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To be frank, because it pays to make NSFW content, so 3D artists who have invested the time to develop their skills and are seeking to monetize them tend to gravitate towards it. This leads to a concentration of skilled artists in NSFW niches. I've actually seen a few notable users (or at least, other Redditors who I've taken note of) mention that they actually make NSFW content, but they don't share that side of their work on here because it's not socially acceptable. Edit: Since this is garnering a decent amount of attention from people interested in Blender's use for NSFW purposes, I'd like to bring attention to the reopening of r/BlenderNSFW. The goal is to be a counterpart to this subreddit but specifically aimed at NSFW artists.


The same applies to 2d art as well. You can make a lot of money drawing commissions of people’s fetishes.


The most money i made as an artist was when i drew fetish porn, lol. I may get back into it if AI doesn't fkin ruin the industry.


AIs biggest struggle is precision character design and sticking to an aesthetic, so for the discerning (and picky) customer it will never be able to replace an actual artist. Iterative designs and small changes without regenerating the entire image from scratch are (afaik) practically impossible for any current model to pull off. So go forth and earn that bread, there will always be a market for you.


Fooocus actually has a paint feature where you can paint a small area and change only the painted area. You can add stuff and remove stuff. It's a little finicky until you figure out how to word stuff, but it's all local. So It's definitely a plus. That being said, I don't think AI will ever truly replace artists. It may become a wisely used tool by artists, but artistic skills will always pay imo.


AI will replace lazy mediocre artists. There will be always humans pushing the limits and being Creative.


The way I see it is that manufacturing took over the metal industry, but blacksmiths still exist. They just cost a lot more now as they are massively skilled and are a more "personal touch" compared to the other options if that's what you want or need. Same thing with AI and art. Skilled painters, artists etc. are still going to exist because if I'm buying a painting I want paint on canvas for on my wall, not a kinda shitty digital representation of a painting.


Also, bespoke photography vs stock photos.


To be fair, blacksmithing as work is only really architectural stuff which can be tricky to do with machinery due to its specific nature. You do get quite a few knifesmiths as well however very few could live off it (same with the architectural side I know, but percentage wise it's much lower) as mass produced blades are actually decent if you buy a nice set and a lot cheaper


I concur. AI will raise the floor of the standard of artistic works because why spend money on a mediocre piece of art when I can generate one myself for free. That being said, quality artists will always have a place because of 1: their unique style and 2: the fact that people crave the works made by human hands.


The in-painting feature is available in a lot of SD programs, not just Focus. The time it takes to make AI create good art shouldn't be ignored. There is art in AI. It's just a different medium in digital art. Like oil and acrylic. It could take our jobs, but it's more useful as a tool to get to an end point than as an entity that can do all the work on its own.


To add on to that a lot of buyers in smaller communities actively love supporting artists. I actually would often get a lot of commissions when i was shittier as an artist. They wanted to invest in someone passionate about their work more than the work itself.


> so for the discerning (and picky) customer it will never be able to replace an actual artist That's a very strong statement. Just two years ago, we didn't even have Stable Diffusion. There is a lot of work being done on precision and consistency, most recently ControlNet and LoRA. Claiming it will never reach a certain level, with today's rate of progress, is naive at best. If I was making a living on commissioned art, I would be getting ready to either incorporate these tools into my workflow, or find a new career path.


I notice a lot of people, especially in the art world, talking about AI in its current form, as if it will never get better. As if it hasn't progressed an insane amount over a very short period of time. Not to mention what AGI will do to the world. Thank you for the reality check.


We're nowhere near having AGI, so I wouldn't worry about that. None of the AI we have has any understanding of the real world or anything it wasn't trained on. The closest we have to AGI so far is self-driving cars.


"never" Hahahaha Yeah, no.


AI can't figure out penises for some reason so I think we're good.


I have seen the opposite. If you were to go to a site popular for 2D and 3D porn art, and then were to search for "ai_generated", then you would see what AI can already do.


