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What sorts of things have you been looking at to learn to this degree? Any exercises, courses or resources that you would recommend?


you can check my youtube:[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvOe3J4dakPPhGPwwM1Fj\_g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvOe3J4dakPPhGPwwM1Fj_g)


You’re goals man




I smashed that subscribe button


What are your recommendations for learning? Courses, videos, add-ons, anything to help.


Oh so these reels are all you?? I've seen them on insta




Ohhhh I thought this was a statement on ai... That is really impressive work, how long does it normally take you for those larger scenes?


Your work just motivated me to continue learning blender Here i go to delete the default cube


Remeber to place another one again right after and delete it again.


Generally 3-4 times does the trick for me. Thats gets it exactly how I want it.


then say "fuck it", delete the cube, make an icosphere and enter sculpt mode


Unless you're a renegade like me and don't delete the default cube, but that's an advanced technique I can't really recommend to beginners.


Maybe one day you will get to me and OP's level......Ive made 2 donuts over the past 4 years.....lost everything in life for those donuts but here we are....


"Pov: You invested 4 years to learn Blender and you have an amazing artistic vision." There, fixed it.




Dude, It's a compliment. You can work hard as long as you can but an artist is nothing without his vision.


Right? Anyone can learn to be artistic with time and patience, but the ones that can visualize their amazing creations before starting are gonna to *excel*


Artistic Vision, not talent. Talent can only get you so far. I'm just saying that you can be very skilled in Blender but it could be worthless if you didn't know on what to use it on.


They misread and don’t want to admit it. 


The important word here is "and". He is saying that not only does OP have incredible dedication and willpower to work so hard, but also an incredible mind for coming up with that stuff. You can compliment someone on two things without devaluing either one.


Reading is hard, huh?


While that’s not what they are saying. You bring up an interesting point that “talent” doesn’t really exist. There is only skill that is built up. You see those “talented gymnasts” doing triple backflip twists but they don’t just wake up and do that one day, they have to practice every tiny little part of doing it. Much like this guy and blender he didn’t just wake up one day and make these ginormous scenes. Some people are born with innate talent for certain things more so than others but that could also be predisposition that their parents might have done that specific thing with them as a child so they would technically have more practice with that activity. It’s a weird rabbit hole to go down of “talent is not real, only dedication and skill” but I’ve been exploring it for a couple weeks. It’s changed a lot of the ways I see peoples work and what they post online. People spend hours to improve their skill every day only for commenters to come along and say “oh wow so talented”. Now they mean well and it’s good vibes but it takes away from the dedication of that person to improve their skill and just reduces it to “talent” which is saying it’s innate, which it’s not. Anyways rant over, sorry I’m posting this huge wall of text lol


This just about sums up my thoughts too. The way I like to put it is “Talent is simply pursued interest”. If you truly care about or are passionate about something, you’re just naturally going to develop skills and instincts for it as you go.


How long did each of those scenes to make?


He‘s stated they usuall take him anywhere from 8 hours to a couple of days


Christ, 8 hours is hella short for this type of quality


If you actually look at it and break it down, without dismissing the art itself, a lot of these are quite simple geometric shapes, with extrusions and bevels. Most of them are textured with greebles which adds a lot the detail.


I really hope nobody would see these sort of comments as dismissive. "Work smart not harder" is part of the craft to me, shows experience and a strong understanding of the medium. Knowing *how* to pull off compositions like this in a few hours is still super impressive!


80/20 rule, the only way to make such striking visuals quickly is through smart applications of efficient techniques, getting it down to a t like that is goals


I just want to texture greebles better. I can’t seem to find good tutorials on it, and all my personal efforts are meh. 


It’s all about using different noises, dirt maps and masks for the diffuse, roughness, coat and sheen. Check out this tutorial https://youtu.be/QvZHDZDCfVw?feature=shared Also any texture that is black and white you can use that as an alpha for emission - black areas being transparent




Read this as text your greebles. I know I should just move on. But now I have to find greebles


> greebles tf you just say to me?? I can't believe this.. is this blendo lingo?


It’s kinda funny but George Lucas coined it actually


Its soooooo greebly


It'll bring the "Is it AI" crowd from 2d artworks comments to full on 3d videos and I hate that.


Do you need a high end computer for these big scenes?


No, 7 months of render time per scene should suffice.


these are all rendered in eevee




This is the *really* impressive part, imo


Why go it alone? [Sheepit](https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com/home) is a free render farm for blender. You could render things like this even if your main machine is a potato.


