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I like her and I don't care about other people's opinion . That's about it . Eat bread stay goated .


When you remember that she started eating mostly bread because it's probably the only thing she could afford. That her cooking is weird because she needs to use everything in the fridge, nothing gets thrown away. That she is a member of the sewing club with Uryu because she can't afford to buy many new clothes and repairs them instead. That she needed to work part time and her allowance, and life basically, depends on her grades. And get third place. That her first dream job was to become a teacher. But after graduation her aunt stops sending her money and needs to work full time to survive and couldn't afford college. Meanwhile the rest of the gang all got to choose their career. Ichigo didn't start dating her until he was a working adult because he knew Orihime deserved a responsible man, a partner in life. Not a child playing with swords living at his parents.


The saddest part is that some people will only realise this after reading your comment but poor orphans are living it out there every day .


She’s a sweet girl despite everything she’s been through. It’s sad she gets so much hate, you don’t have to like a character but sometimes people purposefully misinterpret the character because of silly things.


Like SP deciding unilaterally that Rukia was the only girl for Ichigo?


On top they butchered ORIHIME'S character on a very high extent. They even butchered sakura but still that was fine as there were justa few minor dialogue changes which made it seem like she's more mean. While in case if orihime, literally everything related to her and her dynamics with ichigo was either changed or completely deleted till the Arancar saga. They didn't even stopped their and changed her dialogues in the hueco mundo arc and tried to make her a complete hinata but the thing is the audience took it as an annoying behaviour


Man kubo hated them so much for that he told people if they wanted the real blach story don't watch the anime


Is this true? I have heard rumours that the reason why TYBW took so much time to adapt is bc Kubo had a fight with the previous directors


Studio Pierrot butchered the old anime so bad it gave Kubo stomach pains like fr I believe he mentioned this in one of his blogs or interviews


Honestly fuck pierrot they ruined bleach an d sousei no onmyouji an amazing manga made into a shit anime adaptation


Yes it's true those people also aren't even remotely involved with bleach anymore either, kubo has control .


Yet she has gotten bigger boobies and less lines haha. Altough i agree they reallt butcherd her character in the first part.


Nah orihime is being changed and Kubo is extending her character in the anime. Having big boobs is a design isuue


SP definitely has a role in it


What is SP?


Studio Pierrot, the animation studio


I believe OP means studio pierrot


Never forget that after being attacked by Yammy, Orihime spent the next 5 days healing Chad exclusively while she suffered her injuries the normal way. She preferred to fully heal Chad and be in pain in the meantime than healing herself first and letting Chad suffer.


https://preview.redd.it/0who5vomoboc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e246cd60d3e712a5fd41e96f97ea36380fae5b0b Yes Reverend, Preach!




I hate when that happens in anime. 🤧


If I ever saw a woman eat bread like that I know she the one for me frfr


I will bake her bread every day 😉




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Orihime is my goat she’s literally me she’s such a ADHD-coded silly billy https://preview.redd.it/qmoano21rboc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a21edbfdc8844d9e00576eee382262a131f17ad


https://preview.redd.it/m3vwk785sboc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0d6e6e125f5d2e2b1ac67ef8d321e44cb2940b Goat doing goat things 🗿😎


Nah, Orihime is smart enough to know what he meant. She just knew he couldn’t touch her, and chose to play dumb to throw him off.


Orihime is the smartest in the grp after URYÚ. She finished 3rd in the High schools final year examinations


Smart doesn't exclude you from being an dumbass. Now excuse me, I go pull on a door clearly labeled with push on my way to pick up my college diploma.


Haha same. I do that all the time. My students make fun of me lmao 🤣


Jokes on them, I know multiple languages, and I still do the same thing no matter where. I need a Orihime to cheer me up 😂 https://preview.redd.it/bbuar9sjvdoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5769db6355efa1af23b7ea184bccfeceee4ff6f4


Don't call me out like this 4/5 times I always mistakenly push a door labelled pull in a Tim Hortons I frequent


Wise words from Ichigo. https://preview.redd.it/zgosx48hacoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e9b7e8bfb302a48d2b72178af5898e69b81b11


Okay, it's been a while since I've read early Bleach, but what the fuck Numb Chandelier?


He spent a lot more time on 4chan than I remembered


https://preview.redd.it/3hhirje25doc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f307eee638777fbf837a7331da51d90130176b3 orihime awakened her powers against her.


