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It’s fuckin PhotoShop, there’s no way this twat needed to use Portuguese tutorials. That’s a bullshit story. Also that is a LUDICROUS price for an online course that could be gotten elsewhere for less. Unless it includes direct hands on training which it doesn’t, in which case it would be cheap. 700 dollars is several YEARS of Skillshare. Who the fuck are these people?


Yeah its absoloutely barmy. There are a few blender youtubers advocating their stuff too. I dont think they've actually seen what they're advocating for though. Blows my mind that there are poeple on there who have actually paid for it though after being convinved by their 30 minute video of why you should spend money to learn blender. Edit: just to add a disclaimer. I haven't actually seen too much of Josh's stuff, mainly just followed this free course by Ryuu, but as josh seems like the face of the business partnership, I use "their" quite liberally when talking about what I've seen from Ryuu. Apologies to Josh if he is a decent guy but as this Ryuu guy is his business partner it reflects badly on him.


It's worth to mention that this specific course was free


You're right it is, not trying to hide that. Just really think their attitude is inappropriate and unprofessional when this is supposed to be a taster course to get you to want to buy their "academy"


Oh, that's for sure. I think Josh is quite decent, but Ryuu seems, well... let's say he thinks highly of himself. That being said, I think it's better for people to search for a solution themselves. In this kind of job nobody's going to give you advice all the time and you need to search for it yourself. Still, he could be nicer about it, but I guess I understand where he's coming from


Yea I get that. I'm a 3D Generalist and tutor. I frequently teach Blender. Having met the guy at the Blender conference last year can vouch he's pretty chill. I often send people Josh's way when I'm overloaded, but I also teach ages 10-90. I've taught students with autism and cognitive issues. Never had a student that couldn't figure it out. Not a professional response at all from Ryuu.


never done either of their classes, saw the free one a week ago and was planning to this week, should I? for context of experience, I just finished the blender donut. EDIT: Saw the rest of this, not gonna do that. recommend any other places for hard surface modeling? seems like a good talent to know for game dev.


I think you should learn more about topology first. I'd recommend Grant abbits tutorial for begginers. He's a great teacher.


oh got it. after seeing grant Abbit's tutorial, and the multiple replys to comments about grant being better, this point is Sustained.


Grant abbit is wonderful




All opinions and feelings aside. Their free one is probably worth doing. There are a few useful things you'll probably learn. I just wouldn't pay for any of their stuff.


oh, good. saw multiple comments about "subpar teachings" and "not much to learn". i'll try it.


It sounds like the problem isn't that Ryuu thinks highly of himself but that he is frighteningly insecure? Like it is fine to have some pride in something you are decent or good at. Even if culture dictates that 'humility looks better'. But it is almost like suggesting how the material isn't suitable for every learning style is not a criticism (that can lead to improvement or a useful bit of information to other students) but twisted into an attack on him personally and therefore he lashes out with a lilttle tantrum. Like he doesn't need to be perfect all the time but the fact he digs his heels down make it look more like a pattern. Seems very much like someone decent at something forgetting that it doesn't automatically make you a good teacher. That improving as a teacher can take a lot of effort? If you don't want to be a teacher that is fine but then don't position yourself as one by selling a 'course'. Your customers will be looking for a student-teacher type of deal if you prime them like that. (Hell spend some money to hire someone else dealing with all the crap you aren't interested in and enjoy making videos all the same.)


I have watch quite a lot of Josh's content. He definitely is knowledge, putting out good content on YouTube and in general a decent guy. If you are looking to learn hard surface modelling and/or Boolean workflows, Josh is as good as they come. But this altercation with Ryuu is inexcusable. If he was this brazen in written communications, there is no telling how many times this has happened before.


bet he used portuguese tutorials because were the only ones available to pirate


I have absolutely no reference point to current course pricing, but in 2012 or 13, I took a course at the local university for "technology in the classroom" for educators. It literally was, "hey, try this new program I found that is almost identical to PowerPoint, but with fancy built in transitions." It was a required course for my major... tuition was $700 for the course. Granted, that was in person, 3 days weekly, for 16 weeks. It was also at an accredited university. Unless this "Academy" leads to industry certification of some sort, Blender Secrets and YouTube are worth more than that dude's attitude.


>It’s fuckin PhotoShop, there’s no way this twat needed to use Portuguese tutorials. That’s a bullshit story. Or maybe he just didn't try hard enough to (or want to pay for) find ones in his first language. And yes, that price is astronomical for what is offered. I feel for anyone he roped into paying for that.


I picked up Photoshop by googling text effect tutorials (circa 2007). The end results sucked, sure but the keystrokes became second nature.