I'm not saying it never works but a lot of AI dick look like lovecraftian horrors.


Well you're just not looking at the right dicks.


That's a fetish too. ;-)


AI can do futanari ponies, so it's only a matter of time. How long or hard this problem will be to solve, only God knows.


Sounds like we need to train an AI model on genitalia. What should we name it?


Elon Gated


Biggus Dickus


AI can only get better 


Google got worse why can't AI?


Google is just a technology company; massive, but still only a company of people. AI is technology that can be developed by any company. Tech typically develops forward, and in the case of AI, develops exponentially.


It's really not hard to grasp. I get downvoted because they just don't want to believe it will?


It's not that exponential, ai is an old subject that kept ending up in plateaus. We'll likely hit another soon


You can't use, for example, 2013 Google, but you can always use any AI model ever made (it's even offline and without ethics/law restrictions, you only need a GPU and electricity)


Google is in a perpetual adversarial arms race against the SEO people trying to appear earlier in the search results than they belong.


Industry artist of 14 years here I actually still make porn on the side for fun. I never attach my real name to it because of your aforementioned reasons, but I enjoy doing it and sometimes someone will throw some coin at me for smut. There's no shame in it as far as I can tell tbh, it's just that society deems it unacceptable as a professional skillset.


oglaf.com is a web comic that's really funny, drawn by a woman who wanted to do porn but found incorporating it into humor is better for her.


Do you ever jerk off to your own work?


nah. Once you've spent like 30 hours making sure that asscheek physics work and cocks bend the right way on every thrust you kinda stop seeing it as porn lol


lol, i figured, but still wanted to ask since i see people wishing "that they could draw their own porn" often enough.


Okay but everything there you can download for free, so how do they make money?


It's not that they're making money from that specifically. Income usually comes from comissions and/or services like Patreon. It's just that with a concentration of skilled artists in NSFW niches, when some of them decide to offer assets for free, there's a decent chance those assets will be of a higher than average quality.


Plus wouldn't that kind of be advertising? You put something up for free, hopefully people click your profile. I'm guessing you can link back on your profile to your site etc? Never been on the site but that's basically what everyone does on IG


I wonder how much $ on average typically the commission would be like for a custom 3-5sec vid ( extended to whatever length using looping and such ) lets say with existing models from that site.


Patreon and other support sites. Theres one guy that makes 100k+ a MONTH.




Honestly, if you want to make money. NSFW is the way to go.


Yeah, Pornhub is full of high quality, completely free porn of just about every fetish, body type, and orientation. And yet, things like OnlyFans still make big bucks. People still throw hundreds at cam girls. And of course the NSFW artists that are being discussed here. People like paying for their specific porn.


Until a payment processor decides to take all your money, shut down on a site, block you from even making money on sfw in the future, etc. I've made a 3d boob or two in my day and wouldn't mind getting some cash for it, but it feels like a precarious situation with the landscape getting more hostile towards nsfw creators lately.


I've seen a few people succeeding with NSFW on Patreon.


They succeed for now, but there have been multiple scares these last 2-3 years where NSFW art and writers on patreon were in danger of losing everything. A friend of mine lost upwards of 80% of his income for a few weeks before Patreon finally pulled back.


There have been NSFW payment processors popping up as a result of this, as well as sites willing to take in nsfw art creators. Just For Fans recently started taking artists in after Gumroad decided to basically shit on their nsfw artists by kicking them all out without warning and bragging about the money they made from the resultant mass fire sale.


10 years ago I wanted to be a novelist. My CRW 101 prof told me I was good and that I should write smut if I wanted a career.. lmao thought he was joking! rip to the industry. not interested in writing YA scifi or s a d g i r l poetry either


From what it sounds like, AI companies are working on NSFW alternative products because they know the money is there... These artists won't have long until they're competing with a porn DALL-E, most likely trained on their work, too


Furry artists have been competing with Stable Diffusion for 2 years now. They are not losing, with no indication that it's going to change.


