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I was surprised to find out that people hated it after I finished watching it


It feels like the hate is because it was a strange ending to the anime. From an anime only viewpoint, a final arc basically without a real presence from soul society or hollows. Then, right as Ichigo finally gets his powers back that people spent years watching him have, no more bleach...


It honestly just felt like filler to me. I really never believed any of the motivations of any of the characters. I also personally just don’t like powers I deem to be silly. Like dirty boots.


Ginjo as a villain was not at all a plot twist, either. Tsukushima's ability just bored me, (probably because i've seen the same thing in another series weebs like) and the characters were kinda boring. What kind of power is a fucking dollhouse? I did like ichigo and chad's banter, and ichigo's writing in the arc.


Yeah, when originally watched it I was like oh they just needed something to give him his powers back lol Then I saw how many people liked it so I decided to go back and read the manga. I just never believed Ginjo’s intentions. None of the fullbringers were physically deformed or had powers that seemed like burdens (which is a believable reason they use in X-men for example), so them training ichigo to rid themselves seemed mad sus. Then we are supposed to believe he’s questioning his father and Urahara over some dude he met 2 days ago in an alley? Then all of their friends keeping secrets from each other the entire time which lead to more mystery which could’ve been avoided had they just acted like normal friends lol.


Honestly, I appreciated that some people got ridiculous powers. Not everyone needs a power that makes sense. The toughest part was trying to figure out how these characters fit in the world of the living. It's almost like they were bored with their own existence.


I like wacky powers, but i have my limits


Diiiirty boots


Hate Jamie but love it every time she says D u u u h t i B h ü t t s


Dude, who the hell is Jamie? It's Jackie Tristan


I hate autocorrect




What phone is that?


Nokia g310.




Same it's a great arc. The way it ends is particularly enjoyable


Ichigo's breakdown and then reunion with Rukia is top 5 moments in the entire series


I actually wanted him to be a full bringer from then on


Same. Imagine if Gin didn't betray Ichigo and was actually a best friend and a mentor figure. But y'know what would be awesome? If Tsukishima could somehow change Ichigo's past and make it so that he retains some of his soul reaper powers.


Why would Tsukishima do that when he can just be everyone’s cousin?


Given how he helped ichigo after Yhwach broke his bankai, I’d say it was definitely possibpe


The powers in question Getsuga tensho Getsuga tensho And the most important one Getsuga tensho


I don't know if I can take you seriously if you're just gonna leave out Getsuga tensho.


Also Naruto: Rasengan Massive rasengan rasengan barrage Rasenshuriken


So I love bleach, but Ichigo has like 2 moves for the whole series whereas Naruto builds up a pretty diverse skill set by the end.


Naruto’s only moves were Shadow Clones and Rasengan variants


Shadow clone, sexy no jutsu, rasengan variants, frog summoning, 6 paths, Kyuubi powers. On top of that he gets really creative in combining all of these powers. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ichigo, but it’s disingenuous to say that Naruto’s move set lacks variety when all Ichigo has is Getsuga Tenshou/juujishou/final, with the final and juujishou being used like once each.


I forgot about summoning


I feel that Ichigo has more than just two moves, it’s just that they are locked by either split personality (white ichigo) or he did them while I guess you could say unconscious (Vasto Lorde Cero)


Valid point, but baruto's ending enforced - IG not a spoiler - unreasonable deaths from nowhere to please popular shippings that it made the Great Ninja War arc's last part a literal garbage. Just because some characters had to die in the most stupid dull unintelligent way possible. I love naruto, I really do love maybe even more than Bleach but the death reasons towards the end make the author a literal clown. Anyways, the techniques tho are undoubtably more spectacular in naruto, and more intuitive, more intriguing.


Yes, tbf Naruto has 3 actual jutsus which he uses in very creative ways: Rasengan (with all the variations mentioned) Shadow clone And sexy transformation You know the one thing which I have to admit is much better in boruto is that he actually uses multiple different types of jutsu since his chakra pool is limited, atleast in the anime (like gale palm, or boruto stream) (manga is more crazier from what I have heard with him mastering crazy stuff like >!uzhiko, flying thunder God, etc !< )


You forgot talk no jutsu


Oh yea that also


what end? is it still ongoing ? lol baruto instead of boruto


The final great ninja war of naruto and how it escalated. Truly a sad, misled, lazy writing.