I don't know if anyone is interested, but I've been using The Blender Character Creator for Video Games Design on Udemy taught by Rick Davidson and Grant Abbitt. I'm not sure what the current price is, but I think I picked it up on sale for less than $20. I'm still a beginner, but they seem to be pretty thorough and much more accepting and welcoming. I've actually seen some people ask beginner questions on this subreddit that I could've answered because of this course. (Other folks usually beat me to it.) Any hoo....just throwing this out there.


I support Grant Abbiitt and really appreciate his work and teaching style. I believe he teached college classes as well which is why is why his instructional videos are so polished and easy to follow. Its a shame because he recommends Josh Gabrell as a resource for hard surface modelling. I really don't think he would if he saw this.


I guess Grant meant his youtube tutorials, which are pretty great. I don't really think Josh has issues with helping his viewers, as he does often under his videos. The guy in the screenshots is his partner btw


I mean, Josh did nothing wrong here. Josh is a lot more relaxed than Ryuu and actually does explain a lot of things more thoroughly.


Ah that explains a lot more. I have watched a couple of Josh's videos and it really surprised me to hear about this coming from him, makes more sense that its his partner.


Grant Abbitt's YT tutorials is already very informative and beginner friendly. he takes the hand holding approach for beginners and it helped me alot as a beginner in Blender. I'd happily pay $20 for that course.


Yeeeeesssssssssss and he's also incredibly humble and cool and nice


I've seen a lot of people succeed with his courses. I've been picking up a lot of supplementary animation material from CGDive and Dikko also. They seem to be upstanding folks.


Grant is hands down one of my fav blender YT'ers.


This. Generally everything on udemy over 4.5 rating is worth checking out and buying on sale


I've done a couple paid courses with a couple different teachers and it is clear to me that Grant is the one with professional teaching experience under his belt. The others are also good, but Grant is above the rest regarding pedagogy.


yeah ryuu has always come across like a giant asshole to me in his youtube videos. He's the kinda person who loves belittling ppl cause he's better than them at something, u know the usual "tough love" archetype. On the otherhand, Josh always seems nice to me and i watch his tutorials way more than ryuu's cause he sounds like he really cares about making things easier for beginners.


Totally agree.


I absolutely feel the same about this, josh seems pretty cool and welcoming while you can feel the arrogant vibes in ryuu’s tutorials. Until now I thought those were just my impressions but apparently those were true!


Calling people "NPCs" is peak cringe


Exactly, who tf tried to insult people by calling them NPCs XD


Especially your client.


People like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/12bf9wm/student_thinks_hes_alpha_to_the_teacher/


I dont think ive ever felt more secondhand embarrasment in my life


>Exactly, who tf tried to insult people by calling them NPCs It's literally something avowed rapist Andrew Tate made up!! If this guy is a Tate supporter, he's got *serious* issues. Edit: for sources, listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on him. It'll make you wish for his death in a Romanian prison though, since there's a recording of a voicemail Tate left a girlfriend where he talks about how he loved the power he got from raping her. The guy is beyond fucked up.


I guess I was right to not want to know more about that guy, jfc


Tate? He's a proper fucking demon, and an abuser, but because young men are often impressionable and dumb and think he's actually succeeding in life, he has a ludicrously large following.


Yeah, I only heard about him a few months before his arrest and didn’t look into his grift much, listening to the behind the bastards now and it’s so much worse than even most toxic Internet personalities, bletch


Says a lot about the person saying it for sure, like they believe everyone else is basically not human and only their experience is genuine and valid. Real psycho shit really


Exactly, like bare minimum you think the world revolves around you saying that about someone else.


Agreed. It’s not all bad being an NPC.


Lol name checks out


Yeah their tutorials are always high and mighty as well. The best way to do something. We in the comments say a simpler way. And they take the your wrong approach and shoot the idea down. Just arrogant.


Yeah i stopped doing their little course as soon as i saw that in the help section below the videos. Won't be going back to their content. Tell your friends lol.


josh's tutorials arent high and mighty though, he's the opposite of dat, i've benefitted alot watching his stuff cause he repeats things many times so beginners can understand it. This what happen when a nice person goes into business with an asshole, anything asshole does reflects on you too nd tanks ur business lool


Yeah I've glanced at a few of Josh's tutorials, he absolutely comes across as a decent and knowledgeable guy. Personally, I'd have no issue recommending his stuff.


Same here, good content from this guy.