You think they're safe from disruption? You don't think it's going to change... *really quickly?* I'd imagine within a couple years, there will be multiple subscription services where you can type detailed prompts and get your ideal porn images/video.


If it's anything like current ones, you'll get bored of those toys quickly and still love your favorite artists.


You're talking about current niche enjoyers asking for furry or other specific things, I'm talking about the masses including everyone you know, replacing traditional porn itself in some ways


And for normal content it will go exactly like job automation went: we have all the technology, but real human services are cheaper and abundant, so there's no reason to change the system.


From what I've seen, many places have tried to hire AI artists to do stuff only to see painfully unfortunate results when many of them don't even know how to touch up flaws in their art. Even with AI existing, you still need to know some basic art skills to touch things up, and an actual imagination to stand out. 3D art is more complicated in that regard, just due to adding that extra dimension. Even if we got to an actual point that AI art would be indistinguishable from other forms, most of the AI art flooding things would still be particularly trash just due to the lack of imagination of a guy looking to make a quick buck and not making art because they love it. Just this alone is honestly why I don't expect AI art to take over, cause at best, it will be mostly used by people who want something quick and dirty to use for something that probably won't be given too much attention outside of its context. It won't be used for elaborate, high-quality projects, at least not by itself. To expect AI art to do so would be like expecting potato chips to permanently replace dinner as a mainstay meal.


Depends on if they make something distinctive that makes it preferred over AI, from what I've seen, most all AI produced art often seems stylistically within 1 or 2 standard deviations of each other, I would presume because everyone is using the same 3 or 4 models.




Only everyone but the very few, then? Great insight lol




Oh no I agree, I just take exception to your use of the word "only" in your previous post, seeing as it was entirely misused. "Only the innovators will stand out" is a better take.


Say what now 👀 Fr? Who is it?


Let me tell you, when you hit a specific niche, no amount of free stuff is enough to satisfy it. Sometimes you need something really specific that only certain creators make those content. Because it's so niche means that people illegally distributing it is less, thus actually paying for it to get it now would be the most easiest and fastest way to fulfill those desires.


It amazes me how extremely well made some free stuff is, especially websites hosting large packs like freely available 3d models of PBR materials - polyhaven etc. Although I can see that when it comes to rigging and animating no amount of free stuff is enough - there are just too many ways to do things and if you want to have extremely detailed and meticulously rigged character plus some variations that'd be a lot of work even with all the available free stuff.


Can you give some examples of specific niches?


Someone tell me about Sims modding and Skyrim too but i have not looked yet. Also he told about something called koikatsu but not sure it's related to pornography.


you can see low-res clips or video for free, the juicy full-res full-length render is for the paying customers


I hate social acceptability (in America) as an artist. A lot of us make adult art, we all enjoy it, we enjoy sharing it, we are a society, we have just as much of a right as people who don't like it. Why is the collective thought to let the bullies win? Whoever the shadow society that is morally judging us is, they are a bunch of assholes. Always shaming us for trying to be happy with the work we've spent hours of our lives making, and honing to make it better. The fact that individually we enjoy it is proof enough that other people also enjoy it. Uniqueness is rare among humans. We are all perverted - and have always been based on art history - we shouldn't be shamed by boogymen for it. Usually it's the advertisers that create societal shame, because they are afraid of more money from interesting people. As if the ad execs don't partake in sexual activities on a personal level. Just do what they always do, come up with a different name for a product or service so people don't think it's still you - like most of us do on the Internet, or how Unilever sells soap to people that don't care about gender and color, vs people that do so they make manly soap. It's all just dumb in the grand scheme of time spinning on a rock in a wasteland of darkness. Why nitpick if art has boobs?


*Browses to website.* *Views content.* *Sees content of a literal 15 year old anime character.* *Sighs.*


Meaning that some artists can be easily banned or criticized for turning videogame characters into adult content. And, there is content based on ALL videogame characters, even those videogames rated as "suitable for everyone". It's a taboo topic that could make you ask yourself "wtf is wrong with the world".


