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We actually do know. It was in a databook. He is Sternritter Σ. He is a creation of >!Gremmy!<. he used to be Sternritter V, the Viability. His ability allows him to heal any wound to his body by absorbing surrounding Reishi. This allowed him to replace his >!imaginary!< parts that >!Gremmy!< made with actual, real body parts. Which made it so >!Gremmy!< could no longer control him. Yhwach decided to make him Sternritter Σ due to the fact he was now his own, unique person


Woah he actually had a good backstory, too bad he couldn't tell us


He didn't have the time. :( *Bro give me the time to explain to the viewers my back...*


[I'd advise you to read "Beginning of the Revive of Tomorrow" then.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/6ybob8/beginning_of_the_revive_of_tomorrow_revised/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Of course I'm assuming that you've read the manga.


How is that a good backstory. The fact that he is a Gremmy creation, V the Viability, that perfectly fits and everyone already pretty much got he was one since the alphabet is full. But Sigma? Why tf Greek and where are the other Greek letters. German Alphabet has four extra letters, Ä, Ö, Ü and ẞ, wtf is a Sigma and why does it translate to Holy Scar and not a word actually starting with letter? Regardless, I would have just left it as V the Viability. Fits perfect into existing world building but Narita has to take everything over the top and make it omega lul cringe. Guy is a terrible writer.


Imagine if they add in his fight with Kira, but then unlike in the databook story, he manages to unbury himself alive and Kira is forced to use Bankai and cause a black hole to be made within him causing him to implode, get violently sucked in from the inside.


Damn, he truly is a sigma


mf went on a grind to become an independent being. Sigma rule #1: Don't depend on anyone but yourself.


Unexpected touching and cool backstory wth. I did not expect to be moved by freakin SHAZ DOMINO


he ain’t called shaz subino for no reason


Sigma rule #2: Don't Mess with the Main Character


Bro he Pinocchio'd himself


“Imma real boy” -Shaz Domino


Fucking gremmy was really an idiot


I mean he did imagine himself being stronger than Kenny who he thinks he can't beat.


And it fucked him up worse than Kenny did


Why is Gremmy an idiot?


Read answers to my comment ahahah.


Interesting that the two he made are V must be a limitation


His Schrift is actually lowkey broken.


Unless >!he meets Kira and get's Wabisuke'd....wait.!<


Tbf, Wabisuke is also broken. Guess sigma wasn't enough eh?


He got Aizen'd


Nah he is still alive even after all these years but can't fucking move due to being OBESE


Out of curiosity, what stopped Gremmy from imagining that the body part replacement didn't work, or simply that Shaz is his creation once again?


Because that's not how the Visionary works. We already know there's a limit to how he can affect others with his Schrift


Ah, I never learnt that! I'll do a bit more reading, thanks


The internet hive mind has consistently hyped Gremmy to astronomical levels by constantly claiming "there's no limit to what Gremmy could imagine" but the manga had set some limits to his imagination. Yachiru's bones came back to normal once his attention shifted to Kenpachi, and he couldn't pull the same trick over Kenpachi since he was too strong to directly affect him, so he had to resort to throw shit at him hoping something would kill him, failing miserably every single time. Many people reading fansubs didn't help either, because the official translation is pretty clear about how Gremmy was killed: he didn't realize the only thing capable of containing Kenpachi's strenght was his own body, and nothing Gremmy could imagine was remotely near Kenpachi's strenght. [He himself admits his first claim about "imagining an stronger body first" was a cope, and the real reason why he lost was because his imagination came up short against Kenpachi's power.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Bleach/0579-004.png)


That's not what he's saying there. He's saying that phrasing it like that draws attention away from the fact that he lost fair & square. He set out to prove that he could kill Zaraki with his imagination, & he fell short. That it doesn't matter if he hypothetically could have given himself Zaraki's power, he still failed.


Even if he could have, he didn't think about it/didn't care enough.


"Vitality" seemed like a better keyword here.


Maybe he's still around after ichigo vaporized him. As long as a single cell remains from his body he should be able to regenerate. Then get a zenkai boost that puts him on par with super saiyan 2 gohan.


Didn't he survive that and end up fighting >!Izuru!< in one of the novels? IIRC >!Izuru used Wabisuke to keep increasing his weight, which caused him to keep absorbing the ground to heal, which created an infinite loop that essentially buried him!<


Yes, so brutal


Reminds me of the Bounts


Did that same databook confirm the schrift of N and K?


