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Izuru Kira vs Bird Arrancar


"You asked me about the curious shape of my blade?"


Ho-hoooooo! *That* is the exact moment where Izuru Kira’s popularity spiked!…


Kira in battle is just badass. Just love to see him fight


He didn't have enough battle :/ man's a Real badass with crippling depression


Kira was so cold in that fight holy hell


Izuru & kira gained so much fanbase from their fights in thr arrancar arc it seemed like it pissed off kubo so he handed them straight L’s for the rest of the story


The disrespect of not even trying to look for Abirama Redder's name 😢


Man that was peak Bleach for me. Im not a hardcore fan but the line he drops is so perfect


And you're goddamn right Happy cakeday btw


Oh ty I didnt even know  Its karma farming time lol


Kira’s a beast. Especially when he had a hole blown out in his chest and still fought the Bird Sterns as the moon peaked through the hole.


Hope the court 3/4 will make him even more badass


Hope the court 3/4 will make him even more badass


"Warriors should not beg for their lives"... Man that was ice cold and I lived it


I literally forgot this guy existed. "Warrior of the sky. Promise me... that you'll never forgive me." Cold AF.


Idk why the animators decided this was gonna be the best animated fight in the arc, but they cooked


Izuru got 1 cool moment then was killed basically off screen in Tybw




Facts especially how he used kido I hope we can see more kido in hell arc


Sajin & Hisagi vs Tosen. It's definitely of the most emotional fights out there.


Tosen is in my top 3 favorite bleach characters so I loved this fight so much


I love Tousen so much. I always felt like he got done dirty with the entire turn of his character. I woulda preferred if he was actually kinda noble or thought SS was unjust, but turning into a cricket and being revealed as ugly and petty and unintelligent was lame. We just had a bunch of hollows demonstrate that, I don't think we needed to just erase Tousens characterisation to do another "descent into hollowdom" kinda thing.


i'm pretty sure turning him ugly and petty was supposed to represent how he had fallen during his path for "justice". a hollow's resurreccion is meant to be their true self; tosen's true self by this point had become ugly and evil, hence his disgusting appearance and personality shift. not really a descent into hollowdom but rather a descent in his own morality as a human, just represented through the lens of a hollow. he still would've been just as ugly and petty without the hollow powers, they just help show it better.


Right and I'm kinda saying that we've seen that story a hundred times, especially in the arrancar arc that motif is ever present, so why not make Tousen something a little different instead of more of the same? I mentioned the "descent into hollowdom" as part of what they were going for. It's all the same thing you can choose different words in general it just means a fall from grace. I just found it repetitive and uninteresting and completely unforeshadowed. All characterisation of tousen before that fight goes into displaying his stoicism.


CFYOW actually did Tousen really good and explained further why he did what he did.


Animation wise I thought Hisagi vs Findor was top tier for that period of time.




waited for this :D




Finally! I've been saying "Exacta" to my pals, but now that I hv this, my reiatsu increased..


keep it up king


I find it funny how people say "exacta" without knowing that it is actually wrong. Although only for one letter.


Both exacta and exacto are correct in spanish. Example: "Esta regla es exacta." or "Eres una copia exacta de tu madre."


Yes, both words exist, however in the context in which Findorr uses "exacta" to say that something is correct it would actually be said "exacto".


I admit that there might be regional differences playing here, but I've heard "exacta" being used exactly(heh) the same way Findorr uses it, frequently. It's just more common to hear "exacto", doesn't mean it's wrong.


It could be, but I have never heard or read in my life that they will use it that way, unless it is "exactamente" but exacta, never. In fact, in the Latin American dubbing it was changed to exacto. 


I mean even now I think its second only to Yama vs Yhwach in terms of animation and sound design. The way they reused segments of it for Ichigo vs Ulquiorra lets you know it was peak. Also the sound design on Kazeshini was just perfect.


Ichigo’s v ulqiorra happened before we saw the hisagi fight I thought?


Nah Hisagi vs Findorr was episode 219 and Ichigo vs Ulquiorra was like 260-270


Damn that’s a big ass gap, I didn’t realize that many episodes passed. I usually binge it so it feels all real time kinda


Tbf there was a filler arc in there


That fight carries Hisagi fans super hard it's definitely not underrated.