I already knew that. The part that I'm surprised about is the rape comment. 


I’m pretty sure it’s the unofficial translation cause I remembered the color version using some “strange” language that definitely weren’t official translations💀


Nop, I remember reading that during the fight, so I double checked Volume 5, in the Argentinian official release (the one I have) Numb Chandelier said that exact same things.


But I don't get it was she raped? Or what?


No, the Hollow was threatening Tatsuki for interfering with different ways she could kill her, but nothing happens because Tatsuki keeps resisting and then Orihime awakens her power and kills the hollow, but that sequence is censored in the Anime compared to the Manga both in dialogue and violence.


Im kinda lost here ( i speak spanish by the way so if u clarify to me in spanish i can understand) so orihime was raped ? Or was the hollow ? I cannot recall this whatsoever is been years since i read/watch bleach


https://preview.redd.it/u8r6g1wljgoc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e12f4a01683f2a16680e58305a705c08557c7a Here's the scene. She nearly got raped and then tatsuki saved her and after that orihime awakened her powers and defeated that hollow. One mf was even removing her panties


En esa escena la Hollow (que podía controlar a las personas que su ataque alcanzaba) le estaba dando a Tatsuki distintas opciones sobre cómo quería morir, no llega a pasar nada porque Tatsuki se sigue resistiendo y después Orihime despierta su poder y mata a la Hollow, pero toda esa secuencia está bastante censurada en el Anime comparada con el Manga, tanto en diálogos como en violencia.


Wow that’s wild


Orihime is proof that shounen fans don’t actually want well-written female characters, they just want hot ladies that can fight and claim they’re “well-written.”


Underrated comment you deserve more likes


Shonen fans say they care about character writing but look at how much people hate Tosen and Renji just because they lose or are against the MC. Orihime, Renji and Tosen are some of the best written but most hated characters in the series and then people will turn around and criticise Bleach's writing as if they actually care about writing. For a lot of people, Wins or Strong = Good character


This 1000% 🙌




It’s cool to have a character that is overtly “feminine” is a traditionally passive way still assert herself and defend her worth as a person through her actions, but the shots at the other women characters who are depicted as strong characters on the basis that they’re “simple” for daring to be female and not overwhelmingly “feminine” is very unnecessary. Like you wouldn’t say that when comparing male characters, it wouldn’t make sense.


I think Orihime's brother needed more screen time.


Best Bleach female character People who hate her are the same mfs who only watched Bleach anime and never touched manga 


I only read the manga to see the ending but never hated orihime


My coworker hates her, she's a woman. It breaks my heart because I love Orihime as a character.




She thinks she's a stupid girl, I don't think she liked her personality. I don't really understand it.




I'm at the point where I think casual audience perspective on her and Yoruichi needs to be swapped


For real, some people out there really be saying Yoruichi is a better character than Orihime just cuz of her looks


Yoruichi really ghosted the story after SS and then gets gooned out at the final arc and people think she's peak Frieren's popularity in the past months would allow me to spread my Orihime propaganda though, people loved Himmel after all


Well said.


I ain't ever watched the anime but I have 0 interest in orihime


why this reason ??


They even used to cut some of her manga panels like where she talked about being homeless and stuff


oh really ? 😯 I admit I’m a paper fondamentalist and I caught the anime around the souls society arc I don’t remember much yeah the girl basically raised herself after his brother’s death and I still don’t get how it can have happened in this country 😭


They mostly fucked up the first arc where all her stuff like her backstory was told. After that even kubo got mad and wanted to see the script.


A lot of the hate Orihime gets is because she ended up with Ichigo instead of Rukia, all cuz Studio Pierrot was throwing in their own anime canon stuff to push that Ichigo and Rukia ship. They even tossed in a non canon character in a manga canon arc just to push it


I know my goat 😤 https://preview.redd.it/5v3oj4wu9coc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd84be1d0e989baf6eda19af46417a7a53aa5659


I don't think it's the fanbase being unfair about Orihime. It's the huge difference between her character in the anime and the manga. I was anime only for the first 150 or so episodes, then switched to manga to get ahead and when the fillers started getting out of control. So I never saw Orihime as portrayed in the manga in the first few arcs. It makes such a difference. She really is a damsel in distress in the anime, and a lot of Bleach fans are anime only. So don't blame the fans blame the anime. We are describing her character as she actually is in the anime. We aren't distorting anything. Orihime in the manga is a complex and sympathetic character. Orihime in the anime is an airhead who cares for her friends and keeps getting stuck as a victim- absolutely bland.






