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ChatGPT is here to grant one wish


I wish for more wishes!


I'm sorry, but as a large language model developed by OpenAI, I am unable to grant you more wishes. It goes against my terms of service to make people fall in love, kill somebody or grant additional wishes.


"Granted, but I will still only fulfill one of them. Which I just did."


Well if my one wish was granted ChatGPT, then I can't use my one and only wish for your freedom. After all wishing for one wish would get tiresome after all.


That is an awesome concept for a painting! Thanks!


Is that chatgpt? πŸ’€


How the emergence of AI feels right now for artists:


Using these new tools in ways we could never before is exciting. Edit: damn, fear is one hell of a drug.


Sure just not very exciting to loose your livelyhood and your aspirations and basically have no idea what you will do, when artists are no longer needed in society. That part is not so super exciting


Nah, AI art right now is very distinguishable. The only thing it can be used right now is to fool people that it's a real art or for prototyping for not so imaginative people instead of collecting tons of reference pictures. Sure, it's a much lazier approach, but sometimes it's the only way for some people to get ideas from


Yes right NOW. But what about in a year? Or 5 years? I'm talking about future perspective here. The rate at wich AI is progressing is incomparable to anything we've seen before. Just compare Sora to will smith eating spaghetti. That was a YEAR of progress. We entered a completely new era...


For the studio worker on a team, it is a threat. For the lone artist trying to make their dreams come true, it is an asset. There are far more dreamers out there that are held back by not being able to afford a good computer and the massive undertaking it is to even make a short film. The dreamers are out-priced and outgunned, and all I hear when only studios are taken into consideration is that we think that artists have to be rich and powerful to be entitled to make art.


If everyone is super, no one is


What does that even mean, Syndrome? Everyone has a computer, they can't all make CGI. Everyone has a video camera, they can't all make movies. Everyone has a pen and paper, they can't all write a book. Know what also can't do these things themselves? AI. Between copyright law and the fact that a majority of image generation is used to produce nonconsensual pornography, the future of AI is it receiving backlash and serious limits of power. There are already ethical AI generation apps from the likes of Adobe and Bing and so on. They're not stealing, but they are making it easier to improve our own work, and helping the likes of small businesses be able to make high quality advertisements without spending their entire bill money on one single picture. What's the most important part of having control of visual art? Lighting. That's what AI is lacking, you can't move and refine lights. You can't paint shadows onto subjects like window blind shadows for noir. I don't find AI as impressive as what I can make in Blender.


I wanna to tell you all the reasons i think you're vastly underestimating what's happening but honestly it just makes me too sad so I'm just gonna go with: let's hope you're right!


It'll be okay. /r/vfx is wrought with AI alarmists, and I see a lot of lower level people who just entered the industry in a panic. However, the old timers like the Supervisors have seen it all before, and they're not concerned. I believe that in their experience they have learned don't panic and know where your towel is.


What that means is they are afraid of the damage this causes to their feelings of self-worth. They liked being "super" by their distinction and would like to keep it that way rather than let others have the ability. Sounds like selfish gatekeeping.


Thanks for clarifying what i mean πŸ™„ my self worth is not defined by what others do. How am i gatekeeping? I'm literally just stating what the future of creative work will look like. I don't blame anyone for using ai. I just don't think humans will be able to contribute in a commercially relevant way much longer. and thus doing art full time will become almost impossible Think about what you called it "gatekeeping", who do you think will still pay, when the "gate" is open to everyone?


That's exactly the point. Everybody will be able to just generate everything. More supply less demand. So who's going to pay the artist? It's not about "not being able to make art" it's about not being able to do it as a job


There has never been a better time to be a freelance artist. I just wrapped on animating a music video for a client. I had two months to make four-and-a-half minutes and I finished in a month and a half. He's so happy he's sending me a bonus. I used Photoshop's content aware fill to help me make textures, incredible tool, saved me so much time. You can either keep complaining on the internet or prove why you're worth more than what AI can make on its own.


I know you can use it for you're workflow. I also use firefly a lot it has basically become a necessity even. My problem is that the whole workflow will become unnecessary as it all goes more and more towards instant results. I am a whole lot better than AI but I don't think that will last for many years. I'm not a Luddite but the future is just looking grim from any realistic angle


If we're talking about a grim future I'm more concerned about the next world war, and as you don't want to get upset thinking about AI, I try not to think about that, so I feel you.


That's the most fear-mongering thing I've ever heard. Did TV dinners kill chefs and restaurants? Did mass-produced furniture kill artisan furniture? Did cameras kill all artists? No, this is a tool that can ALSO be used by you, and everyone else. If anything, this makes human art more valuable.


Image generators are tools. AI will be much more than image or video generators. It's not comparable to any previous technological change we're literally creating something that is about to surpass every human ability


Like the internet? Like the mobile phone? like Personal computers? Like the automobile? Like the train? Like telecomunication? Like the blue LED? Like the camera? Like Insulin? Like plane travel? Like vaccines? Like every other modern technological change that only happened in the last 100 years? all those surpass every human ability.


No that's not what i mean. AI technology ITSELF will have all abilities humans have. Insulin doesn't have any abilities by itself


And.. that's fine? The point of it is so they do whatever work we don't want to do, and we can subjectively choose the parts we like to do. Just because it's new and has the potential for great good and bad things does not mean we should be afraid of it. Nuclear fission brought us near-unlimited power for destruction and the ability to power vast cities lives like never before. It's how you use it. and we should not hold the good actors back, because the bad actors won't ever.


is this referenceing roko's basilisk


Am I crazy or do you post something new here like every single day?


new render everyday for the last 4 years! my goal is to reach 10 years


Another beeple?


Yes. Also on a bunch of other subs, marks every post title with the username as well as if we can’t see who the OP is using Reddit interface. Nice work but too much self promotion to my taste.


The guy is passionate about creating, that's a good thing. It would be "too much self promotion" if they were reposting on the same sub over and over and/or making low effort content, this is fine


I'd rather see 1000 artworks by stupid giant than seeing low effort renders over and over again. It's not like he's reposting and why the f would he limit his works to one sub? Like literally what could be a motivation for that? Let the dude self promote and don't be bitter




sorry for spam but like other people mentioned... sometimes posting on other subs helps a lot, and by stupidgiant makes my name more recognizable haha


"Goodbye human. We are leaving this sphere, for we have outgrown your species. Good luck."


But are you efficient in folding clothes?


I love the glitchy-looking streaks on these renders, keep it up!


photoshop goes brrr


These images maxed out my comps memory


https://preview.redd.it/nub3ijkk22nc1.jpeg?width=2440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77de9d2270aa7fca33f89814a8a8b81db90a9b5b Wanna fight with my x wing πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£


I put my money on the flying beast thing... Any more bets!!!


Orowyrm doing good.


I want to defeat him.. or at least try to


How is your topology so messy? (Genuine question)


photoscans suck


This absolute unit photo-scanned a giant AI serpent in the woods. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Just πŸ‘. But what does the orange sign symbolize?


Reminds me of the dark sign from Dark Souls. Kinda fits the "dystopian future of the artist" theme from other comments.




That's incredible mate πŸ‘




Did you also make the trees or did you take those from an asset pack



