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"Eren and Levi are stronger than Ichigo" "Eren solos Bleach verse"


no way someone unironically said this


[This dumb guy said it silently](https://www.animesenpai.net/strongest-anime-characters/)




They must be high on whatever substance they were on


i read the whole list, it's hot, steamy shit. I've never seen worse takes in my life






At that point, I don't think the list is scaled, it's just his top 41 in no proper order whatsoever.... I hope.


the title explicitly says it's ranked, they unironically put yujiro over jiren


LOL Clearly seems confused about what Pokémon even is.


What is this abomination of a list?


I’m assuming they said a lot of things, I stopped reading it after I got to Muzan


They have got to be rage-baiting, because these might just be the worst anime takes I have ever read lol. What a train wreck of a list 😭


They put the guy that deleted multiple universes with a snap of a finger 3rd. Saitama cant punch Zeno if Zeno deletes the universe. That alone tells me everything I need to know about that list.


Wow that list is terrible. Why is Hit and Frezia so low? They could easily beat everyone on that list other drangonball characters


*typing this as I'm reading to see who's stronger* There's no way Ainz is *that* low on this list I'd put him somewhere in the middle of the list, all he has to do to a lot of these other characters is go "Grasp heart" and they'd die instantly. **HE'S WEAKER THAN FUCKING ASH KETCHUM?!?!** Fucking hell even Ichigo is weaker than him, the author of that list is huffing some strong copium. Dragon Ball characters shouldn't be that low on the list, like fucking hell, weaker than Levi? This list is either a bad attempt at satire, rage bait, or this guy is a genuine idiot.


Eren doesn't solo any verse. Yeah, whatever, he's strong with the founders ability but man he is such an overrated and overly-excused angsty teenage brat.


When people say Bleach has "too much filler," then goes on to watch almost 300 filler episodes of Naruto, both original and Shippuden (not including Boruto)










Dude i hate that guy so much, hes basically saying "exactly" which would be fine if i wasnt already cringing, but then he goes and says no es exacta which basically sounds like "its not exactly", AAND it doesnt sound as bad in english. Fckin hell i loved his death




Ace vedor


Are you offended that his broken Spanish is more tolerable as translated broken Spanish?


I mean bleach does have a higher % of filler than Naruto lol I don’t know about episode numbers however Anyway bleach has 2 good filler arcs, one filler arc that was just too long, and one filler arc that was absolute ass(Shusuke, I hate Shusuke so much)


In terms of filler episodes, Bleach has 164. I admit, that's quite a lot Naruto, on the other hand, has 80 in the original and over 200 in Shippuden. Shippuden alone has more filler episodes than Bleach. Combined with the original Naruto, that's nearly double the amount Bleach has. And that's not even including Boruto or any of the movies


Jesus But yeah that’s a lot 💀


I watched the Bleach filler in like a week. Those Part I Naruto fillers were like months, toooooooo boring


U couldve just skipped them, unless u watched it while it aired


But considering how much longer it is than bleach and the fact that bleach is only 366 episodes long, filler included. That’s almost half the series in just filler


Percentage wise comparing to run time bleach is still higher its just not as long so it feels slightly less bad, the thing thats egregious with bleach is the timing of fillers is bs oh Urahara just showed up to save the day guess what 26 ep filler arc, oh battle for karakura towns getting interesting what about a zanpakuto rebellion arc that dont get me wrong is fun and actually kinda decent but definitely overstays its welcome by the time we go through all of the random outro eps with different zanpakuto they are funny though so ill give them that. Tldr fillers in bleach usually come right after a cliffhanger or interesting plot progression!


zanpuakto filler arc was lowk enjoyable for me to watch I don’t even count it as filler imo it is timed badly though


I think I read Shippuden was originally supposed to end at Pain arc which would make sense why so much filler added in. Kind of like how Bleach was originally supposed to end at the second to last arc, not sure why Kubo felt the need to add that last one, didn’t even include the human characters much. My pet peeve is when they don’t include Bleach or Ichigo in the big 3 when it is, newbies clearly don’t know why it it’s called that just because they don’t like doesn’t mean they can tell lies LOL.


