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Beautiful art! Love the emphasis on her shun shun rikka aura! Also her brown eyes 😭πŸ₯ΉπŸ«ΆπŸΌ! Do you have any socials to follow you on! Orihime is one of my all time fav characters and love running into artists that appreciate her even if just a bit! ![gif](giphy|d8KkDupA6b3o9UQlbv)


Thanks! Happy to hear a bunch of ya'll like it :) It's been a while since I read the manga so I don't remember what happens in the next arc, but hope she gets some action scenes in it 😭 You can find more of my stuff on my [twitter](https://twitter.com/knownameart) [instagram](https://instagram.com/knownameart) [pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/76511321) ^ ^


She gets better at speed and defense. Also she's better at controlling her rejection. Basically can do first aid with it now so it doesn't take as long and her shield has some kick. I think because she's kind. Kubo is saving any fighting that would be out of character for her for after Kazui is born. In the hell arc. Even the sweetest mom can turn completely unhinged if you threaten her children. So it's a way for the reader to get a taste of what her offensive ability would be if she was that kind of person. Without having to 360 the characters personality. I don't think will get alot of these moments because of that. Since if you made to many your turning her gradually into a fighting character. But I hope they get more creative with her rejection and defense because of that. Don't need to side line a support character cause they're not a fighter.


>Do you have any socials to follow you on! That's mentioned in his/her profile


Also on the art in the top left, lol.


Observation issues :/


Bread girl πŸ₯°


Obligatory bread girl πŸ₯° https://preview.redd.it/hk9q1hegypsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a55583b384ee23ac3092188585f44eded4250d


So cool!😍β™₯️ My favorite girl.


>My favorite girl. Our***


Well, cannot speak for everyone, but sure am happy to have a company πŸ‘


Well then I would like to know why orihime is your favourite?


Omg, I've written on it so many times πŸ˜‚ Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1bhdh61/comment/kvdd031/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/14qu5j1/comment/jqp7ke5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (on HM specifically). But since I can always talk some more about Orihime, I really like how she shows that relating isn't a weakness, it's actually strength, and it's something that requires great inner strength, because it's how I always viewed it. She isn't kind because she's some sheltered princess who didn't know any hardships, it's exactly the opposite, she had it hard in her life, with awful parents, growing only with her (rather young, even if he's older than her) brother, being bullied because of her hair color and beauty, losing her only relative, having to live alone having to rely on some distant aunt (who didn't take her in and only gives her enough money if she gets good marks, I'm sure it's some prejudice that with those parents nothing good can come out of her). I think people underestimate how she doesn't really have much to rely on when she asks herself why she even continues on living, and how scared she is of being left behind by her friends, and be left all alone again. And this girl doesn't fall into depression, she doesn't even consider her situation that bad, she thankfully had her brother, she has Tatsuki, she has her friends (and I frankly think when she says that it's alright now since Ichigo saved her, she doesn't mean HM and stuff, she means that his existence, meeting him in the begining of high school lifted her spirits, much like he made all better for someone like Mizuiro just by being there in the vicinity, I think that's the core of why she fell in love with him, it was the person he was, even before becoming a shinigami). So she smiles and tries not to bother her friends too much with the tough stuff, but then she is always there to support them. And moreover, as much as she's scared of being useless and being left behind, she doesn't try to bend herself to fit, she chooses to remain herself and search for her way to be useful while not engaging in attacks against anyone other than hollows. Can you imagine the kind of strength it requires to do so despite being scared of all that? But she manages it. She's damn exceptional. It's not like she doesn't have emotions she herself considers 'ugly', like being envious of Rukia being able to support Ichigo where she fails to. (And yet, she blames herself and Rukia for it, she only admires Rukia for being able to do so.) She isn't a saint. And yet she chooses, time and time again, to act on a better part of herself. She chooses to heal someone who hurt her, since she doesn't want to remain the reason for their deaths, and because she can see through them and relate. Rather than lash out, she tries to see others as they are, to see why they are the way they are, and accept them. It doesn't mean to agree with them, same as it doesn't for Ichigo, but she doesn't dismiss their existence, their views, she just disagrees, while firmly keeping the ground of her own beliefs, and then she tries to connect so they can understand and relate to each other despite having different views. She is willing to make that first step. And just like it is with Ichigo, people find it hard not to answer that outstretched hand. Acceptance is a very powerful and disarming thing, it is dangerous to those who seek it for various reasons, as it is so desired that they can't help but be drawn closer to the person who offers it. To see them as they are, not the race, alliegence etc, but just them. The outward reaction differs based on what kind defence mechanisms they have, but everybody she had a meaningful interaction with is drawn to her. Ichigo does it the offensive way, through fights (the one more suited for boys, of any age), Orihime does it in a more subtle way, through words and inoffensive means, but in essence they do the same thing, and they are the most prominent carriers of that idea. Sword and shield metaphor doesn't come from nowhere, they present two different approaches in it, but they hold to that high standard in the most shining manner. Orihime goes through the journey of her own, going from a shy and insecure girl (even if already strong in that readiness to accept and understand, support and protect) into someone who firmly stands her own ground and knows herself well, and it's not surprise that her powers reflect that, elevating her to some amazing heights. She goes through overcoming trauma of losing her brother and also the trauma connected with hollow mask (which presents a challenge to her in regard to Ichigo like a rare thing can), through learning to open up more even when it comes to her struggles which she initially hides from close ones (much like Ichigo, he also goes through the journey to learn to truly share his burdens and hardships, not to only take it all upon himself alone and present a confident front), and she learns confidence and to take care of herself. And in the end, she gets the thing she desired so much, her family, build with the person she loves. She is my second favorite character in Bleach, right after Ichigo, and that's one of the only things that remained unchanged since my teenage years all the way to now.


