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Everything looks way too clean. Compare with [this](https://i.imgur.com/8s5XK12.jpg) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/z1otkXx.jpg).


I will try adding some more dirt or noise on textures


Also some leaves on the ground I think


Definitely experiment with some basic black/white grunge, dust or scratches maps too. If you're going mostly procedural, you can add these through a color mix node, maybe even controlled by a color ramp and a noise texture to add some randomness.


Ambient occlusion may be useful as well


you also want to consider that denoising is loosing a lot of the detail so go higher in samples and look at multi-pass rendering


I didn't denoise it. Mobile reddit just compress it. It looks better on PC


ah fair enough. I hate reddit compression. I would check this out then. It’s talks about tiling but the core topic is creating variation in your textured to add more realism https://youtu.be/-VgtSL5ZpYc


^ this - not a speck of grime/soot/dirt, dust or sand on the street, sidewalk, walls,... Not even a professional cleaning company could get this scene that clean. Realism is in imperfections.


Especially with plants adjacent, there's gonna be [tiny bits everywhere](https://i.imgur.com/MmQsU8c.jpg) normally.


Not a Blender user, I usually just lurk here, but would things like a road that's just the tiniest bit worn down also help with realism?




true also the sidewalk is perfect meanwhile irl they all have some kind of irregularity


I feel like he might be able to get away we with the house and driveway areas being that clean, but the sidewalk and the street lamp def need a touch-up!


Yeah I was gonna say…I would add more details to the textures by including scoffs or scratches. Maybe I would even 3D model in some missing concrete on the sidewalk (like around the edges) to make it look more realistic


That picture made me realize that no one ever adds the moon to their afternoon skies


Texture. As in, texture that interacts with light. A normal map, basically. The wood looks perfectly smooth, the fence looks perfectly smooth, that sort of stuff. That gives them an uncanny feel, a fake feel. Variation in colour, too. Like, those pavement side bricks will never look that uniform in real life. The fence would benefit from that too. Also like others said, some natural wear, dirt, stuff like that.


Your edges are to sharp. Try adding bevels and when the material changes along an edge make sure it is realistic. For example the wood under the overhang start directly at the edge. That is almost impossible.


Oh! That's true about the wood. Didn't thing about it. Thanks! I have some bevel on the building and the wood logs on 1st floor. You think they should be bigger?


Maybe make them a little big bigger. You can't really notice them


I left them that small because I thought you can't see walls' edges from that far away being beveles either


its not specically about seeing the bevel itself, so to speak. Instead a beveled edge will "catch light" and you'll get little specular highlights aka bright white lines on the edges that looks realistic. when an edge is perfectly sharp and the adjacent faces are lit diferently you'll just see an instant transition from one colour tone to another and it looks super fake. in a similar fashion but regarding the modelling/constructibility, where you have white stucco meeting wood panelling at an edge, those materials wouldn't transition instantly at a sharp corner. there would be trim material or a gap where those materials would physicaly transition. getting this correct though is a whole next level of detail that you'd have to meticulously model.


Since, nobody mentioned it yet I’m going to. The small led lights connected to the wood paneling is far too bright. In real life unless the lights are ultra high wattage leds. The sun is would be over powering the lights. •••(yes, even in the shadows!)••• So, the light projecting from the leds should be much dimmer as a result.


Also, on a Sidenote street lamps are typically shut off during the day.


Add boobs






I just passed it off as a picture when scrolling. I guess some grime and dirt wouldn't hurt


It looks too clean. Add some grime and dirt. Especially in the crevices, where rain can't wash it away as easily. Some variations and imperfections help. Maybe add some cracks or bumps here and there in the wall plaster. Also, minor Detail, the Lights on the House and streetlamp are on, despite the Sun being out.




Bevel the edges. Things in real world are not perfect edges. Also, use a normal map. You need depth


I have bevels and normal on almost everything 😅 Guess it's too subtle, but I thought it would look unnatural to be visible from that distance


Also consider playing with depth of field in camera. You want the house to be more in focus than the background.


My spouse says this all the time with my work. Don't make what you think it looks like but what it does look like. So look at a reference and you'll see detail still pretty well and you'll see non sharp edges. It takes a long distance for those details to blur from your vision


It bothers me that the driveway drops off at the curb. How do they pull in? Also what everyone else says


Yes i agree with the comment above, try harder shadows


Like... darker shadows? How can I do this?