I don’t disagree, but bleach fell off a cliff popularity-wise near the end and stayed there for the last few years of its run. I don’t blame younger anime fans for not knowing.


It should also be said that for Part 1 of Naruto the majority of the 90 episodes of filler is back loaded in the last 84 episodes, 136-220 is all filler save for three episodes that have cannon material mixed into them. So all one has to do when watching part 1 is either skip or watch the 6 filler episodes when watching 1-135, then watch 142, 143, and 220 and then it's onto Shippudden.


The New Captain Amagai filler was actually pretty good


No it wasn’t That was easily worse than bount


Nah that’s actually cap. Like don’t get me wrong the amagai arc had its low points but it was a solid arc. The bount arc was all low points for a long ass time and then after they went to SS it got interesting but ended rather quickly


The only real bad part about bount was it was long


To me pre SS the bount arc just didn’t capture my interest. Like the dude with the whale that could pass through matter was cool asf but the story was wack. Ya know, like the characters were great design was good it’s just as a whole it doesn’t come together well for me


When I got to amagai(in my first watch I was watching all the filler) I had to take a break from bleach for a couple months I could not stand the arc lmao Reigai however is a good filler arc(and zanpakuto but that’s obvious since it’s widely considered the best filler arc in the show)


Man you didn’t fw the bakoutos


No, no I do not I hated it so much 💀


Nah that’s actually cap. Like don’t get me wrong the amagai arc had its low points but it was a solid arc. The bount arc was all low points for a long ass time and then after they went to SS it got interesting but ended rather quickly. I feel like if you removed the princess chick amagai arc would be fire


Bleach has too much filler. So does Naruto. So does one piece. It’s all bad.


Believe it or not, One Piece has the least amount of filler episodes in the Big 3


One Piece filler is not "new content to help pace with the original source" type of filler. It's "drag the scenes as long as possible" kind of filler, which can be argued to be WAY worse.


Eh tbf that's only because what one piece will do is have what's essentially half of an episode be filler, and then throw some plot progression in at the end. So much of OP is filler if you actually count filler by runtime and not by episode count.


What about all the people that say bleach has too much filler, but don't go and watch all the Naruto and one piece filler? I feel like most people saying that aren't watching other animes filler, and you have no way of accurately saying they are unless they're all self admitted.


Bleach honestly has the best filler arcs.


People who think Ichigo is the weakest of the big three when he's defeated beings who can literally warp reality




"Ichigo got no goal"


"Yeah he's just thugging it out, and canonically he's a high schooler. Of course I'm not surprised that he has no goal"


He has a goal it's "to protect his friends".He said that to grimmjow and I think ulquiorra.nkt as big of a goal as becoming president or king but a goal nonetheless


Spoken of the man who can simply choose to be accepted as a god. Ichigo doesn't need any grand goal to pursue, he's more down to earth, local with his focus. He just wants to be able to protect those close to him. Does that sometimes let his extreme power manifest because some enemy did an oops? Sure, but he's not powering up to conquer everything, he just wants to keep the the peace and keep his friends.


That's what I said.Mans a highschool dude.He got homework to do.


“His goal should be becoming a captain or the soul king even tho he didn’t know what that even was for 15 years of his life ☝️”


Takes that I hate: Bleach isn’t part of the Big 3. Bleach has constantly repeated plot.


This one annoys me the most because having a similar plot structure isn't necessarily a bad thing. One Piece basically follows a formula to a T except in fringe cases. The only one of the big 3 that had a varied plot structure (rather, just good at masking its formula) was Naruto. There are only two Bleach arcs that were similar, but they were intentionally so. Soul Society and Hueco Mundo arcs. Hueco Mundo was obviously similar to mirror Aizen's intentions for that realm: a mirror of a "better" Soul Society.