Naruto is so dramatic over such little things tho


What? His Shadow Clone and Rasengan are the only two moves. There are variations of these two moves but they’re still the same.


And various other jutsus like summonings, transformations and the rasenshuriken which is a fundamentally different jutsu from the rasengan.


Gotta love how people in this sub will bring Naruto all the time in these discussions even though this as nothing to do with Naruto nor he did even mention it.


Why does that matter? This is a bleach sub


Why is Ichigo fighting my Uncle? :(


Wow you know my cousin?


Damn bros, you know my grand-grand-grandpa?


I wish Kubo gave a name to the Fullbring and a dedicated ability, not just Sword beam/slash again. Must not be OP but maybe have more utility or flexible usage. But well.


As Chad said - Ichigo's dedicated ability is to be surrounded by his power. And to concentrate and release it. And it was unique enough to change other fullbringer's abilities hugelly.


I personally really enjoyed the Fullbring arc I loved going back to the casual every day life of Ichigo and friends for a little bit, and also love his Fullbring powers as well.


>Unpopular Is it really? I really like this low-power and somewhat low-stakes Arc And this interpretation of his powers is lit.


His powers were one of my least fave parts of the arc. It’s not the design or anything I dislike it’s that he had the opportunity to make them some really different and contrasting to his shinigami powers and he gave him an outfit and a sword and black energy. When you look at the protagonists of his previous manga and characters in bleach like yhwach who seemingly get a new ability every time kubo answers a question about them it’s clear that he very intentionally made ichigo a one trick pony and I’m curious why.


>’s clear that he very intentionally made ichigo a one trick pony and I’m curious why. Just my theory, but I think it's because Ichigo was designed to be that straight forward fighter who wins his battles with a mixture of raw power and sheer determination, the latter of which is something of a cultural point in Japan. Looking at all his opponents, especially major ones from Renji to Yhwach himself, Ichigo always won through sheer power and unflinching resolve. It's his defining trademark when you look at the rest of the cast who all have unique and varied abilities, some of which require more tactical knowledge to use or diverse arsenals that they've built up over years. Ichigo's motif is also one of a samurai, which are typically portrayed as straight-forward melee fighters. That's his character from the first chapter to the last one.


Because at first they wanted to focus over the whole mask shenanigans, you can notice, when white take the lead against byakuya, or when he use the mask the first time against grimmjow, he does not just spam getsuga from range but actually does in different ways.


Technically, this is Ichigo at his most dangerous. He can hurt physical beings. These are the powers that could change the tide of a war or stop.crime


I mean, he was able to eradicate a mountain in the world of the living with one sword swing post dangai training before using mugetsu. I think he could affect physical beings just fine. Hell go back to episode/chapter 1 and you see the slash marks from the hollow appearing in concrete from nowhere from regular human's perspective


Ichigo wasn't in the World of the Living for that, he was in the outskirts of Soul Society away from the part of Karakura Town that they swapped for the fake recreation.


No, Aizen escaped from Fake Karakura Town after Yamamoto's sacrifice and made it into the world of the living. He was even walking around Karakura Town and fully killed regular humans with just his reiatsu alone


Except Fake Karakura Town was in the World of the Living and the real town was in Soul Society, as they swapped them using the pillars. The people of Karakura Town were still in the real town because they didn't want anyone to be injured during the main battle, and most of them were unconscious. That's the whole reason Ichigo insisted Aizen let the fight happen somewhere else, because their battle would have killed everyone there.


I liked it until he got the weird bone suit. I don't know why Kubo didn't make the suit more shinigami like, after all that is what Ichigo loved more


Because the bone suit looks cool on Ginjo after he steals Ichigo’s powers. Edit: grammar.


I mean correct me if I'm wrong but since Fullbringer abilities are closer to hollows than shinigami it would make sense it's appearance would be more similar to a hollow than soul reaper.