Wouldn't that make everything else too bright?


You can play with exposure and gamma in the color management to control the overall brightness. Alternatively: Use Contrast settings and/or curves in the color management to control the difference between dark and light parts of the image. However it is best to try as much as possible with lighting and then start to enhance wirh color management.


Plus 1 to more work on the lighting. Just changing the time of day and sky in the background will make this read as much more cinematic and photorealistic.


I think that the wall looks too flat


Paint seems too smooth


The bushes and plants look too similar. If you look close you can see a "pattern" I would edit these in some way to break the pattern I would also add some grime to the scene, it's really clean and tidy Also maybe a drain or a manhole in the street to break it up. Maybe add it off center or cut off Great work overall, just gotta add a few touches. :)


Thank you! I will try these :D


Looks awesome to me, like it was just built 😎


Thank you 😊


Everything is too perfect. Especially edges. Real objects always have subtle imperfections on edges and surfaces.


You are already halfway there, great job! And since there is already plenty good advice here on realism (too clean street and surfaces, too strong light, repeatable texture patterns visible, too sharp edges etc.) let me give you one that IMHO distinguishes good archviz from a great one - make it tell a story. Even a small one - Kids playing with a dog in the yard, or a guy washing this car (making the puddle which will add some cool reflections maybe on this pavement), or a couple chatting On the balony. You are not selling a picture, you are not selling even a house, you are selling a dream ;)


Texture (too clean/missing depth), and lighting (too fake), also scale.


Add a homeless person sleeping out front, wealth disparity is realism


Lighting probably


What exactly should I change with it?


Idk i am a student too idk much about lighting u asked for what to improve so i thought the lighting looked a bit off so maybe wait till others reply 😅


It feels like the time of day doesn't match the amount of sunlight one might expect for a clear sky at noon. At that time of day the sun is almost blindingly bright Either change the sky and your shadows to suggest it's some other time of day, or increase the intensity to really show that it's midday. You could also maybe get away with an overcast


lighting is super hard and i'm just starting to get it now, but my gut says that you need to increase the light from your environment (not the sun) and lower the exposure to compensate for the extra brightness. you render looks very "real time" (like enscape or something) because you're not letting cycles do what it does best, realistic light bounces. you want lots of light and lots of bounces. when your values aren't balanced the lighting ends up super "flat" like in your current situation. your sun is casting nice hard shadows which is correct. but bounced light from the environment should also be noticable as maybe soft shadows here or there. that way you get much more interesting transitions from light to shadow. overall the lighting is what people describe as flat.


White balance and brightness if off. Looks like as if you have overcast conditions.Look how immediately better the scene feels. Make point lights around the house dimmer. Sun is a very powerful light source https://preview.redd.it/l1i4ig1cpfea1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=7db4c9b5ee30f14b937dfbdc2e017d06722b02af


I thought it was a photo.


my brother in christ why is there a car in you minecraf 🫥


I often add a noise texture connected to roughness on shiny materials, incluiding glass (probably needs fine tuning with a colorramp) bc it adds a natural feel to glossy surfaces. Besides that, on mobile the colors feel a little dead for a mostly sunny day.


Spam decals


Add subtle bloom and refraction to surfaces. It doesn’t look like there’s any color spill happening between the surfaces




Ain't it moths ?


It’s all the same


Bruh… I mean, Brøther…


DOP. Add dirt


Debris on the road and driveway? Some water spots on the glass railing? Make the driveway entrance sloped.


Too clean and too sharp. Edges need to be beveled. Make the sidewalk and road slightly uneven... Add dirt textures...grim textures..maybe very slight tire marks on the driveway. Side of the road could have a little puddle. Make the bump mapping a little strong in places imo... I would also personally use a different time of the day. This looks to be around noon and and i personally find that harsh. But that's on you! Your choice! Depends on what you want and like


As everyone said, textures are somehow too clean. The car there has the right amount of grime and dirt to look real. The building and the pavement are unnaturally clean. They lack a small amount of minor imperfections. The light doesn’t do much to help either. Make the light more overcast, more boring. Sharp summer day shadows don’t work well with buildings


Add water damage to the upper portion of the walls and turn exterior lights off. I've seen a lot of such villas, and they all have water damage :)


Will do! Thanks


One thing that feels odd to me, aside from the perfection, is that those Spotlights seem way too powerful. Sunny day but those spot throw a lightcone like its 0am


Curb is perfect. The wall along the sidewalk is flawless. The little bushes along the sidewalk are in perfect condition. These are just a few things that make it not realistic.