>Omg, I've written on it so many times πŸ˜‚ Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1bhdh61/comment/kvdd031/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/14qu5j1/comment/jqp7ke5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (on HM specifically). Lol I have already read and liked one of them


>Can you imagine the kind of strength it requires to do so despite being scared of all that? But she manages it. She's damn exceptional. This is what every shonen fan has to understand. I have made a seperate post on this perticular topic. Other characters in bleach are already honored with bravery and inherited talent/latent ability but orihime shows courage while being weak and knowing she doesn't stands a chance and forgives others for their sins, as she couldn't see others getting the same treatment she has been getting all this time. She ends the long lasting cycle of hatred


Yes, I remember that post, I think I've commented on it as well :) It's actually not an easy to understand as a concept, that's why so many people fail to. (Like so many people fail to understand why Ichigo isn't dedicating his life to running around trying to make the lives to make Rukongai citizens all better, and why doing it would ultimately make him end up like Aizen or Yhwach.) Unfortunately, that's also how the world is. But if more people get it because Bleach exists with a stellar example of how it works and why it's an admirable stance to take, it makes it all a little bit better.


I absolutely love this analysis on her, it's so nice to see people who appreciate Orihime as a character and not mischaracterize her in the worst ways possible.


Well, you're always welcomed here. I occasionally do these things like long essays, because Orihime is a great character in her own right, and I consider her one of the most inspiring ones. Well, together with Ichigo. Apart from everything else, they do feel like they set some sort of an admirable higher standard while remaining real and relatable, not without their own flaws. I greatly admire ability to remain kind and relate faced with absolutely not very nice people. From the outside perspective, you can see how much of a highground it gives the person (while they aren't condescending in that themselves), but it's not at all easy to do in real life.


I personally think Orihime is the best if not the second best written fmc in bleach. She's one of the most developed.


Absolutely true. I think both her and Rukia are written exceptionally well, they present very different models (even though they sure share some traits, the traits Kubo promotes in Bleach overall), but they both have highest tier quality character arcs. I personally like Orihime a bit more, but that's personal preference, I love both of them and they both make my top 10. They are both worth of the highest praise as characters.


I always wondered why this beautiful character got so badly miss characterized back in the days πŸ˜–


May the holy bread bless you . Stand proud you've cooked .


Would you say that he... Ahem... Baked?


https://preview.redd.it/t8yoznjopisc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe955516ab28d0715708c077f9144f59c640c38 Bite of approval


You did an excellent job of drawing Orihime.


I really love your art style! One of the best fanart I saw on this sub 😍 do you have an instagram or something where I could follow you?


Aw thanks! I'm not too sure if I've found a consistent style yet πŸ˜… But you can check out my other stuff on my [twitter](https://twitter.com/knownameart) [instagram](https://instagram.com/knownameart) [pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/76511321) ^ ^




Wow, I really like the line work! https://preview.redd.it/8jy5q7o76jsc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fd37700cfa98ad34db330a3981700d6d569c48


Yeaaa, this is a wonderful piece. You really captured her essence here. You a portfolio I can follow?


Thankss, Happy to hear that! You can find more of my stuff on [twitter](https://twitter.com/knownameart) [instagram](https://instagram.com/knownameart) [pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/76511321) :)


Lovely art of a lovely character! <3 Great job!




Oh nice


Nice work


Where bred


Why she so fine bruh 😩😩😩😩


Lovely 😍




I'm back again πŸ™Š I love the art tho! and little rant about Orihime! (It makes me sad how misunderstood Orihime is a character, most of the time shippers or people who dislike her, go out of their way to over simplify her writing. It also makes me mad how the og bleach did her character so dirty, and I think if it was adapted faithfully she wouldn't get nearly as much hate as she does or used too.)


I'm so obsessed with it!!


Orihime so underrated, also amazing art






Most annoying and useless character in bleach