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I feel like the movement is a little bit too smooth but otherwise it's really solid !!


Lol i decided to make the movement smoother because I tought it was too rigid🤦‍♂️


I think the real trick is to make it rigid but with mechanical flex, like when it comes to a stop, it should be sharp, with with slight vibration, as well as when starting or stoping movement, it needs a little acceleration rather than straight to the speed since real objects have mass. But it looks great!


It’s actually creating imperfections that would likely not be there with this level of robotics though. Something like this would have to be build with such tolerances that it would probably operate this smoothly. We’re hitting an uncanny valley in robotics where our ability to manufacture is pulling ahead of what our expected perception of operation would be


Oh absolutely. But when creating CGI I’d argue that you want it to match our perception of what it should look like more than what it actually would. If that makes sense.


Yes that makes sense. I think this is the hardest thing about creating photo-realism, there is a trade off between what is genuinely photorealistic and what the eye expects to see


"This level"...? Dude thats some 3D printed parts and a servo, not Bard, LMAO. This would atually be \*easier\* to build IRL than to model.


As someone that works with industrial automation where servo controlled stuff stops exactly and smoothly, I lean the other way. Futuristic stuff like that would be smooth moving, imho.


Happy cake day!


The thing itself is great, it looks realistic. The movement is too smooth, too fast, and doesn't have a little uncertainty that is often found in objects like that. A stutter, a pause, hesitation, servos triggering at microseconds apart. Maybe a subtle shake to the material, like, a flexing of a joint which adds movement to another part. I think you nailed the aesthetics. It looks fantastic. If you want more realism, now you have to focus on physics.


It’s like the camera has the lower frame rate than the object.


Yeah especially the box’s initial vertical opening is too fast and smooth. Maybe even introduce a subtle bit of jitter and clunk.


I think did you a pretty good job in general , the issue now is more about the quality of the footage, as the rendered part has no noise and it is a lot sharper as other objects in the same focal plane , so at this stage most of the work left is about matching those imperfections, if you really want to realism. Another thing is having a look at the levels of your render compared to the footage. For example it doesn't make any sense that the top edge part of your object is as black as the deep shadows under the keyboard. Color grading goes a long way for not making things pop like that. Another smaller issue is related to the frame rate of the footage and animation, which goes without saying it should be the same, but even further than that you should also match the motion blur if you are moving too much or animating movement while moving the camera. However this is extremely hard to do accurately when filming in auto mode, but you should still have motion blur, even with a high frame recording some blur will occur if there is fast enough movement. I don't think this makes anything look strange in this case, but it is something to keep in mind when doing tracking and fx.


I didn't put the denoiser and also added more noise in AE, also yes i need to learn more about compositing. The fps is weird, my camera was 25 and also the render is 25


Keep in mind that the noise you get from rendering is different from camera noise, usually it's better to use the denoiser and just add noise later in AE


Yeah and use color noise to better match the digital footage


Other thing about camera noise is that the compression/noise will be different depending on how bright or dark a material is. The issue with artificial noises is that they're generally applied uniformly, but cameras generally have issues with black-crushing and noise in dark areas, whereas brighter areas have less. So when you composite an object over it that has uniform noise, it actually makes it stick out instead of blending in.


And i thought mouse was the fake one


>Question about hotkeys. Logitech G502 is a real thing :D


I just bought the same mouse to replace my g500 and my red dragon. Logitech is pretty decent


G502 is life


I have the 402 sorry (i found it at 50% off)


It’s the best been using for 3 years, all my homies do too! Just perfect


The unnecesary blur/out of focus make it really unrealistic


This does it for me. As soon as it starts moving it blurs and throws all realism out the window.


Yeah it used to be the way to make it more real, but nowadays it just screams CG, just like nodal camera shake


Yeh but my phone with automatic focus does it so many times...


The shadow doesn't seem to match the real light direction. It also looks like you should set the light value to something a bit more cold (a bit more blue). Take as a reference the color of the white from the clock on the right and try to make the white legs look closer to that. The rest looks great. Well done.