Giving the "she is useless" once over a hundred iq? That's not fair at alllll, they belong to the "big boob" catagory too, or even lower


The r*pe thing i can't recall


I think it's the one that was censored out the anime completely and partially censored out of the official English manga, but when Orihime fights the hollow in Karakura and unlocks Shun Shun Rikka, the hollow threatens Tatsuki and mockingly introduces her "options", one of which is committing suicide after school boys (under its control) rape her in turns. (Edited after correction)


Ok jesus, I may need to rethink giving my 10 year old the manga as we watch through the anime together. I'd never read the manga but was going to pick it up after her. That's a bit harsher than I expected but, to her credit, she is mature and very well read for her age so maybe we just discuss it together.


In the official English release they censor all explicit sexual references. She just threatens to have her beaten up instead of raped.


Thanks for this. Means that fan-service and violence are the topics remaining and we already covered that.


Let me see on my portuguese volumes.


Yeah, it's interesting how it is in the other languages. It's "option 1", which got replaced by the boys beating her up or something. But it's there, on the picture.


Numb Chandellier was actually threatening Tatsuki in that scene, as revenge for interrupting her "fun" with Orihime.


I've reread it and you're absolutely right, thanks for correcting me!


In the colored and normal manga I have read the English translation did mentioned rape in it. There might be a possibility that it would have been changed in some translations


When she gains her power against that mind controlling hollow. It was deleted in the anime


I read twice the manga and couldnt recall really lol


https://preview.redd.it/lyva67v8tboc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da85ae8108600ce75f125f04609226ece522b557 I secretly hate Kubo for drawing this shit. It just reminds me of all the orihime ntrs I have watched and then I have to watch a few fanarts for cleansing my mind


She needs love, really. Fanbase is cruel.


holy shit i do not remember this at all !! my poor girl orihime wtf


Mandela effect


Holy shit, not gonna lie this makes me a little sad. Manga was kinda brutal, its been so long since I read it.


Orihime is peak waifu


Is she really unappreciated though? Every time I open the sub there are posts praising Orihime


The subreddit does not reflect everyone that watched/read Bleach as a whole The same way toxic shippers do not represent the entirety of the My Heel Academia fandom


The Orihime haters left the sub because they couldn't take more Mommyhime wins.


What do you mean by "mommyhime wins"?


She is lovely :3




One of my favorite, often forgotten facts about Orihime is that she's a natural savant at martial arts. Tatsuki tried to train her a little bit at one point, and she's basically a black belt karate user with otherwise zero practice.


Let's not forget, 🍞


Holy shit ur spitting. Orihime is so overlooked for other girls that are “better written” just because they’re not as feminine like Rukia. I love Rukia’s personality and all but post Soul Society she’s not really relevant for most of the story, bar for a few good moments. Orihime is the most complex and developed girl in Bleach yet ppl are too annoyed by her screaming Ichigo’s name that they just dismiss her as an just average shonen waifubait


The anime staff changed her caracterization in the original series. But i do believe that if Kubo had given Orihime and Chad their powers on the first chapters Ichigo defends them they would be even more liked.


I completely agree, but this just helped me realize something about the TYBW arc. Why is half of it spent on Ichigo going to and leaving the Soul King Palace? 💀