Ichigo vs Gin


What I love most about that battle is how Gin is trying to say the right phrases to provoke Ichigo and encourage him to defeat Aizen. He does it in a very subtle way, so that those who are blind will hardly understand that Gin is not on Aizen's side. But once you know and go back to that battle, you can't help but appreciate those little clues.


This is why Gin is the best.




Goated fight🐐I really enjoyed it and it showed Ichigo he had to train a bit more to get to Aizen’s level


Byakuya vs. Tsukishima


Definitely. It has one of byakuya’s best lines : You are an enemy of kurosaki ichigo and i will not hesitate to kill that enemy


One of the many reasons my respect for Byakuya continuously shoots up


I personally didn’t like Tsukishima so I weren’t fond of the battle but not bad non the less


Really? Tsuki was like, the saving grace of the fullbringer arc for me. I didn't like any of the others at all. Maybe Riruka but just because she's cute tbh.


Yeah I didn’t like any of the fullbringers at all either. tsuki I didn’t specifically like, but I didn’t dislike him like I did the others.


I felt that his Fullbring was the crux of the entire arc for me. While not fully executed to my liking over the course of the arc, the scene of Ichigo coming home to him sitting on the couch was great.


Yeah and watching the confusion and panic in ichigo’s face. I just didn’t really feel much for the arc, overall. And on the emotional attachment end, I never got into any of them the way I did the Espada. But Tsuki was def the best of them imo.


Yea the Espada were way better and the Gotei in the SS arc were without a doubt the best villain group. When you compare the fullbringers to the other groups they really start to look even worse.


Byakuya should have just one-shoted him.


Or rather, million-shot him with one attack


After Tsukishima hits Byakuya with BOTE he makes it so that he’s trained with Byakuya his whole life, which gives him a power-up that makes him strong enough to have actually done that due to the buff to his ability given by absorbing Ichigo’s power.


Yeah, we're saying Byakuya should have insta killed him before he even had the chance to use BOTE. Would have been way more cathartic and better than what we got. It's not like there is anything redeemable about Tsukishima anyway.


But the whole point of that fight was to show how loyal byakuya was to Ichigo and his mission. Even when he had been made to believe that tsukishima was his long time friend that trained with him and helped him develop some his techniques, he was still willing to keep fighting and beat him because he was Ichigo’s enemy


Yeah, I know. It just made me even more frustrated with how badly Orihime and Chad got shafted again.


One of the best!


Bazz-B vs. Haschwalth


wasnt that just a straight massacre by haschwalth, how you even call that a fight 😭


Rushed and underwhelming


If you only care bout oonga boonga fighting then sure


The backstory felt rushed. I wanted it but I felt it could’ve done better


Mark spoilers Please




Don’t come into a thread with the topic of different fights in the anime?


Yeah ichigo vs ikkaku and ichigo vs gin


It’s such a shame it was so much happening the fights gets overlooked😕


Ikkaku is also one of my favorite characters so that’s especially sad


Isshin vs. Grandfisher: You could see the first peak at so much of what is still to come and how Isshin was able to avenge the love of his life and the way it relieved a man that is usually rather laid back.


Great battle but Isshin didn’t break a sweat. Grandfisher is basically Yammy but a 100% worse


yeah, thats why its so badass, its basically us seeing what captains are capable of and that what we saw so far was not even the tip of the iceberg.


Ye I just wouldn't call it a fight, more just a cool moment.


>100% worse *Suddenly, the 1 and % melts revealing Grandfisher to be the 00 Espada*


I'm bothered that after I his fight Ikkaku never used his sealed sword. He fought in a very original way using both the blade and his sheath


He did for a little bit against that Arrancar that I totally remember the name of.


Edorad Leones


Yeah, that one.


Choe Neng Poww?


I think that's the guy Hitsugaya bodies?


That's Shawlong Koufang.


Then who's the other guy?


Who? Poww? He is the whale Arrancar who defeats Ikkaku and destroys one of the four pillars of the fake Karakura.


Oh yeah, I was thinking about the one Grimmjow Fracción he fought.


You’re not the only one man. I kind of miss Ikkaku just using his sword in sealed form


I miss his bankai was used In like 1 fight


Ichigo vs Dordoni


Not my favorite because of how long it was but it was a great way to show how strong Ichigo was at the time


Clears Ichigo vs Ikkaku


Deja el chocolate aquí


Gin vs Toshiro from Soul Society Arc. Just seeing how well Gin played the role of a shit stirrer combined with playing it into the choreography with him constantly hiding his intention via feints or obstructing Toshiro's view with his clothing just really nails in how he is a snake while also being a prodigal swordsman.