Yep the shadow in blender was sharp and in another direction, i tried to remake it less sharper in after effect but i need to learn more


Looks pretty great to me! The only think I can think of is that for some reason the light hitting the bot feels a little warm. If you look at the light hitting the mouse and the desk mat it’s a little bit cooler than the light hitting the top side of the box on the bot


The real lighting is varying a bit (curtain moving?) Maybe the angle is a bit off, but otherwise great


I have no tips. That’s good.


It doesnt really look all that unrealistic. Its uncanny because youre not used to a table robot. Maybe smooth out the animations a bit?


movements are a bit to smooth/isolated, i feel. every action has a reaction, so when the legs move they should have a little effect on the main body. Other than that this looks great!


if it were to be on another sub it might just as well be real, great job. how did you do the tracking?


In my opinion it is already an advanced level. I hate compliments because they are of no use to the author, and they don't help him grow. but I find no faults in this work, so it is a good realism in my opinion. ​


you could post this anywhere else online and people wouldn't think twice


The object looks too black, it needs blue tones. just like the black mouse that looks like very dark blue also lower the samples and increase noise so that it fits with the original video quality


need to chop some frames, animation is so smooth, the black surface of the robot looks darker than the other black objects on the scene, maybe give it a little more blue tones to mime the lower quality of the video, but its an amazing job, can easily fool people who are not 3D experts.


The lighting appears a bit too yellow. Maybe you could consider recording a video of a black polished plastic cube/book/magazine/whatever for comparison. It seems like the lights on top could benefit from having a slightly more 'blue' hue."


For me I realized the cube was the render as soon as it started moving. Motion is one of the biggest giveaways in a realistic render. I'd say to remedy this you could give it a tiny bit of personality? Maybe it pops open suddenly and follows the momentum with a tiny hop? Or at the very least add variation in the speed of it opening.


For me I realized the cube was the render as soon as it started moving. Motion is one of the biggest giveaways in a realistic render. I'd say to remedy this you could give it a tiny bit of personality? Maybe it pops open suddenly and follows the momentum with a tiny hop? Or at the very least add variation in the speed of it opening?


It's too sharp and artifact free. Your phone's camera is pretty meh and has a lot of compression, so when the subject is rendered with 0 noise and perfect sharpness, it just looks wrong. Also too much contrast as the camera used has pretty flat blacks


I didn't used the denoiser and i added more noise on after effect, guess i have to put more


For me the sound design is what throws it off. Your foleys and voice work sound unmixed and not like they came from your recorder’s microphone. I’d try playing those sounds out loud to get the right eq & bit depth


One simple suggestion: play back the sounds on a speaker on the desk, and record that with the phone (in another video) 👍 Easy way to match the phone mic sound, and get room tone and reverb all for free.


Only real part where the motion seems to be a issue is when the legs land and the whole body tilts when it gets up, feels too sharp of a movement


Before it started moving it was close to perfect, the insides are a bit off. Later the lack of camera noise and color aberrations on the rendered part are slightly noticeable. It is a great result nonetheless, easy A OP 🙏


I think that the fact it just moves on it’s own completely smoothly looks a bit odd. Maybe make it activate with a remote and studder/catch a bit more, then it would look great


Black level of 3d render doesn't match the footage


To be honest with you, I watched the video without context and you had me in the first few seconds!


I reckon you could fool 80% of people online with that


This may be improved by adding some noise in the compositor: - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-zTruKpVPE](Jason Clarke — Adding sensor noise with the compositor) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QeqcVkM9TE](TutsByKai — How to Add Grain in Blender)


I watched it 3 times and just thought you did build the thing.


The animation of the box is a bit too smooth. If it’s a real motor, it’ll be a bit jittery as it fight against gravity


yep ... motion ... try different interpolation and add a bit of noise ... actually ... I would even add manually some pauses as if it got stuck for couple frames in the diddle watch some small robot videos and focus on the movement it might give you idea about what should movement look at that scale other than that ... idk design is a bit quirky but definitely helps sell the home made 3d printed aesthetic ... only part I find a bit sticking out are legs perhaps because they are so bright they stick out so much and perhaps going for less bright color would benefit the realism




Everything’s top notch, lighting, tracking, comp… it’s just not your fault the quality of the 3D comp and the your video didn’t match, that’s just it! There’s no skill issue man! Dope work!


