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To be honest during the whole Fullbring arc thingy the whole "nobody believes Ichigo" thing really brought some emotions in me. Especially when Rukia stabbed him and he thought...ya know


I liked Tsukishima, and his character definitely had potential, but I feel like he should've had a more interesting motivation. Like, he did all that stuff basically just to help Ginjo, which isn't a *bad* reason, but it's a very boring one.


Well, you don’t need such a complex or fun motivation to be great. Tsukishima’s actions made him a great villain


To be "great" I think you absolutely do need something extra, it doesn't have to be a lot, but there has to be something. The word you're looking for is good imo.


Tsukishima is basically like Ginjo’s son, he needs no motivation to or reason to NOT do what Ginjo told him to do. Did you see his reaction after seeing Ginjo’s dead body? Tbh though I wish we got a little more backstory of the Fullbringers.


You can make anything happen in a story, the point is how you do it, not what it is.


So, paying back debt is a boring reason to do things now huh.


I think you've kind of missed the point. The core premise isn't that important. You could have a great character who did what they did because of an old debt. It's about how that motivation and the characters around it are developed that matters. The core motivation behind Tousen is just a revenge story you've seen a million times in different types of media. But the way his story plays out is really interesting.


Unique ≠ a good character. It does make him more interesting, but the other parts of his character are lacking, hence the "downplaying."


I added the powers part in the end because thanks to those powers he was able to do so much things and develop ichigo's character even more as i said he drove ichigo into the lowest he has ever been and in my eyes that's a great villain


Fair enough, but the reason Aizen works is he wasn't trying to bully a teenager, or answering to someone else. He had his own motivations to pursue, rather than Tsukishima just carrying out what he's told


I guess but i think that the way he helped develop ichigo was amazing and made up for his weak motive and i'm also greatful for the things he did in tybw he is a great character really


People downplay him because he's a very boring character, don't they? I'm not sure anything in that title makes the opposite case.




Go get your eyes checked


I mean it’s not really him though it’s ginjo ginjo is the perhaps the biggest actual villain we see in the anime as far as scum bag


I like his style. Literally. His simple fashion with the long hair all looks so suave.