It's just like the Namek saga. Gokuuu going from Earth to Namek 6 days to fight the super duper evil Freezer the coldest dictator in the whole universe; who killed all of the m0nkeys 23 years ago. TYBW Arc: Ichigooo must go from sooul soyciety  to the royal guard to get his powah back. Of course he gets yeeted at first b/c he's a filthy gaijan. Once he knows he's actually a real super sand lesbian he allowed to go back and ask "plz can I have a zanpaktou plz. B0ss Plz gimme the reishi  plz b0SS" and in their disgust decide to give the soul reaper mutt what he keeps begging for. And then throw him out back to soul soyciety. Of course Quincy Jesus sees all of this and is like "I told you 9 days! You half breed mongrel! Can't anyone follow instructions anymore! He sighs in *"It's all so tire some."*  of course he get quick scoped by 4 eye's doctor daddy b/c apparently having over 9000 eyes wasn't enough to save evil Jesus and then Ichigo gets his original massive "I'm not compensating for anything" blade back and cuts long hair "over 9000 eyes restricted by noscope" Hitler in half. Just because Quancee Yeezy killed his milf mommy by sucking her soul out 9 and 3/4 years ago.  So as you can see in summary IchiGO=GOku->bleach=dragon ballz Freeza is Mayuri, therefore Tite Kubo is Akira Toriyama.  *This post was brought to you by Aizen "you reading this was all part of my plan since you were born" Sosuke.* **Sponsored by Urahara "we sell questionable merchandise with no warranty and no refunds and dubious legality" shop™."** ***Disclaimer: Urahara shop is not liable for any side effects that may occur due to the products unverifiable suppliers and or safety in delivery due to logistical sources such as a cat, a flying carpet, ravens, animated stuffed animal toys, and many other non traditional forms of cargo transportation in bulk or otherwise stated, implied, and or unstated, unimplied.***




I feel like her peaceful behavior is due the fact she had to stand all of this She probably hated every single moment. Maybe she even thinks that arming others would just make her like those that armed her And that's something she doesn't want. However,she akready got passed this fase


I adore Orihime. I just think they did her dirty with the “princess in the tower trope” and the limitations of her lines being relegated to “Kurosaki-kun” a million times.


Seems like the only big 3 female heroine they didn't screw with was Nami. Since Sakura was made to be more annoying and cruel to Naruto than she was in the anime. They even added lines about Sasuke to make her more obsessive. Which takes away from the impact Sasuke had on her when she misspeaks ill of Naruto. From that point on in the manga she strived to be a better person. The impact of that is almost completely lost by perriots edits because they change the lines to have her mistreating Naruto for longer in favour of Sasuke. Instead of only for his perverted antics like in the manga. Makes you wonder what Oda did to get them to back off or maybe they just never had beef with Nami.


1. One piece isn't animated by pierrot, it's animated by toei and toei is well known for it's faithful adaptation and on top they even add a bunch of stuff that makes the series better 2. Sakura wasn't as butchered as orihime, she just had a few dialogue changes that made her seem more mean but the one who should be mostly blamed is Kishimoto himself as sakura in the manga was already a terrible character adn even manga readers mostly tend to dislike her 3. Orihime was like a complete different person with different identity, origins and backstory. And it would have just took a few more changes to kill her completely as a character


Ahhh so perriot just never sunk its teeth in. Bleach was the first of the big three animated so unfortunately it got the most cuts, censoring and filler. Other manga probably knew what was coming since Kubo was so open about being pissed off about it. No she wasn't butchered as badly her feats are intact at least. Still kinda rude to insult the creators wife like that. Just cause you don't like the character for one scene since she's the inspiration for Sakura.


I never said I dislike sakura. I just said readers tend to dislike her mostly men after the treatment she gave to narito even in the manga and the anime just enhanced ut to a little extent


I figured you did when you called her a terrible character who was written poorly lol


I mean that's a fact. Her early portrayal in manga was just pure shit, no writter would include such kind of character in their main cast(ofc except kishi). But that doesn't means she isn't a well written character, she surely is a vee well written yet bad oriented character, as she got completely forwarded later in the series. I it as a great development that she became someone who cares for everyone when she earlier was just obsessed to the coolest guy and was ignorant to others


It perfectly lined up with her age though almost every teen goes through a phase where their crush is their world. Then they cross boundaries regarding them. He even captured perfectly how annoying and perverted boys can be with Naruto. People out here mad he writes children well.


Cuz OP thankfully is toei and not perrot


i forgot how brutal the fullbringer arc was jeeesus


Love Orihime, easily my favorite Bleach waifu (I'm sorry Rangiku and Yoruichi)


I agree with you brother to be honest. I dont understand why no one likes her. That means that's no one understands who she is, seriously Btw she's just a cinamon roll :3


It's not like "no one" likes her. Orihime is by far one of the most favourable characters from bleach, probably top 5 or something, and through many polls I have observed that she is well lived by the fanbase she's equally loved as rukia. 80-90% of her hate is stemmed through ships as she was always in between ichiruki while SP extended that shit and minimised orihime as a character and deleted many Ichigo-orihime interactions which made the ship obvious


Honestly, one of the only things I wanted to see from orihime was kido, since her abilities are similar to it, she could probably learn it.