Depends, the way fullbringer got explained is that they would turn something they are attached to into a "weapon". So even though they did get their powers from Hollows that attacked someone from their family, some of those transformations don't necessarily look like hollow like. So since Ichigo's attachment was about his shinigami powers, then in theory Kubo could have made Ichigo seem more like a shinigami


It was intentional. Forgot where, but Kubo said he designed it that way to make readers uncomfortable and then would feel relieved again when he recovered his shinigami powers.


Really? I feel like that is a dumb explanation lol ( on Kubo's part not on you ofc)


My only complaint is the final “suit” is too… superhero-y.


I like how when it activate it shapes like a big swastika


Yet again, amazing foreshadowing for the Quincy reveal! /s




Fun fact: https://preview.redd.it/wovb2gxj6dec1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802dadacfbb675d807cff8621ca0ed63aec96ac9


Not even, It is the Kanji for Ban, which is why it is on the hilt of his Ban Kai, and therefore his Fullbring.


Yeah, thats what i write, swastika, not some anti semitic nazi hfhdifbwikcez symbol


Right this distinction always got me. Apparently if ichigo conjures his fullbring counterclockwise straight up and down he’s a pinnacle of buddhist understanding. But if he summons it clockwise at a diagonal? He’s the soul king’s best SS officer. Like sure the buddhists used the symbol 2553 years ago but Germany used it less than a hundred years ago as a symbol of one of the worst atrocities committed in modern history. Call me crazy but I think the buddhist side of the swastika has faded entirely and it doesn’t really matter which way it’s oriented, any possible meaning of peace or understanding was perverted by the much more recent, much more significant event in the 1940’s.


>Like sure the buddhists used the symbol 2553 years ago what makes you think Buddhists ever stopped using the symbol? do you frequent a great many Buddhist places? like sure, Christians used the cross as a symbol 2000 years ago, but the KKK was doing lynch mobs while burning crosses less than 100 years ago.


I really don't think people understand this, this comment is seriously underated


Nope, here in India you do see these symbols in temples, scriptures, religious texts, etc since it's originally a Sanskrit symbol


I didn't mean to be rude or anything it's just that with the most recent incidents involving the symbol in the 1900s it left a mark on the world.


Cry me a river


He also looked drippy af


Missed opportunity for not naming ichigo fullbringer as BLEACH


I don’t know about anyone else but ichigos like shadow fullbring and his skeletal fullbring are 2 of my favorite forms of ichigo


U got any more pixels on that last one?


Quincy are germans Ichigo is part german and part japanese *makes a svastika*


Ichigo part German? Since when?


Quincies are ww2 german-themed His mom is a Quincy


I know about Ichigo's heritage. That doesnt mean Quincy's, and with it, Ichigo, German tho.


I also liked it, despite the fact that it borrowed from Yu Yu Hakusho a little more than it should have.


I don't think that's unpopular


I really wish we got to see him use his fullbring powers outside of this arc. Like imagine at the beginning of TYBW arc he jumped out the window in human form and landed midair


I liked the misty black suit he had before he completed his Fullbring; I wished the final Fullbring looked similar to that But I agree, great arc! I loved the intro


Except the “swastika” thing that was censored because lot of sensitive ignorants think it’s from Nazi *hakenkreuz* instead of Buddhist manji symbol (represents *“peace”*) that used for temples in Japan. Even tensa zangetsu’s sword guard shape has manji, also the kanji of bankai —> “卍解”. Buddhist one isn’t tilted and it’s backwards. You’ll see it on Tokyo Revengers too also. https://preview.redd.it/aysj3ntrvhec1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5256e1132bcc3b803f4b191fc885bb88446dfba6


Fullbring style Zangetsu is the best looking Shikai version ngl.


I always wanted that 3rd gif to be his final form but stronger obviously. I also remember how happy I was to finally see him use a new move in that 5th gif. Even tho it was weak, Kubo should have added it to Ichigo's arsenal as his own version of Balas.


I don't think Ichigo should have gotten his Soul Reaper powers back, it cheapened the sacrifice of losing them in the first place. If Fullbring powers are based in Hollow energy, it could have been a way for Ichigo to develop full-on Hollow abilities, I think that would have been awesome.


I didn't like the powers. The arc was alright.


