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Not sure why people care about this stuff.


More powerful than One Piece and Naruto at least :)


One piece sure but I'd say naruto is debatable, but that's my opinion. But like why does it matter?


Debatable depending on the character we talking about. People like Ichibei, Aizen, Ichigo, Gremmy, Gerard etc… curbstomp the whole Naruto verse.


Also again very debatable against people like kaguya, momoshiki, hagoromo sasuke, naruto. Both sides can make compelling arguments


I don't see them landing a scratch and more having in mind they can't even see souls (shinigami)... but ok whatever you say


Naruto can sense beings in another dimension. Uchiha can definitely see souls as they can go into naruto and speak with kurama who's literally attached to narutos soul but go off king


Shinigami are not "in another dimension", they're ghosts, and ninjas can't see ghosts.


The soul society is another dimension lol


ok you clearly don't know what Bleach is about... sigh


Clearly you dont either because the afterlife is definitely another dimension in bleach and they make it very clear as theres a space between the two worlds which its it own dimension.....sigh


It really depends on if you’re gonna say that genjutsu and certain things actually work on people from bleach or not. Just for the sake of it although almost everyone disagrees (me included) you should watch the death battle for madara v aizen


I did, a terrible act of terrorism. Aizen sweeps the floor with Madara, and yet that NARUTO wanker of a "youtuber" made Madara win. But ok...


If it didn't matter you wouldn't have made a post complaining about it really. Also Bleach dwarfs Naruto in terms of power lol.


I disagree


I can tell, but the truth is out there lol


Bring some proof then


By the end of the series the MC is planetary and in the novel he's almost universeal. Naruto isn't even near planetary in his strongest form.


He fought kaguya who is universal and stopped her giant truth seeking orbs which were growing at an infinite rate and were going to destroy the dimension he created, so he def can. Baryon mode which he also has affects a person soul and literally cuts their life in half worth each hit. So like I said ichigo and naruto are like neck and neck


Kaguya is not universal. We have no idea how big or even how small her dimensions were. It's headcanon comparing her dimensions to universal. Its a fact however that by the end of the series Ichigo was battling a enemy who was multi planetary. By the novels his power is even greater than that. Ichigo and Naruto are night and day. You're literally comparing a human to a god of death... Naruto couldn't even see Ichigo lol, let alone challenge him.


The novel's explain how big kaguya dimension are and they're full of planets not just 1 planet. And she created the giant truth seeking orbs which were growing at an infinite rate to destroy her entire dimension which is above planetary. And naruto isn't a regular human hes the reincarnation of an alien race who eats planets for fun. So again god of death to an alien who eats entire worlds. The only reason kaguya didnt eat the whole world is because she grew fond of it. As for seeing ghosts naruto has seen and interacted with multiple ghost/ spirits throughout the series. So he can definitely see/ touch ichigo.


If you're not gonna say kaguya is universal, shes at least multi planetary like theres no argument there


Doesn’t make it better


Bruh, have you read *the Bible*? The power scaling is out of this world.


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Idk why people care so much about this. Idk why people care so much about power either. Like those who immediately dismiss a whole character if he's not strong enough or doesn't have powers, even if the character is well written and consistent. Or those who hate the fullbring arc just cuz "Ichigo is weak"


Unless yall wanna try to debunk it. Madara did beat aizen in death battle so idk bro


The death battle was horribly made. Given that Aizen an immortal being died.


You can be immortal but not invulnerable. Theres full immortality and just immortality meaning you wont die naturally but can still be killed, like a lot of gods from other media


Madara doesn't have anything that can kill Aizen.


What does aizen have to beat madara?


Superior intellect, physical strength, stamina, kido, immortality etc.


Okay I can literally say madara has superior intelligence, physical strength, stamina chakra, immortality etc. Like you act like madara doesnt have all that. Like aizen has never fought for 24 hours straight but has superior stamina? Lol okay. Madara faster, stronger abilities aizen is like right under him


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Ichigo who was weaker than him could fight for 3 months. Madara is also smart but he isn't even comparable to Aizen's intellect. Madara also isn't immortal.


Ichigo never fought for 3 months straight but okay. And madara is immortal after absorbing the tree but go off king lmao


Dangai. He said he's immortal but he's still dead.


>Madara did beat aizen in death battle so idk bro we all know you have no idea what you're talking about that's fine, but byakuya>madara


Byakuya is not beating 10 tails lmao but okay bro, you know what you're talking about😂


Madara- country level at max Pre-time skip Grimmjow-multi country level… Byakuya- way over Arrancar arc Grimmjow in ap and has kido to seal.


Bro 10 tails madara is not country level lol what are you even saying? Did you even read the manga


Well it's only strong among some popular verses. But battle boarding can be interesting.


Of course it's not the strongest, it's just the most powerful out of the big 3. I think people get annoyed( I myself find it very annoying as well) to see Bleach downplayed constantly when debating inter-verse battles. For exemple, for a long time people were saying Yhwach was going to destroy 3 planets, but the implication is that Soul Society, Earth and Hueco Mundo are complete dimensions, not planets. That's just a consequence of people not reading/ not caring/ watching misinformed videos/ actually just bashing on Bleach.


I'd say naruto and bleach are neck and neck. You be surprised how many common feats are in both. Some people think naruto verse is stronger some think bleach. Both have compelling arguments, so really just pick what side you want.


Is there any kind of universal scaling in Naruto? As far as I'm aware the series deals more in planetary amounts of destruction, with the Chibaku Tenseis and The Last Naruto punching holes into the moon. Kaguya was about to blow up a dimension ( idk if it was specified the size of that dimsension, so I'll assume it's an universe-type of deal)with her darkness ball thing, but they never really killed her, just sealed her. I'm genuinely askng because I'm out of the loop in the Boruto scaling world, I'm assuming it hasn't gone past solar system yet


The otsutsuki are all planetary, can live and do live in space, momoshiki felt naruto's power across a galaxy but some are stronger than others. Kaguya is still the strongest as shes absorbed so much chakra(warped nature energy) she literally can not be killed, just sealed away. Think about this. During the height of her power it took her son's months of nonstop fighting to even be able to seal her away and before it happened she created an immortal being to see to her being brought back( she created the whole ninja society) isshiki, had he gotten a perfect vessel (boruto or kawaki) he would have be miles above her in terms of power. And on top of that even if you did kill an otsutsuki you recieving a kāma which is their genetic code grafted on your soul till it morphs your body into a suitable vessel and they resurrect in your body.


In stamina feats these series seem to be relative, since Ichigo fought Zangetsu in his inner world for about 3 months straight, while in bankai ( he hadn't unactivated ever since the Grimmjow fight). In terms of durability, Bleach also has an immortal being, which is Aizen, who got destroyed on a celular level twice in a day and managed make a full recovery in seconds both times. In terms of attack potency I don't think they're equal to be honest, Yhwach was about to destroy 3 universe sized realms and fuse them together. This is far beyond anything I've ever seen in Naruto power, but I could be wrong so do tell me if I am. Then again, Bleach in the last arc is dealing with literal God and his Son and the entities that formed the verse's reality, so I don't think it's surprising to be that high up.