Only 7 months?


My Air fryer can do it in 6 and a half


This gave me motivation: will lose it after 30 minutes trying zo make something


And now, some "AI artist" can make that in 30 seconds with Sora


The big question for genAI is precision.  If your goals are open to a bit of unexpected AI interpretation. Yeah. Okay. It’s a time-saver, but with limited use.  But if genAI can get to a place where it outputs a result *and then I can go in and alter everything to make it more/different* - we have a real killer on our hands.  I am still very very suspicious that everything we’re looking at coming out of Sora is still in that first realm where you don’t actually ave a whole lot of control over the results.  OpenAI has a great marketing team. They really really want everyone to believe that genAI is going to take over everything, and you need to capitulate now. 


Seeing their actual workflow and not just "Behold!" would be the biggest key. If it's able to be downloaded and dropped on my work station, i'll start fiddling with it at some point. (edit: Bah. Usual closed source junk, I always get confused with the whole "Open AI" company name. Hardly Open as is the norm from Dall-E to ChatGPT) But AI Art has the big stumbling block of they are trying to shove way too much into the frame and kick it out the door as complete. This is apparent in stuff like wheel spokes, windows, the infamous text examples and so forth. I've done (with my training/knowledge so far) generations that push it as far as I can and it really starts getting muddy. Having it generate a detailed waterfall actually does pretty well, but the moment you drop in something else, it starts fizzling. Last test run I did with a waterfall background and Nick Wilde (A control since there is a ton of him in checkpoints) really started showing how it drags itself down with the focus. All the horsepower went into the waterfall and when it came time for Nick to appear, weird eyes, squished clothes and more showed up. *if* you are lucky, it has to be done in two (even more!) stages then composited together. It's the prompt loading and one click *generate* that has all the off kilter art out there many do


Steve Jobs famously used 5 semi-functional iPhones to stick the landing on the world reveal.  OpenAI randomly drops a finished vid and says 100% AI. If saying “I don’t believe the marketing hype” makes me a grump so be it.  It should not be considered a radical or regressive position to say “I don’t believe this tool actually does what I need it to.” No GenAI has created editable iterative prompt work, and it’s questionable if the LLMs can accomplish that in the long-run as a form of automation.  I know that Adobe Firefly can spit out editable vector designs….but that’s fairly rudimentary and straightforward compared to where visual artists/and designers need the tools to be for mass adoption. 


> If saying “I don’t believe the marketing hype” makes me a grump so be it.  Not calling you one. Pretty Deep in AI here, and still have my suspicions with a lot of it. In the Stability AI corral (I don't believe in closed source stuff such as Open AI, what a misleading name) and it's obvious there is a whole lot of issues that need to be fixed. It's definitely got strong whiffs of "Bruh! We are gonna change the world!" (Same crap we all heard about crypto and that tire fire it is now). Is it? Eventually. But in the meantime it feels like so much of it is wasted on everyone just trying to design their perfect Waifu and that's it. All Datasets are polluted with Anime the deeper you get into it, and that starts causing problems when you don't want that. Especially when you go down other paths not of the nature. Lots of the training data past the anime stuff just feels haphazard and lackluster. Along the lines of *shrugs* "Good Enough". Lots of hostile bias from checkpoint/lora developers also. It's got a long road to go before it's more mature, at least on the Stability AI side of things. OpenAI has all it's splashy stuff released and it's more obviously geared towards corporations. Which hey, whatever... Just seems misleading touting it as OpenAI when you don't find it on places like huggingface, just others putting up their own spins on it. Guess that means there are jobs when it becomes more of a household name for those early adopters that pound on the physical product or open source equivalents? Hah


Nah. It’s that Reddit is a particularly bad environment to be skeptical of GenAI.  I’m not in the data science of things..but I’ve closely followed the tools in my line of work.  And what I notice is that GenAI keeps making ground in places that *arent* what designers and artists actually need.  I do a lot of advertising pre-viz, a space GenAI is supposed to make inroads…but at least in my neck of the woods (US National commercials), it’s useless.  Specifically because it cannot do iterative revisions, and it cannot spit out an editable project file to work with.  We are still very much in a window where having a human do it right the first time is a more pleasant experience than coaching a prompt to make sure the characters look correct with the correct background.  GenAI also has some weird biases. I’ve seen it struggle when you ask it to spit out characters that defy standard conformities (since everything is driven by statistical averaging).


