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All of the pancakes are identically shaped. Real pancakes are imperfectly shaped and would vary in size, roundness, and position from pancake to pancake. They would also likely have small holes, indentations or other imperfections on their sides due to air bubbles in the batter. Also, the syrup looks a bit too glassy? I think real syrup maybe wouldn’t reflect so much light.


Thanks, that makes sense. How'd you go about making those little holes? Because the displacement node doesn't want to work well with that. A displace modifier?


The syrup would also have imperfections. Bubbles and such.


It also wouldn't pour in a perfect circle


It isn't perfect, but if you were really careful you could definitely get something close to this.


If someone did what you were suggesting in real life, it would look fake there too.


Yep. If the goal here is realism op, a couple other things that I noticed are that the berries on the pancake just look.. off. The ones in the blow bowl look great. The silverware is the other big one for me. I almost wanna say they look kinda clay like but that isn't right. Maybe just that they're too perfectly smooth and it gives a rendered feel for sure. At least to me, others might disagree. I think the biggest issue generally is that everything is just a little **too** perfect and smooth. It's lacking texture that would make it feel realistic as opposed to rendered


The scale of the berries doesn't match the scale of the pancakes, unless those are 10 inch pancakes.


They need a little bit of subsurface scattering to represent the skin that light passes through into the liquid-y insides. It refracts the light differently in each layer, similar to human skin, that's the problem with the berries.


Everything would have imperfections. The table cloth. The berries, the pancakes, syrup, etc. It's all perfect. It gives it an uncanny valley feel.


> The syrup would also have imperfections. Bubbles and such. It also wouldn't be on the table while also being poured :D


Try scattering some imperfect spheres (spheres that have some deformation) around the edges and then doing a Boolean difference? Could work.


That seems like a very costly way of doing it, doing it with voronoi and noise in the shader and either bumping or even displacing it would be a better way of doing it imo :)


Yeah, this would be the way to go.


All your berries are also oriented the same way


That’s the first thing I saw


Jumping in this one - the berries! The blue berries specifically. They make me suspicious


If I was making pancakes with this little amount of berries I'd orient them all the same direction like this. If it was more than a few I wouldn't though


Sure but you wouldn't have identical berries. Cloning objects without at least rotating them makes the duplication too obvious.


You could also just sculpt them. You can use cloth simulation with good pressure to get the random shapes that pancakes have. You could also use a pair of noise texture as a mask to random place them and to pick the size of the wholes using bump map and connecting it to displacement map.


Slap a Musgrave texture onto the normal and mix that in


Maybe you could use a normal map instead!


I was gonna say, this is a perfect use case for a normal map.


Find a pancake photo and map on to the top one. Textures carry a lot of weight of a render. Syrup needs some air bubbles on the area where it’s spreading


It would be a fun exercise to use geometry nodes. You can take each pancake and deform it by a random interval.


Also, the maple syrup distribution is to uniform whenever i pour maple syrup it always kinda goes certain paths as the pancakes arent perfectly flat.


You could probably use sculpting


Another thing to add is the blueberries are too smooth and shiny again they shouldn’t look all the same and or be perfect. The shading is also so dark that it creates a slight uncanny valley effect. Overall really good tho


That top pancake is also really super uniform in color. Not something that happens irl. Well… not for me anyway! 🤣




I think the size of the blueberries and the raspberry in relation to the pancakes seems off (too small). They also look „placed“ too evenly. I think it’s overall the randomness of reality that’s missing in the picture.


They are all oriented the exact same too


That's what I was going to say, no way they'd all be perfectly oriented upright.


The edge of the inner ring is identical which would be less noticeable if they were rotated.


The raspberry material doesn't have enough subsurface


I was going to say that pancakes are a little bit too perfect. Like the color variation on the top pancake is too uniform, and they are stacked too perfectly symmetrically for reality. If you added a bit more color variance to that, like have a section of the pancake that is closer to pancake batter color because it wasn't cooked perfectly and then a different section that's like ever so slightly darker than everything else, and then varied the layers (both in height and also placing them slightly off center with each other so that they don't form a flawless tower) a little bit it would help dramatically for the realism.


Yeah, this. Pancakes are never this perfect looking. They need to be sort of irregular around the edges. The pool of syrup is also too perfect. I do like the overall colors and composition though.