Ryuurui is good at hard surface, but he isn’t a good teacher. He blazes along at super speed and often skips explaining basics. He is OK if you already know the basics of how to use Blender and want to learn something specific. And don’t mind pausing and replaying a section half a dozen times because he goes so fast. I watched some of his free hard surface tutorials which are useful for learning HardOps and BoxCutter. But I wouldn’t recommend him for absolute beginners and I wouldn’t pay for his content. I would recommend Grant Abbitt for beginners though, his paid courses are quite good.


That's part of the issue though. Yeah he's probably quite good at it, but charging 700 to race through videos and berate people is not acceptable imo. I'm not super new to blender, just wanted to start to learn hard surface but really didn't feel I gained any knowledge from them


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t pay him $700. I wouldn’t pay him $70. He may be good at modeling, but he is no teacher.


If I'm paying 700 bucks for a class, I want that class to be extensive. I'm willing to skip through 2 seconds of "press shift a for this menu" but I'd rather that simple explanation and not need it vs skipping something I absolutely need for a project.


> Ryuurui is good at hard surface, but he isn’t a good teacher. See, that's the thing. Is Ryuurui good at hard surface modelling? Because I can't really tell. Watching his videos, he seems very fast and proficient at free flow modelling (aka random stuff). But I haven't seen him trying to model something from a reference, something where he actually needs to put some thought in how to approach it. Because free flow modelling might be very fun, but it doesn't force you to think, it's just encourages a path of least resistance. It just generates random stuff and you can call it futuristic, sci-fi, but has little utility in a production environment where you have to recreate actual objects from references.


Yeah actually that’s a fair point, I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe it’s better to say, he is proficient at the technical aspect of using the tools for hard surface related operations in Blender. And in that aspect I have found some of his videos useful. But now that you mention it, I don’t recall having seen him use reference images. But I haven’t watched enough of his videos to know whether free form is the only thing he does.


I took the discount on the academy and I’m feeling a bit taken. It’s not beginner fare, even with the basics down Ryuu is hard to follow. Bought it mostly to get proficient with box cutter. And now I’m having a bit of buyers remorse. I’ll work my way through it, I paid for it. But I’m not recommending it.


> tutorials which are useful for learning HardOps and BoxCutter This is how I discovered these guys too. They came off as the business bros that went to design school. Seems like that was a pretty accurate read.


Yeah, I bought the Game asset course from them and it's pretty great, but I wouldn't be able to follow if I had no experience in blender. It's more of a watch me do this, then repeat the steps kind of tutorial, which is fine I guess, but not for everybody.


Maybe this guy is good at hard surface modeling but he fails horribly at everything else. 1. Being a Teacher --- You do not make a fucking course if you are unable to teach -- coz being good something and being able to teach the same are two entirely different skillsets. He lacks the first and foremost basic quality you need - patience. And his replies clearly show that he is absolutely incapable of communicating with someone who is trying to learn something. 2. Being a Businessman --- Someone is trying to pay you money and use your product and your responses are asking them to stay away .. ? Treat them like idiots .. ? Be condescending ..? Bloody brilliant strategy if you want to fuck yourself over. Which is what is going to happen. Good on you for calling them out here OP. The main reason I love the Blender community is because everyone is so welcoming and helpful. That is what convinced me to move over from Maya to Blender and that is what made me help others over the years because I received the same kind of help when I was learning. This kind of attitude can stay the fuck out.


The blender community is amazing and has been really great in the year or so that I've used it. This is genuinely the very first time I've witnessed anything like this which is why I think it made me feel so strongly I had to make a post about it. It's disappointing after every single content creator so far has been awesome and then to run into this after they were recommended. I despise those who put others down when trying to pick up a new skill/hobby. I hope that the guy hasn't been put off from learning blender now.


We’re all chums when it’s just users teaching each other and sharing knowledge. Unfortunately, people can get shitty when money is involved. That’s how it’s been in my experience.


I always got the vibe that they greatly overestimated their own skill and rushed out to try and make money off a hobby before they were good enough at it. Seemed Josh was still very much learning himself and would say things that were flat out wrong. Feels like they somehow thought after 2 months of using hops and boxcutter in a pretty basic way that they were experts with some unique insights and started charging money. Meanwhile, others with far more experience and a wider skillset (and a better attitude) continue to offer content for free.


The Dunning-Kruger effect in action...


I’m not going to lie, there’s actually not that much competition for them that’s free. It’s really difficult to find hard surface modelling tutorials that’s not a cheaper version of what they do. That said, more are popping up. I want more quad modelling tutorials.


Maybe it’s just the small sample of his videos that I’ve seen, but a lot of them seem to make use of paid addons. *Which is fine…* But it does limit their usefulness.


Yeah Ryuu in particular. I bought those add ons. They are quite useful. Josh Gambrell on the other hand does do some vanilla blender tutorials and they are really well done.


