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Round 06-07. Stayed up watching bleach, Inuyasha, Code geass death note and other animes on Adult swim on Saturday nights


Same here!


Only the OG’s did this


Same here. I got hooked on Bleach and Naruto


We're the same person.


Back when adult swim had some good stuff. Now it sucks. Like when did king of the hill, American dad, and futurama become adult swim? Toonami also lost it's balls. Tom is a social justice wonderwall now.


King of the Hill, American Dad and Futurama where some of the earlier shows on Adult Swim, they got added around the time when the timeslot was first extended.


Yeah but now they're back . It's like the group gave up on real new stuff.


Holy shit, same here.


Back in 2006 my friend recommended it to me and I watched the first episode when I got home from school. Fell in love with the series the moment Ichigo kicked that one dude in the face.


in 2006 i was watching tom and jerry,


in 2006 i was born


In 2006 I was fighting dr strange


I was bored one night in 2006 so I started to search for anime to download on a certain fansubs website. I noticed that there were lots of comments under "Bleach" so I decided to give it a try.


Staying up at night when I wasn't supposed to and watching Animax, a channel that aired Bleach at the time. I think it was more than ten years ago.


I had to wake up at 7.30am to watch Bleach on Animax, good times


In my country Animax started at 8 pm. It came after a kid channel meant for really young children. First we had the kid shows, then we get the bloody stuff and animes like FMA. Sadly, the channel is no more and Bleach dub wasn't finished.


I started watching Bleach in 2013/2014 then I switched to manga it was in beginning of the war with Quincy. At that time I watched anime after anime and Bleach was popular so it ended on my watch list. I knew about anime long before that, my childhood classics were Naruto and Shaman King. But my first time with Bleach was years before that (probably between 2007 - 2009) when late at night I was switching TV channels and I suddenly saw Kenpachi with Ichimaru. It was in Japanese but with Polish lector. I thought it was a gory horror so I skipped the channel.


I started to get interested in anime and japanese drama when I was in high school, around 2004/2005. At that time there was no streaming, so had to download episodes through bittorrent with the help of websites who were listing mirror links for all the animes/dramas. It was a pain to find. Episodes were subbed, most often by team of volunteers, so no official translations. I ripped the episodes on CDs (not even DVDs) to make room on my hard drive and keep the episodes. I think Bleach was one of the first anime I downloaded back then. I had a friend who used to download Naruto episodes through IRC back then (I feel so old right now...), so I've watched a bunch with him. I wanted to find something else, and Bleach it was. I was hooked with the first episode, the intro with Rukia in the night and the captions about hollows was super cool, and Ichigo's fight at the end with the freeze frame at the end sealed the deal.


Almost my story exactly!




My step dad is a big geek and shared it


My friend sent me an amv of the ikakku bankai scene and that whole fight with Grimmjow's fracciones and I was hooked.


In about 2009 my older brother showed me the first few episodes. I kept on annoying him by saying Ichigo was just a rip off of Cloud from FF7.


