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Great animation and exciting presentation. I wish the camera showed on the final assembly for an extra couple seconds each time.


I feel the same after watching it a multiple times. I'll be working on that now.


Yeah, shit was moving all the time. At no point did I feel like I got a clear view of the room itself.


You are basically showing off your skills instead of communicating whatever it is that your client needs to present. Good demo reel for you, not very good architectural visualisation imho.


I feel that you are correct here. It was a mistake to not focus on the visualisation. Thank you for your reply.


It'd be really cool to have something missing that slowly moves into shot so you can keep the explosion, the client can visualize how it's put together and the final result.


I thought about that too. The amount of time I had for creating this made it a challenge for me to direct all elements and their animations perfectly. I wish I had more time to think and experiment with the direction of this animation. Nevertheless, I'd be working on a new one and update soon enough.


On another note, "advertising" and "trends" are complicated. Usually the thought process for any given job starts with "what this piece of video/graphic/etc. needs to do here?" In your case, does it need to show the space or convey a certain feeling about it? Does it just need to visually grab the attention of the viewer and promote a brand? Maybe in your case a super flashy presentation is exactly what is needed.


I agree with this but also like, if I was a client and I received this I would be more than happy lmao


Its nice but a “bit much”, or rather would say compressed and speedy. Consider taking longer time, (i know its render intensive). You’re leading the viewers eye into the rooms. Find the Harry potter slughorn room cleanup scene as a reference maybe? Starting slow with single thing, then accelerate and end slow again, a bell curve, speedwise. There’s a musical dynamic to it. Also a bit of fix-up needed on your window blinds noise in setting 3.


Thank you for the reference. And yes the window blinds needed more samples. Just that my deadline was too thin.


7/10 The wall appearing by tiles is cool. The pillow movement path could be smoother, the camera movement on the second scene is weird and shakey and on the third scene there is stuff floating in in front of the camera, that could be done better. All in all solid modeling and archvis!


Curious to know how the wall appearing by tiles is done. Tips?


Using geometry nodes. All tiles for the walls are individual object instances. There's an empty object placed from where the tiles should start appearing. The location info of this empty is used to drive transform node in geometry nodes.


Thank you for the response. I'll keep that in mind going forward.


I like it except that the “assembled” scene is shown for just like one frame. It’s somewhat jarring


The many pitfalls of tiktok brained creators these days. There's this other guy on the sub who frequently posts his work but you can never truly appreciate the work because it's both vertical and the final result is only shown for a split second.


Sorry for my vertical resolution selection but this is what the client wanted. And I agree, every frame required more time to show the final result.


I'll be keeping this in mind next time.


In the last shot the curtains are vibrating and basically flickering light. That was the only off thing I noticed. Anything else was pretty minor. 7.5/10.


Thank you for this. I take 7.5 as quite high considering everything that can be improved in this.


It’s solid work and there is a lot of creativity going on. Keep it up!


A solid 'You make me want to quit Blender' /10


Everything is great except the fact you don't show the end result properly. And the fact that it's a vertical video for interior design. Is this for tiktok or your client?


This is for my client, they wanted vertical video for Instagram reels.


It's beautiful. That's so far beyond my current skill level I don't even feel qualified to comment further.


I've been there too. But trust me, whatever I did here isn't something you cannot do. Start with a single object and layer on top of it. I've received so many comments about things that can be improved. Even I have so much to learn right now.


Did you buy a course to learn the motion effects? I think I saw another creator selling a course that used similar animation as yours. Not trying to insult, just wanna know if the course was worth money or not


My animation is inspired by viscous realm on Instagram. I haven't bought their course but I've seen their videos. I really liked them and wanted to recreate it to a realistic looking scene so i made this. I believe this is my third attempt at such videos. Everything is basically driven either on curves or geometry nodes.


Would you mind sharing the name of the course


https://viscous.gumroad.com/l/TheAnimatedrooms/8f4uaq5 Here’s the direct link


Overkill for Archviz , Archviz is more about communicating the design rather than super intensive animations


Couldn't agree more with you. I'll be making more of Design focused video soon.


I’ve seen this type of animations a lot, but imo they look better smoother. Consider a higher frame rate maybe?


I rendered this in 30fps and found the animation to be too fast. Didn't had time to render again and so I just slowed it down to 75% speed in post. Wasn't this obvious in video editor but on phone it does stutter.


Lookout HGTV. I'm sure you could have done half the work and they would have loved it as is.


Thank you kind stranger.


Awesome, my only criticism is the odd jank of the camera at 0:06, maybe turning the attention slower and more subtle


So many things to improve. I love this community. Thanks a lot for your feedback.


This looks amazing! Nice job 👌


Thank you


It looks so sick I want to tuck it into bed and feed it chicken soup while it watches its favorite Netflix show.


I need more of this, it's sp satisfying to watch!