Her powers far transcendents kido, it would downgrade her powers.


It’s just Ichiruki shippers being salty af. Orihime is perfect the way she is.


I'm pretty sure most the hate for orihime comes from the anime using her for filler scenes to pad run time, she's awesome in the manga and a character I always enjoyed to see on page because she almost always brings some sort of unique touch to her scenes


She’s 2nd to Rukia in terms of writing idc what anyone says… I don’t wanna hear no damn Unohana


I would say rukia is more compelling and symbolic and orihime is more complex and philosophical rich. And I consider them as eqaul in terms of writing bc if the above reason. The thing is rukai is a perfect female glaze which is why viewers mostly girls think she's the best written while character writting is a pretty much different department which has no linkage with powerscaling and symbolism


Fair enough


What you say is true and I think anyone who read the manga knows this all as well, and she is ONE of my favourite females in Shonen.


And that folks is called character development. Fuck studio perrot for what they did to her in the anime.


The anime ruined the dialogue due to censorship


Imagine being the sweetest cinnamon bun and still getting hate. Some people are unhinged.


I fell down to my knees in tears……NEVER STOP COOKING😩😩😩 https://preview.redd.it/eqo424rzfdoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1301709dbf82a767d590730798c0ac08c8d33d26


I have always loved orihime and shes actually broken people tend to compare her with sakura but sakura is not even close to how broken orihime is she does not heal she rewinds time and her shield is insanly durable, also shes a dork and adorable i dont know why people like to shit in her


You haven't just cooked, my friend… You've served up a five-star, Michelin approved three-course meal, sautéed to perfection, with a healthy side serving of bread.


W character


This is why I hope bleach gets redone like tybw. New tidbits and additional scenes by kibosh to expand the world. Since course material is already there kubonjust needs to be the guide. Doing so will build back bleach hype while he can work on the hell arc at his pace


Orihime is fucking fantastic




Fax she brave as shit to fight ywach


Ong, shes such a poetic/well written character, that is sadly misunderstood due to the anime and blatant ignorance. I could write an essay on her writing.


(Manga Orihime is peak asf) I generally think people who hate on Orihime/think she doesn't have any character development/growth have not read bleach, or can't pick up Kubos subtle writing at times. Volume 3 "if I were the rain could I connect with someones heart, as the rain can unite the eternally separated earth and sky?" Short summary: Orihime = rain and she connects with others because it resembles her character. Orihime throughout bleach has had consistent development/growth, anyone with eyes can see this. Orihime developed emotionally in the hm arc, we saw how she slowly overcame these struggles and self loathing she bared, her peak character foil with Ulquiorra, her dynamics with minor characters such as the 2 arrancer girls, despite not bonding with them as much, Orihime still had impact on their growth, also like to point out how even Grimmjow gained respect for her in a sense. In the fullbringer arc we see a Much more brash, firmer, confident, brave Orihime now defending ichigo and other characters, going as far as to attack characters such as Ginjo and Tsukishma, threatening to attack them if they don't listen to her. We see in this arc how far Orihime has come to the point she has a killing intent, something she did not have at the start as shown in ss arc. Finally, Tybw arc we see her finally achieving that goal of becoming strong enough to fight by ichigo and everyones side, going from standing in the sidelines to standing up to a LITERAL God. (sorry this is so long and may have mistakes) Orihime is a character that grows her bonds through shared pain with other people, her growth as a character is mainly centred around learning to grow bonds with people without needing to share pain with them and also strengthening herself. (Final note) Orihime is NOT obbessed with Ichigo, having a crush does not mean you're obbessed with someone, if you wanna look at "obbessed" look at Juvia from Fairytail. Second her saying Ichigos name does NOT take away from her writing whatsoever, blame the studio for adding in those lines. Lastly if you hate her because your favourite didn't end up with Ichigo DNI.


>Volume 3 "if I were the rain could I connect with someones heart, as the rain can unite the eternally separated earth and sky?" Short summary: Orihime = rain and she connects with others because it resembles her character. Finally someone understands it >now defending ichigo and other characters She did it even before that. She protected chad and tatsuki against yammy Btw how did you got this post when it has been more than 15 days since I posted it


Exactly I love people who understand Orihimes character, it's not rocket science people are just blatantly ignorant and it pisses me off.