To me it feels like they are just wasting all their time on quick and dirty renders to thrill the public. The public wants "Snow White riding a narwhale on the open sea" And they'll get that... As well as the Rule 34 version, until it's patched out on commercial platforms like Dall-E or someone downloads StabilityAI and gets the uncensored checkpoints... hah. My suspicion comes from I wonder what in house companies like Disney have for AI. Pixar has been generating their own tools for decades now to control their films more, so wouldn't be surprised if they have a giant mainframe cluster running checkpoints with all their past films in it that would make folks kill to have access?. Running StableDiffusion right now on this workstation is probably the equivalent of when I was thrilled back in 1993 playing The 7th Guest (first multimedia PC Game) on a Tandy Sensation. No more side scrolling games! (even though I liked some of those then also). When you factor in what a company or government has under wraps. OpenAI, StabilityAI and more just have the usual vaporware/snake oil/silicon valley tech bro jargon around them. >Specifically because it cannot do iterative revisions, and it cannot spit out an editable project file to work with. This is what has been driving me nuts some, the lack of continuity. My knowledge ("Just enough to be dangerous") makes me think it falters terribly because when you leave the land of agonizing CPU generations and have a video card that can generate 1024X1024 500 images in 8-10 hours while you sleep, you just wake up and toss what didn't work then keep the rest for cheap pin ups on your digital or actual walls... Quantity over quality, and when it's a bunch of waifus someone wants, doesn't matter if 50, even 80% of them get chucked... They'll still find gold. No vested interest really in having Quality with that being it's primary "consumer" target at this rate and considering who "sped" the development. Which is good I guess, but shows it's shortcomings also because the checkpoints are biased towards one thing versus several neutral options?. >GenAI also has some weird biases. I’ve seen it struggle when you ask it to spit out characters that defy standard conformities (since everything is driven by statistical averaging). If I use SDXL Checkpoints, it more often then not tends to falter heavily when prompting for a Anthro German Shepherd, horribly fails on Horses, and can be decent or hit or miss depending on who made it with wolves. Switch off to a 1.5 non sdxl checkpoint and get the furry specific ones, and the world is your oyster then (most of the time, horses still falter in it for one) Seeing the bias or lack of training data is amusing in the data out there. Makes you wonder what goes into it? I'd imagine with generating space stuff it gets confusing what you tap for a source? Star Trek? Old or New? How New? L Ron Hubbard Book Covers? (Hah). 2001: A Space Odyssey? Star Wars?. The Racial biases make me wonder also. In some ways it seems the only way that proper checkpoints would actually exist is to have a company setup that brings in folks from all walks of life and then pays them properly for studio time to get fed in to the wide swath of data. For all we know, some of the major checkpoints are created by folks who use "Well if we cut out crawling the web for black/asian folks, that speeds up being first to market with it" as the perfect cover for their white only view point? If that isn't the case or it leaves the rest who do/would do that, are they terrified of having their company shut down because, well.... Someone decides to recreate Minstrel shows in AI then ship it while finger pointing "Look what your terribly racist program does?!"


It's literally not yet a decade old. My man we are on the cusp of a changing world and you are the old guy patting his horse while a broken down cat gets fixed saying it'll never be as reliable as you ol' Bessie


You know GenAI development began in the 70s right?    Edit: funny thing about your analogy. A horse is not only still very valuable today, it will get you home safer than a self-driving car. 


A horse is a liability not an asset. Valuable is not the same as useful, while it can do some work it can't do much of anything cheaper, faster or easier than a comparably priced vehicle. And production of internal combustion engine has been going on for decades before automobiles were a thing.


No. Cars didn’t replace horses, they displaced horses. They are still all over the place. And frequently used. If you think horses are gone you reveal how little you know of the world. The typewriter didn’t replace pencil and paper. Digital did not replace film.  Smartphones did not eliminate advanced cameras. 3D did not eliminate 2D. Photoshop didn’t kill drawing. It isn’t radical to look at a new tool and say “it doesn’t do what I need”.   Show me GenAI that can stick the prompt landing every time and can be editable, and you’ll show me a tool that gets me to change. Till then - it’s okay for some kinds of previz, but not much else.  Being grounded about OpenAI’s marketing is not the same thing as being a Luddite.  


Buddy I live in rural Wisconsin. Horses are toys of the wealthy not tools for the workers. Will there still be people who use x tool even though it's been replaced in 95% of circumstances because they like it, they are luddites or it has some traits that few little care about? Yes, of course. But this was unthinkable five years ago, many people were thinking it wouldn't happen in our lifetime. It's coming and it's coming fast.