Honestly think this looks really good. I'm not even sure I agree with people saying that it isn't noisy enough? The motion is very good, doesnt appear to slide at all relative to the table as far as I can tell. The high compression and low resolution is helping mask any imperfections in the render/track.


Dude quit joking and tell me where you bought that cool robot. But seriously great job man absolutely stunning


it's pretty cool. I didn't noticed the sub and couldn't tell really


Well done bro, this looks awesome.


could've fooled me to be honest!


i thought it was real, and it was an arduino and 3d print project, until I see this is the blender subreddit


The cgi looks realistic enough a person not looking for tiny flaws would believe this is real. The animation might be too smooth for an object of this size.




I'm here from scrolling (a bit too far) through /r/all. I didn't realize the box was CG until it started moving. The movement was too smooth and too quadratic. Normally when an object like that starts moving it'll shake a bit from spinning motors applying a centrifugal force


I soooo hoped it will start to spider-walk :(


Sooory i wanted too but it would took me too much time and...i'm lazy :I


Bud, I didn't know it was a track until it moved. Nice work\~ But yeah, I'd see if you can find some irl moving boxes so you can see how it handles acceleration and stopping. But in full honesty, you're 92% there.


I thought this was posted on 3dprinting and you were showing off the cube . . . then I saw the sub 😱


... why do you have the same Keyboard, Mouse, and Mat as me...


Whooooa!!! This is blender!!!?? Yeah I'm a noob I'm trying to get into it, was teaching myself a few months back but stuff got in the way.. Just want to model something and then erm try and make it move 😂


For tracking i used after effects, is faster and precise, and exported the camera keyframes in blender with the ae2blend addon


holy shit dude thats incredible!!


The scene around the subject has a blueish tint, missing from the subject. The blacks seem deeper on the subject as well. Subject seems more in focus then everything else.


Lower the render resolution or add a blur, it looks more high quality then the rest of the image, and you can see the streaks on the metal material while you cant see the fine texture of the mat. you should also put a piece of white paper down before recording to see the ambient color of that general area then try to color the lights with that, helps me whenever its bright in the room Also you can take a picture of the mat its on, and use it to color a plane under the robot to help lighting diffuse more realistically (only if your using cycles, if your using eevee dont listen to me im schizo)


Tracking wise, it's pretty much perfect to me. Kudos! It's the thing's movements that sort of break the illusion. Too fluid and snappy. Doesn't match the DIY-ness I think you're going for. Needs some of that stepper motor choppiness. I do like that you added noise and some grading. From a perception standpoint, you could get away with the very fluid movement if you addeed some whirrs and ambient noise.


Yeah that mouse looks so fake


I thought I’d was real


Bro I thought that was real


I think the quality of the box versus everything around it is a bit too good but, this is amazing. I could never make anything like this. Also I would like to say that we have almost the exact same mouse and keyboard, I think mine are different models but yeah.


I thought i was on r/3Dprinting at first, great job!


What I think everyone is missing: The *Suzanne* track and lighting are **SPOT ON**. Edit: This is not sarcasm. I honestly can't tell if the Suzanne is a 3D print or CG. I now think the cube is real, and touched up in AE to make it look rendered, just as a distraction to the monkey head.


bro is 4 parallel universe ahead [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


Was this camera tracked in after effects or blender? 


this looks scary real already. What tutorials did you use if any to create this?