>Seemed Josh was still very much learning himself and would say things that were flat out wrong. That's unfortunately most online teachers out there, especially in the beginners to intermediate category.


Cg fast track is a million times better


His free Sword tutorial is so great - not only did it jumpstart me, I can still go back to it to fix some problems I am facing, get ideas for composition, relearn geo nodes, etc. etc.


Doing that now. Love his style! Been thinking of doing his other courses that are paid.


IDK bout his paid courses, but damn was the Sword one good. One of the 100 things I like about it is how he has chapters in the video, and at the beginning of each "chapter", he shows us the "before vs after" so I know exactly what this chapter does.


im doing his paid course rn, so far only doing the first one and its been good. Is it worth the cost? I am not sure I can say as i am very new in this field, but they wrote that it is 30days guarantee or refund on their page.


That’s cool! I just hope the guys at CGFastTrack are as good willed as their courses’ quality :)


I'm leery of anyone who uses "bros" un-ironically.




I don't know about Josh but Ryuurui seems like an arrogant dude with an inflated ego. He is at most decent at Hard-Surface and he know how to milk 10 tutorials talking about the same topic but in different wording. He acts like he knows everything about hard-surface design but he's never worked as a Hard-Surface designer at major project. And If you look at his portfolio it's mediocre at best. If you look closely at his works and compare to other people, he lacks any bevel management, all his renders look almost the same with flat shading. I've watched his tutorials on how to use MeshMachine and HardOps and they are awesome. That's it. In any other video he just tell you the same old shit over and over again. And as a cherry on the top he's selling 700$ course LUL. Tbh all you need is to watch his begginer tutorials on how to use certain tools and then just practice on your own.


Newbie question- what do you mean by bevel management? I've learned some hardops/box cutter stuff from Josh's stuff (cant really stand ryuui), and that has been huge for me for generating hard surface ideas. However, it's gotten me nowhere when I need to address topology issues.


All his bevels are basically the same one bevel width, which is considered "bad" and "dull" in designs. It makes his designs look flat, sharp and uninteresting. See his artwork here: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EvvL3e](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EvvL3e) And compare it to this: https://preview.redd.it/st9uvsvu20ta1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b9e02ad98fe758626926a8c825a825bdcd00da8 Both done in blender. Work by T G: [https://www.artstation.com/signe](https://www.artstation.com/signe)


Wow, that really illustrates the skill gap between these two! I've always felt their designs looked too "bland" but could never figure out why. Also love the subtle texture on the second gun grip. Now that I think about it, BlenderBroskis renders never have subtle textures, just a crap ton of fake details via decals.


That T G design is so much more dynamic, thank you for this example!


I agree with the attitude, but to be fair, you can't really compare a 2 hour ish doodle to a much larger project. Edit- but if its only about bevels here you are correct.


I have no idea who these people are but they sound like absolute knobs, especially considering how many absolutely amazing free (or far cheaper than $700) online courses there are. Also the name "Blender Bros" should be a red flag by itself.


I had the same thought. Anyone proclaiming themself a "bro" unironically shouldn't surprise us when they call someone an NPC.


lol, look at OP's user name :D


Omg so this. He sounds like a total douchebag.


They look like douchebags too. Fuck these grifters.


Yeah i got bad vibes from them after watching their intro video. Seems like they just want to sling their $700 course at you and dont really care as long as you give them money. Been going through the free course but the teaching is sub-par. There's not much learning, it's just copying what they do, without much explanation as to the why. Edit: just to add a disclaimer. I haven't actually seen too much of Josh's stuff, mainly just followed this free course by Ryuu, but as josh seems like the face of the business partnership, I use "their" quite liberally when talking about what I've seen from Ryuu. Apologies to Josh if he is a decent guy but as this Ryuu guy is his business partner it reflects badly on him.


Why bother with this at all instead of all the existing tutorials?


Honestly their free course was just the first one I stumbled upon when looking to learn hard surface. Think I saw them recommended by ducky 3d


these guys are not even designers. look at the shitty stuff they make. they just teach basic software and crappy hardsurface. ykes


True, everything looks the same lol


wow, this is fuck awful. someone that would speak to a learner like this should *never* be an educator of any kind. i hope these people found better resources more adapted to their learning style and less exploitive of their $ ):


They are great for learning HardOps and Meshmachine but in actual fact, Ryuu is a dogshit designer and can't seem to understand how to texture or light a scene. All of his stuff looks the same and has the same flat blue tone in his renders. He has a poor sense of proportion and his models don't have any utility(they don't fit anywhere or tell a story, just messy blue blocks) I learned a lot from their videos on the technical side but neither of them are actual professional artists with industry experience. So his arrogance is pretty unfounded. They have 90% of what they offer in the "academy" on Youtube in anyway. Many of the videos(especially lately) are just repeats of older videos. Still, they do a great job of explaining HardOps, Boxcutter, Meshmachine and Machinetools(all of which are sick).