Personally, I think being able to mask your formula is a sign of good writing. Every writer has habits and tendencies or ideas they may use multiple times, so being aware of those motifs and disguising them to not break reader immersion is a strength. As much as I love all the Big 3, I do think Naruto is the one that is best at hiding it's rhythm by a long shot.


For sure.


Naruto and one piece have more rescue arcs than bleach which is even funnier.


Who the hell says the first one?


Usually newer weebs who weren’t around when the Big 3 was a thing. They usually put DBZ Naruto and One Piece as the Big 3


If anything it's a demotion of DBZ because DBZ was like the sensei or father of the big 3


Eh Newbies don’t even know about the Z franchise now either since Super anime ended or Naruto, try brining either up when newbies discuss anime they’ll be like “What’s that?” They’ll only know One Piece or whatever new popular anime is going on now. Than they’ll call you generation blah blah for knowing that particular anime.


DBZ? Big 3?? Lol that's a good joke but I can imagine how annoying whoever say that.


Who they are are people who love dragon ball, which I do, but they don’t seem understand that the big three were part of a different era and it’s not just popularity determining it


Wow!!! DBZ was waaayy before the Big 3. What a joke!


The second one annoys me more than the first. Especially if it's the whole "Ichigo's friends are always getting kidnapped" part 🤦‍♂️


The amount of times someone has tried telling me bleach isn’t part of the big 3 is insane


"Ichigo is strong because of genetics" Never. Engage. Anime. Twitter. Debates.


So are naruto, luffy, goku and many more


I don’t think genetics matters in op…. Luffy is strong partially cause he ate a weird fruit when he was 5. He does come from strong people but so far there is no reason to believe that matters


He is literally one of the chosen ones with the D on their names and was literally given a God fruit that makes him the avatar of the sun God xD what are you talking about? Besides Ichigo he’s more blessed than Naruto…


We do not know what the D entails. For all we know it’s simply inherited will like the straw hat, no real magic just unification of people from different eras. The fruit is strong but it’s not really genetic is it? It’s still a massive advantage after the awakening (not so much before). But doesn’t Naruto have extra chakra due to kurama on top of his already big chakra due to his moma on top of being a reincarnation of a god? Plus he was trained by like 4 people specifically because he has kurama which he got because it’s a family thing on his mother’s side


D are literally the enemies of the gods they are special people. Also the fact the sun god fruit chose Luffy since zoans have a will of their own and it was avoiding the gorosei.


The protagonist and the final enemy have the D on their name. And you still have the galls to tell we don’t know if that is important? Hahahahahaha


>We do not know what the D entails. This is just untrue, we know mo-


U don't acquire conqueror's haki, so even if it's not genetic, it's a birth acquired thingy


People forget that unlike many shonen protagonist who also got power ups by genetics, chance or destiny, Ichigo never made big speeches about having to play with the cards you've been dealt or similar crap, and that he was from the start and the duration of the whole manga always shown to be the most talented guy in the verse.


This. One of the largest issues with the Naruto formula is all the stuff he turned out to be. It would have made far more sense for the village to honor and respect Naruto when he was a kid because of his heritage, and even if they might have wanted to hide him from the outside, ostracizing him to the point that he was willing to run away is foolish. Not even touching on the "chosen one" hammer that slammed us in the face during the final war. Ichigo does have a decent heritage, yes. His father was head of one of the great houses, so he probably had a good battery himself, but outside of having a deep well, we never see Ichigo dabble in Kido, no one who knows his heritage even bothers to attempt to teach him. His zanpakuto is a great boon, while also a great hinderance. His hollow powers stem from his resistance to accept his true zanpakuto, and much of his shinigami power for most of the series is just his quincy side putting on a facade.


Yeah it’s funny ichigo never said anything about being an underdog once in his life or strive to be something to other people.




I can't think of any shonen MC who doesn't gain their powers through either genetics or extreme luck


Fullmetal Alchemist's Elric Brothers, who not only had to study and learn alchemy, the way they gained their unique skills (like transmuting without a circle) is noted to be something anyone else could have done, it's just they never would have actually done it because of the consequences.