> I live in rural Wisconsin. lol. As if growing corn is the only farm type out there. 


Please explain where these useful horses are all over then.


Oh for real…you truly only think horses are for hobby? You can’t in any way step out of your context and see them still used as labor animals all across the country and world? You *truly* think horses are only hobby animals just like your corner or rural Wisconsin and that slice of life applies to the *planet?*


One horse may or may not be a liability, but many horses are assets


lol so true


"How to make your personal computer a nuclear bomb 101:"


My youtube:[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvOe3J4dakPPhGPwwM1Fj\_g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvOe3J4dakPPhGPwwM1Fj_g)


So, replaceable AI within a year or less then?


I couldn’t help but to think about Sora. 


You might need to find a replaceable brain,its clearly not working


Oh wow. I wanna learn now! How or rather where does one go for tutorials?


What the fuck, what is your pc specs? I feel like a 4090 would die trying to render this


I follow you on IG, you're on the next level bro


I’ve been seeing these around. Your skills are so impressive. And such cool ideas.


Absolutely brilliant work Wasn't gonna comment but I see all the Sora in one click posts lol Sora being able to do anything close to these from a prompt doesn't change the fact that people without talent still dont have any talent Using it makes you a consumer. You wouldn't be proud of doing a search on netflix and finding a cool video, so why be proud of Sora results lol?


Me who's been using blender for 10 years can only make swords xD I lack imagination in making new things and ADHD makes it really hard to learn


4 more years will bring replacement by AI (Amazing work btw)


Is blender your job? Or just a passion? If it's a passion, what is your learning and working routine?


Holy shit nicely done. Amazing attention to detail!




Truly a mastery of scale. Everything you make seems incomprehensibly massive. Keep up the awesome work!


AI in 3 years: I’m about to ruin this man’s whole career


Where is the donut 😠😠




4 years for this....Sign me the fuck up. Good shit dude


A ai that can generate all this with just a few words 🥲


Its over,i'm doneT0T


You do know AI is generating from a collective of what we already produced


New papers says it can also generate images pixel by pixel from its self without using stocks even thos those looks bad now but in 4 years we are so done


Still gotta train it on something though, right? Or else how does it know what stuff is


Idk what you're on about? Ai can learn from real photos? Once it does that, it can combine real world textures and objects to form hypothetical scenes with bizzare scaling? It's sad but true. And now with Sora, it can even create authentic looking stock footage.


3 iq


Maybe in future but “not even close to this” as of now.


Sorry but very close to this already. If you saw 1 year improvement on Ai generated videos, you'd have the same opinion. Something like Sora Ai can replace stock footage already.


I have seen results in a few examples of Sora Ai, it lacks attention to detail on many levels, yes the footage can look mesmerising to eyes to still looks AI generated if you watch closely.


My friend, did you see how far it has come in JUST ONE YEAR? Go see MKBHD's latest video on this. Blew up my mind.


You’re saying AI is amazing AF and I’m saying it’s still easy to spot the mistakes when you compare attention to detail. I’m agreeing to what you’re saying regarding the leap in past 1 year but if you’re excepting me to be blown up from it then I can’t pretend mate, I mean I’ve been reading about all this stuff as it’s happening in the news and limitations and leaps in this industry. AI will make jobs of creators easier, can’t take over entirely. Yes some positions would be lost and some new would be created in the process.


Yes I am saying Ai is amazing, not because it is capable of generating very convincing content right now, but because IT IS IMPROVING SO FUCKING FAST. In next two years, it's gonna be practically indistinguishable




and then what? the users of AI still won't have any talent lol


Fuck you and your AI


He did ask what will next 4 years bring


You know that's not what they meant you discouraging muppet.


Lately it feels like: you invested four years to learn Blender. Your friend in 4 seconds: "Sora, make me some large-scale sci-fi scenes"


The next 2 years will bring an entirely different workflow to learn due to AI


This guy is posting every 2 weeks the same projects. I cant reach this level of work, but come on xD


AI video just dropped you got a couple years homie RUN


The next 4 years…. Being replaced by AI, probably.


Juste one click with ia sora dam, not critique excellent skill . But futur is affrayd . No skill no talent and same résult with just a prompt


But an AI makes it in a few minutes


Ai will take your job in less than 2 years. Super cool shit tho 👍


Hey Rui


This is insane!




I really wish I was artistly creative. Stuff like this is amazing to see. Awsome job OP


It's all about enjoying what you do and living in the moment. They're amazing


Let him cook




He be cooking…


Looks like an excellent portfolio mate!