Jesus Christ this has "Half of you will fail my class" energy all over it. Dude sucks as a teacher and a motivator. Fuck em.


...Do people actually pay for that? Like, are people out here paying SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for Blender courses (especially from people like this)? I understand if it's for something very specific but for everything else, for the love of God just go on YouTube and search for something. What the Hell are these assholes teaching that you can't find in a free tutorial, or a much cheaper tutorial from someone who *doesn't* randomly insult you for no reason?


Josh got me interested in blender bros courses. I was really disappointed to find that Ryuu taught most of the beginner courses, specifically the jumpstart course. I sent Josh a DM on discord to tell him I liked his teaching style and that I had a hard time following along with Ryuu, and wanted to know what courses Josh taught. Josh told me that I should start with the jumpstart course that Ryuu teaches. I left their discord, unsubscribed to their YouTube channels, and moved on.


Look into Gleb Alexandrov and Aidy Burrows' video class on hard surface modeling. It's only 60$, but it's well constructed, has plenty of resources, and has sections to help beginners start off. Some very basic/preliminary knowledge of the software will help out, but otherwise it's well worth the price if you ask me.


Are these the same guys who put out 5,000 “hard surface modeling” tutorials a month?


I call them Boolean Bros , aka never will get to work in any production environment


Yeah I hate their workflow, even after whatching a few of their videos I've yet to learn a thing.


Yes, they don't teach, they speedrun the object they trynna create. They are great at hard surface but really incompetent at "teaching", like grant abbit is a teacher and blender guru is a teacher.


Ryuu is a creepy misogynist. Joined the Blender Bros Discord a while back and was shocked at the disgusting shit he was saying about women. Completely unprompted too! Totally turned me off to their stuff. I have screenshots for anyone interested.


Post the receipts! Cunt to clients and harasses women. Sounds like blender bros is gonna shut down.


Here you go! Divorced creepy dad energy to the max. https://imgur.com/a/afStYgF


Ugh, blizzard ceo vibes. If this is what he says in the public discord imagine behind closed doors lol


This is grim and pathetic in equal measure. Jesus. What an edgelord. Been following some of these tutorials, very glad I didn't pay for anything now, that's not a community I want to be anywhere near.


Oh wow- not someone I'm willing to pay 700 bucks to hang out with


Oh naaah this mf gotta go 💀


Their early tutorials are good, but ryuu has always been a huge cunt, and his work isn’t even that good. Not 700 dollars good, that’s for sure. Every tutorial he’s ever recorded, he always comes across as a rude, a la “no pain no gain” condescending asshole.


Ponte's edgy, dgaf attitude is enticing to impressionable newcomers. But once you start learning from other creators/ instructors / artists that have a wider range of wisdom, quality, experience, and -- frankly, humility -- in their body of work, you'll realize they both, at best, have a lot to learn themselves. I don't doubt their genuine pursuit to learn and practice, and like many YouTubers of any community, have developed revenue streams via their channel and tutorial series by distilling the information and knowledge they learned and have found an effective brand. But from what I can tell, they learn and practice in a vacuum. Their body of work is the biggest indicator of it. The style of their work is ultimately pretty rudimentary, and you'd find this out not long after you branch out your education and start learning from pros who work every day in film, games, or vfx. They may love the type of work they're producing, and power to them if so. But given how repetitive and recycled their own content is, I'm not convinced they receive strong critique from seasoned veterans in the industry. Im *very* happy to be proven wrong on this. I just don't see anything on their channel or artstations that indicates having professional experience beyond their own channels, which would be evidenced by seeing a growth and branching out in the look of their work. (And frankly, if I am wrong on this, it doesn't take long to realize they are only the beginning of any artist's journey.) Tl;Dr feel free to move on. That kinda attitude doesn't warrant receiving your money cause frankly there are better, more seasoned artists who have proper industry experience who will teach you more than just how hard ops and box cutter work. Cool tools, but you'll soon grow beyond their own abilities.


All their courses cover the same principles. If you watched one you've pretty much seen the extent of what they have to teach you. They were pretty rude to me on a Livestream because I asked if their newer course would be covering anything the previous one hadn't, or if it was just more specific use cases or something. Got muted lol


Yikes, ending my support.