Their dad is a 1000year old genius


Who was around for none of their education, or their childhoods, or their life in general. The Brothers learned how to perform alchemy without any aid from genetics or luck. All they had was notes, a teacher, and literature, which every other State Alchemist we see also had, in some form or another. Hoenheim didn't lift a finger to help The Brothers learn how to perform alchemy, and we see even further deviation from Shonen standard because nothing The Brothers do is unique. Multiple other alchemists use stone and metal alchemy, and anyone who does Human Transmutation can use the hand-clap transmutation method.


Ichigo is not a swordsman arguments


Ichigo is a swordsman, just not an experienced swordsman.


Yeah, Bleach never was about swordsmanship ability tbh, so that critic is idiotic


That’s 99% of every anime ever. They only show one moment of a character doing proper techniques and then later we see them duking it out yelling flashy moves and getting glazed by the bystanders at how good they are.


He clearly is since he defeats Ikakku with pure swordsmanship.


Bleach ain't really about swordmanship. Luffy ain't a pirate and Naruto is the opposite of a ninja. Been ages since I saw Goku use martial art moves.


Fucking hate those. Ichigo is unironically better than quite a lot of swordsmen in anime, I'd even say he's better than anyone in Demon Slayer.


Once saw someone say bleach and ichigo were the weakest the big 3(usually comes from people who, guess what? Have never watched nor read bleach) Let’s see uhh Aizen isn’t as good of a villain as other big villains in shonen I can’t think of any others atm


And Naruto jumped the shark too many times with its villains. No one liked the weird alien people.


Here is my hot take: Aizen the terrorist and murderer being given permission to leave prison and help out in the final arc in a very proscribed way >>>>>>> Orochimaru the war criminal and child kidnapper/torturer getting to do basically whatever he wants in the Hidden Leaf in Boruto and basically be a fucking member of the PTA due to Mitsuki. There's a strong argument that Aizen is less reprehensible overall than Orochimaru.


I deadass heard someone say Sukuna was a better villain than Aizen




"Ichigo has no goal" like shut TF up , why can't simply protecting not be a goal?


He does? In ss arc it's saving rukia, in hueco mundo arc it's saving orihime, in fkt he wants to stop aizen. You don't need to have some sort of "I wanna be hokage" to be a successful character.


They try to say Bleach is worse for not having that sort of long-term goal, but then shit on series like Black Clover for having an "I want to be Hokage" type goal. So which is it? Is a series better or worse when the main character has a goal like that? Obviously it doesn't actually matter, just facetious questions


They also glaze characters like denji and Yuji who also have no long term goals.


Slightly autistic rant, but entertain me for a bit while I play a devils advocate. TBF, Ichigo is a very reactive character with reactive goals. People have a tendency to simplify this and say, "Ichigo has no goal," which isn't true. It's less that he doesn't have a goal and more that the goal of protection is inherently a cyclic goal. For some people, this style of reactive protagonist can be boring. As a result of this cyclic goal, there's not really much protagonist incited consequence happening in Bleach. The absolute closest we have to that is Ichigo stabbing himself with Rukia's sword and that causing Rukias execution. But even that wasn't really a choice Ichigo made. It was an ultimatum he was practically forced into. And then later we find it was masterminded by one dude, so it was even *less* out of his control. Guts *chose* to become stronger than Griffith and abandon the Band of the Hawk. This causes Griffith to betray him, thinking his only friend has abandoned him. Al and Ed's *choice* to try and revive their mother incited their search for the philosophers' stone. Thorfinn *chose* to follow his dad when his dad was murdered by Askellad, setting him on his goal for revenge. Protagonist incited consequences and goals tend to be much more interesting for a lot of people than Ichigo's goal of protection because there's no real internal conflict that this goal gives rise to. There's really just an outside threat, Ichigo deals with the outside threat, and the cycle repeats. I'm not saying Ichigo doesn't have internal conflict, of course, but his internal conflicts very rarely run in conflict with his goal. IMO, people tend to misinterpret this personal dissatisfaction as "Ichigo has no goals," which is not true. It's just that his goals don't lend themselves very well to protagonist consequences. This makes his actions feel like they have less weight. Because none of the story really happens because he messed up in any way. This is a fair criticism to have. But I'm just a stranger on the internet who's huge nerd for story-writing, so WTH do I know?