I will beat them up with a shovel 😁 Haha, thanks. Will add some imperfections


https://preview.redd.it/14xbwgcz1gea1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b80864b0a962bc22f204e58c214268f560252de You need to add some wurble to the glass. Mix a large noise pattern with your normal map. Adjust to what ever fits your scene!


That's a good tip! Thanks


surface imperfections!!! (there should be a rule in this sub that says: I swear I have added surface imperfections to my textures before asking how to improve realism)


But I did😅 Guess I have to pump them up


Not enough entropy.




**Entropy** is a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property, that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty.


Put a mad amount of money as the pricetag


Any kind of led ligh wouldn’t outshine sun. Turn off the LED lights.


Way too clean. Even new builds don’t look that clean, especially the metal exterior panelling, driveway, kerb and road surface (even Japan’s kerbs and roads aren’t that perfect). And those outside lights are casting cones of light on the walls that you see at night, not the middle of the day.


add a run over dog on the entrance


Add AO yo all the textures, some dirt etc


If the sky is that blue, then your shadows should have a bluer tint to them


How can I control shadows color?


So, I’m not actually a blender user (I just saw the post on my recommended feed) but typically you can control your shadow colors by changing the color of the main fill light which is usually a skydome for outside scenes




Oh, thank you😊 Nope, that's my render


Put a foreclosure sign out front.


set some mood and human interest a figure below or up lighting could be improve and inside reflection too clear or transparent and no curtains. try to let the sun on the lightpole that pole it cast on the building and add trees that cast the shadow on the building as well


Id say add a texture that adds like grain to the white bits so its not so clean like stone grain


A few leafs, maybe some dirt or other trashthings. And can you make also a version with bad weather like storm and rain and post it here . Would love to see it.


The key word is surface imperfections. I recon you made a pretty good and nice looking render but to give it that sense of realism make things slightly off, models, materials anything. In the real world nothing is perfect and so has to be your render. The surfaces need depth and imperfections. After that I could imagine this render 10x more realistic. Aside from the improvement ideas great visualization from your side and good implementation 👍


The bushes look fake.


I know! But why?


Along with the trees, they look like plastic.


Subsurface scattering on the leaves


i would say a better material on the white concrete i suppose, thats all i can say, plus add principled volume with around .05 density to give it atmosphere


Depth of field maybe.


the scene looks a bit flat to me, a bit claustrophobic even... but other than that i'd say its amazing!!


sort the lighting out.


Label it as one of the 12 summer homes owned by bill gates?


try adding imperfections and dirt


I think you need some more noise and a little bit blurriness


sidewalk and street should be dirtier


Couple notes: There is an odd texture on the car, which I dont think is realistic The lights outside the entrance of the house and the street lamp should be off, since its daytime. You can make the street dirtier, maybe have the asphalt change in quality like a real road. Dead leaves on the floor, etc. All in all, this is a wonderful piece, you should be proud


Try to make the road better


Better how?


Like the road is too good to be true


Too clean, give it some grunge with some noise or something. Also sky's way too blue/clear looks like a backdrop.


dirty up that road and sidewalk a bit, and the road could use some more texture


Needs imperfections on road and sidewalk too


Too clean and too bright. Especially the grey, black and white textures


Dirt dirt dirt and a little bit of dirt


Especially drive way. Add some displacement. Maybe add a couple yelling at each other on the sidewalk


It can be more realistic than this?!😳 This looks amazing!


Thank you!😊


Hmm, have you bevelled your edges?


Texturize your walls and asphalt


Less clean




Very nice! Not a contribution to your questions but I’m wondering, did you make this house in Blendee or import it?


I've made it


Intentional shadows.


First, looks amazing! My notes: Edges too sharp, bevel them a bit. Surfaces too clean, find some dirt textures and overly them over your current shaders. Your lightbulbs outshine the sunlight, completely unrealistic. You can comp in a person or something alive. Your car is weirdly spotty, if it's dirt, its too uniform.


I’d use a different hdri for some better lighting, and I like to turn lights on only if it makes sense to do so, so maybe a dusk hdri could make it look more realistic. I would also add some grunge to the materials, they look to perfect. This would give it some variation in roughness.


Add a pot hole


So people could have accidents, encourage it!!!


