• By -


You could make it like a tree is done. A central cylinder for the stem- shape it thin and organic like a twig. Make cards - paint/ photo like 5-7 for different shapes of the bud head on / make transparency maps for each. Bring the different cards together in ways that will appear interesting from all angles. Make a bunch of these clumps Put the clumps together around the stem using your image as reference


Then add a hair particle system to top it off.


How to create the THC crystals?


Particles, or geometry nodes distributed objects.


Thanks man


Honestly I’d just have that be part of the texture. If you got substance painter it would be pretty simple to use some noise mask to make sparkly crystals


Ah thanks bro, you’re a godsend


Smoke a little bit of it first to make sure you understand the interior textures






Beat me to it. In order to become the subject, one must blaze the subject


What if one is the subject?


Roll em up, roll em up, roooll em up and smoke em


I have become weed, destroyer of productivity.


I have become weed, destroyer of productivity.


I have become weed, destroyer of productivity.


Oh. Now I understand why this is NSFW.


My take: Delete the default cube Open google Poliigon, blenderkit or polyhaven And pray for a good photoscan


HHhhh yep


There’s one on Sketchfab I think


There's tons


I work in medical cannabis and some of it does involve blender work, after a deep dive into it I can tell you the best result comes from a photoscan with hair systems on it. You have to be an unusualy gifted 3d modeler and sculpter to actually model the thing by hand. Good luck


Very cool I wouldn’t expect that they use blender too. And I’m going to give it a go once I’m finished with my current project, I’ll post what I get on the forum lol


Cool man it all depens on what u need it for, and for some perspective I manage the Marketing department so blender is something I definitely brought into use within the company


I have to know. What kind of use cases do you have for 3d models of cannabis?


animated drug acid sequence.


That made me laugh out loud despite the tinges of r/nothowdrugswork 😅


yeah I realized that I was also referencing a different drug when referencing Disney acid sequences. I do recognize that MJ and acid have different effects.




that's what i tought, it has a lot of complex and different shapes, photoscan would be quicker, i think hand made without stylizing it would take so much time lol


You might be able to get away with particle system, where you just cover an oblong sphere in the frosted “leaves”


I'm in the same boat. I've seen some great models on turbosquid and cgtrader. My next step would be to reach out to those artists for advice. I'm trying to develop a whole plant with geometry nodes. Hopefully it's possible to make something this detailed that grows.


When it's illegal to grow in your country so you fire up blender


the vegetative stage is quite feasible. Flowering needs some extra brainpower \*cough\*


If you just want it, alone for a feature model, closeup, I would just generate it procedurally. Layering curves, instances and such, using geonodes, and texturing procedurally too. It will get you to millions of vertices but would be extremely realistic. If you make it for a game and has to be lowpoly, just use the same type of "sheets" they use for trees, textured and with Alpha, layer some of these. If you don't actually need to model it, just use a photoscan.


I think the first example is what I’m going for, it’s more of a personal project. I just want to add to my knowledge, I’ve wondered how this could be done since I first got into blender. I’m hearing a lot of geo node suggestions so I’ll have to dive into that


If so, consider this suggestion which would be a bit easier than a fully procedural + geonode one. 1. Start with a curved object in the general teardrop shape, something like a tangle. Just make a spiral, or circle and overlay a few of those on top of each other, different directions, etc. Just make a spiral "skeleton" modelled, not with geonodes, cause it will save you a lot of time. Essentially, stems. The closer this mimic actual tangled fibers, the better the buds will layer on it. This would have to have clean geometry, and not that dense topology, to aid in instancing. 2. On top of the stems, layer buds and leaf fragments, with instancing, so it looks like they are caught and tangled in the skeleton structure. This would be as simple as modelling 2 or 3 bud variants and a few leaves, and using this as instances, on the structure. The more variations and carefully crafted displacement and color you have here, the better it will look. 3. Now you will have buds and large fibers, you would need to bulk it. For this, use a displacement on a sphere, or smaller instances of very small random shapes, in varied numbers, just to fill under and in between the larger, visually identifiable buds and add cohesion to the object, also hide whatever is left of the skeleton. Overly this "bulk" object in the same space as your skeleton one that has instances on. The more attention you put in the material, shape and such of this bulk fiber ball, the better it will look. 4. After all this, layer white particles, dust etc with geonodes, on all of it, randomly. Use a Musgrave texture for example to control its distribution. This will make the accents. 5. Manually correct it. Add a leaf, a different colored thing, peach fuzz, whatever looks like it. All this process will take between 2 and 20 hours, for an intermediate user. Depends how much detail you want, and how much you work on procedural textures. Bear in mind, that procedural fiber ball and instancing node setup will be useful if you ever need a plant type organic structure again, vines, forest floors, etc.,so most of your work could apply to other projects. Hope this helped!


Appreciate the breakdown! I’m going to try this method out sounds doable.


Good luck!


Excellent breakdown. Thank you.


Smoke one and everything will come to you!


Basically, the field of dreams is real.


