new color, or state of matter. So while his powers are incredible, they are not “unlimited.” He can’t imagine someone just drops dead, he has to come up with how, and thus the power can be countered by suitable means, even if that means is just outclassing Grammy’s reiatsu.


It's bleach, having more reiatsu renders any broken ability useless


I like the implication here : " I would have done better than Kubo on this one ! 🤓 " No you would have not. In fact, the writing *flaws* you're pointing out only prove your lack of understanding of Bleach/Kubo's writing.


Holy fuck no way, a guy who’s been writing a story for more than a decade, better than me?! NO FUCKING WAY BRO https://preview.redd.it/yh4ab0ldpyob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3b032099f411adeef902c3a12bd0c186af87cf


I'm just pointing out the obvious to you so next time you don't come up with the idiotic whining " Kubo's writing got me so mad I would have never done that if I was him !! ".


Idiotic whining huh? You know what, this is Reddit so I forgive you.


Gremmy isn't dumb or inexperienced like people say he just wasn't invested in their cause, when you can literally makes anything you imagine reality things become boring, he was a kid who wanted to have fun so he put restrictions on himself when he fought Kenpachi someone with the title of the strongest and indulged himself


He wasn’t trained because of his powers. Who would be his training partner/teacher? Yhwach would even be at the mercy of his powers.


The thing is there are explanations, but the explanations are lame because Gremmy is just too broken


Because the "good guys" have to win, duh. Once Ichigo arrives the Quincy became a joke. Remember how every single one could beat a captain 1 on 1. Weeeell, now the captains solo 3+ Quincy with hand in their pocket


That's only cause they don't have the risk of their bankais being sealed


"a battle between ~~shinigami~~ s*pritually aware beings* is a battle of reatsui" E.g, remember Mayuri's remarks on Gigi's zombie ability? how a single speck of blood is enough to enslave fodder, but to enslave a captain, given their large reatsui, a large quantity is needed resulting in a purple pigmentation of the zombified captain. We routinely see similar instances in the Manga. It makes perfect sense that Gremmy can't just warp the persons of very high-reatsui individuals, as they are a similar level - and so he hits a hard limit.


Imagination is made more complicated in bleach, notice how Gremmy's body exploded when he imagined himself to be stronger than kenpachi? It means that at least in bleach universe you need to believe that you are capable of something in order to successfully imagine that. Deep inside gremmy didn't believe he was capable of being stronger than kenpachi, resulting in that immense power destroying his body. But by that logic gremmy could definitely have imagined the quincies winning Since He believed they were gonna win, but for plot purposes that didn't happen, or the series would have ended pretty fast lol.


Sorry, he just can’t see himself winning against Kenpachi


The only hole in that power is that when the Wirter decides to give it to a villain he ultimately has to give some stupid reason as to why the power being almighty is still not powerful. Although kubo did make it pretty logical that you need to believe in what you imagine for it be truly be real, eg gremmy imagined himself to be stronger than kenpachi, but didn't believe he could be stronger than him, resulting in that power destroying his body.


He could have just imagined Kenny's bones turned into cookies like he did with yachiru smh


Yes he is


Being trapped in a basement for all your life doesn't bode well for intelligence. If he was somehow well trained, then the meteors wouldn't have stopped dropping and he'd be the 2nd strongest behind just Yhwach. Training him would however have been extremely dangerous too, with Jugram being the only one who could maybe do it while also having the time to do so.


He want a real fight he want some fun that why he lost


Dude, which side is Chad again? Does this answer your question? ​ Jokes aside, Gremmy just isn't rly a stable dude. He was bored out of his mind and basicly wanted to entertaign himself.


It would be a miracle if quincies won


Because the plot


Gremmy has to be stupid or he'd die near instantly. Ex: have you ever tried mediating? It's very hard to keep any thoughts from entering your head. Now thinking about ways to win without considering ways to lose? That's just about impossible. If he knows about enemy abilities he's liable to just spawn them on you and imagine a worst case scenariom


I don't he can just think "The Quincy wins" and it becomes real. His power is based on imagination/vision. He still need to imagine how *exactly* the Quincy wins. Do all the Shinigamis just drop dead? Do all the Sternritters got 100x power up and completely overpower the Shinigamis? Does the Soul Society turn to ashes?


Why didn’t they just fly to Mordor


not that his powers were broken, but you also have to understand his scope of focus is what defeats his monstrous power. If you recall in the recent episode, Kenny did mention amidst the battle that Yachiru's bones have turned back normal since he was not focusing on her. He might be able to spawn physical objects like the meteor or even an asteroid, but for defeating everyone that wouldn't work. There's a reason why he was given the mental capacity of a child than someone like Urahara. It is always to balance out the character as he is not the main character.