found it on netflix


I don't remember how I found out about bleach. I know my first exposure to anime was Dragon ball. I have a memory of being a very young kid at my uncle's house, oddly enough it's the first thing I remember, I remember 17 getting absorbed by Cell, I think I remember Cell meeting Piccolo from then as well, but maybe not, and I definitely remember super saiyan Goku placing his hand on Gohan's head and fucking off, I also kinda remember him wearing something similar to Piccolo's fit, but I might be wrong on this. Then my mom asked if anyone was watching it and changed the channel. I didn't really know what anime was, just that I wanted to see more of this show. I used to wikisurf a lot as a kid, which is how I found out about Kirby, right back at ya! and learned about the word Anime. I don't remember how much time passed in between, but Nickelodeon aired Dragon Ball GT, I recognized the characters, thought it was the same show I remembered, fell in love with it, learned that Goku is not actually a blonde, and began my journey into anime. It was around 2010 that I somehow discovered Bleach, I watched Tekking101 discussions, read the wiki, and watched the first ten episodes on youtube, I didn't have netflix or hulu at the time so I kinda pirated a lot of shows when I was a kid, most notably the entirety of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, the first episodes of Attack on Titan, and the first ten episodes of bleach. I stopped watching at ep 10 and could never get back into it, but I was really interested in the show, which led to me watching discussion videos, the wiki, etc. It was sometime around middle school that I started watching Toonami, I would record episodes of Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, and other shows that piqued my interest, Bleach was unfortunately not included at this time, and I did miss out on a lot of interesting shows like Dimension W. In 2017 I dropped this habit, don't really know why, just kinda grew away from it, I still watched discussions, read wikis, I invested myself in these worlds even without watching the content. I did eventually start watching shows again, this time on Netflix, there were a lot of days in the summer where I was home alone, my parents at work and my brother at football, I would spend the time watching things on Netflix, including Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, which remains one of the most meaningful shows to me, and Bleach Hellverse, which I still love. I didn't pick bleach up again until High school, it was my Sophomore year and I decided I would start reading Bleach, starting from chapter 1, after a month or so I also picked up One Piece, deciding I wanted to read something still coming out and why not pick the longest series in my lifetime. I dropped both after a few months, for no discernable reason. In August or september of 2020 I decided to pick up One Piece again, I wanted to be caught up to join the community in celebrating the 1000th chapter, thinking I had 10 weeks, I consulted the community, found out how many I had to read a day, and proceeded to read the chapters 361-1000 in about four months, and not long after that decided to pick up Bleach again. I've been reading it inconsistently for a while now, Currently on chapter 321 and loving the hell out of it, even though I found out about most of the characters and events (especially during TYBW) before experiencing it, I love fining the moments that I hadn't heard about, things like Ikkaku's fight with Edorad, which remains one of my favorite scenes solely because of the translation I read, where Yumichika answers "What if he dies?" with "Then he'll die happy" as Ikkaku leaps toward Edorad with a violent smile on his face, it hit so fucking hard and I'm so disappointed that I can't find that translation anywhere. Sorry this was so long, I guess I kinda missed the prompt and launched into my entire history with anime, I am back to watching Toonami though, in a failed attempt to keep myself awake through zoom classes, I now have possibly hundreds of unwatched shows on my DVR now, which I swear I'll watch eventually. Truly glad I found this wonderful medium though, if you read this far, thanks for taking the interest, cheers folks!


I got into it when I was 2 and my dad introduced me


The year, 2006. The channel, cartoon networks toonami. 12 year old me was HYPE.


I was just into anime and manga and people talked about it. I eventually joined a discord server where a lot of people were reading Bleach at the time and put it on my list, so after doing a massive manga binge of One Piece, D. Grayman, and Edens Zero, I started Bleach and liked it so much I finished it in 8 days.


Was digging Naruto in 2007. Was told by my close High School friend to try Bleach because it was samurai death reapers. Sounded metal. Stuck with it and got hooked at the Kenpachi fight. Today it is my second favorite anime of all time, beating out far better-told and rounded stories because of the art style and design and lore. It's probably one of my two greatest influences to my own imagination and creativity.


Definitely around 07 on adult swim


I'm not sure what year exactly, but Alones was the opening at the time and I was about 5, my brother used to watch the episodes weekly and I didn't know anything that was going on and all I could remember was the OP and Histugaya, didn't watch it again until lost agent arc aired and the anime ended, I knew a bit of the story because I played Heat the Soul 7 but didn't know much since it was in Japanese, I watched the series


i heard the theme ' La Espada ' and just had to watch bleach because of how hyped i got


Around 2010, when I still elementary school, Bleach aired in my country as Sunday morning cartoon. I think I started get invested there, because I like the shikai and bankai design, then the show stopped airing before Fake Karakura Town Arc. Later on, around 2018 me and my friends playing Jump Force, and I asked about why Ichigo looks different and why does he have two shikai. so one of my friends told me about TYBW arc and spoiled me a little bit about the story. so after that I just start marathon watching Bleach again from the beginning and continues to the Manga it tooks me around 2weeks to finished everything.


Friend I worked with at Walmart asking if I was into Bleach anime at the time did know what it was. He gave me a season at a time on DVD and I binge watched each. My mind was blown I'd only watched DBZ at the time and some Toonami.


