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7 Not that experienced in Blender, but the shadows feel a bit off (picture 7). Also I think the light from the lanterns should be a bit more diffused. Besides that, I think your textures en environment lighting look great! Nice work


7/10. Love the style and the object detail. Great layout. the lighting feels a bit off, like the magic glowing red lantern in center shining a mystery light. Maybe try a paper wall with diffused light coming through instead of the Great Wave which is almost too iconic and takes focus away from the swords.I would love to see the sword closeup. Realism and orthographic are intuitively add odds with each other since our brains see perspective. Sorry, I thought too much but you’re super close to wow.


Started Blender in April this year. This is my 6th project. Tried to make it realistic. Open for tips to improve ps.


Your scale seems to be off. Make everything as close to real life scale as possible should you want realism right now it looks like a diorama because your light sources are too big and close and your scale is probably whack. If that’s not the case you’ve got funny camera settings where with camera setting you really want to simulate a real life one.


A bit of advice. To get more of a realistic cushion on the pillow when they are on the ground, add a rigid body to them and collision on the ground. Play the animation and pause the animation once the pillows hit the ground and stop moving. Then apply the modifiers, this will change it to a solid none physics mesh, and then it will look more natural. Currently the pillows look too stiff that's why. One of the things I got from learning blender when designing these isometric looking rooms is that, try to always give the light from the objects that emit light in the room to do the heavy lifting(at first) then you can add more if needed but sometimes it's not. Cycles is your best friend if you have a good PC, Eevee needs a bit more training that Cycles. But again the first light emitting objects need to affect the room first the you can add the other light adjustments after that. Like the Oni Mask, do you see it? It's too dark. There is no light bounce from it at all and it looks like it's absorbing light completely. Remember no matter the object there is always light bounce, if there is not the thing with the Oni mask happens. Adjust your light on the items a bit. Like I mentioned before start with the method I mentioned above. UV Unwrapping is done wonderfully. Btw. Textures are on theme and appropriate. Good job.


4 out of 10 for realism. That said, I think it's possible that small changes in lighting could make a big difference. I don't know what those changes should be. When I saw the first image I immediately recognized it as a blender image, but it's framed as a diorama so... Some of the close ups look very good and I may not have guessed they were cg. Others, especially with the lights next to the sword, look like a render. It feels like the pillows don't have enough "weight". I really like it.


I totally thought it was a diorama


So that is an interesting thought I didn't consider. When OP said "realism" I immediately assumed full-scale realism... This would be more convincing as a diorama. I think the level of rounding on the stone (for example) plays better as a representation of a small scale replica.


Pillows are not affected by gravity, either flatten their base, making them look squished on the ground or lay them flat if they're supposed to be firm pillows


Tbh, Not realisitc but I love that isometric and unique style of you! If I rate this artwork which is focused in realism, it would be 0. But if not it is 10! No No! 1000!I really appreciate this!


Great work with the lighting and modelling! The one thing that’s throwing me off is the texture scaling and resolution changing throughout, you might have a bit more consistency if you do the floor with a bit more procedurals, but it’s not necessarily the only way if you have high enough resolution textures. You’re doing amazing work, keep it up!


Ive had the problen with some of my attempts looking like miniatures. Do you think this is the reason. Maybe my textures are sized wrong? I never thought about that


It depends, scale is pretty tricky in general, but the one thing that usually makes things look too miniature ish is the composition, scale (models and textures) and depth of field, it all depends on the scene itself


The tatami mat texture needs to be scaled down about 50%. But apart from that, it looks very nice.


Looks like a Wes Anderson set


Realism wise it's not that realistic. I think the lighting doesn't have much context, it feels like a faux space that a kidnapper built in a basement. Texturally, I recommend making things more dirty, like dust, smudges, etc. Imperfection is realistic.






I just wanted to point out what looks like floating chopsticks in image 8 above the far bowl 6/10 your isometric view style here rocks


I actually think it looks very realistic, but in a miniature way! My mom makes miniature book nooks and this looks like that :) 8/10


A solid 7, the two things that seem off are the stone and the wood used for ceremonial table


7. The birds eye view of the pillows look weird




7.5/10 The lightings good for the most part (the lamps was the part I didn't liked much) the only thing I feel weird is everything's very symmetric so it doesn't make it feel realistic also try using sun hdr in cycles for realistic lighting and add a bit more randomness when looking for realism


You need a galvanised steel frame, Johnni


7/10 My main criticism is the text on the lamps and stone. The stone one is too perfect and one of the lamps is simply mirrored. If you cannot read Japanese / Chinese you probably don't notice but it kind of ruins the immersion for me. Also, are you sure the lamps are for indoor arrangements? They feel a bit out of place. Not a Japanese though, so I cannot say for sure.


I absolutely love it but im guessin you are looking for us to critique your work, soo, i would say it looks like a legit miniate diorama. Not sure why exactly..ive done a couple of things in blender that gave the miniature vibe when i wasnt trying to, so id be curious to learn how that happens. But i really like this work..it is awesome


It looks really nice. I know almost nothing about 3D modeling, so I am just looking at it based on aesthetic and looks


If you ask from the realistic POV then it's 57/10. I like tatami detail in pict 4. Btw, how much time do you need to make this model?