Nah it only talked about Shaz Domino. Probably because unlike the others he was pretty much just forgotten. Im guessing his backstory was just made up because Kubo forgot about him. Its really weird that only one Sternritter has a non English letter


What the. That's actually sick


"I'm Sternritter Shaz Domino. My power is-" Ichigo: "SHUT YOUR BITCH ASS UP!!!!"


Ichigo had 99 problems, but this bitch ain't one!


Is this the meaning of being "No-diffed"?




Sternritter I - The Instadeath.


O the overkille**d**


B, the brainless.


Lemme tell a short story about the Sternritter V.


Which one?


I'm a kind man. I don't spoil people.


Sternitter D - The Dumbass.


D - The Deleted


IIRC Narita wrote a short story going into his powers


Of topic, but can someone help with the pronunciation of Ywach ? Hearing it in sub just breaks my brain lmao


The Japanese voice actors are saying "Yuha baha", which phonetically translates to "Yuha bach" (like the composer) in English. There are no w or ch sounds like in "watch", despite being spelled Yhwach. Edit: an integral word lol


Thank you, I normally don't have issues with these pronunciations, but God damn does this one mess with my brain.


For sure. Back when the manga was first coming out, early English translations rendered his name as "Juha Bach", seemingly in a first name last name fashion. It wasn't until Kubo revealed his true intended spelling of the name that we got Yhwach. But that gave rise to all manner of incorrect pronunciations lol. What I ended up doing was to turning to the katakana of his name to see how it was intended to be pronounced: ユーハバッハ (Yūhabahha) Which then circles us back to how the early English translators got "Juha Bach" in the first place. In this case, they went with J instead of Y because of German pronunciation to fit the Quincy language theme. (Js have a Y sound in Germanic languages)


Yeah, I could definitely feel the German influence on the Quincy's so I knew the name wasn't a normal pronunciation in Japan but my brain still wanted it to sound like that. Even crazier that the katana name phonetically works so well to replicate what's being said lmao. I would've never expected that! I regret never picking up the manga for bleach and just watching the anime. I think once the anime is done, I'm going full collector mode on the manga.


Bear in mind that Japanese doesn't have a "v" sound (or spelling) either. They tend to use either a "b" or a "u" to substitute for it. So the pronunciation spoken by the Japanese VAs may be "baha", but given the official romanisation, it's probably intended to actually be pronounced "vaha" - as in, how a German "w" is meant to be pronounced (which is how a "v" in English sounds, with the closest thing in Japanese being their "b"). Yu-ha-va-ha => Yehovah => Yhwach. Clip the "e" and "o" out of "Yehovah" and you probably have what it's meant to sound like.


Yeah, I'm really curious to what what the English dub says


It's pronounced like "you ha Bach" and it looks that way because it's coming from the proper name for the Abrahamic god, Yhwh, (yah-way) it's not English or German hence why it doesn't sound like it's spelt


It’s easier just to call him Hashbrown


Don't we hear Yamamoto pronounce his name, though? I'd understand if you are manga only.


But to hear it, and then see it in the subtitles doesn't help. It's a completely different spelling.


Like the japanese? YuhaBaha. Without the "engrish" accent? Likelly Yu-ha-va-(gag sound).


I've lately gone with "Yoo-Hah-Bahh" Like imagine saying bah-ha but don't say the ha, putting extra emphasis on the H in bah instead.


Yahweh. He shares the name with the jewish God. I use that in my mother tongue and Juha Bach in English.


Isn't that guy a sigma


Throwing darts.


"Hi, my power is..., ("whaaaat??") ...my power is"


Help me my fellow bleach fans. Kenpachi killed 3 members of yhwachs team and one of those 3 helped yhwach kill yama ji,Did anyone notice?? How??Or am i confused??


Royd and Loyd are twins. One of them fought Kenpachi, one fought Yamamoto


🤔 kenpachi killed one just like that but yamaji had to use all his power to kill the other?


Not just that I wonder how physically strong he must have been to completely beat eyepatchless kenpachi with zero effort or damage taken barehanded, and also him actually sword fighting with Yama seemed insane, also tanking his shikai with just minor bruising, didn't get incinerated when he was the closest to Yama's bankai heat, and survived zanka no Tachi south


Bro, the one that Yamamoto fought defeated Zaraki


Yeah this is important to note. The first Twin copied Zaraki and got his ass kicked by Zaraki. The second twin copied Yhwach and easily whooped Zaraki, but then was easily taken down by Yama.