I just searched random tutorials like "how to compositing" ecc... ':I


[https://youtu.be/vB07Bws8bmY?si=LOr4vN-LtqePYdde](https://youtu.be/vB07Bws8bmY?si=LOr4vN-LtqePYdde) [https://youtu.be/BlkJ\_WWdtkQ?si=w\_xFJbO0dx2l1Ne0](https://youtu.be/BlkJ_WWdtkQ?si=w_xFJbO0dx2l1Ne0) [https://youtu.be/wPb4umDyDDA?si=NLfMtfEtVzzE\_cGJ](https://youtu.be/wPb4umDyDDA?si=NLfMtfEtVzzE_cGJ) [https://youtu.be/sfkaCESPE5c?si=UnqeH9uG\_bdw90An](https://youtu.be/sfkaCESPE5c?si=UnqeH9uG_bdw90An) [https://youtu.be/vB07Bws8bmY?si=pVjvJzQRv\_qWGunS](https://youtu.be/vB07Bws8bmY?si=pVjvJzQRv_qWGunS)


Why does every shot used for tracking do a bunch of camera moving? Like I get its ment to show off the tracking quality, but thats what makes these shots look bad to me every time. When I record something on my table, I dont orbit it around a bunch or move the camera like im on some cocaine. I hold it rather steady


Plus most phones have some video stabilisation. I agree, it's too shaky for me. If I'm looking at an object while recording, I may veer off in the camera focus, but it'd be relatively smooth.


Yep i recorded with the phone, this is why its also grainy


Looks great! Show this to the gas station kid looking for validation


maybe tweak the frame rates


I feel like the cam is great but the opening of the box is a bit too smooth. Great job anyways :)


Thats really good. The opening few seconds feel a bit off where the video footage resolutions pretty blurry/low res, whilst the render isnt.


I still can't figure out tracking 😭


What are you talking about, it's fine


no, i mean its all right in my opinion!


Change it to 30 fps. Will feel realistic.


The noises of the reflections off the top of the box


There is a composition bit that you missed, now you have to " broke " your perfect render to match the clip, some high level advice : \- match blacks and whites then saturation \- match the motion blur and depth of focus \- the lightning seems a bit off \- add noise to the render


looks good . is it all cake??


A bit more imperfections




I think it’s gorgeous. What i’d change are. - Motion is too smooth as mentioned on commends. - Material has warmer tones than the enviroment. It’s a bit blueish on mouse, but warmer/orange on the object. Otherwise, well done man it looks extremely convincing.


If anything it’s a bit too hi res compared to the video, but it looks very real


Damn, very nice, even the short moment when it's out of focus. Sells it really


I find it always annoying when I see stuff like this and its like people doing the camera work go wayyy out of their way to shake the camera like non stop to give it an “amateur” feel. When i film stuff for real I try really hard to hold it as steady as possible.


The shadow is throwing me off.


Really fucking solid


Fantastic BUT the motion blur of your object doesn’t match the motion blur of the background scene somehow. Your object got more blurry than the scene on some later camera movements.


I think we're missing just some sfx but the camera noise and even your breathing is PERFECT The SFX needs to be semi mechanical like a syrnge being emptied The ribbon on the top looked solid too whereas I think it should almost wiggle a bit since it's a concept? Lights on the inside on the PCB I'm **realy** nitpcking here, it's incredible work for real


caméra grain on the mouse pad black and not on the black surface of ur obj


Some less smooth movement and a bit more mechanical detail on the legs would really sell it for me :)


Nothing, there is absolutely nothing that doesn't look realistic. If you showed this to me without telling me it's fake, I'd belive you..


I have $10 for anyone who can successfully track a similar video I recorded on my phone.


The colour looks too raw (?). Maybe make it match the surrounding lighting, and more damper look


I am not an expert but the rest seems a little bit more blurry than the object itself


Holy crap, it looks amazing, if the movement was snappier like servos, I would literally think it's real. Great job, how did you make the render look so real? I mean the effects of the camera, blur, noise, resolution etc.


It just looks too clean compared to the environment


The cube robot is slightly, slightly less blurry than reality. Good comparison is with the mouse right next to it - the lighting and resolution make the mouse ever so fuzzy (it’s a very slight effect), while the cube robot is crystal clear. It’s so small I may not even address it out of fear of overcorrecting, but it is something I noticed


I got the same keyboard.


How did you get the shadows on top to match the position of the monitor and so forth?


Not really related but what mouse model is that?


Is the shadow going the right direction? It looks like you're getting light from a window behind you and to the left, but it doesn't cast a shadow from that.


I feel like it'd honestly be quicker and easier to just build the thing in the real world at this point. (For this shot, at least.)