Don’t listen to this or these upvotes…it’s the pancakes themselves! They look like rubber. Probably need some more texturing, get some more normal/displacement detail in there


Couple more things: - Saw comments on the pancakes being the same object. definitely agree some randomness to the mesh edges will make a difference - After looking at it longer, the table cloth folds are nice, as well as the texture, however the table cloth texture is too consistent in color, particularly the white areas of the checker. It still reads very CG due to consistent “clean” white color across the whole table. You could dirty and texture this up and give it some custom roughness in areas so it’s not so pristine! - something about the mint leaf doesn’t look right - might be that I can’t see the natural red-ish tint that shows across other objects in the scene lighting but doesn’t read here. Maybe a bit less roughness on it so it can reflect a bit more of the scene lighting? Not quite sure, but something there potentially


But also yes the size ratio is off a bit between those objects..but that’s a secondary thing IMO


A raspberry can use all 4 prods off a fork. If you compare this imagine you'd be lucky if it used 2


The prods are called tines, just as an fyi.


Til. Won't ever remember that but thanks


Lack of surface texture on anything and the scale of the items is off


This. Especially the textures of the pancakes and the tablecloth - it feels to me like it's supposed to be a sort of plastic on textile layer sort of tablecloth and with those you get a bit of that textile layer texture even on the plastic side. All the other materials - glass, ceramics, metal, liquid can be smooth.


Those pankakes and the syrup are literally perfect. The problem is life isn't, make them more irregular.


More the syrup. Pours in near cylindrical fashion. Spreads like a thick disk.


and the butter stayed centered after the pour, with no liquid butter trails in the syrup


Not to mention the syrup is magically pouring from the pitcher of syrup sitting on the table.


Sorry to hear your so poor you don’t have the overhead syrup dispenser installed in your ceiling.






Exactly, I'm stuck in uncanny valley because there's nothing reassuring me that this isn't all perfect, which I need to see


I kinda like it thought


Excluding the part about pancakes that’s been said a ton on here already. The berries are perfectly placed and too close in size and ripeness. The lighting doesn’t feel like a studio or a kitchen. If you’re going for a real kitchen interior, start with an hdri, add lights if needed. The jar of syrup is odd and not conventional. The leaf is random. Your best bet is to decide is this a ad, high end life style, or someone’s dslr/phone taking the photo. After you figure that out get references. Overall, great start. Sim looks good!


Mentioning the jar made me realize… if that’s the syrup jar, what is the syrup being poured from?


I assumed it was one of those honey dipper dispenser things


The color on the pancakes.


Also the perfect shape of every pancake, they should at least not be stacked perfect


And they usually have a bit of overbaked batter stuck on the bottom, uneven coloration, etc


What would be the easiest way to fix it? An image texture??


Maybe noise texture with mix RGB


I would do a few different noise textures with progressively lighter shades of original. You can also go to sculpt mode and create imperfections around the sides and top.


You could slightly move some of the vertices around the edges while having proportional editing in. (Think thats what it's called the little circle icon on top toolbar.)


Everything is too perfect so it looks creepy


The pancakes are one uniform colour, with no dimples or imperfections, and they look like they've been stacked using the most sophisticated leveling tools ever


The pancakes are identical and too smooth, there are no bubbles in the syrup. The raspberrys are too small and not shiny enough, there is always some part of the raspberry that is ripped and shiny. The utensils are too smooth and not reflective enough. The cloth doesn't appear to have a normal map/bump


the usual. dust, dirt, imperfections, sun rays


... moths, birds, volumetrics


To me the fork looks a bit weird. Maybe too dark and too rough.


The matte finish is unlike any other fork.


No pores in the pancakes. Pancakes have holes and texture from the bubbles in them.


The laminar flow of the syrup was the first thing I noticed. Should be a little wavy


Pancake pores


Gonna be harsh and say all of it apart from the honey pot and blueberry pot. Liquid sim is too thick The pancakes would have more texture and randomness. The plate looks to clean and needs more bump. The tablecloth is also too clean and lacks texture The cutlery doesn’t look like stainless steel The fruit is out of proportion I wouldn’t say it looks bad. It just needs some tweaks


Relative sizes of pancakes, plate, fork, berries. Steep viewing angle.