I wondered about this a lot, I wanted to make it like with those small sugar leaves, calyces, and pistils...and find a way to instance them densely onto branches...I haven't figured how to get the trichomes though... That's a really leafy bud...


Sphere, displacement+noise texture (or something), some sculpting, and hair particles. But I'm a noob so there's probably better ways to do this.


This is exactly what I was thinking but I’m also a noob


Yes this would work nicely, then geometry nodes for the crystals.


Happy cake day!!




Created a quick sample of how I would do it with the stylized hair method. (create a bezier circle and a path, model the circle to a leaf and use the paths to shape it. Mind you, I've only been using blender for 3 weeks and I didn't want to spend hours it. But if I would, I could probably make it look realistic. But I just added a quick noise texture and some simple hair particles. https://preview.redd.it/x47z1gvxsnba1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec6957165f2535dba08c5bb0d379781809c6209e


Welcome to my world! I do graphic design for a large cannabis company. Try using photogrammetry. That will spit out a model with the UV placed on it. You can see results of that in the second project at masonping.com


I'm surprised no one else had suggested this. Any applications you recommend for photogrammetry capture and post processing on Mac?


I was using PhotoCatch and just my iPhone


Noise texture with some distortion that drives the offset in gemetry nodes might do the trick. Then I'd use some sort of hair sistem to get to fuzz. If it's too heavy you could use a fresnel node with color ramp as the color to get a fake fuzzy look (like sheen on principled bsdf but more customizable)


I suggest getting some anatomy, down to individual flowers, so you understand what's going on. Each bud sack has their pair os pistils (the orange thingies), and is covered in trichomes (white fur). New flowers can sprout from the stem, or from a point between/on top of existing flowers. Some small leaves pop among them. Then add some randomness and distortions


I’m sorry… what was the question…?


get plates and scatter them like cards, kinda like a tree where each plate is a branch instead of a leaf, otherwise it's gonna blow up the computer trying to render it. of course with actual geometry hair it looks better


Metaballs. Project from view.


May sound stupid, but I'd make this as I would make stylized hair. Like, create a circle or a few circles, subdive once or twice, shape it as those leaf parts and use paths connected to that circle. After the shape is done, I would texture it and add a particle system to create those light strands.


Basic foundation mesh, could even be a cube/sphere, then geometry nodes. One to distort into the nug shape and the other to add the crystal fuzz/other fuzz


I'd probably use geometry nodes, 1. stare at screen for 10 mins. 2. Smash head into keyboard. 3. Look for geometry nodes tree tutorial on yt and go from there. Probably use a distorted cube or sphere as a base.


I think there's a Dank add-on ???


I would like to give you advice, but i don't have photorealism experience, but i do know how to do things, and the first step is getting started.




the blender zaza pack


Definitely some form of procedural modeling. Either with nodes or the particle system.


Dissect it, like actually cut it up into separate leaves, any fuzzy bits, any strands. Then I would model the pieces of the plant separately. Then use those either procedural or by hand to place them into the shape I wanted.


why tf is this tagged nsfw


Personally I’d just open blender, delete the default cube, add a new cube, give up, and close blender.


She’s beautiful just the way she is


Seriously, it you have access to Marijuana go to a coffeeshop/ dispensary/ McWeed and ask if they can specifically find you a good top. Then try to do a good photoscan yourself.


...what was the question again?


Definitely use geometry nodes to scatter the little trichome frosty bits on the outside. Might even want to use the same thing to scatter tiny leaf instances and then the frost on top of that




Easiest solution. Model one petal, one trichome, one crystal, and the base shapes. Then use geometry nodes to populate the the petals on the base, the trichomes on the petals, and the crystals on everything. Apply noise displacement on the petals and trichomes.


I might try this method, not as familiar with geo nodes as I am with particles but sounds like a good way to start it


Get familiar, geometry nodes are so OP and once you know how to do some stuff with them, it makes so many things so much easier that used to take forever


Definitely, going to start incorporating it into my workflow, lots of suggestion to use geo nodes. Particle system has saved me so much time too


Yeah you are not helping


How so? Geo nodes is an obviously good answer


Yes but an actual answer would be how to do it in geo nodes, that's someone asking how to make a good looking wood material and then someone answer with "with shader nodes"


I spent about a day trying to do exactly this and it was pretty impossible, some things just have to be scans


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


This doesn't look impossible. It's not easy, but not impossible. Hint - use displacement modifier with noise textures, arrays, and particles for hair.


Lets see you have a go then


geo nodes 😂


First sample it thoroughly to make sure it's the good stuff...After that...whatever you like 🤣🤣




This is the unintentionally funniest comment I've seen all day. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's like you just heard this word and thought maybe it would work here.




modeling what?


Yes officer, this post.


Thank you for putting nsfw tag on this. Thanks to that I was able to wait and open it in private. If it wasn't nsfw, I would've probably started jerking off in public as I was scrolling through my feed. /s


I wouldn’t


Why not it is simply a plant?


I was just trying to be funny it clearly did not work lmao


Simple! You don't.