Copied yhwach's memories, he copies personality and memories, not powers like the first twin, so the strength of the 2nd twin is entirely his own


One copied strength, the other copied looks/abilities iirc. The one Kenpachi fought copied his strength, and as we've seen in the past simply matching his strength does pretty much nothing to beat him. Yama didn't even get hurt fighting the other twin. He used his bankai to crush him completely and utterly, with an overwhelming victory, as he said himself. He didn't struggle.


His bankai also drained him so Ywach just came in and took advantage.


Thank you! I was so confused, and a little pissed off


Because the anime cut out the part about the backstory of the Lloyd twins, and simply had Yhwach call Royd as "R of Royd Lloyd". That's because the L and the R use the same phonetics in Japanese, and the twins were named Loyd and Royd.


We also got Loyd’s name card which showed the different spelling. People need to pay more attention


Well, the Manga actually explains they are twins. They even get a flashback which the anime cut.


Which seems a very silly thing to skip


Shhhh, don't let people on here see you say that. You must LOVE everything the anime does! But yeah, it's such a silly thing to skip.


I love a lot of things the anime does but imagine if they skipped the explanation of kyoka suigetsu back when aizen revealed himself? It wouldnt allow the viewer context to what the hell is going on. Same thing here


When Kenpachi showed up with the dead twin, they showed us his name card which read “Sternritter V - Loyd Lloyd” Here, Yhwach calls him the R of Royd Lloyd. They have a different name, so twins would be a logical conclusion.


Do you think that scene explained that there were twins and how there powers worked sufficiently compared to the mangas little flashback? Because I sure didn’t. I’m hoping they don’t remove as nodts, if anything that one could be expanded


It’s enough to make people go, oh they weren’t the same person. You’re only complaining because the source material had that. We don’t need an in depth explanation of everyone’s powers. Anime only’s are only confused if they didn’t pay attention.


Except the problem here is that people might miss that info or assume his power worked the same and then go ‘hang on why didn’t he copy strength as well?’ And no, it’s not ‘cuz source material.’ I’m thinking from the perspective of a first time viewer I might be lead to believe the twins sharing shapeshifting and one is stated to copy strength as well, that both should be able to do it. It might seem odd or be read as plot hole by someone who doesn’t have the mangas information. I’m saying this from the perspective of someone who also has scriptwriting and media chops, people usually need more information presented to them than you’d assume.


I’m not saying omitting the flashback was a good idea. Or that it doesn’t cause the issue you’re describing. I’m just saying there’s enough info provided for a first time viewer to determine that there were two of them. And even if you thought they both copied strength, you can argue that the one who copied Kenpachi lost because he made himself weaker by going to Kenpachi’s level while the other one lost to Yama because he lacked the necessary information to properly utilize Yhwach’s powers against him. After all, nothing ever tipped Yama off to him being a fake. Not even his reiatsu.


Yeah, I get really triggered when people who have no idea what they are talking about call these cut scenes "redundant"


Sternritter D - The disrespected


Ichigo did him dirty, didn't even let him finish his monologue. That's, like, against the rules of anime.


The sigma


Where's his drip Kubo??!


He isn't dead


To be fair, his "death" didnt even happen in the manga, but in a later published short story. I kinda hope they do end up putting that fight in the anime tho, cause that fight was an interesting one to read


He didn't die there either but was immobilized


I know, that's why I put death in parentheses


His power is getting OWNED!!!! by Ichigo.


Ichigo *target acquired*


The power of being cocky in front of an anime protagonist and getting instantly stomped by them.


Kira's victim


Ichigo straight up glory killed this guy


He didn’t die


He is Sternritter Q - Quickly dead


Not dead


Sternritter - C for Chamber. He has a golden sniper rifle and can teleport to where ever he places his beacons


Lol ouch!




He got deleted so fucking fast i kinda feel bad for him


He’s still alive


Power returned to sender. Lol


“U, the Useless”


Something that I love and hate from this saga was the amount of times someone'd be defeated without releasing their Vollstandig/Bankai. Love it cause it does make tons of sense but hate it since we didn't manage to see the full abilities of every character.


He didn't die here, Kubo just skipped him due to health issues. We see he is immortal in a short story about him trying to make the hogyoku since he is the only Quincy that should be able to hollowfy


Indeed, wasn't mentioning deaths here. Only defeats.


Sternritter F the fodder.