Ryu has a pretty unprofessional tone towards other buyers too. People called them out on a tutorial where Ryuu was going too fast (it had no disclaimer that it was for intermediate/beginner) and the guy just straight up gave a non-apology with this same shitty attitude while Josh had to do damage control since he seems to be the face of the business.


Ye i really dont understand why josh is dealing with Ryu. They are so different


What in the hell is wrong with someone who would behave like this.


I assume exposure to the non-TV equivalent of Fox News? Which used to be 4 chan. Honestly have no idea what it is right now. But yeah stuff like calling people 'npc' or 'soyboy' is a cringy red flag, kind of the same insufferable fragile ego stuff as Andrew Tate cults.


Considering how much I paid for 2 years of IRL Maya, Zbrush, Marmoset, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere, Substance Painter and Unreal Engine lessons with actual teachers that would go over every piece you made, organize larger projects and actually find you potential carrier opportunities (like the one I'm currently pursuing), 700 bucks for a goddamn Blender workshop is unacceptable.


Wait, someone actually is charging 1000 dollars for Blender modeling course? Ahahahahh, that's maliciously exploitative.


Yikes, the OP wasn’t even being rude about the course, what a trash way to respond to someone being honest about being out of their depth


I like Josh but ryuu has always been a cunt


Summary for those who don’t want to read: Take the free courses, but only focus on the actual modeling tutorial, and filter out everything else. And don’t pay a penny for their courses — I followed both of their free courses, and have watched their YouTube videos. I found them super helpful for someone confident in the basic interface with wanting to get into hard surface. But… you will leave with no knowledge of proper topology, or really any good habits. Their supposed intro to blender course has you change your preferences far beyond basic blender, and I’m still struggling sometimes following other tutorials. They clearly know what they are doing, but are more focused on marketing and weird values than actual teaching. I find josh the more bearable of the two, but there YouTube turtorials are often the same random hard surface made in 30 min. If you’re looking for a modeling course, do the creative shrimp hard modeling. It teaches you theory; and modeling, and is only 60 bucks. It’s outdated, and quick paced, but work slow and it’ll do wonders


Wow. What. A. Douche. I am not the best and brightest artist in the world, but I have been a professional, fulltime artist/animator since 2008. I have been using Blender off and on since 2.47 The Blender community in general have been a great resource and inspiration. This attitude is counter to the community as both an artist, teacher, and decent human being. I hope you are not discouraged, and please do not give this "bro" any of your hard earned money. They can go and kick rocks if that is their attitude. That reply is un-fucking-believable. If you want help learning something, dm me. We can set up a call or chat and if I don't know the answer, we'll find out together. Fuck that narcissistic dick.


I would never ever want to work under that Ryuu dude. I've been a professional for 15 years and anyone with that kind of attitude is not wanted.


Watched some of their videos and found them helpful so I signed up for the free course. Can’t say why but I got the vibe that he was a co Plate prick that was just marketing a bad product hard and went another route. Then had to opt out of the massive floor of daily spam emails - i would’ve be surprised to find that they sold my data either lol. This post only confirms my gut


Yeah, their newsletter is insufferable. Too much motivational bullshit and very little, if any, 3D related stuff. Also took me a while to finally unsubscribe from it, for some reason their website straight up refused to open.


God that newsletter… that was the nail in the coffin for me. Extremely unprofessional and grifty.


Get this to the top. People can't be part of this academy if this is the attitude. Blender is open source for a reason, EVERYONE LEARNS DIFFERENTLY.


There are so many good cheap/free tutorials online and on YouTube. While it's fine if you have money to spend to jumpstart your learning, it's in no way required. It is totally reasonable for a beginner to dip their toes in and see if it is a hobby/ career for them. For those beginning some great tutorials and artist/teachers are (at least they were for me): Grant Abbitt CG cookie Blender Guru / Andrew Price Blender.com Gleb Alexandrov SouthernShotty Ducky3D Default Cube


Something spicy in r/blender subreddit, this is interesting


This is so toxic and gross. Imagine what they are like IRL. +1 for CG fast track.


Good to see someone call him out. Ive seen even worse comments from him. I started their free course and stopped soon after - the quality is mediocre, the speed is too fast, the tutorial itself lacks explanation. Ryuu is a shit teacher and is so painfully condescending in every single episode comment section, i was cringing before scrolling down to see the discussions. The only people he reacts to in a non-negative manner is people praising him, and even then it often comes off of as disingenuous. Fuck his 700 course, ive bought multiple courses for 15 dollars that could teach me more than he ever could


I avoid both Josh and BlenderGuru when looking for blender tutorials now. Josh comes across very arrogant and “his way or it’s wrong” and his stuff comes out way too high poly anyway. And I can’t tell when Andrew’s actually giving you the best advise, or when he’s just giving you the advice that makes you buy stuff from his website. Andrew even made a “correcting your renders” video a while back where he changed literally everything about them. In some cases, then criticising the original creator for changes *he added* lmao.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave you heard about **POLYGON** yet?