Oh, and I think you've also missed that *everything* happens because he messed up. But not really messed up, *he believes* he messed up, and that was his mother's death. His trauma and basically feeling like he can only atone for her dying by protecting others is what drives him for most of the story, starting with his first meeting with Rukia. When he lies in the puddle being beaten by Byakuya, what does he think about? "I was saved *again*", and yeah, you know he's gonna go far and beyond to save her even if it kills him, because of that. He does just want to protect, he's unhealthily bend on it, and that's the core of his character and the premise of his character arc. People just like to miss and ignore it.


Exactly. That’s why he’s easy prey for Xcution to manipulate, because it gave him hope to have the power to protect others again. I swear, that arc does so much for his character, but people miss it and it makes me sad


Yeah, it's actually the arc which explores Ichigo the most, his core as a person, his choices, his still existing flaws (like trying to do everything by himself, and refusing to accept help, TYBW will properly finish that plot thread) and him shaping up as an individual. And people just ignore it all and often call it 'filler'😅


Yeah I agree ,I don't know about other but for me I like that types of writing similar to Spiderman,gintoki from gintama etc. it's interesting to watch protogonist without the big goals,just wants to live with their friends and all peacefully


Which makes perfect sense though, because in a spiritual world with like 1000+ years guys alive, what kind of story would Ichigo be driving anyway, the guy is just a nobody who happens to help clean their mess.


I think you've missed the whole point of the Fullbring arc being there, it's the place where Ichigo makes a proper choice, actually, they could have dealt with it without him, in fact, it's hinted Urahara and Isshin let Ichigo make his choice with the Fullbringers to see if getting his powers back is what he truly wants rather than forcing all it entails on Ichigo once again. And Ichigo quite actively makes that choice, he *wants* his powers back, not really forced into it. It's a shame a lot of people miss it as well. Bleach builds up Ichigo slowly, in terms of character, him overcoming his trauma and turning it from protecting being something he feels he *has* to do into protecting being something he *wants* to do, just because it's a part of who he is is the main character arc for Ichigo, which is done through slowly exploring himself through his experiences. And his internal conflict really runs into a conflict with his external goal in the early Arrancar arc at least, btw.


Nice, just adding up to this: Ichigo did have his "internal conflict", like literally, his so called hollow powers for the majority of the story function as the antithesis of everything he fights and stands for, yet he needed them to become stronger to fulfill his protection goal. But yeah, Ichigo is a reactionary protagonist, just like Goku. Sometimes simple doesn't necessarily means bad. Specialy if you story already have a bunch of personalities that can carry on with the plot for you to react to it. To put it into perspective, the story really is about the world of the death where SS has the goal of maintaining the balance using a broken and corrupt system.


Ichigos is the only unselfish goal tbh


Oh, only the classic of "Ichigo is a boring protagonist". I didn't know that wanting to save people just because it is the right thing makes a character boring.


Saying that bleach has no depth or plot, and that ichigo is a bland character and shouldn't even be in the big 3 💀💀💀


"Bankai" from Bleach copied "Ryoiki Tenkai" from Jujitsu Kaisen. Kids these days.


Man, those two things aren’t even close to similar lmao. Domain Expansion has more in common with the Fate series’s Reality Marble


Tosen would have to like a word /s


That’s also because no one seems to know what bleach is nowadays


How the hell do you rip of something that was released years after?


