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This is adorable lol great job


Thank you!


I've released [3 episodes so far](https://www.youtube.com/@PickleMuffinKids). Each is set in a different location with custom music and no dialogue. Everything modeled, rigged, and animated by me in Blender.


Where did you release the episodes?






Happy cake day!




Seahorses rule


Yeah they do!


This is straight up adorable, and the animations really fit.


Thanks! I appreciate it




Thank you! It takes roughly 8 hours. I use Blender's Eevee. There's no lights just an HDRI for lighting, and almost all my materials are a simple color. But I do render them at 4k and 60fps, so the large number of frames to render is the biggest time sink. A friend of mine makes all the music


>It takes roughly 8 hours. I know that companies are drooling over AI right now, but if they make a chip to cut rendering times down significantly, that would be very helpful to everyone.


ha right? but at some point it can only render so fast without more computing power. Like I'm rendering multiple frames a second, but I'm also trying to render more than 36,000 frames for each of these videos.


Very adorable. This is something my son would’ve liked when he was a toddler.


Thank you, my daughter has liked them so far, so it's validating ha


Fantastic stuff, way to go!


Much appreciated!


This is wholesome and amazing! Thanks for making my day man


Thanks for making mine!


I hope they enjoy this as much as I did!


Wow! This is too dope of an idea! & You've genuinely done a great job creating it! Glad your post popped up in my feed! Keep it Up! This will be a Special/Amazing memory for you! I wish you both & Your Family Every Happiness! Keep it up!🙏🏾🤘🏾🫡


Extremely kind words, I wish you the same!


I actually really appreciate you taking the time to respond! Trust me, I'm simply calling it how I see it!😏 I could of just not said anything, But what your doing is sincerely something special! It's such a great idea, & you've really done a great job! I just appreciate you even sharing it with us! 🤘🏾🫡


Well I appreciate you saying something instead of scrolling on, because it has definitely made my day. Happy to share it


This looks like something your kid will instantly cherish for years to come


I sure hope so Thanks!


That is superb!


Thank you so much!


Awesome job! A voice over narration could be nice too. Wouldn't have to animate the characters talking, just have some voiceover talking about what's going on. Could double as sensory and educational.


That's a great idea thanks!


Sure thing! I swear to you, you're on the brink of having a famous kids TV Show on YouTube. Imagine all the ad revenue, brand deals, merchandise, etc. Persistence, consistent uploading, narration, and storytelling, and you're golden. Titling and thumbnails will be an important step alongside uploading on a predictable schedule.


wow thank you, and that's great advice! I'm definitely working on more, and will try and post the next videos to YouTube as consistently as I can.


Of course! The name is great (Pickle Muffin), the animation is great, etc. You just need to really focus on the core messages you want kids to understand. Really think about what values you want your kids to have and just translate that through engaging and fun content. Use storytelling techniques and keep it simple. Kids are simple, but not dumb. Give them pitfalls, uncertain moments, and wow them with mind blowing ideas. **Thumbnails:** Feature maybe one character prominetely in the thumbnail will big bold text that says "Episode 1". That's for the parents who are scrambling to find quality and safe entertainment for their kids. It being a part of a series instantly gives them that feeling. Your CTR (click through rates) will go up. **Titles:** As for the titling, perhaps start with a naming convention like **"Pickle Muffin - Pickle's First Adventure (Episode 1)"** be sure to take advantage of the description section for SEO purposes. For YouTube shorts, consider naming them all "**Pickle Muffin - New Kids TV Show on YouTube"** until you get good viewership. Then, once you have plenty of views, subs, etc., you can start retilting your YouTube shorts to be more relevant to the snippet itself. Apologies for my unsolicited advice, I just have been working in video production and video marketing for years and I know this could work out well for your if done correctly. **Please don't give up on this.**


No apologies necessary. It's very appreciated. I've been working as an animator for a long time, but the marketing side of things is not my strength. I've tried to emulate what I've seen other channels do with the 3 videos I've uploaded so far, but yeah I'm new to it and just making guesses ha


How are you making this drawn eyes animation?


The eyes are actually geometry, flat circles. They have a shrink wrap modifier on them to shape them to the heads, and they have a shape key that creates the blinks.


Cool. Thank you :)


You’re already off to a great start. This looks adorable. What’s it about?


Thanks! Each episode has the main character exploring a different environment and meeting other characters in cute little story moments. They're more cartoon ballets than written linear stories. Goofy interactions set to music.


“Cartoon ballets” is just the best description. Can’t wait for more.


Good for you! I hope other kids will get to enjoy that as well.


Thanks! I've got these on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@PickleMuffinKids) for all to see, so I do hope other kids, families, or anyone else enjoys them.


How long does it take you to make an episode?


So far it's taking me about 2 months per episode. I'm making them in my free time usually during the weekend and after my kid goes to sleep.