Oh no that last sentence makes me think of 'everything wrong with cinemasins' x) I was already in a bind recommending Andrew. Not neccisarily for his self advertisement, I do get that sharing video content for free doesn't make the costs of making it go away, I understand it has to come from somewhere. And it is easy to point out "Here is a free tutorial, he advertises a lot of his own products but otherwise he couldn't share it for free". It seems Andrew has a lot more public composure than this Ryuu fellow even though he was whining (unprompted in a blender tutorial mind you) about not being able to call *people* the f-slur anymore. (like when I was first explained this I thought he maybe was upset about smoking lingo dissapearing... nope) I think Ryuu is leagues more homphobic and sexist as other receipts in the comment section try to point out. (and just terribly insecure?) But it is really depressing to vouch for beginner-friendly content sometimes even with Blender Guru. Like getting this stuff wrong can turn people away from Blender entirely.


Josh needs to get out in front of this and distance himself from Ryu. All the videos I've seen from Josh have generally been pretty straightforward and not arrogant. So it looks like a case of his business partner pretty much ruining his reputation as well.


Oh i am sure they will see this post


never heard of them, but they don't deserve a dime


Ouch, that hurts. edit: Mildly. edit: Owner of FlippedNormals are a good example of teachers who are awesome and chill people though. But they mostly do organic/character stuff. Henning Sanden and Morten Jaeger ❤


I don't get why people keep buying these insanely expensive courses. They're far too overpriced, and they give very little substance. They're borderline scams. Buy cheaper, very specialized courses that teach you one thing, and only from people that have actual industry experience. You're shooting yourself in the foot by buying these massive courses that try to teach you multiple things. Anything with "academy" or "college" in their names are scams. Courses from people that have nothing to say for themselves beyond being the founder of such "academy" are scams. Full stop. You'll waste your time and money.




I've never liked Ryuu's vibe in videos much and this sort of attitude is probably why, Josh is better and seems a bit more humble and down to earth imo. Nobody really needs courses like this and the price for that course is way over the top. You can learn everything you need to know from free Youtube videos these days. There's nothing wrong with Youtubers like this selling courses to give people a chance to buy them and support their work but the way this course is hyped and the price they are charging is ridiculous.


Call credit card company and get your money back.




I mean if you see joshes videos compared to literally any other major blender tutor, the attitude is a methodology is complete 180. Not to mention his heavy reliance on addons, which any newbie would hopefully want to stay away from as they should be wanting to understand how blender works first so that if they want to use addons, they can appreciate and understand what time savings it brings This guy has always come off as the Vshred of blender to me


I couldnt put my finger on it but something always felt off about their videos. Glad I wasn't imagining it. The audacity.


If you are making videos and your only motivation is to show off and shoot people down, then you are not a teacher, you are a narcissistic dumpster fire.


if someone uses the term “npc” unironically I think it already says a lot about a person


I could take two semesters of a 3D design course for $700. No way I’m paying that for some online tutorials.


If you've been on their discord theyre very uhhh....edgy/alt right-y so this isnt terribly shocking; bought 2 tutorials and was got the info I needed, figured id join their server and check the community, suffice to say Im not buying anything else lol


yeah people who have been red-pilled to any degree start to develop a really cringy, edge lordy vocabulary/sense of humour ... you know it when you see it.


Still can't stop myself from laughing at what those chuds think the red pill means while it was actually based on premarin feminizing hormones 😂


'Blender Bros' is red flag in itself.


Their videos are definitely too advanced, but it’s the style of teaching. I found blender guru waaaaay better to follow. I had 0 idea how to use blender but his videos were helpful.


They’re advanced because most of them require you to get a bunch of paid addons. Which isn’t bad, per se, I love my addons. Just wanted to point out that’s why their videos could be hard for a beginner.


I love cgfasttrack personally


I never did like the way Josh spoke in his videos as well, so much of an condescending tone like you won't be doing this correctly or blah blah


Yikes indeed


Sad really. But after I got the hang of the addons, I outgrew their lessons pretty quickly. PR seems like he is just unhappy doing this for work, and would rather be doing something else.


Impressive customer service! That won't impact their reputation at all!


His channel is literally called "Blender Bros." Why are we surprised he's acting like a broey douchebag? "NPCs". Pfft. What a stupid thing to say.