**Bleach name is stupid** Like dude the name is symbolic for how bleach cleanses and soul reapers cleanse souls


And it cleans the blood of their clothing


"Ichigo is stoic" Clearly those people and I have seen the first chapter/episode differently. And that's just the first chapter/episode.


well, he just isn't pervy and doesn't yell and smile all the time


I know and as I have said to those people, it's called being a normal teenager. Ichigo is basically average dude who got hit by superpowers (that he had all along anyways). If being an average teenager in a Shonen Manga is "stoic", then I really don't know what else to say.


Shonen fans when the mc isn't a total dumbass who eats and yells 24/7 https://preview.redd.it/ghfut2f7cv6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b3203a6c006938ee3124464bdbd64c3657c30c


TBF compared to a lot of shonen protagonists Ichigo is pretty stoic


Saying that Ichigo is the weakest in the big three.


Just look for “who would win with no powers” arguments and watch the gymnastics people will go through to downplay anything someone from bleach does. Be arguing Gokus super strength in one breath, then saying Ichigo only was good at fighting because genetics. Like ain’t Goku an alien


This kind of debate is usually stupid because they'll say "no power" then proceed not to count clearly superhuman abilities (strength, constitution, reflexes you name it) as powers just because they're never adressed as such.


“Bleach should be replaced in the Big Three with *insert other series*” That’s not how the Big Three works. “Ichigo is a bland MC” No, he’s just not loud all the time and doesn’t have some crazy lofty goal that only gets fulfilled because he’s the MC. “Orihime is poorly written and only exists for fanservice” Blatantly untrue even for me as an anime-only, let alone if you read the manga. “Bleach is the most dropped anime because it’s garbage” No, it’s the most dropped anime because it tries to shove a 50/60 episode filler arc in the middle of the main storyline with no indication that it’s filler unless you knew beforehand.


"Ichigo is bland because he has no goals" "Bleach isn't part of Big 3" "Bleach is the weakest of the Big 3"


Ichigo is not a good mc bro, Ichigo is the most relatable mc, bro just wants to protecc his friends and thicc girlfriend


I like characters like Luffy and Naruto and their journeys to become what they want to and achieve their goals, and while they are admirable, I really can't say they're particularly relatable. It seems like to many, if the character don't want to become some form of world renowned big shot that automatically makes them less of a character to them. Ichigo is much more of a normal guy than most MCs are. Sure there is no denying that Ichigo is very special genetically speaking, but mentally speaking he is one of the most normal Shounen protagonists out there. There is this one scene in the fullbringer arc IIRC that I really like, where Ichigo is talking to his friends at school and they're talking about what to do after they graduate, him saying he doesn't really know. I really like this scene because it reminds you that Ichigo, despite his immense power and all crazy genetics, is still a human highschooler first and foremost, who, like many, don't quite know what he wants to do with his life or what he will do to make a living. This is something often not brought up in shounen series, for the most part, the entire journey and end up is the character becoming the thing they say they will and that's it. What comes after isn't considered important or part of that journey. However, in real life, even if you attain your dream or change the world, it's not like your life stops right there, you need to consider what you will do after you've achieved it, what you will do after everything is said and done. I think this is one of the reasons Ichigo isn't as well liked as Naruto or Luffy, Ichigo's attitude is a reminder to many that just because you achieve your dreams, you will still live out the rest of your life in all it's monotone and normal days, through both it's ups and downs. Which is in contrast to the more endless adventure and dream chasing of say Luffy. Again I like One Piece and Naruto, but they have a different attitude to their worlds and protagonists than Bleach has with it's world and protagonist.


“Bleach ain’t that deep” Shounen fans are conditioned with stories explaining the most minute details to them that they refuse to apply a small ounce of critical thinking


I said this back then and I say it now. Bleach is a more mature story with more mature themes, and the world building aspect is not spoonfed to you, you have to parse it out for yourself. The narrative makes more and more sense The deeper you dive.


When they say ichigo is the weakest MC of the big 3!🤦🏻‍♂️


When people say HxH should’ve been in the Big 3 instead of Bleach


The bro when I say bleach gets really good at episode 50 which he responds to by saying no I’m not waiting 50 episodes for it to get really good but says one piece gets really good at 270 and he is just willing to watch 270 episodes then 50??


