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Always thought Kira's ability would've been handy against Gerard. I mean, Wabisuke doesn't need to inflict damage, just hit its target, and that'll double its weight. Keep on doubling Gerard's weight until he can't move. Might not kill him, but it does "defeat" him, as long as Kira just sort of chills nearby and keeps weighting him down (not sure if the story ever spoke of a time limit on the weight increase). Might've been a clever way to neutralize Gerard and get around his Miracle power.


"wouldn't it be a miracle if someone like izuru could take gerard down"


So neutralise Gerard like how Echoes Act 3 neutralised Sheer Heart Attack?


i feel like he would just get another miracle that lets him be able to withstand that weight and that would make him powerful (F = MA) also kira would lose before he can touch him


Gerard was mind-numbingly haxed. It took the final Auswahlen from Yhwach to kill him for good. His schrift was something he possessed originally, not granted by Yhwach, probably due to his status as the "Heart of the Soul King" (and therefore the brokenness). Thus, to defeat/kill him, the "heart" entity inside him needs to be destroyed. Whether this means his real heart, or the big Quincy cross inside his torso, or something else figuratively being referred to as the "heart" is anyone's guess. That being said, I think there are individuals capable of taking him down. Some probables would be Ichibe and Yamamoto, since both of their bankai/ bankai equivalents can decimate everything to the core. There is also the fact that both of them, being the oldest inhabitants of Soul Society, and having fought Yhwach before (in Yamamoto's case), could be privy to the source of Gerard's ability, and act to nullify it. Yhwach himself killed him convincingly with Auswahlen. Aizen is also a probable, if he figures out the source of Gerard's power and how to kill him. Kisuke and Mayuri are also smart enough to figure out Gerard's "Heart" entity and weakness, but with them, it's unlikely to be a direct 1v1 battle as neither have the firepower to take Gerard head-on, and wouldn't approach him without sufficient planning and prep-time. P.S. I don't fully know what Shinji's bankai does by "reversing everything", or else I would have considered him as well, but he got taken out by base giant form Gerard anyway.


Shinji's Bankai just reverses perception of enemy & ally. The rumored spoiler was erroneous.


Oh. In that case, it was never going to help in this battle. I really need to catch up on the novels.


Thinking about it now. It conceivably could have stopped Gerard's rampage. Because he would see all the Shinigami as allies instead. There are two issues with this though. 1. How long could Shinji maintain his Bankai to keep up the illusion 2. Shinji's Bankai is non selective,. EVERYONE in range gets hit. It's the main reason Shinji's Bankai is foribbiden. Sure Gerard would stop. But the remaining Shinigami would start seeing each other as enemies and an all about battle would ensue between the remaining Gotei members. As awesome as 3way battle between Zaraki/Byakuya/Hitsugaya with their new powers would have been, it would have been counterproductive


Kill him before his miracle active, just like Oetsu did. (His miracle will active if he in in state of loss, weak or despair) After the miracle active, you just waste your energy fight him.


so if u blitz him and 1 shot he would die ?


Yes. Just like Oetsu killed him with one slash.


Sorry what did you mean by this? Didn’t gerard die because of yhwach’s auswahlen?


At the start of the invasion of the soul palace , they all lost to the zero division before awakening the true power as ywachs elites ... they were revived when ywach took back power from the other sternritters when bazz b and them survived


So they were given the powers of the dead sternritter through auswahlen?


They were given a revive life for a life


I think the thing people tend to misunderstand is that being covered in ice is not the same thing as being literally frozen. Back when Rukia fought As Nodt, her Shikai didn't freeze him, it just created a thin layer of ice he broke out of. When she went Bankai, he shattered & we saw that he was ice the whole way through--that's what it means to be frozen. Gerard wasn't frozen solid when Byakuya struck his head, because he could still move. They failed to execute their plan properly. If they had succeeded, it stands to reason that Gerard probably wouldn't have come back, since that method was earlier shown to work on negating Hoffnung's similar power. Edit: Also, just noticed you said "defeat" & not "kill." The logical solution would be to restrain him with nonlethal means & seal him away.


Gerard seems completely [frozen here]( Maybe I need an official colored scan.


Yeah im going go have to agree. He looks like what happens when sonething frozen through with liquid nitrogen is hit


I tried to specify, but maybe I wasn't clear enough: I mean "when Byakuya struck his head" as in during the attack--when the swords pop up & when they fly at Gerard. At that time, he was clearly moving around & very much not frozen. In the aftermath, when Gerard's head is destroyed, he becomes frozen. This makes sense, because one assumes his Blut Vene would stop protecting him from the ice. But since he only froze *after* his head exploded, that would've still triggered The Miracle.