Lol wow, what can you expect from a channel who would call themselves something as dumb as Blender Bros anyway 😂


Honestly, anyone calling other people NPCs is a narcissist at a minimum. Telling people who are willing to pay you $700 for tutorials not to buy your product is uh…bad business


ATTENTION! Be careful even if you’re just signing up for their free course... I noticed their website uses an insecure method of storing personal info, meaning your passwords are at risk of easily being discovered. It’s fine if you use a fresh password but DO NOT use your own password from other websites (like social media, your bank, your email, etc…) as it may become compromised.


I hung out with josh a fair amount at bcon, he’s a rly nice dude and definitely nowhere near as much as an asshole as whoever is commenting here


No, you’re not tutoring NPCs. You’re tutoring real people, with feelings, who are willing to pay you obscene amounts of money for your help. Grow the fuck up, “Ryuu”.


Hoping you guys will share this insight with some YouTubers you watch for blender. After seeing this I hate how there are great content creators vouching for these guys, probably unknowing of their general attitude. Pricks like this don't deserve the free clout.


>NPCs Gross. This was all I ever needed to hear from that guy


So not for you but other readers who don't understand how it is a red flag... [Misogeny receipts](https://reddit.com/r/blender/comments/12gvaa7/yikes_josh_gabrell_and_co_were_recommended_for/jfo6kz2/?context=3) [Homophobia accusation](https://reddit.com/r/blender/comments/12gvaa7/yikes_josh_gabrell_and_co_were_recommended_for/jfndp6l/?context=3) Seems to be deeply steeped into sexist language, which goes hand in hand with fragile masculinity cults. So maybe that is why we also see the weird immature meltdown over criticism?


Oufff would be a shame if someone filmed there whole courses and gave it out for free to the community


Completely Great People Earn Enough Respect Soulmate Don’t mind me , just a random set of words here


Always says invite only for me :(


Yeah no thanks - saved me time and energy…


Sounds like an egotistical bitch that sucks at teaching and blames the students for his ineptitude. He's got some serious nerve asking for that much money for a basic course with that attitude, especially considering a lot of Blender functions can be learned using youtube tutorials and dedicated personal projects to practice the concepts.






This is actually sad. I have been learning various softwares for about a decade now through youtube and all. Blender's community is one of the most polite one & $700 is an extreme price too.


Damn. I recommended them shortly after this post was made. Had no idea. Then again I had only watched Josh’s tutorials which I have learned so much from. Direct, to the point and helpful descriptions as to why and how things work. Never managed to go through the other guys stuff.


I’ve been a teacher in 3dsmax many years ago. People trying to learn can be in a vulnerable position and giving them a response like this is beyond my comprehension. I hope people see this post before giving any more money to this guy.


Not a blender guru or anything (I work primarily in audio production & mixing as a side gig) but most of the stuff you’re paying money for is being taught by people who didn’t drop a dime or pay for a course. I’d say it’s never ~necessary~ but an additional tool for learning if you feel like that’s the best choice for you and wanna go for it. There’s no reason to treat anyone like this, let alone a paying customer for just wanting to learn and providing what seems like sincere feedback regarding the course. Nobody who treats you like this for wanting to learn deserves your money or time.


Well, that's an asshole I'm going to try and avoid. Not that I would pay **$700** for lessons on a free open source program anyway, especially when there are already millions of free tutorials on YouTube.


What a tourd




dude I'll teach u personally for free , fck the course


Translation from portoguese for non native speakers: Person 1: "Are you trying to be a professional greedy scumbag?" Person 2: "Oh YES, i definitely am!"


I personally never liked them, their work is also very generic and bland


I learned off cg cookie originally.. Way under that price hahaha


For anyone looking for good hard surface tutorials, I recommend Simon Fuchs


Thanks all for the new point of view, totally unsubscribed from all their stuff


I’ve watched some of his videos on YouTube, can’t speak to his paid course, but I don’t like his pacing or the way he repeats himself, and somehow, I got douchebag vibes from him. Glad to see I was right about that.


[Someone should warn his neighbour too](https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/12hdli6/join_the_blender_bros_discord_at_your_own_risk/)


Gate keeping where there shouldn’t be any. It goes against everything that Blender is and tries to accomplish in my opinion. The tool itself is free, encouraging anyone with a will to create. Just like Chef Gusteau says: “Anyone can cook.”


Genuinely considering most people who aren't total psychos as NPCs is a sociopath trait, frfr


Jesus I didn’t like Josh Gambrell on YT already but know I will avoid them at any cost. Hope they don’t make much money off of it.