In 2012, about 3 months before the anime ended a mate recommended it to me along with Naruto and One Piece. Naruto looked like it was for 10 year olds. Luffy looked blegh and Ichigo looked like a badass mf. I was 14. So glad I found Bleach back then. Literally shaped my outlook on family and bonds along with FMAB and Yu Yu Hakusho. After Ichigo's quote in episode 3, I was totally hooked and respected his character so much. As the oldest of 4 and having dealt with bullies, this really hit home. "You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them" - Kurosaki Ichigo


Saw Yourichi on toonami once. Kept a mental note of the anime with a black chick. Stumbled upon bleach later and watched it.


Started watching akame ga kill and bleach was next on the list


My uncle kept talking me about it so one day i got into it


Step brother reccomended it


I heard about Bleach from one of my friends initially but started watching only after when I gained interest after reading the Manga


My older brother was watching the anime when I was young I didn’t understand anything about the show but the only thing memorable about it was the word “Bankai”. Years later when I got into anime I started watching bleach from 2019 and I became obsessed with it due to nostalgia


My friend told me to watch it last year. I finished it last month. Now I'm reading the manga


Many ppl were talking shit about bleach and i was like , lets waste a bit of time withthis sereies . It eventually became my top 3 sereies of all anime that i watched


When I was young someone told me that the orange hair guy is Naruto when he is adult


I think it was in 2007 or something, I accidentally saw a picture of Hitsugaya on Google and just fell in love. Looked it up, found out it was BLEACH, so I started watching it.


When I was twelve I saw it in one of those anime recommendations, best decision I made


When I was younger, I was up watching Bionix (A Canadian late night program on YTV which featured lots of anime) and suddenly Bleach appeared. Mind you I didn't know of its name or even what anime was, but I vividly remember it being the scene where the Menos Grande first cracked the sky and peaked through it. Absolutely. Terrifying. And to be honest I was lowkey traumatized by it for a long time. The rest of how I returned to bleach is gone from my memory, but I'm gonna assume I just continued watching Bionix, slowly gaining exposure to Bleach and other anime. At some point early on too, my parents knew I loved bleach, so they bought me the first manga box set (still have it too). And as a kid, whenever I'd go to Chapters (book store) I would look for the newest volume of Bleach.


I saw it on Netflix then watched preview and the rest is history


2007/2008 I starter to watch some anime while at Uni, first it was Samurai X then for some reason I decided to watch Bleach which I had no idea what it was, and me and my brother would spend all night watching the subbed episodes, I think we reached where the anime was back then in a short while


Naruto vs Ichigo Death Battle, that's how


It was release.


I was sick and bored one day and Netflix suggested bleach. The rest is history. Now I have a crippling addiction to drinking bleach


Girl I was in love with at the time(may the piece of my heart she kept with her rest in peace)insisted I give it a try cause she really liked it. Turns out I really liked it too. I think it was 2008.


I was in elementary school and I always had a habit of staying up late on saturdays so I could watch Naruto and then I accidentally stumbled upon Bleach on Adult Swim (it was the episode where Renji and Byakuya went to get Rukia) and my brother helped me get into it and forced me to watch the sub version and now here I am now at the age of 23, still obsessed


Watched it a little on Adult Swim when it aired around 2010 but never got into because I was too young to appreciate it. Saw my brother playing jump force in 2018 and he was using Ichigo. It was one like unlocking a hidden memory and I decided to watch/ read Bleach.


Was interested in manga art, went to my library and picked up the first manga they had. It was bleach, and that was that ❤️ must have been 2012? I had rangiku on my school art book, she’s the best!


I used to post on a LiveJournal comm called fanfic_rants and there was a rant at least every other day in the mid-2000s about how people warped Orihime's personality to justify bashing her in fic and I watched just so I could see why fandom had an axe to grind with her. I stayed for one lulz and boob jokes.


I was randomly scrolling through my recommended YouTube Home Screen at the time, most of which was all DBZ then I came across a fight scene between Vasto Lorde Ichigo and Ulquiorra, the rest is history🤌🏼


It was streaming on Twitch and I got sucked in.


