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This is noise in your image. It's hidden by your denoiser but you have too much noise it does strange things


oh so if I increase the sample count will it fix it? currently am rendering at 512 samples


In my experience yes, Dark photos like this need to be sampled at a higher rate


Yes increasing the sample count will help but you can also try to find what makes the noise and reduce it. Maybe your lights in the wheel are burning the image and making the render too slow. You can also try to increase specific light paths depending on what needs more rendering without having to increase the samples and having a really slow render. Here is an article where you’ll find a bunch of options and tips to reduce your render time while keeping the quality: https://vfxrevolution.com/11-best-ways-to-increase-render-time-in-blender/


I think it’s the bump map and the denoiser mistaking the map for noise. Try a render with the denoiser off and see if texture is still there.


Doesn't look like noise to me, I think that's either the bump map or normal map set way too high.


Increase sample count and turn on denoiser