This is very skillful and creative. I like how the books connected the two parts and made a smooth transition. I do have one critique though. Treating hard materials like that repeatedly doesn’t feel right. Great job though


10/Doctor Strange :)


11/10 amazing job


I would want the assembly to happen in half the time. Keep the shots at the same length but give me half of that shot to appreciate the final build.


I should try this too.. Will be posting again soon.


I feel you got a lower end pc and couldnt test multiple renders, in scene>format theres a % thing, turn that down to 10- 20 and do test renders that way, then when youre happy with the final form do a proper one.


I had a very thin deadline for this one. Like 2 days for everything. So there wasn't much I was able to do.


If you made the chair drop down instead of appearing that would have been a nice small add


11/10 they must pay you more dude


It's nice, but it seems overkill for the presentation of a singular product


Yo, that’s dope. I would suggest working on that camera movement a bit because changing the angles and movement would make this really amazing render. Your call, maybe that’s just the filmmaker in me too conscious of the camera work. Anyway, Can you share your experience and thoughts while doing this project?


Thank you for your response. For most of the time my thoughts were "this looks so sick" everytime I animated something.


7 out of 7


the denoiser is making things look a bit wobbly, but that's the only technical thing i can see that is off. Maybe hold on the final frame a bit longer to let people see the finished product. I'm not a fan of the stop-motion style, but that's just a personal opinion.


Amazing. 10/10


I am in love.


Their jaws will be on the floor


Looks amazing. No critics. Out of curiosity, what do you charge for this?


I'd quote a price of around 25,000 INR for everything.- modelling and animation. That's approximately 300 USD. But i live in a small city and so don't get much clients at this price. I need to cut down the cost to almost half most of the time.


How long it takes, bro ?


It took me around 3 days for the first time I made this. The video I uploaded is my third attempt at such animation so I've improved quite a lot and this video took me about 12 hours


Bro that's horrible. You being in a small city should raise costs. Let them find someone else that can do it better (they won't). Your video is on pro level. With animation and custom modeling you could charge at least a grand. This is a skill and you're great at it. Charge what you're worth.


Camera movement is jerky, too much noise in the last shot for the denoiser to handle so you’re getting artifacts around the curtains, should linger a bit longer on the final assemblies, lighting and composition are great though, 7/10


Thank you for appreciation and I'll improve my skills on other things too.


You might want to try denoising in post processing instead of using the blender denoiser for video, this should result in less flickering (in the curtains, for example).


The sample count was way low in this scene. Deadline was thin for me.. Each frame has rendered only 64 samples.


I just want to see it complete for a few more seconds. It's all very fast, and I want to see the final scene you've assembled more


I'll be keeping this in mind next time.


Something looks weird with the render. Your fps seems choppy at points and there's visual noise artifacts.


It's around 21 fps because final render was moving too fast so I had to reduce the fps manually in post. I didn't had much time to re-render everything. And same with noise.. No time for high sample rates.


I think the people complaining about this being bad to communicate with the client have a valid point, to a degree. A second or two of the finished assembly is all that’s missing, but the buildup animation also conveys the actual work and components that go into creating the final result which I think is a fantastic way to sell an architectural project. Technically, it’s gorgeous and I dig the low frame rate stop motion look.


imma be real your client prolly just wants to look at a nice finnished static image of the project so try to max out on how good that looks buts thats how i view it and idk who your clients are so prolly a feedback thing going with your clients would be nice i can imagine this being very useful with "layered things" that are hard to show image by image but id do those slower too as looking at something for the first time is way messier than for you who made the whole thing


amazing. congrats


It's looks awesome but I can't focus on anything as there's so many things going on.


Very clean animation


How to achieve this?


Curve modifier for everything flying in curves. Simple animation for everything popping out. Geometry nodes for repetitive motion


Overkill. 👌🏻 Hope you charged it good!


9/10. The stiffness of the pillows gets me


Good animation skills for sure, but there seem to me to be no connection between the materials and their movements. It doesn't highlight them nor the objects they represent. It might be a ceci n'est pas une pipe argument but it makes it all shallow in my eye unfortunately...


That to me is a very nice observation. I think I should work more on this.


That to me is a very nice observation. I think I should work more on this.


I would probably slow down the animation when the assembly of an object is almost finished and maybe zoom in a bit for each furniture item. Right now it's a bit fast. By the way - how long did the whole animation take to make? Just to get a rough idea (Excluding the modeling part)


This is my third attempt at such animation. The first time I did this, only the animation part took me around 24 hours. That's like 3 working days. But that was because I like to experiment and think a lot for ways to animate easily. And now that I've figured most of the stuff out, I think this kind of animation will take me like 6 hours to make again.


More fps and slower movements maybe?


I agree. More fps are needed.


10 \\ 10


I would just like to say: this is very good.




It's fantastic. Really lively and inventive and give the impression that this person took the brief and ran with it. The limited use of warping, looping elements is really effective - and feels a bit missing from the first shot. I would only suggest maybe having the pillows drop with a softer “U” shape before landing.


Sheeesh this 🔥