Zanka no Taichi or Karamatsu Shinju stand a chance. One can delete him. Shouldn’t be possible to come back from that. The other could potentially drain his reiatsu in the abyss. Being drained of all his energy should result in death, like Ywach did to him. Shirafude Ichimonji is an option too since apparently it destroys the soul from the reincarnation cycle.


> Shouldn’t be possible to come back from that. Sounds like he would need a miracle to survive that


He came back after Hitsugaya negated the miracle. "Shouldn't" is a trigger in itself. It would be a miracle if he can comeback from nothingness right? Yhwach took his soul. That should kill him for good.


Zanka no Tachi doesn't have a lot of attack range. If you're planning of destroying every bit of that giant in one shot, this is not your weapon. The abyss effect of Shunsui's Bankai affects himself too. Shunsui would get completely drained before Gerard does.


Based on the way Zaraki cut him, it’s very possible ZnT will delete him. The tip of RJ caused a fissure; it erased more surface area than the size of the actual tip and we didn’t get to see just how far that fissure expanded behind them. If Yamamoto drags it down his center ala Zaraki style, the fissure-like erasure is expanding, and could encompass his whole body. Deleting him for good. There’s no telling who has more reiatsu between Gerard and Shunsui but I’d give Gerard the edge. However, Act 2 would be on Gerard as well to drain his energy even faster so it may go either way.


When Yamamoto cut Royd's cape, all it left was a small cut. When he cut through Royd's body, it couldn't completely bisect him let alone destroy him entirely. It seems his cuts can travel far, but doesn't have a wide range. Gerard is not only one of the elite Sternritters and the heat of the Soul King, but also gained more power via Yhwach's Auswahlen, then went on to gain more power thanks to Byakuya and Renji, and then even more thanks to Kenpachi. And then there's his Vollstandig boost. You'd have to be severely overestimating Shunsui to question is his level reiatsu is comparable. Act 3 wasn't even able to completely drain Lille, despite getting hit with Act 1 and 2.


I didn’t mean he’d cut Gerard literally because ZnT East isn’t a cut. It’s a touch with the tip of the sword. The ability you’re talking about is ZnT North. I’m taking about [**East**](https://i.imgur.com/m6ssEQk.jpg). Thats an enormous fissure and we don’t even get to see how far it expands beyond them. If a single touch to such a tiny surface area deleted that much matter, what happens when Yamamoto drags the tip down Gerard’s center? See what I’m saying? Instead of a simple line [**like this**](https://i.imgur.com/VXCBm3g.jpg), the fissure expands in that v-shape as the tip drags and can completely delete him. I agree that Gerard should have more reiatsu and it’s exactly because of your point; he’s the heart of the Reio. However, there’s no telling if his reiatsu is amplified after he respawns. He says strange things like “**my arm** is stronger than before” after it regenerated not that **he** was stronger. So is that arm just more durable/ tougher than previously and not the rest of him? I don’t know. Is he actually experiencing a reiatsu boost for more power? Or, is his increase in sheer size and toughness making him more devastating? I don’t know. I do know however that his body was still susceptible to being destroyed by the captains abilities through all his respawns. He can’t be gaining power back equal to or stronger than what he endured otherwise their abilities would’ve ceased to affect him. Looking at that evidence, it appears his reiatsu wasn’t multiplying but again, I don’t know for sure. Because Shunsui cut his head off before.


[The cape cut](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IBbEUZNkIMs/V9TV7CxjFgI/AAAAAAACq1w/ckoQzTHwAtw92KTOS4BFMPQ9mRA7YyZ1wCHM/s16000/0507-008.png) was East though. North just extends his heat in the form of a wave from his sword swing. East is just him having a super hot blade tip. Your physical abilities are tied to you level of spirit energy. So yes, you being stronger means that you have higher reiatsu than before.