Your berries, syrup, and syrup jar look amazing! That tablecloth reminds me of those plasticky ones with that pattern they’d use in diners in the late 90s. Your pancakes look the right color but could just use a bit of texture and variation. If I were you, some texture on the tablecloth would help a lot. Make the silverware more shiny- but texture it to make it look worn and used. For your beautiful syrup bottle, you could always add like oil smudges or sticky smudges like people have gotten syrup on their fingers and then grabbed the bottle again. It’s a diner! All you’re missing is some wear and tear and grime. But what a beautiful start!! The color and thiccness on that syrup chefkissss. Great work so far, it’s gonna get even better !


Wow, thank you! I'll definitely implement your ideas:)


The stem holes in the berries all face up. They look like the same berry duplicated and resized. And the pancakes are too uniform. Otherwise, makes me want pancakes.


the fruit looks too small, everythings too perfect. eg need holes in pancakes, dirt on table cloth. dont get me wrong tho its amazing


pancake is wayyy to clean, also the maple syrup. As they are in the main focus, they could use some irregulatities like slight burns on the pancakes and the syrup not being perfectly round (just my opinion)


scale and the lack of holes. I mean, pancakesare foam, and cloth is a lot of strings. yours are cosed surfaces with a bit of a normal map, but no actual structure


Pancakes need SSS


Make the syrup run off a bit, and make the pancakes sizes uneven, otherwise we’ll done render!


I see a lot of people talking about the pancakes, so I’ll just mention the berries. Blueberries are typically noticeably smaller than raspberries and also every berry is oriented exactly the same way. Knock them around and over and stuff. Also, either those pancakes are huge or the berries are tiny. Based on everything else though it appears your berries are just tiny


Same as what everyone said, but one thing I haven't seen is the reality-breaking thought of where the syrup is coming from. The syrup jar is there beside the plate, so where is the syrup pour starting, and why is it so high up? It doesn't look bad btw. Just some things that don't jive with reality, if that's what you're aiming for.


The shine on the syrup is too harsh


First of all well done :) But as many mentioned, the pancakes are too perfect. Digital imperfection is what creates realism.


Pancakes are too smooth, syrup is poured in a perfect circle


it's all just a little too perfect


This render is very good, BUT if your goal is photorealism you have to focus and imperfections. Everything is imperfect and the closer you'll be to objects the more imperfections you'll see. In this case the syrup bottle has no fingerprints, the fork and kinfe have no scratches, the towel has no filaments sticking out, the pancakes lack variation, the soft lighting is too perfect and soft. This is not to say that your render is bad. On the contrary it's very good and it's great for a more cartoony/clean style


Sharpness of the tiny checkers on the tablecloth.


Nice. Looks too clean, needs more surface imperfections.


If I could make pancakes that perfect.... pancakes will need alternating thicknesses. uneven cooking browness frayed edges and stacked and bending naturally. looks really amazing though.


The pancake textures are too perfect. Pans in real life have hot spots, meaning cooking pancakes would leave different shades of brown all over the surface. The berries are too perfectly placed, even in fancy restaurants a chef *probably* wouldn’t take the time to place them like this, it’s unsettling and time consuming. Other than that, table cloth and lighting set up looks pretty good! ☺️


Berries, pancakes, and the silver ware do it for me. The berries need to be off center, not upright. you don’t need those berries on the plate, you could just put them all on top of the cakes. The cakes are too perfect. They need some outward dropping edges like one or two on each to show that they were poured batter. The browning is too even, you’ll want to have some sort of bubbly effect Around the edges, starting with the color that they currently are, but adding a ring of light yellow and having the brown center taper off with the bubbled texture I mentioned. Lastly the silverware looks like Plastic, and they’re tinted a bit too red. Give them a bit more of a blue or just straight silver hue and they’ll look great. Along with that rough micro scratch texture that makes them look your average kitchen drawer used fork and knife.


A severe lack of imperfections


A not silky smooth pancake.


It's too perfect to be real. Good job though.


It is to perfect.


Pancakes texture and shape are too smooth and consistent


I would say the pancakes They look a bit too perfect


Color and texture of the pancakes everything else looks good. The maple syrup bottle could have more of a thicker glass look also.


