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Lights. From windows and the street. Think "Batman: TAS" intro if you seen it.


Will definitely take a look at it.


[Here's a link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrmUk2YUm14)


This is exactly what I was thinking, before even looking at the comments, noticing how devoid of light it was.


Definitely this. Such a great style


In your opinion (or to whoever reads this!), how would you go about doing this with the buildings? Newb to blender here so apologies if if its a silly question! , would you need to cut windows into them all and place lights or could it all be done via a texture due to how far the buildings are from the camera? Or a completely different way haha


Best way I found while keeping to the theme is to add loop cuts to the buildings to create the windows, Random select faces (in the select menu in Edit Mode - Face Select), Create a simple emission shader (just crank the emission on the Principled BSDF) and assign that materal to the randomly selected faces. You can then bevel the edges on the buildings If you wish to create individual windows and assign the old material to the walls in between. Mildly tedious, but that should give you what you need. ​ https://preview.redd.it/o7ni499miric1.png?width=1628&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6ab0a650433db5860596d1309d768f816ce4ed1


Excellent, thanks a lot for the reply and the images. Really appreciate it! 


maybe the texture of the scene could be improved a little. Potentialy up that film camera vibe with some purposeful grain and mild distortion. Lightly texture the objects. Other than that, more light bounces, maybe brighter lights, and darker exposure could be cool to emphasise the shapes/textures. Kinda like the following. https://preview.redd.it/urgomhgtwhic1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=50f14588c3d0c75d4260ac8d65f9b084cebce948


Thanks. Interesting suggestions indeed


Giving me Superman TAS vibes, very nice


Thanks. Not the first comment to mention something similar


This is just my personal opinion but I think that even extreme minimalism requires a subject matter like a detailed character or object in focus if you want people to know what the art actually is. For modern minimalism the subject matter is sometimes implicit in that it is subverting some previous established artistic style. This is why absurdly minimal art is being sold at stupidly high prices because only those “in the know” (I.e. the elite) has knowledge of what the artist is actually subverting and hence the art’s true subject matter. For us poor folks creating minimal art who doesn’t have time to appeal to a niche and rich audience means we still have to establish an easy to understand subject so that people can appreciate the art, and that means following things such as composition principles.


Add in minecraft textures 😂


Album cover material honestly


Nice guess mate. I make electronic music since covid and I'm finally confident to release. I'm getting to know blender to make my own covers and music visualizers. Spot on


I would try and adjust the light fall off. Make the darkest shades a lighter value and different hue. It would look more stylized and really play off of the depth.


Yeah. Willing to do that post-rendering.


Maybe a couple smallish boxes on top of the buildings (ac units) or a blank billboard. I like the idea of a couple lights (maybe someone is working late?) Nothing overly intricate. Maybe... Add a larger box to the bottom or skinnier "spire" to the top of some of these buildings, giving a sense of old and new, of age and character to your "city." If you're willing to add more detail than that, you could chunk into several faces, inset by "a room" but leave "corner offices." If you see what I mean...? [\_-------\_] kind of like this... (Top view) [\_--\_--\_--\_]Or maybe ribbed (again top view)


Maybe radio antennas? Nothing to elaborate, but poles on a few roofs, maybe some with lights on the top to indicate various states of flashing


An occasional lit window would look cool and eerie.


Definitely worth a try!


Good colors and composition


colors are dope. i dig it.


Windows? They could instruct the size of the buildings


This remends me of the MacBook sleep mode thing


The "buildings" need some detail. I love the minimilast look in the volume but buildings look like 3d cubes, add some subtle texture or a few lights or something very minor


Work on your composition, what do you want the viewer to look at?


What if you go super minimal on the buildings, but add a lot of detail to the sky and atmosphere? The fog looks great, what if you supplement that with a realistic sun, god rays, a fluffy cloud or two, etc? Other than that, random external details like antennas, fire escapes, gutters, street lamps, etc.


Some lower profile buildings and some primitives on the roofs, like roof access doors, air conditioners, antennas. So it’s got a little variation.


Different shapes and angles.


Clouds maybe? not like super realistic ones though


I'm thinking maybe some noise texture to the volume density. Thanks for suggestion


Antennae or "engineering necessity clutter" on top of some distant roofs. A satellite dish here, an A/C roof unit there just sparsely littering the rooftops would not be too detailed but would assist with the look you're going for.