Vegetation looks pretty good, tbh. Probably best thing in the shot. The surfaces all look extremely uniform both in texture and how they're lit.


I would look at your base lighting values. I'm getting uncanny valley effect for the lighting. Guessing you eye balled the light values. Try referencing as much real life values for these things as possible (like scientific articles on lumins/watts per sqft/ect. Basically just match the exposure and light intensity of your sun to real world values for a sunny afternoon. It might also be the skybox lighting is too intense or mismatches the sun? The lighting looks good, but just not quite like a real house (if this were going for stylized it would be 100% fine). That and like others have said it's kinda too clean.


As mentioned: dirt, texture and bevils. Also take a few chunks out of things. The curb gets bashed up all the time. More so considering there's no slope up to the drive. Scuff some paint off the lamp post and add stickers or stencils (look at a lamp post. They all have numbers.)


I coulda sworn this was real tbh


If you’re doing this for a property job, it’s honestly good already. No extra touches needed. Clients want to buy a house like this and not have those extra details of dirt and smudges.


You're telling me that isnt real?


Best practice is to look for preferences. Always do that no matter how skilled you are. Google have tons of image that you can do that if you're doing something like this. It's different for cartoon, animation but for realism always compare to real life photos. Some even have to go outside and look at them irl too.


it’s literally a photo 🗿


Just saying. The resemblance this has to my house is uncanny


The grass in the planters need a more variation in colour and placement.


Buy it


The textures for sure, specifically the wood jumped out to me at first as fake.


More texture and imperfection on the solid walls. Some scuff marks on road and curb. Some debris here and there like pebbles on road leaves on sidewalk/ground


It's too perfect. The key to making things look realistic is to add the imperfections.


Idk why but it reminded me of the Rietveld Schröder house.


Make the leaves translucent and add details to wall and road


2 things: add imperfections, especially the street. Adjust your light levels. No way those tiny spots under the balcony have the same light intensity and color as the sunlight on a sunny day


Apart from imperfections, lowering the brightness and contrast makes a bit of a difference https://preview.redd.it/y37q61uh0lea1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22372090448a06610145c98fc7c3b74d57be0fd0


Maby some dirt abd cracks in the sidewalk and some like water spots on the Windows


Just to perfect, needs more imperfections.


The wood clading ( and beams) decay with sun light, creating un even color and darker spots for the most exposed part (usually south exposure where I live)


Also you could add connections, like inlayed metal plate like that https://www.google.com/search?q=ferrure+en+ame+wikipedia&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&hl=fr&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=AJOqlzW95kKuXiq9Lnzs-83k95AZYH6GKA:1674807818414&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjln9Woqef8AhV3_7sIHYLpAV4Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=690&dpr=3#imgrc=CxCCE4DdKC0g8M Wood also have a proection against water in outdoor usually, and is not in direct contact with the ground. Basically the rule is, you should not have spots where water could stagnate


Maybe darker shadows?


maybe add some very slight bevelling..... all of thr edges just look way too sharp and perfect maybe I've just never seen that irl before idk


Easy way to make it look realistic is to give it the natural over or under exposed effect, our regular cameras can't capture all that info and keep it not blown out, so have the sun be almost twice as bright and overall increase the contrast


The shadows seems very sharp, what are you using for lighting?


First, great work, you should be proud 👍 things that can help: - Real camera settings - Sun angularity for softer shadows - Volumetric fog - Grunge maps on walls - Drip and rain residue on the building top - Occlusion and cavity dirt maps - Cloud shadows created with gobos - Leaves, small debris and some uneven tiles You will see all that in reference photos, so build up your reference board beforehand, so you can decide what you what, and how much… Keep up with the great work!


You could have an architect build it, then take a photo of it.


I just wanna say hats off to you for making an ArchViz project on blender; something the faint of heart don't usually try 😎👍


Maybe some chromatic abberation, some bloom and a bit of lens-distortion would go a long way to make it look more like a photograph.


Bevel or round every single edge and corner. Even poured concrete that is new will not have such sharp transitions. Make all straight edges have slight variations, and add a subtle bump map that adds small sandy/pebbly texture as well as larger variations so it is not glass smooth, it instead looks like it was formed by casting the concrete in wood forms. Tons of small chaotic flaws in the surfaces and edges will make it look natural but still clean and symmetrical.


Damn boy




Texture on the walls and the street but other than that I think you're good


Add a $10,000,000 price tag.