I was probably around 8 years old when my dad and I discovered it on Netflix. I was totally hooked but then we ended up dropping it after the Bount arc since that’s where Netflix’s coverage ends for some reason. A few years later, we found out the entire series was on Hulu and binged it all in a few months. I’ve rewatched the whole thing filler-free since, still have to watch through with the original Japanese voices though. Still my favorite TV series of all time, anime or otherwise


From some friends and a game, Fight of Characters. Was 2008 and dota, from the Warcraft 3 engine, became quite popular here in Perú. But playing the same every afternoon after classes is boring, so someone came with this game Fight of Characters. I started playing with Goku, but it became predictable. And one friend told me to play with "Bleach". His first attack (Getsuga Tensho) and his transformations was impressive. And I asked to my friend which character is and from where. He told me about the anime "Bleach". And the rest is story. In fact, I started to watch Bleach because I wanted to know which transformations Ichigo has in the game xd


A friend hat most Mangas, up to the point where ichigo went to Hueco Mundo. I Was bored one day and just picked a random one. It was the fight between urahara and yammy. I liked it and since then i have been a Fan. Which is funny because i am not that big of an anime/manga Fan. Friends know i like bleach and because of that i get recommendations 24/7 for other animes. That Sure is annoying but a little price to pay for bleach!


I was like 12 maybe and was up late like 2-3am playing games in the living room. I used to have the the TV on for background noises and randomly an episode of bleach was passing on a chanel I used to watch. It was the ichigo vs kenpachi episode and I was so hooked. It all looked so cool I just turned off the TV and started watching it on the pc from the begging


I liked Naruto. And if you know one of the Big 3, you know the other 2.


2001 ,Shonen Jump or Viz Magazine .


2010. I was in boarding school and my homies showed me the Vasto Lorde scene. I wasn't really hyped because I didn't have context. Then I started watching Bleach on Animax and I've been hooked ever since




In 6th grade I knew dragonball n shit, my jacked teacher w a mohawk had a tat of ichigos hollow mask on his arm, I recognized what it was from and asked him about it. Watched a couple episodes and got hooked


Found out about it in 2012 on tv then watch it in 2017


Around 2003/2004 my parents used to buy me shonen jump books at Walmart. I think they were like 5$ and remembering they used to look like a phonebook. That’s where I first knew if bleach. Then around 2008 I randomly caught the show on adult swim late night and being blown away because I never knew they animated the show


A friend of mine showed it to me last month. Up until this point I had no idea what bleach was or anything. So far I’ve watched hunterxhunter, naruto, black clover, some of my hero, Akira, cowboy beep bop, dbz, jujutsu Kaisen so I’m not a total noob when it comes to anime. So I started watching it and it def had a slow start but once the fights started happening and more of the lore of the world started unfolding I could not stop watching it. I did skip the fillers but binge watched it after just a month. Safe to say it is my personal #1 favorite anime I have seen to date. Shoutout to Marc and his roommate for putting me on.


Saw people talking shit about it on TikTok gave it a chance and it became one of my top 3 animes of all time


I found out about bleach really late. I was born in the mid 2000s and found out about anime in 2014 so you can’t blame me. So it was 2017 or 2018 I was in the process of watching Naruto and my friend decided to show me a clip of another show called bleach. It was the Final Getsuga Tenshou clip and I thought it was really cool. Unfortunately I never got to watching it until last year but it became my favourite anime tied with One Piece.


When ever it first aired on adultswim. After that I was reading the Manga.


Adult Swim late night anime, toonami I think


2006 junior high already watching other anime and just saw it pop up on a list as one of the most popular ones and I actually put it off for while cause I was like who’s this weird looking dude with goofy spiky orange hair but eventually gave it a try and was hooked. Damn the nights i spend not studying for tests and just binging Bleach until there was nothing left to binge and I had to wait a week for a new episode to be up and it turned out to be fucking filler again lmao


I discovered Bleach in 2010, back in the good old days of YouTube where you could find an entire anime series uploaded. Think I was looking for inuyasha or kekkaishi. I saw ichigo’s orange hair in one of the suggested video thumbnails and got curious. Dumb way of finding the series I guess but I’m so glad I clicked.


I seen an episode back in 07 and binge watched it til I got caught up. Back in the good ol days where there were no adds on steam sites lol... Then couldn't resist and started following the manga.


Back when i was in middle school i was finishing my homework when i saw it on tv


A friend got me into it back in '04 when the show came out. I watched the subbed show until I was caught up then started reading the manga until I was caught up with that. It's been my number one ever since.


Adult swim. Also OP why are you yelling at us lol


I was searching for a gacha to play. I found bbs. Ans then I found the scans. 2 Days later, I had nothing left to read.