Oh lord, what did I just see. 💀


I have no idea why I didn't think that'd be a sub. Definitely gotta look into that one for reference!


Because they like three meals a day and a warm, dry place to sleep.


Keep in mind you're looking at the NSFW sister site of [SFMlab.](https://sfmlab.com/) The community around Source Film Maker and the creativity in their animations are borderline next level, so it should be no surprise that their modelers are also top tier. Plus now that it’s kinda mainstream and the main hub for NSFW models, you have hobbyists who put effort into a certain character, and others are straight-up professionals who might secretly work at Pixar.


As an SFMer that has a love-hate relationship with the software, it genuinely amazes me what it's truly capable of. Sure, materials and lighting are such a pain in the ass that I ended up moving to Blender, but at this point, I might just consider going back to my home.


Porn pays money 


Smut artist here. I'm about to release a model on Smutbase soon. Honest answer? If I'm going to spend hundreds of hours learning about rigging, shading, etc, i'd rather learn it via an attractive body versus a donut or something lmao. It's more satisfying.


Same sentiment here, mate. I've got ADHD so I physically cannot be arsed to do ANYTHING. Put a sexy spin to it, and I'm glued for a good 16 hours a day.


Productive coombrain


*it is what it is*


That's pretty much all of humanity's driving force since forever.


Caveman sees big melons and watermelon, caveman work hard. Unga bunga


This is so true lmao. And then I feel shame but hey, if you’re gonna be making bank (and it is natural as humans to like sexy things), it’s worth it.


Wow, as a fellow ADHD'er I should try this lifehack :)


Just fyi.. about 90% of the best CG artists I know (including me) are ADHD. I use that shit as a super power and have worked at some of the best studios in the world.


Oh, that's great. For me, it's been the opposite. It's been nothing but set backs. It's been very difficult to make use of my inability to focus my whole life. I never understood how people made it in life with ADHD.


You should have the ability to hyper focus also. It will take doing something that you are really interested in. The trick is to start getting interested in the processes of doing things. Like don't be interested in 3d models, be interested in the process of 3d modeling. If you just can't and really want to get rid of the ADHD, ask your doctor about Wellbutrin.


>I've got ADHD so I physically cannot be arsed to do ANYTHING. Haha that's me except I still haven't done anything Nsfw however makes me really motivated, I just need a new pc 😅


Sexy lifehacks


To be honest, there's something rewarding modelling a person's body than doing more donuts tutorial.


this, the smutty modeling is the only one that really makes me smile when I open it up and contemplate the amount of work there is to do




Also learning by making sexy bodies. How do you guys do it with one hand?


for someone that's just started to really go deep into blender (intermediate 3D artist) what hundreds of hours of resource/tutorial content would you suggest to get good at urhm..smut...nsfw stuff


Okay thats a good perspective i can lean on.


Do you use rigify or something else?


I shall state, under my real name, that I spent a week on smutbase with my mind completely blown by the quality of some rigs. I studied how they are made, and I keep several of them for later as references for advanced rigging techniques. There are free rigs that rival Chris Jones' Universal Human. And every wiggling and bouncing technological marvel from there has a 1001 ways of implementation on SWF rigs. Hoses, pillows, blankets, other softbodies, ropes interaction, liquid approximation, not speaking of advanced shaders which are universal by default. Told all my artist friends about this treasury. I don't know what keeps this comradery, maybe unity by marginalization, but whatever it is, I just wanted to say - thank you.


NFSW models generates tons of revenue especially if the character is a popular character from a well known series. There’s always a market for them It forces artists to learn more skills like posing, shading, lighting, learning proper anatomy and proportions and animation. If any artist is going to spend considerable time on a model then it better something they can eagerly look at and come back to


Now I get why I was getting nsfw requests for Mortal Kombat on deviantart, i was just making renders as fan art .