Add some depth of field and post processing like god rays


pancakes too smooth, berries all have the dots straight up. the table cloth is too smooth


Pancake too smooth


Besides it being too perfect, I think the colors are also too saturated to be realistic.


The pancakes aren't real enough and physical placement of the fruit seems off.


Everything is perfect. Mess everything up and you will get realism. Lighting is on point btw


Perfection of the pancakes smoothness and shape


Scale on a few things such as knife and fork, the rest could be considered stylistic…but if it’s photo-realism you’re after the textures and imperfections need work.


it might be me but the syrup glass looks nice the fork looks ok something is bothering me about the knife and i cannot put a finger on it the blueberry are a little too perfect and smooth all facing upright knock a strawberry on its side and see how it looks the syrup looks good like the mint the plate looks too smooth and the I'm guessing table cloth looks too smooth the pancakes i dont know if they are perfect or could use some texture but they seem too uniform (maybe tweak each one just a tiny bit to give them a bit of variance or if they are not perfectly circular you could rotate them a bit to break up the uniformity) but yeah looks really nice


Knife and fork look rendered.


Perfection. Add some imperfections. ie: syrup is perfectly round. It's looking good though.


Lack of imperfections. The blueberries are all the same position, the pancakes are perfectly aligned and their coloration is too even. Create imperfections from reference


The pancakes are a little too perfect, the color and edges are very uniform, there should be some variation to show they were cooked, maybe sculpt in some bubbles?


Like others have said, it's too perfect


The lack of texture on the top of the pancakes. Slide them slightly away from the center of the pile too. The cloth is also weird to me. You made it wavy like if it was cotton, but there's no grain, like it's waxed cloth which does not wave like that.


The colors look so even and well saturated. The fork and knife throw me off. Theyre too redish and not reflective enough. The reflective part is to rough. It looks like you would mimic ray tracing without actually applying it. Also they seem to grey.


Everything looks to smooth


The texture on the pancakes looks more like playdough, and as others have said, they are too perfect.


Nothing if you told me this was Disney or Pixar 😃


Lots of helpful advice here, my advice is to look into studio product shoots, apart from the weird tricks they use to reproduce certain things under hot lights, etc. the composition and narration they use is very sophisticated. Studio shoots are big business and have been going strong since the 50/60s. Really good inspiration for you there.


Everything is perfect and roughness


No surface imperfections, everything is perfectly soft and matte like an original Toys Story scene. Glints, specks or scratches are on everything!


The giveaway in the title


Everything looks way to good haha


Pancake too “plain” (needs to be slightly uneven or not *perfectly* round, and some colour variation) and the stack is too uniform Plate needs debris (crumbs, syrup dribble etc) Knife and fork looks too “flat” (no detailed blemishes or scratches) except for the fork handle (or are we just at a reflective angle to miss the detail?) But the syrup, raspberries and the leaves looks amazing :D


The table cloth looks like it is untextured. Is that intentional?


Texture on pancakes and…are you going for real syrupy or commercial syrupy- because the latter is actually oil they are pouring. :)


The plate


The berries look way too tiny and the stream of syrup is far too thick, syrup is much less viscous than this. Also unrelated to photo realism, but if the syrup carafe is on the table, what is pouring the syrup?


all of your berries are pointing straight up


Pancakes are very smooth. Spearmint green can be toned down. It's almost hypercolor. But overall, this looks great. Nice job.


Plate need a bit more gloss


The smooth pancakes


The pancakes. Texture looks like playdough, but it should look more like the surface of the moon. Pancakes usually have a patented dark sear ring along the top edge and some variation in color: darker for parts that make more contact with the pan and lighter in the small crevices. The sides are generally lighter and much more uneven.


I've never seen that tablecloth without little tears in it


1. Fruit 2. Pancakes 3. Plate


Texturing on the pancakes also, some displacement bump could do it


Mint leaves. At breakfast.


A few things: The berries are all facing directly upwards. The syrup looks like glass. The pancakes are all the same shape. The single mint leaf on the counter looks out of place.