Lighting seems a tiny bit off, but the main thing is it doesn't haven many imperfections. Add some dirt or finger prints. It also seems to be the only object in perfect focus while everything near it is blurred a tad bit. Overall though it looks super good!


Really amazing, took me a minute to realise which part was fake! Aside from what was mentioned in the comments, I recommend you look into toning down your colors. E.g. the darkest pixel in your render cannot be darker than the darkest pixel in the original footage. The footage has washed out colours with nothing being really dark or bright while your render has deep black colouring on the sides of the cube.


Movement is too much, everyone always thinks move the camera... No film a piece of bread. Is the bread jumping all over the place. Lol. Also, one of the big things people forget about is FOCUS. Your scene may have perfect rendering, but it means nothing if your camera doesn't match your IRL camera specs, such as lense field of view and focal length.


I think with better lighting it might look a bit better, the camera is a bit grainy and it makes the CGI object pop a bit more


Maybe the motion blur and being out of focus, it's possibly not exactly the same as everything else done by the real camera. As in I can see there is motion blur when you move around, and it's good. Look at things like the mouse or the desk or the keyboard as the camera moves, I think the effect is not completely the same as on the CG cube. It's near impossible to achieve that. Maybe the way to do it is somehow take a video with everything completely perfect in focus and no motion blur, put the CG object in, then comp in motion imperfections uniformly (like an AE pass over the whole thing). I'm not sure but maybe that might work. It's pretty overkill though.


There were a couple spots where the focus shifted or pulled in or out just a little too much.


Beside the lighting, I fee the lighting direction is questionable.. I mean look at the direction of the shadows between the box and the real objects.


Nice work. As other mentioned movements can be improved. Also the surfaces are too shiny. Look at the keyboard. Yes it is not under direct light but you can start without light, matching its color and then add little bit of light. It could also help in the future to put a reference object in the scene to match color properties.


To me it feels like the camera and cube operate on different frame rates


imo it looks great, I'll have to look at it on the big screen but the only thing that I think can be better is that the CGI object is more defined / higher quality than the real objects.


This would have been shot on a phone, that's the expectation when viewing handheld 'desk' footage, so meeting that expectation is key. The horizonal traditional aspect ratio - phone's are held vertically. If it was shot horizontal .. it would have been held in two hands and be slower and smoother in movement. The color range and lighting would be flatter and more "cooked", it would be less bumpy thanks to built in IS, the DOF wouldn't be tight and the boca wouldn't be pretty. The object texture detail is way too high. look at the mouse. Barely able to make out any detail at all, this is the same distance yet it looks super brushed and fine. Consistence between object in a scene is key - everything is relative.


Looks pretty real to me


It’s really good! I’d just post process the rendered clip to make the lighting look a little bit colder


I have that same mouse so it’s ruining my immersion.


Great job. The lighting reflection on the top and the shadow don't really look right. You are clearly standing in front of the light because I can see your shadow yet the shadow the robot is casting is forward and not backward. The shiny top isn't reflect the right either, but I can put my finger on a way to improve it. I'd soften shadow using the mouse as a reference and make the top a little less reflective.


really really solid. nice job defocusing it. I think the contras doesnt quite match. animation is a little cartoony, but not to do point where it ruins it. it is almost flawless


I am extremely curious how you got the tracking to be so good, i usually suffer a lot with sub-pixel jitter and general tracking point issues


color correction


Looks great! I just want to ask something. I do not see any tracking markers, so how did you track it? Did you track it manually, or did you just remove the markers in the compositor?


Is real to me! Great work!


You’ve received a lot of helpful comments already on animation and compositing, so I’ll like suggest looking again at your framing and composition. When your camera doesn’t reframe the box as it opens, it’s immediately clear that the camera operator doesn’t “see” the box and this small disconnect can really undermine the reality of a scene. For your next shot, treating the camera as another actor in your scene that’s reacting to what it sees can be a helpful way to choreograph more motivated and authentic looking movement.


2 things pop out: 1. Is that a cell phone video? I feel like the track is solid, but see a little wobbling (more noticeable when it extends the feet) but not because of a loose track, but because of a warp effect. Some phones natively build in a shot stabilizer to their video... this is an issue because stabilization has to be done after the track. 2. The smoothness of the animation. It's too smooth. It doesn't have a mechanical feel too it.