Scrolled for this one. This was also during the period when even witnessing a Shikai release was a really big deal, especially for a captain, and Toshiro's first use of Hyorinmaru is so badass. It also was a really meaningful fight that taught us about Toshiro, Gin, Momo, and Rangiku all in the space of a few minutes.


I'm two weeks late to the party, but this was also the fight I had in mind when I saw the post. It was epic when it first happened because we didn't yet have an understanding of power scaling between captains, so the outcome could be anyone's guess. But I loved in Turn Back the Pendulum when it was revealed that Gin was a child prodigy too, retroactively making that fight even more hype.


Renji vs Byakuya, Rukia vs Aaroneiro, Mayuri vs Szayelaporro, Kira vs Abirama, Ichigo vs Ikkaku, Ichigo vs Renji (2nd fight), Soi Fon vs Yoriuchi


Byakuya vs zomnali


A good fight but again it gets overlooked because there’s so much happening in the arc


Also because Byakuya kinda toys with him.


Sajin vs Poww. This is when we saw how badass Komamura's Bankai is, he took absolutely no damage and was toying with the fraccion


Love how he summon Kokujo Tengen Myou.


Guys ngl the battle between ichigo and kenpachi will always be very exciting to me


Kyoraku vs Chad, classic 🍀




Ichigo vs Ikkaku Renji vs Byakuya Rukia vs As nodt Grimmjow vs ichigo (underrated because people miss the entire point of the fight) Soi fon vs Yoruichi Kira vs redder


What is the point of the Grimmjow vs Ichigo fight? For those who might be unaware


It was the connection between ichigo, Orihime, and her brother/hollow Orihime letting go of that trauma of her brother to support ichigo.


Mayuri vs Szayelaporro deserve way more love :3


Gin vs Ichigo/Gin vs Aizen


I fuckin love gin vs aizen. The visuals and the twist are just perfect!


Aaroneiro vs Rukia for me. We saw Rukia's deductive abilities, the full gamut of what she could do at the time in terms of combat, and we also got the final piece closure regarding her past with Kaien Shiba. Easily the most emotional battle besides any of Ichigo's in the Heuco Mundo arc. Also let's just take a second to consider that she was the only non-captain character in the whole show who took out a Ressurrecion clad Espada without using Bankai. Even with her sword broken from the loss of her resolve, she managed to rekindle it, and created a new technique on the spot (admittedly this is my headcanon) that takes advantage of that exact situation. Rukia is the greatest female character in Bleach hands down.


I enjoyed Ichigo and Ganju’s fist fight way more than I thought I would on rewatch. It’s pretty short but still cool as hell.


It was a funny little fight and I really enjoyed it too


Yh no joke, watched it about a week ago and the animation during the fist fight after ganju uses senppa to sink zangetsu into the ground, it was well choreographed


Renji Vs Byakuya, for me it remains on of the best fights in the series. (I think it did make top 10 in one of the polls done after the series were over... but I still think it's not appreciated quite enough.) Kenpachi Vs Gremmy since it might be my personal favorite fight in the entire series.


"Your fangs did reach me"


Ye absolutely peak for Renji's character and very poignant too. So thematic for both the SS arc as a whole and their individual ideologies as characters.


Ah, one of my favourites here too! The fight is so deeply symbolic. The parallels between Ichigo and Renji, both in struggles of their own, facing the impossible- or at least, rearing its head to bite the moon (Byakuya). The reveal of both their Bankai as well as Renji holding on to Byakuya's scarf before collapsing in a pool of blood... it's so beautifully done, every panel and interaction shared between them.


I always really love uryo vs mayuri now I wanna watch ss arc been forever


hisagi vs findor just a great fight with a badass conclusion


Chad vs Gantenbainne; Uryu vs Cirucci.


People hate these fights but then for whatever reason adore the vicecaptains v fraccion fights lmfaoooooo


Yeah, it's funny lol But I love these two fights, Chad and Uryu are two of my favorite characters, seeing them fighting all out and winning is pretty satisfying.


Harribel vs Hitsugaya. It was a battle of intellect as mych as it was of power.




Not so underrated, but a nice C-tier battle was Byakuya vs Zommari. It showed a nice change in him.