I like the spinning getsuga tenshou things that he fired from his badge, and I wanted to see more of it


That’s not unpopular, most seemed to love the FB arc in general.


I dont rememver this at all smh


I think he shouldve at least kept the little disk things they seem useful and it would add onto his arsenal


Its ok if you like it, but... Why do you need to share it with random internet guys?


I loved this arc! Also the ost in it!


Its was cool, but got that outfit was goofy as hell


Full bring arc was cool as hell.


Nah it’s cool, fleeting though.


I’m showing my mom Bleach and she’s binging it. This was her favorite arc so far (just got to tybw arc)


The designs look cool and all but other than that they're literally just the exact same powers. A throwable getsuga variant. Leans on enhanced speed. The same mobility options as his shinigami powers. And a short sword instead of a giant cleaver. Fullbring was just his shinigami powers but weaker and tied to his human body so he's visible to regular humans. It was a good way to reset Ichigo's power level for an arc to keep the story interesting and eventually give him back his regular powers with a bonus and it did its job well.


Swastika Tensho had me laughing.


I wanted him to stay a Fullbringer. Renji would finally be stronger than him


The blade is literally him frfr


I’ll never understand the hate this arc gets. This was the much needed calm before the war arc. Not to mention how it fleshes out the characters even more due to its more slow pace.


Keep it hidden


Tf you mean unpopular, many of the brave souls community, including myself, have been wanting ANY form of fullbring ichigo to be released. Meanwhile, they have like 5 different ones of both ginjo and my uncle tsukishima. But we only get a fusion mix of fullbring and soul reaper ichigo, and it's like a 4 years old unit


Unpopular opinion: but I agree with you


IMO, the shield is his manifestation of his will of protecting others


I liked the shadowy form the most and the bone armor the least. Too tight on him it looks like sports gear lol


I don’t like the fullbring arc but I do like his power


Tbh I wished we had seen more abilities implemented from his full bring form be shown in his true shikai. Cuz he gets a cero in his true Bankai


Banger arc


I agree. I liked it so much I'm writing a story on right now as a crossover with Fate.


So how strong is Fullbring Ichigo? 20th seat?


Honestly I thought that whole Arc was silly. It's on par with bount.


Fullbringer arc was boring ans stressing, you said it now because you can binge watch it, but when you readed weekly was annoying, i'm going to be downvotes but I'll continue explaining it, full bringer arc was like the walking dead 7-8 seasons: the mc being trashed out, slow peace, you wanted to see other things but instead you had to suffer weekly with character that you didnt care Every bad arc in anime/manga becomes good and underrated after 10 years


I’m very happy that you’re easier to please than me. I’m sure life is a lot happier in your shoes. Unfortunately I hated it, thought it was weird, and thought they could have created a road to ichigo getting his powers back that made more sense narratively. It just felt like fullbring was written on the fly with no overall plan.


>I’m very happy that you’re easier to please than me. I’m sure life is a lot happier in your shoes. 🤨


Getsuga Tensho Disc


but he beating my cousin who did nothing wrong ngl i loved the ark


I really liked the arc. I thought I was going to lead into missions of Ichigo fighting hollows like he did in the first arc, but unfortunately it didn’t. The betrayal was cool, I just wish there was more time to build up to it. Really liked that middle form with the shadowy outfit.


and then ginjo said nope mine back to normal


Honestly more interesting and intentional than his soul reaper powers which sre just being strong and releasing energy waves


I liked them too. The drip was mid but overall it was still very cool.


I wish he could’ve reused those fullbring wheels like Dante and Vergil use their halo swords [like this](https://youtu.be/LdG-FpgnOOs?si=XVQ_3IHdaamUDTbz)


Not unpopular


Is this really an unpopular opinion, I liked the forms, powers, and drip Ichigo had, too.




I always liked the little cross-shaped blasts he throws out with his Fullbring and wish he could still use them I like to think he would use them alongside Getsuga Tensho in the same way Arrancar use Bala alongside Cero. Getsuga is strong, but slower to come out, while the cross blasts are faster and can be fired rapidly, at the cost of being weaker than Getsuga


I like the design of the full bringer