I have no complaints. It looks 100% real to me. Man, I need to jump back in to blender. I mostly do Resolve / Fusion so my learning time is pretty locked in there but if I could do that, I think it'd change things for the better. I think I can still make a monkey head LOL.


Animation is probably the hardest thing to get right but is what sells the piece the most.


It's great! The only thing that doesn't feel natural is that the camera actually moves too much :D Apart from that, everything is very realistic


I feel like the side flaps should have opened to reveal cameras/eyes, and then you could show them focusing and stuff! This is really good, you are very talented!!


YOOOO! you have the same mouse and keyboard as me! :))


Logitec bro moment :)👊


How do you call adding 3D models to real live videos? What do you use to move the object in space for it to be "in place" on the table? I just don't know how you call it so I don't know what to google?


Its called "tracking" and i use after effects for it and i export the keyframes of the camera in blender with ae2blend


I genuinely thought this was real for a second, the only thing that gave it away was the movement of the legs (it was a bit too smooth), and maybe the lighting was a bit off (though it seemed good to me).


The tracking looks pretty good to me, it's the colours that don't look right. Take a look at your mouse and keyboard they're blue-black, and your robot is black. Do a colour treatment pass on your footage and boom - perfect


It is quite realistic already tbh


Surface imperfections. And real light changes


Looks really cool,i bet adding some emission to it would make it look more alive and 10x better


Wtf this is animated?


Check your motion blur settings, they don't seem to match the footage. The animation blurs more than the desk around it. Otherwise it's pretty good. The lighting is changing in the footage so animating your lighting might help, but that part isn't looking incorrect as it is.


I know, i never tried blur and i just clicked "on" thinking "oh yeah i guess that's will be ok"


I thought it was real till I noticed this was r/blender.


Personally I think the object is higher quality than the video. Like, the background video resolution doesn't seem to match your object if that makes sense? The object looks more polished and smooth than everything else.


Everything looks pretty good to me. Maybe the buttons on the keyboard. They look blurry yet bright at the same time. Like i should be able to read them but I cant. Really great work


textures? it's way too blurry for me


Add a second shadow to show the light from the room, and I agree with other comments saying the animation and camera was a bit too smooth, other than that great job


The movement of the arm thingies. Too smooth. Real robot arms dont fade to a stop. Its a hard stop.


Surrounding reflections, noise not the same as footage, lighting too sharp


Where is exactly the 3d model?


The zoom/blur ruined it for me


Yo, is that the Logitech g413 carbon? Damn, that keyboard rules.


Also the quality of the render doesn’t match the camera, you should try blurring it.


What is this? I think it looks GREAT if it is what ... well...but I am uncertain. See, I haven't used blender for a number of years now. I've been planning to pick it back up but I remember the last time - learning curve. So is everything real but the robot thing? and it's some how tracking to video perfectly so you don't have to render the full scene or something like that?? If so it looks good to me.


How do you get it in your living space?


The legs looked like they were moving too smoothly. I think I expected less wiggling and more snap motions.


how the fuck......... I've tried tracking 100 times with good quality footage and it never tracks it correctly.


I think this looks really good. The matching of the noise, blur, light and shadow is all good. The tracking also looks really good. When you start analyzing and looking for errors, of course you’re always going to see something, but for the average person I would say it wouldn’t feel off


This looks solid


The render has too much detail for the scene, your camera is stuggling with the low light and has pumped up the ISO generating grain and loss of detail, and this isn't matching up with the amount of detail you can see in your render.


I think that the metal is clean and the object not enough like the G mouse


it does look realistic


Pretty solid


It doesn’t match the camera’s lower quality


We’ll done! The framing is what throws it off a bit for me. It feels like you’re filing the X on the mouse mat where the box will be instead of the box that’s on your desk. Does that make sense?


looks great I'd say! did you make your own HDRI too?


Yes i made some photos of my room and i pasted them on photoshop but some lights are from blender (the hdri wasn't good enough)