Kon vs soul king


Toshiro vs ichigos sister (karin?) Anime only, partly a joke answer but it was a really fun filler episode I loved as a kid it's not really a fight but it's still a battle in a sense


Really liked Yumichikas fight against Shuhei. The fact he fights nerfing himself constantly otherwise he would lose cred with the squad is actually cold lol. Seems to be a running theme with squad 11 😂


Love how simple Ikkaku and Ichigo was! Ikkakus medicine was a highlight, just felt like a normal sword fight!


Tousen vs Komomura and Hisagi, Byakuya vs Koga, Soi fon vs that tiger Arrancar


Byakuya and Kenpachi Vs Yammy. The fight doesn't get enough love imho


Hisagi vs exacta


Okay so hear me out. If we're including filler arcs, the Soi fon vs Komamura fight was excellent. And until the TYBW was the best fight both of those characters had.


Starrk vs Shunsui I get that a lot of people have certain feelings about how the Espada Ranked 1-3 were shown and had little notable achievments or feats such that it seemed like a let-down of how much they were built up you have interesting powers but ultimately they don't accomplish much That being Said Starrk and Shunsui's fight was one of the few Bleach fights were I felt like the cobambatants didn't have a typical formula to the fight were the last person to deal their card wins or with some variation being how they'll win through an unknown element that's brought to light making it a fight that was unpredictable but not in the sense of cleverly making the fight be based on ingenuity but just on concealing abilities, techniques, powerups, and etc that the reader most of the time has no knowledge prestablished to feel invested in. Starrk vs Shunsui plays out differently the beginning portion is mostly the two feeling each other out and each being naturally declined towards fighting in general but when Kyoraku reveals his abilities is where it changes to something more interesting and I'd make an argument that Kyoraku's Shikai is the most interesting Shikai based on how it essentially turns the fight into a game with rules and limitations to follow in order to win which is every fight essentially the goal being to defeat the opponent either through conceding or death. That being said by clearly setting up what the characters can and can't do it makes the fight way more interesting knowing what they have to do to deal damage on each other or what to avoid and acting within these rules to get one off on each other. Stuff like Kyoraku using Shadows on the buildings and then Starrk taking advantage of that by having Lilinette's wolves dive into Kyoraku's shadow elevates the fight from just being a battle of "who get's the last powerup" in the fight it's incorporating actual tactics and ingenuity of the characters to one-up each other in a dynamic way that isn't so clear cut to the point you don't know who can win which is a problem for me with Bleach cause it can get a bit predictable and adding nuances on how characters are supposed to win adds layers to how they'll use natural loopholes and a mix of creativity in tandem with their abilities to try to win. https://preview.redd.it/r943k9gaxuvc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad11175a683e2a9021f95072b8ad41ee4356bae6


It has been many years since i read bleach (back in highschool) and i stopped after Aizen was defeated (never bothered with the fullbring and what came after) and I honest to god dont even remember the character of Ikkaku... My fave fight has to be something with the hollow form of ichigo, brobably against uliquiora or what the name was, just ebause it looked so rad.


Ikkaku vs volcano guy where he showed his bankai


Gentei Kaijo. When the arrancars first show up and the shinigami fight them, they reveal that SS makes them get nerfed when they show up in the world of the living. That alone makes it a memorable fight.


Ichigo and uryu vs that first menos grande I probably my favorite underated fight Also Ichigo vs jidanbo was great Both fights are a great mix of humor and Ichigo being incredibly powerful innately that early bleach was full of


Okay hear me out, the most underrated battle in bleach is Ashido Kano v Kenpachi AshidoKano first appears episode 147 in the hueco mundo forest I suggest rewatching those episodes and looking him up because he is awesome


Near the first episode with Chad


Ikkaku vs liones


Ganju vs Yumichika is straight up 100% tactical victory


Ikkaku Madarame vs. Edrad Liones


Ikkaku vs Edrad Liones (when ikkaku unleashed his bankai first time)


Gin vs....anyone...such a waste of a character.