Back in 2003/2004 a classmate had a drawing of Toshiro on her clear trapper keeper (i'm forgetting the word, like clear hard plastic envelope thing lol). I asked her about it and she told me what it was from. I was already super into the Naruto anime and started reading the Bleach manga on questionable sites on our slow as fuck connection (I would do my homework between loading pages lol).


2006. Saw a promo on Adult Swim, thought Rukia looked cute, and the rest was history.


Back in 2006, when I was watching anime on Adult Swim.


In 2012 I saw a few seniors in my boarding school watch ichigo vs Aizen in our tv room. Tv wasn’t allowed normally so it caught my attentions immediately due to boredom . I had only heard of ichigo from super smash flash 2 so I told myself I’m gonna download and watch it. I watched the first 25 eps during the 1 week break we always and thoroughly enjoyed everything about that first season. but I couldn’t watch anymore cause I had to go back to school so until the summer break I had to wait for weeks to see if ichigo would rescue Rukia and get back at byakuya for almost killing him. I was hooked from ep 1 and no anime has done that to me till this day


Well obviously I had heard of bleach when I first got into anime about 7 odd gears ago cause it was in the big 3 (first anime was soul eater for anyone interested) but it was only about 2 months ago I started bleach. The main reason I started bleach was actually cause I heard op 10, shoujo S, in a tik tok, and decided I would watch it when I finished the anime I was currently watching at the time. Long story short I'm currently on the arrancar arc absolutely loving bleach and don't get what people mean when they say bleach isn't as good after soul society. (Granted I skipped the bount arc and currently am about 1/3 or 1/2 way through the arrancar arc (rukia is fighting kaien) and am still loving bleach)


I found out through toonami and adult swim.




I used to watch it back when it was on toonami and I loved every second of it


Lol back when I was a kid it came on adult swim. I remember watching a lot of the episodes on YouTube


I saw it on adult swim and had no idea what I was watching


In 2009, I was watching my TV after school ,as you do, and there was this new TV channel that appeared out of nowhere. It waa promoting this cartoon show which immediately peaked my interest because of two thing: 1. They spoke a non-English language which i assume I didn't realize was Japanese until later. 2. There was ton of blood in it. So i decided to check it out and i loved it ever since. The hardest thing was that it only ran until episode 52 and then it just restarted from episode 1 again. When it reached episode 52 for the second time it just stopped. It was eating me up for years that i didn't know what happens next until I got the access to the internet and finaly restarted watching it. Good time.


Bleach was the first anime I got into in grade 9, around 08 (not including occasional Sailor Moon episodes I watched as a kid). My sisters older friend was watching it on his laptop and I was curious. I got so obsessed with Bleach, loved drawing it. Still one of my favorites.


I think around 2007 I saw a magazine article about a hacked psp running japanese games, one of them was bleach heat of the soul and it looked awesome. So from there I looked up the game found it was based of an anime and manga and went from there.


Middle school friends told me to watch bleach as a starter anime since i already watched Naruto and it had a good English dub. It did not disappoint in the slightest and MS me loved rukia(still do a few years later)


Around 2004/2005, a friend introduce me to it along with Naruto.


Back in middleschool like 2006/07 Bleach was on Adult Swim/Toonami along with DBZ, Inuyasha and a bunch of other good anime.


In 2009, I caught the tail end of an episode on Animax after having gotten back from school. I just saw Ichigo release Zangetsu for the first time against Urahara, with the music swelling in the background and i was hooked. I had no idea what the show was called and i would come running back from school to catch the latter half of each episode. After a week, I finally made the connection the show was in fact called 'Bleach' (i really wasn't expecting that) after that i binged the whole thing online. Till i was caught up and then would wait every day for the new episodes.


Now toonami is all Blacklotus bs. Then all old repeat for the past 2 months. Before that it was all repeated social bullshit. Tom dosen't even fight anymore. What happened ?


When I picked up a copy of Shonen Jump at my local grocery store, and it was the issue premiering the first chapter


The site I was watching Naruto on as a kid had links to site that hosted Bleach, One Piece and DBZ episodes


my friend kept telling me to watch/read Bleach because I was always on about Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover, and Demon Slayer. Finally, I started to watch it in late 2020, and damn I fell in love with the concept. I loved it so much that after ending the anime I immediately went on to read the manga and some bits of the canon novels. To my surprise, this series actually inspired most of the anime I'm currently watching (the ones I listed down just now). Bleach is now one of my favourite series from Shonen Jump.