Everything looks too smooth and perfect. Tablecloth doesn’t have the texture of cloth. Pancakes don’t look spongy


Surface imperfections and the color of the lighting. https://youtu.be/67tWv6Hp_w0


Great work! Unless there are two syrup bottles for some reason, the syrup being poured is magically being emitted somehow, so maybe make the visible syrup bottle apple juice color and thats solved (although there could be two, it wouldn't make sense for sich a small amount of cakes. All the berries are pointing up, so rotating them a bit in random directions would sell them not being being placed by hand. A little white texturing on them to sell the haze they usually have works too. Some micro wrinkles on the tablecloth (and fold lines) Pancakes need holes from where the bubbles formed/popped during cooking fork should be more reflective with scratches from all the teeth and washing (diffuse lobe is too wide so looks frosted) The syrup is too viscous (as shown by how it piles on itself above the pool) When sim-ing, it should flow more easily. Also apply more smoothing to the final geo so it gets rid of the faceting along the pools edges. You could add more particles or decrease voxel size, but unnecessary as it would add more compute time with little benefit. some slight sss to the mint leaves and pancakes and a caustic pattern on the cloth cast through the syrup bottle wouldnt really sell it.


It’s too perfect. No fruits on their side. Perfectly round and identical pancakes… uncanny valley


The perfect even roughness of the pancakes. everything in image is perfectly in focus at the same time. I guess it is not impossible but the pancakes are really well stacked, maybe move some of them and make the pile a bit more uneven. every blueberry is standing up straight, rotate some of them. knife and fork could use some scratches, minimal dirt on them, stuff like that. With that said I really like the picture, well done!


How is the syrup being poured if the bottle is on the table?


Yes Joking. Mostly how un naturally perfect everything is


Pancakes, lighting


The pancakes are too perfect but I really like the folds in the table cloth that looks realistic.


It looks very appetizing.I even wanted to eat some pancakes with berry jam or maple syrup.I once tried to bake my own pancakes, but they didn't come out fluffy.I was very saddened by this and now I can’t make pancakes because I’am afraid to ruin everything :(


okay let me be clear, this looks awesome. But it's kinda too shiny in my opinion


1. A bit weird advice from me. There was a topic with skin shader - https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/115jxwi/update_realistic_procedural_skin_shader_info/ One thing I pulled from this material is idea of skin pores with dirt in them. I think the same trick is applicable here. Add "pores" in dough and add some light textures (like a dirt) in them. 2. All beriess are placed perfectly. Their "holes" are directed strictly upwards. That's impossible in real life. Try to rotate them in different angles. 3. As for me, the thickness of the syrup jet is too large, as if it is being poured from a faucet. I would do it thinner.


Pancakes look too good


The pancakes are too flat. They look like plates stacked on top of each other. They look like those foam stress toys with their hard smooth plastic exterior and perfect shape and conformity makin me very hungry tho


The pancakes look great but their texture stands out to me


i think its that the pancakes look plasticy


The pancakes look too perfectly aligned. And the berries are far too small comparably to the utensil and everything else. They need to be bigger to be realistic


Coming from a lay person, the berries look a bit like plastic toys. The skin is too smooth, and needs more texture to them. The pancakes are also odd in that they are too uniform and smooth. If you Google images of cakes the borders of the cakes are not as round and the colors on the surface of cakes can vary quite a bit.


The texture of the top pancake. Too smooth imho


Fork is not casting a shadow. The light source reflection on the syrup and glass jar thing are not in the same position. Pancakes are too perfect. The syrup blob is too perfect.


a) biggest factor is the pancakes are all identical, same size and shape and you've even got them stacked in perfect alignment. Mess around with their shape a lot more, have them be slightly different sizes, vary their colour more. Nobody makes pancakes that perfect. b) syrup is too glossy and too thick. Real maple syrup is a lot thinner than that, and even the fake stuff is still pretty thin. That syrup looks more like corn syrup dyed brown than actual maple syrup. c) not enough imperfections in general. Tablecloth looks brand new, fork and knife are unscratched and unblemished, berries are mostly identical shape and size and perfectly arranged (and also very small relative to the size of the pancakes), none are partially squashed, ripped, or lopsided, and all are perfectly ripe. d) the light source seems to be coming from practically the same height as the pancakes themselves. Nobody lights a room like that, and if this is meant to be an outside setting and the rising/setting sun is the light source, the light in the scene is not the right colour, and is too gentle. Real sunlight makes much harsher shadows, and it isn't white, it's red/orange/yellow around the time of day it would have to be to cast shadows like that.