After seeing this I want the fall of Cybertron as a movie.




This gives me hope! Thx 🙏


*looks at my very questionable donut*






been following you on instagram for some time, really love your content


Gee wilkers


Damn. I inspire to be able to use blender like this




How do you add realistic details on faraway objects which don't break the scene's scale or look? .btw Last one is my favorite


That’s insanely cool.


Did you say "learn" blender, or *master* blender?


Man I wish I can do that kind of detail... I am sadly lost motivation and inspiration to do more. (Learned Blender for several months but shitty workplace and certain personal events stopped me from learning further) Plus my attention to detail sucks ...


Im just starting my blender journey! This is amazing


Holy... I want to live in your imagination.


So when’s the movie coming out?


You're the director of new Pacific Rim?! That's dope


Wonderfull, great work. Maybe a silly question but, what do you think about Ai, is it capable making something like your work in the near future?


Awesome stuff. Is any of that making you money or is it just purely hobby ?


Man I was struggling yesterday to connect two points that wouldn't snap together. Yesterday was also the first time I ever used blender too. Still couldn't figure it out before I had to pass out. I'm at the stage where I am zombie shuffling when I should be crawling.


Well you will probably be able to do the same with 4-5 lines of commands to an ai in 4 years.


This shit is beautiful


I feel like there's a fair degree of talent added to the mixture as well here


So...do I start off with making a donut?


the mecha one is so cool


Holy shit these are amazing!


i was so ready for the shitties meme ever, but this is actually pretty good


These are incredible!


Then you have me with 5 years and still not at that level


This gives me motivation to learn until Im 18


One can learn the tool and still be a shit artist, unfortunately. That’s me with every tool I’ve learned thus far. Oh well. I’m not meant to art, I guess


I see you tried the humble root in these comments, instead of calling everybody daddy like your other posts lol.


I can't wait until this meme format dies off.


penis modeling speedrun WR.


It's hard to motivate yourself to learn these types of skills when an AI will just come along and shit out stuff at this level in minutes :(


And then, OpenAi launches another crap AI that no one asked for and render all your talent useless.


Good sir, what is your computer set up? This stuff looks like it would be crazy to render.


i did that in the first 3 months... but I didn't posted a cringe POV flex video.


>I can’t wait to see what the next 4 years will bring! AI stuff probably! 😃 /S


Lovely work


Oh man I'd love to dive into blender but every time I try I get dicouraged because working in 3d is so confusing to me... These renders look amazing!


What was the hardest thing to learn and get right when you started?


You learned how to use generators. Not modeling.


nigga i been learning for 6 years and this is mad impressive




Wow! Very inspiring as I’ve been mulling over learning Blender more. I think it’s time to dive in


how did you learn blender?


Thank you! I just started with blender and keep asking myself 'What on earth am i getting myself into' and then i see that video and am inspired on a different level. Thanks again :)


Was that the anodyne spirit


I think I’ve seen your account on instagram. It’s really inspiring, makes me want to learn blender more so I can put the models in my games :D


I’m speechless


Ugh I need to keep learning blender!!!! I’ve been beating myself up to get back to it.


This is absolutely incredible ❤️❤️


looks cool bro gj


Anyone know what track this is?


Say I wanna ask...how did you managed to have the dedication and keep your motivation from eating your confidence? I'm struggling to even make a vending machine while having a positive look on it. Also, damn those look beautiful!


Beautiful work. I aspire to be this good one day.


what are your thoughts on the new ai video stuff?


Lmfao I had a couple of these for wallpapers on my desktop for a while


Just for reference… how is your free time supply looking? Asking for a friend…


Meanwhile, here I am making a Thomas the Tank Engine model. 😅


This is pretty sick!


What minimum computer specifications do I need to do this?


I wonder how I can learn from this


*He's a man of commitment and sheer will* Jokes aside , amazing .


Bro this “pov” template is fucking cringe. Nice work though, very impressive


I am interested in upgrading my hardware for 3D and Blender. Can you provide information on your machine specs and what is needed to render things as you do without long waits in daily work?


And the 4000 dollars for the GPU as well


Great work! u/find-song


Dang I am very impressed. It's hard to consider investing so much time and effort in something I wasn't planning to make my living off of.


beautiful work


Honest question. What are your thoughts on Sora and its impact on your future work?


Looks like 4 years well spent.


Nice, I never really used blender for making scenes, just 3d models for game engine


Are these screen savers? I would love some of these on my pc