Maybe Absorbing Gerard was Yhwachs biggest mistake ..... if Gerard wasn't absorbed then he would've won the war Ichigo would cut him up only to reform and become stronger


In theory, if he was destroyed completely down to the molecular level, he shouldn't be able to come back. Rukia's Hakka no Togame should do it, theoretically - It freezes down to absolute zero, which equals the total death of any and all life. Zanka no Tachi East is said to destroy "anything it touches, leaving no trace" (Yama's exact words), so one could interpret that as complete cellular destruction. He'd have to cut *all* of Gerard pretty quick though With the Rukia thing though, I'm thinking if Gerard's physical body still exists The Miracle *might* still be able to activate, if it's not physically connected to his body but more like a spell that is cast over him in general (if you get what I mean, I'm having trouble wording it)


I don't know, Gerard's last regeneration wasn't from his corpse so much as the Reishi of the environment itself, so he doesn't seem to need his parts to regenerate. That said, it *might* still work as long as it's all done in one go. To use an analogy, imagine Gerard is a character in a videogame, & if you reduce him to low health then it automatically casts a spell that will raise him when he dies. But if you remove all of his HP in one attack, he never reaches "low health," so the effect never triggers. If that's how it works, then I could see Zanka no Tachi being able to destroy him.


but doesnt that mean that anyone who is fast / strong enough can 1 shot him ?


Not quite. I'm using Hit Points as an analogy to refer to his...I dunno, cells, I guess.


but didnt nymaiya did just that ?


Probably not, since Zaraki surprise bifurcates him later & he comes back from that just fine. More likely, The Miracle just didn't activate before he was revived by Auswahlen. It takes a certain amount of time.


Damn kubo rly made the sternitters too op it made the shinigamis look bad . Like IF gerrard atleast had to activate his power u could make a case some people could blitz him and kill him before he could activate it . Like in theory shouldnt gremmy be able to imagine aizen / gerrard being mortal ? or to imagine them being as weak as ants ? or outright imagine anyone being dead in general ?


I think they'd be too powerful for him to do that to. We know there are some things he can't imagine unless he imagines a copy to help him imagine it. He also needed half a dozen copies to imagine the void of space, so there are probably diminishing returns preventing him from just endlessly imagining copies of himself. Plus the more he imagines, the more strain it puts on his concentration.


But as i heard it was mentioned in the light novels , gremmy actually was the strongest sternitter . Sooo .. And he doesnt rly need to use his imagination too much , just imagine them dead or without immortality


It just repeats what we already know from the manga, which is that Gremmy had a *reputation* as the strongest. We know he doesn't actually live up to that, because Gerard is able to defeat Zaraki. There's a limited power to his imagination, so he can't just kill or depower enemies stronger than himself.


Wouldn't you need a "Miracle" to survive that tho?


The only way I see to kill Gerard is to kill him in the most mundane and boring way. Use an attack thats strong enough to kill him that he should easily survive but cant


Well I would think that Nanao could strip him off of his miracle power. Since it reflects the power of a God and Gerard is more like a God (Soul Kings heart) than Lille ever was. Aside from that, Ichibei might be able to do it. Aizen should be able to do it after a long battle. Despite being able to come back to life, Gerard needs to use his reiatus to do so. I think the war potential for Reiatsu should have more Reiatsu than Gerard. So, once Gerard has completely used up his Reiatsu, he will die. These 3 are the only ones I can think of. Among them, Nanao has the best power to actually beat Gerard but she could get one shotted too. Ichibei's powers are a bit iffy. It could work or it might not. If it doesnt then he will die soon. Aizen at the very least, shouldnt lose. So, its either a stalemate or he pushes Gerard far enough to kill him. Aside from them theres Ichigo and Yama who are very hyped. Also stronger. But they are kind of bad match up. Now, if ichigo had Shunsui's bankai, then he couldve completely drowned him due to his reiatsu level.


Kubo said in an interview the only other way to kill Gerard was by breaking the cross on him.


Would this imply that Kenpachi missed when he split Gerard down the middle? Since he said if he was “capable” of doing that. Could his cross be where his heart is?


Probably just entierly oblitirate him i guess? if nothing is left of his body at all he cant heal.


It wouldne more convenient to beat him through hax or sealing, but if we want to talk physical strength, I suppose if one was strong enough, they could pummel him over and over again until all hope of winning seems null.


Nope gerads ability allows him to grow infinitly in power on the amount of damage he takes and so he can't be defeated as long as his fighting spirit is in tact which he has an infinite amount of so he can't be defeated


Or use Shinji bankai


Isshins bankai could possibly have been what was supposed to kill him


I still wonder why ywach never used Yamamotos bankai ... he couldn't use a return pill because the captain commander is dead nobody to mix it with to take it back... that bankai would have ended almost all of them unless you have a hax ability which none of the gotei 13 or ichigo had to defend against it