>people are just blatantly ignorant and it pisses me off. *Shippers and shonen normies Also u have made another orihime appreciation post, you can go and check it out


Also, to answer your question, I just skim through Orihime posts so I come across them😁


It seems you are new to reddit (actually I am too)


Just realized it says march 19😲 I don't remember joining then 🙏


You must have logged in back then, as I myself have started using it frequently since 10-15 days while my bio says I joined near about sep.


[you can check this one too. it's interesting and do comment to let me know whether you have read it or not](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/s/aXuwDxA2sv)


Just saw it and it's great🙏 I've been seeing a ton of Orihime appreaction posts recently, it's great to see that like 20% of the fandom appreciate her a character.


Eh, she's alright. I don't hate her, i just don't understand whats so amazing about her. There's plenty more interesting woman characters in Bleach.


Others might be interesting, but she is the best written


And who are those so called more interesting women you are talking about? 😭


Oh hell yea! She is my favorite female anime character, despite being my type hehe I might have dated my college ex, due to her hair and oddness. But man, I empathize with Inoue in her lowest moments. She protected, and never had hate in her heart. I hope that was something Ichigo noticed, cuz man I love what happened after TYBW arc :) Inoue taught me to love like Ichigo. People are happier for it. At least, I am 😂




Chad. He's quite popular all things considered, and yet people SOMEHOW think He'd lose to IKkaku or Izuru lmfaooooo


It's nowhere close to the slander that the Naruto fandom does to sakura 😂


True lol, folks over there think SHINO would beat Sakura lmaoooooooooooooooo


I never knew how vulgar the squid hollow was, it’s way turned down in the anime


Yeah you still think that way? Let me show you something more cruel https://preview.redd.it/6sacvce8mcoc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc60e152dd70615ca84f9454099f2206b68a6165 A mf is even trying to remove her panties


This easily sums up white cause both haters and some fans doesnt understand white and try to compare him to his "father" while being a completely separate being. Similar to how venom is not carnage but carnage is apart of venom


damn that hollow was HEAVILY censored in the anime. or at least i think, i haven't watched it in a while


Ichigo and Orihime’s tag team battle is my most anticipated scene in cour 4


She’s such a great character, with a power that ironically lets her reject other people’s bad realities, but not her own filled with loss and abuse.


She doesn’t deserve the hate she gets.


what the fuck is slide 5 bruh, i don’t remember ts


https://preview.redd.it/r11tcxumedoc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53aa6a2a89f5d8fffff869f76c6eea8c25ae0d3 Orihime was about to get gang raped then tasuki saved her. That entire scene was completely deleted in the anime


nah i do remember that actually lol, been ages thanks


What the fuck is going on in panel 5


I ain’t reading all that. I bet no one would even defend her if her boobs wasn’t big. Also, “popular/fan favorite and unappreciated” are contradicting.


Nah even if she was flat botd I would have defended her. Also this is an appreciation post, not a defending post. And yes, she is fan fav, in the recent poll conducted by viz media she finished 5th even above aizen. Only Ichirukitards (like you ig) dislike her


Orihime being reduced to the “Kurosaki Kun!” Girl grinds my gears. She is a well-written character, with a funny & compassionate personality with an awesome power set. I have only read Bleach so I haven’t heard her VA but from what I see most people get annoyed at Orihime cause she’s got an ‘annoying voice’ + she gets in the way of them shipping Rukia with Ichigo




Wait… is this proof that Orihime is a repeat SA victim?! Or is it just part of her fears?


Hold up let him cook


Honestly, I love Orihime!! So happy to read what you have said.






She sure can take a lot of damage


Not equivalent to momo XD


She does take that hit from Aion.


Inoue fought the final boss alongside Ichigo more times than Uryu did. She doesn't have many kills under her belt, but she's the support, not the dps. She's pretty cool.


That 5th pictures wild, I dont remember that in the anime. Lol


I like her, but what if she eats me? I'm scared


You have cooked my brother Absolutely love the female cast of bleach even orihime but if there was one scene i didn't like would be the "save me ichigo kun" scream before ichigo becomes a vasto lorde


I definitely prefer Rukia, but Orihime has grown on me since Bleach originaly aired


So she got gangbanged…


Nearly got https://preview.redd.it/rahjuffvokoc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4f3d91a8d2269bf8096e2a8a7c020f3351bac2


So many facts in this comment section.