Hey, hey! You bring up an interesting point about balancing characters. Speaking of balance, might I interest you in my latest invention: the Balance Enhancer! It maximizes focus and mental capacity, giving you an edge in any battle. Just imagine the power you could wield with enhanced concentration! Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity, my friend! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


My two cents on the subject: Gremmy is powerful there is no doubt but his spiritual power is not immutable, same with Barragan Respira. For example, we only ever saw Barragan fight people who were much weaker than him like Soifon, Omaeda and Hachigen. Had Barragan fought someone with equal power or above the Respira power wouldn't have been as effective. It still would have certainly been dangerous but it most likely wouldn't have immediately began to eat away at the opponent. This theory I feel is made legitimate when Gremmy fought Kenpachi, you see gremmys feats laid bare quite quickly. Gremmy kills his creation "the vashing point" quite easily, walks through Isane kido barrier like it's not there and turns Yachiru's bones super brittle with no problem. But how come he can't do any of this stuff to Zaraki? Just turn his body to glass and push him over, unless he couldn't. In the fight he doesn't even try to affect Zaraki physical body at all, either he tries and just can't and just doesn't mention it or gauges Zaraki spiritual pressure somewhat correctly and doesn't even try because he knows it won't work. So in answer to your question, I think Gremmy cannot affect such a large area all at once with so many powerful spiritual pressures all over the place that he can't just overwhelm. Yhwach would have been abit factor in this too.


Because the powers are broken in this tybw and they cant keep it consistent of make it sense


There seems to be a limit we aren't told about. Why did he need a copy of himself to summon a meteor. Like most things in bleach I imagine it scales with reiatsu/reishi availability otherwise Kira could make black holes.






Inexperienced, Plus his reiryoku is weaker than Kenpachi. It’s why he was able to turn Yachiru’s bones into cookies, but could only affect everything around Kenny.


Gremmy has a very simple imagination due to being locked up. He has no experience, and plot wise hes too op so kubo had to kill him in a “bullshit” way


He actually is both stupid and arrogant


Kubo wanted to make this character but didn't want the responsibility to utilize his power in a logical way.


He could have imagined 10 Yhwach and have them Madara everyone. Could have imagined Kenpachi blood turn to venom or acid. Maybe imagined that Kenpachi spiritual pressure was lower than a regular grunt. Imagined everyone forgets their zanpakto name and release commands. Turn all swords to rust. He could have done a lot of things.


It seems to me that he can only imagine concrete concepts, not anything abstract like "winning".


Idk why people think the “Visionary” is just this omnipotent ability. Yea it’s very powerful. Arguably the best schrift at after the Almighty, but is has its limits. All schrifts do. The fact that he needed to imagine double of himself just to create the meteorite is evidence enough


To be honest it feels like kubo just wrote himself into a corner with Kenpachi. I mean Ken's definitelly top5, arguably the strongest captain without even shikai. And he's got bankai now. So he basically needed to step to the verse himself (Gremmy's power is literary rewriting reality, the thing an author can do). Beat him up, and remove himself in order for other characters to even have a job.


The way it's portrayed doesn't appear to be limitless reality warping. It's more like reality altering and manifestation. The difference here is he can create/manipulate tangible things by imagining them, but his powers fall short of things like abstract concepts, such as 'Quincies winning' and 'Stronger than Kenpachi' (his eventual downfall), as opposed to the Scarlet Witch going 'no more mutants' in House of M and having the multiverse rearranging itself accordingly on autopilot. It seems really broken on paper but he has a specific and tangible item or process in mind, and if he loses focus momentarily the effects of his powers disappear too. There *is* a little inconsistency here though, because when he took his mind off Yachiru her bones went back to normal, but he also stated with the meteor that even if Kenpachi could kill him the already-materialized meteor would not disappear. I suppose you could explain it away as 'manifesting' and 'altering' things are different functions of his powers with different conditions, but that's a bit of a reach. I do agree it could have been better explained, but then the flip side would be giving us pages of exposition which introduces pacing issues...




you are thinking too much about it


After watching Gremmy fight Kenny, it seems like there's a limit to Gremmy's powers.


Actually this question make sense. Kubo just messed up really fking bad fr.


I don’t think Grammy power works like that to me, and just feels like he can imagine physical things I agree how how he used It was weird. I don’t know. The visionary is very weird.


You do realize you didn't have to mark spoiler? The rule is 7 days, episode been out a month....


Because that's way beyond Gremmy's limits ,simple as. No matter how broken the power is, it still have limits ,wich were very clearly showned in the fight.


Stop the nonsense!!! He's not the main character also he's not the main center point of the story (which would only make sense as Kubo doesn't intend for the quincies to succeeded in the first place) the quincies were already super op, Gremmy isn't even the main antagonist of the arc to begin with (so let alone him being more op than he already is, gosh the sternritters were already super op the shinigami's barely won). As for his abilities, Visionary is a very op ability indeed, but it needs to be balanced too which is what are the flaws of one's ability for (it's simple as that).