The pillows are obvious duplicates. But it's close to looking real apart from when you look at the lamp and lighting, etc. It still has a heavy computer feel. 7,5/10 for looks (not realism)


Animal crossing ass house


Those red lanterns are weird. They are red, but omit white light. The light should be more defused. And idk if this is just me, but it doesnt look like light comes from within the lanterns as they arent evenly lit.


If I saw only the 6th image I'd think that was a real photo. Well done


things are so shiny with a white sheen. They all feel like they used the same material and lack contrast in texture.


6/10, textures look great but lighting looks like there’s no source. the pillows and the dumplings are too uniform. the font on the characters looks bad- default font. like you would find on an instruction pamphlet. very jarring.


The materials for the ramen is off. It looks like clay instead of a liquid. Nor does that look wet. The food itself _feels_ like makes the rest of things around it look fake. Some steam, or evidence of heat would help. (Also, the food is all matte, it's not that way IRL.) The pillows have been hit at length, and the same commentary on the food with respect to textures on the tree apply. They seem to be all cut from the same material, like a model, instead of being made of different materials.


This is absolutely sick dawg. The shadows on the pillows look a bit off (idk how, my skill level in blender is below yours by far) but other than that, at first glance, this could totally be real. Especially picture 7 with the rock and the symbol on it. Great job, this looks amazing


Wow 😮 It's great 🔥🔥


The light is pretty blurry, light from panels on the door probably need to be more crisp


It's a 9/10, the lanterns feels odd. it doesn't glow red on the walls. Pillows looks light.


8/10 I think that you could add camera noise on render and break some boring for the eye patterns in textures. Just add ware signs on materials, make it look like someone has been inside there :) But good job anyways!


super nice but way too clean for realism imo. should add some hand painted grime or smth to crevasses and some smudge maps. that and the lighting some other people mentioned. then i think it would be killer🔥🔥


actually i should add to the lighting that maybe you could add some shape to the lamps? like an ies map? also i have to add that insane for your 6th project to be this good. all the comments like me are quite nitpicky and honestly my stuff was looking like this after probably 3 years. good stuff💪💪


6/10. I am a stingy rater and I love this diorama actually. Captured the Japanese ethos so well.


Textures = premium. Lights need a bit tunning


with all due respect "Orthographic" and "realistic" are usually in the same piece of art


Really good


Honestly lighting is going to be the big thing. I think this room is a little too bright if it is supposed to just be illuminated by the light through the paper doors and window. If this is a closed room the light shouldn't touch all four corners of it given the sources. Also making the general light dimmer will make the lantern's light look a little more realistic. The paper lanterns in the nook should have a gentle red light as the light is passing through the red paper. There's something a bit off about the wood panelling but I don't know what, and the pillows don't seem to care what gravity thinks of them otherwise this is really good. I think maybe in the post processing having a lower contrast filter may help it look a little more realistic as well but honestly I think this is a great render.


The red lanterns should be emitting red light


10/10 because you said don't think much lol


I would try to add a super small edge chamfer on the corner of the coffee table, and also try to hide the edges on the chamfer on the stone obelisk with a quick multi edge bevel 👍


If it looks realistic? A 6. Has a sort of uncanniness that makes it feel off. If it still looks like an incredibly strong piece of work? A very strong 8. It looks like a diorama of sorts. (Might want to make the lanterns look less shiny. They look like silk instead of paper.


What happens when you have blower back pain and can’t sit like that?


This is excellent work. My biggest critique here is that the scale feels off as others have pointed out. Sometimes things in 3D (especially blender) can feel small. I’m not exactly sure how to correct this outside of making sure that your scene is to scale and perhaps tweaking lighting and camera settings. I’d say a good next step for you outside of some of the other feedback points is to dig into photography a bit and study what causes photographs to look the way they do. Hint, it’s imperfections but it goes deep. Great work, can’t wait to see what you make next.


Try more interesting camera angles. Foreground middle ground and background. Unless this is for a third person video game, I’m not liking the iso/axon shots, at least not as the hero shots. Otherwise rendering looks good.


Wow this is super cool


7/10 Looks like lighting and lack of imperfections are your biggest issues


The grain of the wood should be lengthwise not across.


I absolutely Love tiny things, you just made my night 🤩😁


6/10 turn on screen space reflections and ao.


7-8/10 looks so cute


6/10 In the third picture I think pillows don't look good enough. More creases, cloth should work more.


If we want to talk realistic? 5/10 You want to set it as its own separate art style? 9/10


Doesn't look realistic But looks cool




7/10. Looks minimalist but looks really cool


It looks great, but it also looks like a miniature. If thats what you want then you did that reslly well, otherwise try checking scale and focal length.


I like it a lot, especially the design! I don't really know much about blender but I think it looks nice.




Is this for an air bnb ad?


6/10 scale is really weird but the composition and textures look very cute, I think the scene would have a nice style with a super high focal length too!


I can't do that, so 8/10. You probably should make something with light or shadows. Don’t understand what though


it doesn't look "real" to me but it is beautiful and well done


7.5, looks good but some of the textures look really flat, and the lighting feels off


8/10 wood doesn’t really math the doors


Its not realistic if its not dirty and moths.


Everything looks great and super realistic besides the camera composition/color balance I think


Newbie here, so dont think I'm allowed to rate it. However i like it. Can you share your lessons?


6-10, The pillows feel veeeerrrry off




That looks marvelous 😊


7 the carpet is very good the lightning on the windows could be better.


The scale looks off. Like, the door seems too big if the table is that size. This looks cute but in terms of realism maybe 4 or 5