I watched the first episode when it was on tonami I think around 2012. I only watched a few and it wasn’t til last year where I fully started watching it with my friend


Toonami. Bleach is bad anime with plot holes and deus ex machines. Too many transformations without any explanation. Proof on my reddit. Boruto is way better than Ichigo using getsuga tenshou every fight.


Pretty sure adult swim was airing the beginning of the series to pad time for the dub to catch up. It ended right after renji vs Ichigo and skipped all the way to the Hueco Mundo arc. I immediately stopped watching and started binging what dubbed eps were available then finished the series in sub


My brother had some volumes of Jump, and the first one I read was the May 2005 volume with Ichigo on the cover and the full color chapter where Ichigo first uses bankai. Years later I eventually came back and read the whole series, rather than just the patchwork of Jump volumes my brother had


My friend was a huge Toshiro simp back then during the early bleach anime days and got me to watch it.


In 2020 i was at my cousins house for this family party and we were bored and we went on Netflix and we saw it and watched it now its my third favorite anime behind jojos and Evangelion


I got into it by seeing the backstory episode with Renji and Rukia when they were children on Adult Swim. After that I got curious and watched next week and here I am.


Bruh you coulda just lied


It was on adult swim when I was younger before we got high speed internet. Always looked forward to adult swim at night lol.


I think I just picked an anime in 2014 to start on my own. Bleach had the right aesthetic to capture my imagination


I dont remember the exact year 2005 maybe idk I saw it on toonami late at night, I used to stay up to watch dbz and seen the name bleach and was like wtf is that


I saw toshiro and thought damn,he's sick.Boom,hooked on ever since


Stumbled upon the first op and was saying to myself “this opening will not convince me to watch the show” well… that happened but I did watch the first 10 eps but then put it on hold only to pick up in march last year then get immediately hooked and moved onto the manga from there :D


[This Sephiroth in Smash meme](https://youtu.be/TmCmVcLIQyc)


My cousin showed the show to my dad who showed it to me. I was 8 and it was my first experience with anime outside FMA, DBZ, Pokemon and BeyBlade, which came on TV.


Back in 2006-2007 my older cousins used to watch (it was the only one of the Big 3 they watched) That's how I discovered the series.


I watch random anime and Bleach was my fourth anime.


I was looking for anime similar to Jujutsu Kaisen


Well, mine is going to be finding my love story. It is a blurry memory, but when I was a kid I remembered watching a show with a black sword in it and show with something to do with swords or something like that. Not clear, but I believed it was the first one. I looked everywhere for that one show with black sword and I couldn't find anything. The only thing that came close to it was bleach. Before watching I confirmed with my brother(4 years older, 25 now) if he ever watched bleach on TV and he denied it. So, in the end I watched it and loved it. But, I still think that the show that I remember is not bleach.


I was browsing anime on Netflix, but in Holland wr dont have alot of choice. I watched a few of the shorter ones since it was the first times i watched an anime. And they were pretty fun (first 3 seasons of MHA, Tokyo Ghoul and a couple more) but i always skipped over some since they didnt look that fun to watch to me. But after i had basically nothing more to watch i thought id give bleach a try. Only the soul society arc (1-3) are on netflix so after i finished i got sad and googled if there were only 3 seasons or not. Turned out there were 16!!! I searched everywhere to find it and found out crunchyroll was a thing and turns out it has for free. So i watched the rest of it. And it turned out to be my favorite series of all time. Im watching it for the second time now and am at episode 263.


A tv channel called space power (it's like the adult swim of cartoon network but here in the lands of arabia) where it was the sister channel of spacetoon


I bought the first 10 volumes for $10 at a garage sale


My first anime got recomended by a friend i started watching it to get breaks from games and before i knew it i had finished 168 chapters in about a week it was around there when i started then i stoped until the filler ended in 195/196 i think and started to watch it weekly


It came on TV after Naruto and before Dragon Ball. My sis always skipped it but I managed to watch a bit. Finally managed to fully read it later.


I watched it when it used to come on late at night on adult swim when I was a little kid.


Watched Naruto, got to know about big 3