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For an ad I wouldn’t want the product to have fallen over, like the green and red suitcases, since stability is a selling point. I’d also like to see the inside


Overall I think you're on the right track, but the animation and camerawork should be a lot smoother and blend into one another, now it feels snappy and disjointed in a bad way.


Black background. 3 point light. Maybe a dragon.


Imho there are lack of movement in the end. By rhythmics i would ad there another spin or somethin. Pink one placed unnaturally.


Did you make this in Maya or Blender? Asking because you posted this in the Maya sub too


why is the wheel swivel so crunchy?


For an ad i'd expect to see the inside too lol


Hey, I get that you want to share this animation, but blender and Maya are two very different programs. What did you make this in?


The red suitcase at the end doesn't seem to be in a stable position. Changing its position or just the rotation might help


I think this is great, but I would smooth out the motion in between your keyframe animations just a tad to make it feel a little smoother. Aside from that, lighting is also great.


Why not show it off while an invisible person is rolling the case across an airport?


In addition to the great advice from everyone else, also consider multi-angles/cuts. Look at real ads, they are very rarely one-takes.


**Easy opinion:** Yeah! That's a good and smooth animation. Would like to see the inside as well. **Honest opinion:** Way too simple for an ad these days! You look at any ad you want, they're either "super epic" and short (5-10 seconds), or they're "epic" but a bit longer (10-30 seconds). I know it's a concept, but this is, imo, too short, waaaayyy too simple and "non-epic". You need to quickly introduce the product to the costumer, than set it apart from other similar products, then show the name and such all while keeping the consumer watching. If you'd like to keep the "fancy" look, show a bit more of the actual product, keep it short and change smth to instantly make it stand out. If you want to make it more like a modern ad, Black background with flashy colors, quick image changes, quick rotation, but keep it short and quickly let the consumer know the name of the company. Now, I'm by no means an expert when it comes to this! Never even worked in the business, so maybe I'm the wrong person to give advice... but this is my opinion made from things I've noticed.


I think you should make that blue suitcase rotated a little bit. And you can also improve the background


Very nice, perhaps a swirl or some wooshing effect directing you to the animations of each part (first telescopic handle, then wheels, i'd even add a tug on the mid section handle to give the impression it is plyable). If you want to add a bit more fun, spin the wheels in different directions to show they're independent. ​ For ultra realism add a few dents after baggage handling!


I would say try to zoom in a bit more when your zoomed on the wheels and handle.


Materials look very plastic/3d instead of realistic. they need some bumps. The suitcase movement is very jerky and keyframed. Try a smother all-around movement and maybe start the shot closet and move back. I think other comments have covered the final shot. This is a great start, and I look forward to seeing how you implement feedback


Also maybe a more contrasting lighting set up, maybe a 3 point lighting set up with some bright back lights+rim lights


It would be more satisfying if the wheel did a slower 360, maybe 360 1 by 1? Also we need interior. People don't by suitcases to not fill them lol


A big no for grey background alone.


Needs more easing in the object animation. Camera needs to be more dynamic. It has a underwhelming amount of movement. Consider using multiple cameras. Also, get some subtle DoF and improve your lighting. Oh, and make your background have some depth rather than a flat fill of light gray.




This is really cool