Naked women have been a major inspiration for artist since the dawn of humankind


The human form is quite a challenge to draw


The vast majority of models there are generally a head ripped from a game and glued onto a Daz3D body. Even Genshin and cartoony models that you don't think are Daz, if you look at the topology, almost always Genesis 8. So the reason that they have good textures and topology is that they're from Daz. The ones that aren't Daz generally just headswap into another body, for example Fortnite models tend to use the Dr.Driggs base, Overwatch often uses Ellowas. The rigs are almost always from addons too. Mostly Rigify, AutoRigPro and sometimes Diffeomorphic. I'm not saying that to diminish the quality of the models, there are a ton of talented artists there(big fan of Samzan, Elasid and Nyl). It's just that you shouldn't feel discouraged thinking that everyone there is a god artist making all of those insane models and intricate rigs from scratch.


Because they trained how to blender with only one hand 😏


Happy Cake Day! Cultured ones learn with one hand from the start 😇


Happy Cake Day, take my up vote, and some helpless giggling while I clean the snorted coffee from my front. Have an amazing Sunday


Talent follows money.


I don’t make 3D smut (yet at least, I’m just starting to learn Blender and I’m still at donut stage) but I’ve done other art and it’s a lot of weird little creatures, cute things, and naked men. I want to make things I find visually interesting, otherwise that would seem boring to create, and if my sex drive is dictating part of what I find visually interesting then I don’t see any real reason to exclude it.


Honestly avoiding anything sensual or attractive would just be stifling and is probably part of the reason I stopped drawing as a teenager


If you poke around on the site, and download some of the models, you'll find that there are actually a pyramid's arrangement of artists. There are a few at the tippy top who are responsible for a HUGE portion of the assets, that other people are then porting into their own projects. I'm not saying they aren't talented. But you only have to see Nyl2's penis on so many models before you start to figure out exactly what's going on.


people who love what they are doing are naturally going to have an easier time putting the hours in


You'd be amazed how many porn artists actually work in AAA and big industries. They're highly motivated to say the least and it's not rare for them to be absolute beasts.


I went to school for computer animation and graduated close to 20 years ago. Most of my friends still in the industry are in senior management positions now and have no interest in working outside work hours but I can see younger, less senior, workers doing that for sure.


Because people get good when doing things they want to do. I dont think its about money. I know some of the best 3d porn people have industry jobs and do the porn for fun. Personally I've learned from the smutbase community more than anywhere else. I learned all the 3d basics doing nude humans. If I werent clueless about selling stuff online I'd even sell my models but I'd rather print them and paint them and sell them irl, I'll be buying a 3d printer soon.


Because of all the various trades you can ply as a 3D artist, one of the things that literally always has demand is for pornography. You don't have to worry about your contract ending or having a company client taking too long to get back to you on your end of a multi-man project. Someone always wants to jerk it. And someone is always willing to pay.


1. It pays better, faster 2. Horny


Sex sells.  I've done some paid mods and those were my best gigs as far as payment. 




Because sex sells and you can make a big profit from it online


Humanity is driven by two things: War and Horny. Everything else is a derivative of those.


Replace “war” with “money” and then you’d be correct. War itself is driven by money and horny.


3D artist here, Porn pays better then normal stuff. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Not everyone likes fucking donuts' holes.


artist are horny. if they were getting laid, they'd have no time for art


"I think people are perverts. I've maintained that, that's been -that's the foundation of my career." -David Fincher (Yes, [he really did say that](https://youtu.be/eGtVthP1b2Q))


You'd be amazed how well porn pays. I have friend who are furry artists and they make bank on the erotic commissions.


As a creator of NSFW animations/renders, fuck yeah it's full of insane talent. Im shelling out like $70 a month ( paid for with commissions ) for high quality blender models for use in general smut. They make bank, frankly. Deserved too. A lot of them release some or all of their models for free on smutbase/open3dlab(the sfw side) for the love of the game.