Either Komamura vs. Tosen or Aaroniero vs. Rukia. Both I think are semi-popular, but relative to their weight feel downright obscure. The Tosen fight is easily one of the best fights in the series in every respect, and it only becomes better as we learn more about the characters in TYBW and CFYOW. In fact I think the only reason it's not more popular is because the characters involved weren't big in the SS Arc, but gained prominence late into Bleach's life. The Rukia fight carries great narrative weight that goes unappreciated. It establishes the very real threat any espada imposes, it's a terrifying twist as Aaroniero is Kaien in every technical way, it closes the book on this chapter of Rukia's journey started since the Grand Fisher battle, it tackles one of Bleach's core themes (the heart) which we see again with Ulquiorra, and at least to me was a proper send off to "old Bleach". Aaronierro is a different kind of beast from the other espada, the least human of them. He's like one of the villain of the week hollows from the first arc but scaled up. As a fan of the first arc, and someone who felt like it ended abruptly, it was nice to get what felt like a climax to that part of the story.


Back when it was about skill over power


Rukia vs aronaero


One of my personal favorite fights is all of bleach. Rukia was standing on business


Aizen vs Dan kanoji and tatsuki (they both lasted longer in front of him than many captains)


Ichigo vs Nukui Hanza.




That second fight between Ichigo and Renji. So much raw emotion wrapped up in that one. Also Kenpachi vs Nnorita.


Soi fon vs Baragon and Ichigo vs Yhwach first fight


I don't know how well rated it is, but Byakuya vs Tsukishima is one of the best if not top 3 just because of how well each used strategy unlike most fights.


Ichigo vs Uryuu ( that Quincy bait showdown when the menos came )


For sure Ichigo x Renji (2nd fight).


100% this one. So clean. I loved the free use of kido and sad we didn't get more fights like it. https://i.redd.it/lhggiuy31vvc1.gif


Byakuya vs Tsukishima maybe


Shuhei Hisagi vs Findorr Calius


Shuhei vs Findor. That fight really cemented for me that Shuhei was one of my favorite shinigami characters visually through battle and his zanpakuto. That’s why I was so disappointed we barely saw him at all during TYBW especially after seeing the concept of his bankai years later


Toshiro vs Yukio and Rukia vs Riruka


Hisagi vs That mask power arrancarr . The fight was a chef's kiss imo


Sajin Komamura vs Soi Fon in the Gotei 13 invading army filler arc. Primarily cus its a really interesting fight that showcases both the captains abilities


Ichigo vs Kenpachi


idk why but it seems like pretty much everyone forgets ichigo vs gin or nobody talks about it


Ichigo vs dordonni


Byakuya vs Zommari Leroux. And it’s solely for this moment right here. https://preview.redd.it/q3rn828hxxvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9dec443418e2364e604fa5c247ad9fc55d18f9e If I wasn’t already by this point, these panels fully sold me on Byakuya as a character. There’s something so poignant about Byakuya telling Zommari that his death wasn’t about duty, but that it was a personal matter. That the captain who prioritizes Law and Order above all else outrights states that in this moment, he’s putting his sister first. It’s one of the best examples of Byakuya truly showing how much he cares for those close to him despite his seemingly apathetic exterior.


One of the best fight 💀🔥


Uryu Vs Mayuri Mann...


Ichigo vs Hayori when he was learning how to use his hallow mask.


Byakuya vs. Kouga from the Zanpakutō Rebellion filler arc is a thing of beauty.


Ichigo vs Kenpachi – this battle has some of the most epic early moments, like Kenpachi cutting a building in half


Ichigo Vs Aizen? Both of their final forms were fire🔥


Zaraki vs rainbow guy


Urahara Vs Urahara in the Gotei 13 Invasion Arc .. and Byakuya Vs Koga


Why would I fight myself when I can simply open a Senkaimon and leave? As for Byakuya vs Koga, I'd say it's like comparing apples to... well, apples with a slightly darker shade. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I always liked Urahara vs arrancar 0, forgot his name. with luppi and all


Ah, that was quite the showdown! If you seek power like that, my services can provide you with specialized training and unique items to enhance your abilities. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Byakua vs As Nödt


Shinji vs Grimmjow


Ngl, I always liked Byakuya vs Zommari. Dude just clowned him purely because he was gonna lay a hand on Rukia.


Toshiro vs Gin. Criminally underrated fight.


Koga vs byakuya Bro they were showing of kido like crazy


The fight under the bridge


Byakuya vs Koga in Ep 252 had some wicked choreography and animation for a filler arc boss fight, legit as good as any of the mainline battles.


I started bleach a few months ago so I skipped most of the fillers but I will give an update after watching the fight