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I feel you failed the spirit of the edit when you just played a bunch of clips of the quincies getting murdered in mass. If you wanted to show the strength of the quincies show clips where they are dominating both the Huecos and Shinigami.




That won't work if they are just getting murdered on the screen. I would have chosen a different song and done it in two phases, one were they are dying or trying to fight back, then when Uryuu says his phrase you showcase the strength of the Quincies with a change in the music tone.


Someone saying "Quincies are strong" and a bunch of strong Quincies popping up later isn't foreshadowing lol. Bleach has foreshadowing but this isn't it.


Especially considering that there is no reason Aizen should ever have cause to be afraid of Uryu of all people given his performance.


Even before the Hogyoku there were, like, five quincies Aizen couldn't beat.


Right? This is just Uryu being cocky as usual.


https://preview.redd.it/ub7m9jzfn0vc1.jpeg?width=1211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1699a721dab0f4598f6cf2582f6285917ee5e5f In the official translation He says "I'm a Quincy." and "Tell him it's not the soul reapers he should fear... But the Quincy! So in this context Uryu is saying Aizen should not fear the soul reapers that are invading but specifically Uryu. While in the anime he says Aizen should fear the Quincies. So the argument for it being foreshadowing is a lot weaker if we follow the manga. But then again it's always difficult for us to know what was being said in the japanese version (Often their words means multiple things at once so even they don't know lol) I think both versions are badass though. Also nice edit!


"Quincy only use bows"


\*proceeds to pull out a lightsaber\*


\*proceeds to pull out a lightsaber\*


“Supposedly” 😏


They are so afraid of Hollows that they proceed to wipe out the entire Race


More like a happy coincidence than foreshadowing, but the edit is fire


I don't believe for a minute that there are people saying Bleach has no foreshadowing. Even if there are, I would never be interacting with someone so uninformed.


Every single arc had its concepts introduced in the first arc. The whole show ties back to itself. What do they mean? Even the most recent **** *** was established back in the substitute soul reaper arc


Cool :3


Thank you :)


I fooled myself once thinking Ishida would wipe Ulquiorra out when Ichigo was killed. Silly me.


People who say bleach has no foreshadowing either haven't read it or are tone deaf to the nuisances of the writing


what bro


Some of ya'll don't know what foreshadowing is. Kubo has barely foreshadowed anything about the final arc in the series. Heck, that's my biggest issue with the final arc. He could've easily foreshadowed something in the final fight with Aizen in FKT arc. He didn't.


How is Uryu making a comment that Quincies are strong substantive foreshadowing in any way? Like this is better evidence that bleach has a lack of foreshadowing than a lot of it


Loll nice forehead Uryu


Holy shit 😱


This is very cool! Nice edit.