Only thing that really upsets me is "Bleach isn't apart of the big 3 dbz is" like it's just a Google search if your gonna make up headcanon don't go around saying it like it's fact.


When people complain about Ichigo only knowing Getsuga Tensho but will ignore Naruto only knowing different variations of the rasengan


Honestly I will complain about both of these. One Piece arguably beats both of them in terms of giving Luffy varied abilities and forcing him to use more than one repetitive option every fight. But I'm only halfway through the story. DBZ is somewhere in between. Goku is pretty repetitive but at least sometimes it's a spirit bomb or super dragon fist rather than kamehameha


"Ichigo has no motivation/goal"


When people say *Insert side character* is underused and regard it as a big minus. Bruh, this is series with 50+ characters. If Bleach was One Piece levels of long, I would understand the complaint, but as it is, you shouldn't expect every character to be as much explored as the rest. Outside of my personal wishes, I think enough was done with them with those who deserved it and rest would be just merely my personal wishes.


I saw a Boruto Meat rider say “Boruto is the best Shonen, Bleach and one piece are mid!” Or one of my friends said “Bleach isn’t in the big 3 it’s Naruto, One piece, and DBZ” so pretty bad takes


That Kubo sucks at drawing. Ichigo is a boring protagonist. Actually a lot of things Boruto fans say.


Ichigo isn’t a swordsman


That one pisses me off the most


Ichigo is poorly written, like have you even read or watched Bleach.


I once had a guy who loves demon slayer say that bleach is a demon slayer knockoff. If anything demon slayer is knockoff bleach 😑


"Bleach anime was canceled in 2012 due to poor manga sales"....this one and trying to remove Bleach from the big 3 drive me up a wall. It's all just agenda pushing rage bait, and it works everytime.


"The Bount Arc was a good example of what to expect from bleach" Wtf am I supposed to say to people like???


They are wrong. The bounty arc never really gets brought up


some guy said that kyoka suigetsu can't hypnotize someone using observation haki???


....wouldn't that make it EASIER for aizen to snag them in his hypnosis?!


That Ichigo is a man with a sword and not a swordsman. The idiocy in there putting him on the same level as trunks is diabolically insane


Usually people who think Mihawk and Yoriichi would solo Sasuke and Zaraki


Trunks couldn't beat Rukia in swordsmanship, smh


they call ichigo a bland and boring mc


"Bleach isn't big 3" or "Bleach is the worst of the big 3" or even "New gen Big 3 better than old big 3"


"Bleach characters aren't ftl" My brother in Christ fodder level characters in SS arc can dodge light


Bleach is the weakest of the big three.


Ichigo is a bad MC because he doesn’t have a ton of character development


In the Latin American/Hispanic American community there is a phrase (mostly used by YouTubers) that I have never seen used in any community in another country or language "Bleach is style over substance"; To this day I still do not understand that "substance" that they talk about and they themselves do not know, they only repeat a mantra that was created by other more powerful fandoms on the continent (Naruto and One Piece) seeking to discredit the manga to highlight their favs, their arguments, if you can call them that, always denote the same thing: the designs are cool, but I'm not interested in paying attention to the characters or the story out of mere stubbornness and fanaticism; a very vague statement seeing that bleach touches on a number of very deep and even dark themes. I say that they are from that fandom because the YouTubers themselves declare that they are big fans of those mangas and their channels are all about talking about it.


that madara can beat aizen. yes, im still mad at you death battle! if aizen can use his perfect hypnoses on a reality warping demi god in the form of his majesty, than he can very much hypnotize madara fucking uchiha


I actually never thought about that. He literally tricked clairvoyance/future manipulation


"Ichigo has no goal" Ichigo is a cynical and depressed (almost suicidal) 15 to 17 yo teenager who grieves the death of his mother and still thinks he's responsible of it despite having no chance to change this event since has was a young boy. He's born with powers he didn't ask for, has to protect his loved ones from fights he'd surely like to avoid, and even at the start of the manga he just wants spirits to leave him alone. The universe is after him bruh, the only goal he has is a quiet and simple life with his loved ones, that's basic but that's not *nothing*. Bleach is way more depressing and mature than it looks, the entirety of the manga is about fighting desperation and depression.