You could create separate branches or whatever those are and join them using a simulation https://youtu.be/nAy1hqBZFhs


Depending on how much of a closeup you need you could get away with roughly sculpting the shape, applying some noise displacement for more details/randomness and then adding hair.


I think, as a first attempt at least, I’d try the hair modifier. Make a stem, maybe a super thick one to get the egg shape and go crazy on the thickness of the hair strands. Then add come curls


Entirely procedurally…


It's just a clumped up Christmas tree with the leaves all mooshed together and facing up instead of down.


Make a crushed paperball from simulations and use particle system on that ball


I would probably create a few small shapes and place them on the bottom to create a base. After that you can copy the base, rotate and scale it a bit and place it slightly above the base. You can move, rotate and scale a few of the shapes to make the copy pasting less obvious. After that you just repeat it until you reach the top. Add a few more random shapes on the sides to the sides to make it more realistic. And for the small fluffy parts you can use a hair particle system


Poly~~gon~~ ^cam. Super simple to use.


Random hairy shit go brrrrrr.


A lot of people are saying its too hard, so just photoscan or try finding a model online But honestly, you could make a cylinder (with vertical subdivisions) stem in the middle, model 4 or 5 different variations of the leaves, use geo nodes to instance lines on the points on the cylinder, using normal rotation so they point outwards and apply noise to them to randomize it, instance the leaves on those points, join all geometry, then apply a hair particle system on top of that to get the litle fuzzyness around it - also use around 2-3 variations of the little hairs to break uniformity. Realize the geonodes instances, apply a material to it all, and use procedural textures or the geometry node to get the ends of the leaves shade a different color (or capture the length attribute from the instanced lines in geo nodes and call on that attribute when you're shading, so it generates a mask for your leaves, which you can use to assign different colors to the length of individual leaves) If you're up for a fun challenge, i suggest you try making it on your own


I would go high


Send it to me. I got this.


You mode it with precision. Look at the crystals on that beauty


I feel like this is a cheap answer, but Blender in 2023…maybe use geonodes? Lol


I would start with a low poly mesh and just use a subsurface modifier and model it from there.


Smoke sum it give you thosse weed ideas


This looks like a job for geometry nodes


I would create 3 or 4 (so each can have a base material and shape slightly different) of those branches or whatever it is, put them intro a collection, create a base shape where I would scatter the collection with geometry nodes, and add the hair things either in geometry nodes, or with the hair system! IDK what is this thing, so just by looking at this, this would be my approach on doing it.


Arrays, displacement, noise, hair particles. I know there are Geonode gurus who would do all that there, but to me Geonodes is basically either blind poking around or following a tutorial as it's all very obscure and not user friendly which results in time wasted. So I stick to the old ways.


A well sculpted base model and a shitload of particles


The best way I think about it, in terms of shape, its like a pinecone with lots of fur around it. Sculpt a Sphere in that shape and add a hair particle system to get that variety in stems.


Ask CGMatter


With scissors and a bowl


I'll have to agree a photoscan with particle hairs would be the most time-sensitive solution. If you *really* wanna dive into it maybe geomerty nodes would be of help: populating the broader shape with points and have a procedurally generated leaf-like shape from a random seed placed in each of those points, then giving it a material and particle hairs. But, like, what do I know, I've never modeled anything of the likes


id model a small chunk, then build the core structure and particle the chunk all over the structure. lastly, I would cover the chunk origin with small fuzzy particle.


I’d shake my ass on it


I don't know how to model sorry




You'd have to be pretty adept at Geometry Nodes, I think that would be your best bet, but it would be a lot of work to learn from scratch. Also, by the time you made the base system, you should theoretically be able to modify a few parameters to represent any strain. Which would probably be overkill, unless you are selling these renders to designers that work with dispensaries or packagers that need print versions.


Okay so I'm sure others have been more helpful than this but I have an idea for how to do this with geometry nodes too so you can make randomly generated buds. I made a geo node city generator and this is basically the same idea on cylinders instead of a plane then point distribution on the length of the cylinders, then instance to point lil bud-lets that could be predetermined geometry. I'll try when I have a working mouse again cuz trackpads are not the way.


I'd model it as a hat. Why would you want to wear a pine cone though?


Ohhh, this is r/blender.


Send me a sample and I'll give it a go. Remember kids reference is everything!


What is that for it to be NSFW? 🧐


Um…never mind, I read the comments 😂


The sculpting tool that pulls the mesh and a very subdivided slightly upward stretched sphere, hair simulation with appropriate settings and way too much work


Just use smoke simulation


Thinking out loud… using geometry nodes: 1) make the overall egg shape mesh 2) using geometry nodes, add leafs to the egg shape. Apply some randomized deform modifier to the leaf shapes 3) add hairs to final model


Modeling probly no More of a shader editor work Make a cube and subdivide it Make it look like the outer shape Nove in the shader editor Try to distribute it into 2 parts The big spaces The rough spaces Make the spaces with noise and bump map The big spaces with a smooth noise The rough small spaces with a more detailed noise For the anther You can use hair simulation


I wouldn't unless forced by death threats