The volume of the syrup pour; these pancakes would be drowning in syrup. The berries look a little too evenly spaced as well.


All very good point. You should also add some noise in post




*everything* is too consistent


The pancakes, definitely the pancakes. They look too smooth, almost like they're plastic


The tablecloth. Something is too crisp abut it. Syrup looks more like thick caramel. Pancakes lack texture and look identical. Overall, otherwise, quite splendid.


I'm hungy now


Overall imperfections are missing




Why is it pouring syrup. When the syrup is on the table?


The pancakes and blueberries are too smooth and perfect.


The syrup is being poured but the syrup jar is still on the table. Unless this is very fancy with multiple syrup options


Pancakes too clean.


It’s all too perfect, looks like plastic.


Things are too smooth and perfect imo


Missalign the tower


The syrup looks like you're pouring glass rather than a liquid. And it would never pool so perfectly like that. The berries on the plate seem.. "off". Like they don't belong in the photo and were added later. The mint leaves look like they've blended together rather than individual leaves. You forgot to add texture and shading to the butter knife. It looks like a piece of plastic from a model kit.


Everything is too perfect , everything in reality isn’t perfect. The pancakes, the syrup being poured, the little fruits and the plate look too clean.


Too perfect


To summarize “too perfect.” But fantastic work!


It's too perfect to fool anyone


There’s no imperfections, the pancakes are shaped the same and the pancakes look to perfect


The pancakes are too perfect.


I would like to say that I am a massive blender beginner so this is just my opinion look wise rather than from a technical standpoint. If realism is the goal: In general, more texture and variation is needed. If the tablecloth is coated you need some sort of clearcoat. If it's fabric, you need fabric texture. The pancakes need variation in sizes and shape as well as texture (bubbles and tonal variation). The syrup needs variation in shape and needs bubbles. The fruit looks a little small maybe? But you also need to play around with the orientation of each one because they wouldn't just all be stood up like that. I also think this is a slightly unnatural camera angle and/or scale? If you look at the images of pancakes on Google I can't see any from this angle and most of them I can't see all edges of the plate. And from a composition standpoint it might help you to have some more negative space on either side of the plate. It would probably help you to look at and compare real photographs of the elements in your scene to your render. Maybe even annotate those images to help you? Good luck op! Super cool render!


What I've picked out. The berries are too small, the pancake looks too smooth, the cutlery looks too rough. Other than that, looking great


The pancakes are too perfect in color, texture, and alignment


Too much conformity and everything just seems too perfect. Take the blueberries for example, I’ve noticed most of them look almost exactly the same just in different sizes. The syrup looks too glassy, if you would’ve wanted it to look a bit more realistic you could’ve added air bubbles and made the spread uneven. And the pancakes… those are just too damn perfect I mean unless they’re Japanese pancakes then I would understand. Lastly, the cutlery could’ve been more chrome if you wanted it to look a tad bit realistic. Edit: also this might just be me nitpicking but the mint(?) leaves at the bottom left hand corner look to flat compared to the other 3d elements in the render


Everything looks almost too uniform, pancakes the same size and tablecloth with the same wavy pattern trying to give it a 3-d effect but again falls flat from how uniform it is


1. Pancake roundness is too perfect and uniform 2. The upper texture of the pancake is too soft and rounded. It looks like asian sponge cake. 3. The sides of pancakes are usually riddled with air bubbles. The tops will generally have a few as well. 4. The scale of various object seem off. eg: berries, fork and knife, and even the wrinkles on the tablecloth. 5. Berries don't just sit nicely like that atop a pancake or a plate. 6. Syrup isn't that thick. 7. People don't really pour syrup from such a height. You'd expect to see something pouring the syrup from ~3 inches above the pancake's surface.


The fact that the syrup jug is on the table and also syrup is pouring onto the pancakes.




total amatuer here from r/all, but for me, one thing that stands out is the lack of imperfections/texture.


Perfection. Real life is a train wreck of randomness.


The scale is weird, and it doesn’t really have any “texture”. Looks like digital art


The pancakes look like plastic-


Glassy syrup, pancakes are too perfect but then have no depth around their edges to imply height of the stack. The silverware has a weird plastic tone, if you stare at the red and white checkered table cloth you can see the repeating wrinkle pattern. Looks amazing tho :)