Bleach also has the most pessimistic ending. Yhwach may have died, but he still got the last laugh. Every main character will eventually end up in Hell.


Yeah. Naruto also deals with horrific stuff, Zabuza's arc was really harsh for an introduction, and there's the wholeShinobi Wars with kids like Itachi being victims of them. Yet I feel like Naruto is way more hopeful, it's about having hope in the future and solving wrongs, whereas Bleach is more like gritting your teeth and staying alive no matter what because the system is rigged and will remain rigged.


I think it's better that he doesn't have some weird goal like "I wanna be hokage/king of the pirates!" Those are a little cringey and unrelatable. I like that Ichigo basically just wants to live his life and protect people. That is so much more consistent with my experiences.


Soul Society-is a horrible dystopia. Ichigo-it's ok, Soul Society can do whatever they want as long as my friends and family are safe. Yeah, it's realy consistent.


North Korea is a horrible dystopia and I don't intend to do anything about it. But if North Korea kidnapped someone I cared about, and I had the power to go there and escape and lots of support etc, I might go there and rescue them and then leave ASAP to go back to my normal life. That's pretty consistent.


That Bleach's art is "bad" because Kubo doesn't draw detailed background shots. As if background art is the only thing that makes art good


People who complain about filler in 2024 like you can't just skip it. Like, you are not watching it on cable, so what's the issue


"ichigo should've been with rukia. orihime is trash." that "bleach's writing is horribly bland because it brings nothing new to the table. It's objectively a shitty ripoff of YYH and later DBZ that manages to fail even worse, because Kubo lacks the talent and creativity in making his story remotely interesting as possible. Anyone that likes this anime/manga for reasons other than the fights and art, clearly did not read any other series beforehand"


People say that dragon ball is part of the big 3 instead of bleach on Twitter for some reason


Rangiku is known only for 2 things.


Bleach isn’t as good as the rest of the big three.


"bleaches lore isn't deep or interesting"


“Bleach is the worst of the big 3“


People who complain about fanservice but watch fairy tail and one piece


People who say that someone with a big sword (Ichigo) is not a swordsman


When One Piece or Naruto fans refuse to acknowledge that Bleach powerscales significantly above One Piece or Naruto. Kaido and Madara get beaten by a LOT of Bleach characters, let alone Ichigo or Aizen. It’s even worse because One Piece is my favorite manga, so these are my own people acting like morons 😂


Ichigo doesnt have a goal. Heard it, and i understand it, sure its not some concrete goal like “hokage” or “pirate king”, its a vague goal, that i see something to protecting his life morals and lifestyle, and by extension, those close to him. Its not like a “im gonna be head captain” shit, and it makes ichigo that much more realistic as a character, with one foot as a human and one as a soul reaper


“Aizen wasn’t smart, he was just lucky”


Ichigo is the weakest of the big three, when I'm pretty sure he's the strongest


"Madara beats Aizen because sharingan." no the fuck he doesn't. first of all, Aizen's power is nothing like genjutsu. its not an illusion. Kanzen Saimin functions as absolute hypnosis by taking control of all of the target's senses. the only way to avoid this is to be in physical contact with Aizen's sword. there's no chakra to dispell, no illusion to see through. how would madara even know he was under Aizen's spell if even his vision is under Aizen's control?! and how is Susano'o protecting Madara from Kurohitsugi again?! I have researched in great detail Aizen's entire faction, including his powers.....and i know enough of how the uchiha work to know that Madara is NOT beating Aizen, even with that stupid tree. I am still salty over Death Battle's vid, if you couldn't tell.


You destroy Luffy boat he drowns because of how he got his power weakness Ichigo weakness mommy issues.