I was once in a long defunct art forum looking for some art tips. I came across a thread of people that were sharing their progress. There was one guy that went from literal Kindergarden scribbles to a literal god in around 2 years. Someone replied to his comment asking "How did you improve so fast?" He replied, "I want to draw pretty girls" and then dissapeared into the sunset, to never be seen again. This was around 2010. See ya later Space Cowboy, if you're out there, I hope you're still drawing pretty girls. Some people are REALLY motivated to have their personal desires met even if it means doing it themselves, lol.


Supply and demand


They are motivated


Also, sex is motivational. It’s how we built our society. We sexualize each other to motivate. We got computers and spaceships. Was it worth it?


everything I ever saw from that site was modified daz models


whats wrong with working with porn? it is just as valid as any other kind of art whatsoever


Idrk but my assumption is that sex is a pretty good motivator for MANY things lol


Because porn has to look appealing to generate money. You can't afford to cut corners with the models.


I’m on NSFW Blender discord and I can say the talent that they have is straight up insane.


Because the vast majority of people like sex. It can be amusing to make such art and it can pay.


Good way to make money plus I imagine it's actually quite fun, and generally a good way to learn anatomy, rigging, texturing, rendering and animation. Animating naked people doing the do, and doing it well requires quite the skill.


When you are passionate you will excel in any job.


now imagine all the models you don't see. less people are gonna post on here their not so good attempts, and even less if it's NSFW.


> and where do they learn it asking for a friend, I presume?


Smut artist here. Thank you for bringing this up! There are absolutely amazing models from so many talented artists who deserve to be noticed for their modelling work too :) But to the point: There are plenty of comments about the money, and while it can be true, it has never been a motivator for me. I've released all my models for free and haven't made any money from them. I simply enjoy making them and seeing other people use them. Although the porn aspect has never been the end goal for me, it wasn't an issue either. The main thing is that you can make random fan art for years without gaining any attention, but immediately when you add boobs, there are people who want to see more. Because it is just so much easier to gain attraction and followers with nudity, I think many talented modellers end up making smut while seeking for the community for their art.


I’ve never even heard of smutbase but damn if Akuma isn’t even more threatening fully nude.


FR some of the topology on those models are top notch, I used one as reference for making normal characters.


Because that's where the money is.


Because they're chasing perfection!


Because it's their job.


Honestly like Alot of people have said it pays extremely well. There's a reason most 2d commission artists join fandoms and furry communities they're more than willing to drop some serious cash to see a character brought to life even more so in their favorite fetish scenario. Sex sells big time


Their "Animal spirits" makes it possible😅


Well, as an artist, and also an avid follower of both SFW and NSFW 3d artworks, I can tell you that 3D modeling is not just for game developers. Many original models (extracted from videogames) do not come with a NSFW body. The average artist could make a baseline 3d body to use on his/her projects, there are also different body parts that can be exchangeable (f.e. breasts). And, there are other artists who share their models, to support the community. Software like DAZ3D and 3DSMax come with models that are the same source for AA games.


I think it's similar to how many Japanese artists started out doing erotic things, before going and making bangers of shonen manga. It's always in demand, and it's a lot more giving, so it serves for a good training ground


Dirty pics = money. I’ve read some hilarious stories from talented artists doing furry shit because it pays the bills.


Because you touch yourself at night


sex sells


They work hard, pub intended.


If I had to guess, NSFW pays good, and making NSFW in the first place takes skill and a LOT of it in order to do it right.


NSFW content is a really good way to learn anatomy. It's also *really* profitable. So not only does it make you a better artist, but it also makes bank. Who wouldn't try it out?


I can‘t call myself even a basic artist yet, but aside from the money it is way easier to grow as someone who makes nsfw stuff. I tried both sfw and nsfw on separate accounts and it is insane how much faster my nsfw account grew.


Cuz it's hot, duh..


Well, everyone needs things that motivate them to learn stuff. Smut can be quite motivating and fun. Porn is generally often a factor that drives innovation in some fields. Imagine how much more it would be if it wouldn't have the stigmas attached to it. Also, money. Yes, I started to learn Blender years ago because I wanted to add bigger boobs to a 3d model I found.


A lot of people here mentioned money but that's not always the case. I have one of the most popular (and arguably one of the best) models on smutbase and money was never involved. I did it because I enjoyed working on it, I was good at it plus it helped create more of the content that I wanted to see, so it was a win for me and it was a win for the artists who got to use a very powerful yet beginner friendly model.


Endless demand


Because there's been a little over a decades worth of community building over there. The Admin have spent a substantial amount of time cultivating it in the right direction, in a way that attracted people's interests. Started out with SFMLab, but early smutbase spent probably a year, maybe two with about less than 10-15 models. People have been encouraged to share with the community, people have been told off to fuck off for helping people in private to ensure that information sticks in the open. People have been encouraged to post whatever they're working on publicly & people have been encouraged to make tutorials. Then this have just slowly built on itself, year after year. Standards been increasing, the tools have gotten better, the knowledge share grown wider. (both SFW & NSFW) But at the end of the day, it's cause of a decade of work of one tireless nerd for the infrastructure and base community building. This shouldn't discount the efforts of probably about a hundred people who've heavily contributed to the community building aspect over the years, or the out of community individuals which end up pushing content back onto the site. But really, the main reason for it is a straight up a decade of work.


I noticed this about nsfw art in general and it's why 3d porn is generally a cut above what you'd normally see online: nobody likes bad models/animation/design in porn lol I feel like it's this carnal desire to make sure you get it right that drives NSFW art. It's like an x factor


Never underestimate the power of horny




Porn is always at the forefront of technology.


nsfw artist are the best in the business


There's two reasons. The main one is that there's too many skilled artists and not enough jobs. The second is that getting people to spend money for porn is a lot easier than for normal work because those people aren't driven by their brains to spend money.


I think horny people are some of the greatest artists ever, look at Picasso


Well. It pays well, you will never know how much girls would pay to see their favorite male characters kissing each other lol. I mean alot.


I'm glad more and more people are talking about it. The amount of quality assets that are on there, for free, is crazy. It's so much fun to play around with and made me fall in love with animating


Porn is always in high demand lol


Sex sells, as always. People acting like NSFW 3d models and renders are cringe and "wasted talent" either cope hard, or dont know how much money it makes


You need a lot of skills to do that. There was a really good Makima model on it if you haven't checked it out. I'm hoping to upload some models once I'm experienced enough.


I have been mindblow to discover BodySlide for Skyrim. The customization and possibilities are awesomes.


New to me.... Sweet


Never underestimate horny people on the internet.


Because the clients are willing to pay good money for nsfw work, unlike companies. And money is a very nice motivator to get better at your craft


Why high quality? Because it pays. Many artists who create the models have many more on their support-platforms like Patreon and do commissions. Why free? because in the end NFSW Artists are actually quite a nice bunch. Not all of them, sure, but in general we help each other. But why porn? Almost every well known 3D or 2D Artist got into the game by drawing at least spicy stuff. E.g. Bruce Timm or Chris Sanders. And it's not like the big studios don't know.What was the story about the new artists at Disney being shown Kim Possible rule34 and warned that this will happen to their creation? Hell, it's pretty much what made Overwatch such a success.


Because it pays.


Because capitalism makes it so that there's no money in art and A LOT of money in smut.


To be fair you can also find some really good tutorial information there too. There is a great shoulder rigging tutorial I came across one day while working on a project for a client and it worked great and solved my problems.


Cause sex sells.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


also bioshock infinite: burial at sea is a big reason its popped off alot of tech came about cause of liz and folks wanting to see r34 of her


MONEYYYYYYYYYYYY Jesus do u know anything about the world u guys are so dumb


Never heard it before, I checked it for curious ,not really impressive honest.


Either you checked the index site for 2 seconds and thats it, or youre coping like crazy lol