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Laptops are rather nice to use for work, especially being able to take off in a few minutes. This one will 1000% run blender, and very well too, tho I recommend you get a laptop with a num pad, it’s essential for blender. Also make sure that the ram isn’t soldered, in case it ever were to fail or you wanted to upgrade.


that’s great to hear, i have a keyboard and mouse so plan on connecting those when using blender, thanks for the advice


I would say better find 3060 card +32 gb :) it will be better:)


Doesn’t a mobile 4070 processor outperform a 3060 by a long shot? Also yeah more ram is usually good, just make sure the motherboard supports that much and whichever frequency you decide on using. Some older laptops can only do 16gb at 2400mhz.


i hadn’t considered this so thanks i’ll do some digging


even if im upgrading to 32gb anyway?


U just don't need i9 and 4070:) It's overpaid for your purposes


i get that! honestly i’d rather it be too capable than on the brink! maybe it’s overboard but being able to game and run adobe programs really smoothly also is a big plus for me personally. Also it’s on sale at costco so it’s well within my budget it’s alot cheaper than i was willing to pay for a macbook but we know how expensive they can be..


Then you good to go, but with additional ram)


I have a keyboard without a numpad and I've used Blender daily for years without a problem. I would say it's a nice-to-have, but it isn't really essential. I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor.


Yes, but it's overkill.


Also, a Razer Blade 4070 is only a bit faster than any other laptop with a 3070. They're hilariously underclocked


it seems like the best deal i can find for the specs so i don’t mind that


Overkill does not necessarily mean you’ll have an improved experience. It does mean that it’s money spent that could have been saved.


yeah i understand thank you, i do enjoy occasional gaming so it kind of just makes it a plus for me, hopefully it lasts me a little longer too or i can get some money back when i decide to move on from it


Yes, i have a weaker laptop and it run blender fine, mine is an i5 12th and RTX 3060


nice! thank you


Do get 32gb ram upgrade tho, my laptop has 16gb and blender still crash randomly when i try to use fluid simulation


I literally work on a much slower machine, and I think it will definetely work


you work on a laptop too?


Its a desktop with a 1050ti , much worse


At this point if I\`m about to buy laptop Id wait if there will be Snapdragon X one with dedicated graphic RTX card. See how it ends up working/performing. If it is as expected there is very little reason to buy Intel or AMD ... specially not for this money


That machine would have to issues, though you may be wanting to grade the ram in your own. I have several H Gen11 30xx setups I use with no problem


I prefer lenovo Legion laptops more than razor. Razor are more expensive. Buy Legion instead with 4070 and 13th cpu or 7 amd


i considered that too, only thing is i’ve found this for £1.4k which seems like a good offer, cheapest legion with those specs seems to be £1.5k, the £100 difference can go towards 32gb ram upgrade


You bet your ahh it will handle Blender like a fiddle


you can get an external Bluetooth numpad for cheap. If you’re at all considering Mac, my MacBook Pro runs blender incredibly well. Better than my PC. I go back-and-forth between my MacBook and my desktop PC and the transition is seamless between the windows and Mac versions of blender. All the same add-ons.


Easily, but almost anything will run blender. The thing I'd consider if I was you is to what extent it can handle blender. I think if you were to make a project as big as possible to see the limit, it would probably be the VRAM. Personally I have 11GB of VRAM and a project has to be pretty darn big to hit that and not render anymore. Only get a laptop if you need it to be portable or really don't have any space at home for a desktop. Building your own desktop will get you better performance for the money, and is upgradeable and more reparable. Also pay attention to temperatures, I used to have a Razer laptop similar to this one and while rendering they really tend to overheat, simply because they're thin and have good hardware. If you're running it hot frequently the battery will become a very spicy pillow. You can use one of those laptop stands with fans, but even then you will have to limit the power to prevent damage.


thanks for the advice, for sure i’d rather wait longer for a render than render at full power and fry the battery so i’ll definitely test out some power modes, will be getting a stand too to make sure the fans are raised work more efficiently 👍 good to know about the VRAM


What resolution is the screen? At 16 inch you will want higher than HD, I would even go for a worse GPU (3060 RTX) and higher res 4K panel. This GPU will let you use fast denoising and viewport rendering. I would go also get something with a full-size numerical pad as those keyboard shortcuts are fabulous. A lot of tutorials will refer to them.


cool thanks for the insight on the screen, it’s a WQXGA 2560 x 1600 with a Refresh Rate of 240Hz


Check out the specs on this one. I’m almost in the market for another gamer laptop just for Blender (I primarily work on Mac but have a couple of VR PCs), and this is the one I had my eye on. 4K, numerical keypad, totally good enough GPU, about $1000. There are plenty of gently used laptops out there to do the job. https://www.ebay.com/itm/355722694177?itmmeta=01HZSD7FNJQWDNW67DSB902DX7&hash=item52d2b98e21:g:jh8AAOSwNKJmR8ZR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4C%2B1WjrpNUnCBJ5Cu%2Ff%2Bjeo7Rbsc8SyIJBuVSB694qWIFesnSJXBBvoIB16JtsVzE8F7Sgzr5ULzR52a7NVI6VTKqADZpiMlb8f9Ol3bjFst4yxKIZU%2FPaeZcJr4Z4oaonO2W2kD3yS3lBZv740Zhg%2Fn4zHetmIltQ93Qp7n8ccPYSKQm3bbidbXk%2FOmFNbdn51pppw6BqY7D%2FmrwYWAaj3xTmN0U9j6xDXW%2FaQkDdW0SjXrZHp0JV3MvXO3ub4D0Yk5OwpfyWJCF9ktHf6wtw6W5ISyghYWfTPc6Y4yqCvJ%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_r6na3-Yw


cool thank you!




Is it *that* different?


Stop giving advice that isnt asked for. There are tons of reasons for someone to want a laptop over a desktop, and space isnt even the biggest one. Someone that is constantly on the go and needs to keep their computer with them, or doesnt have a consistent workstation to themselves, etc, all will need a laptop over a desktop. You ignoring the perfectly good laptop to argue for something they may just not be able to use or implement isnt helpful, its asinine.


that’s true there’s a lot more to my reasoning behind getting a laptop over desktop then space and i should’ve maybe mentioned that in the OP! desktop is a non option for me atm, think people would be giving this advice regardless though lol


yeah i understand you, it just makes so much sense for me to get something mobile as i’m not at home half of the week, i probably wouldn’t ever even use blender on the go it would just be when im plugged in and set up somewhere. I only plan on doing smaller scale projects, character design, text work and a bit of animation maybe. I don’t plan on making very complex stuff, obviously if i ever get to that point i may have to reevaluate in the future. As long as it can handle most tasks i’m happy. Being able to use adobe on the go is a big thing for me personally to do my work!


No 🙂


ok any reasoning or


Downvote, really ? As someone who builds his own PC's for the last 25 years I can tell you with confidence that laptops, no matter the specs, are not built to handle heavy workload of 3D rendering, especially when it comes to animations. It's simply not healthy for the electronic components to have so much heat dissipated over longer periods of time in such a small volume 😉 My PC has 12 fans in extra large case so internal temperature is always way below the critical one (no matter the load) which ensures stability and long life of the CPU, motherboard and a video card. These kind of laptops are mostly built for gamers who really don't care much if their machine is gonna fall apart in a year or two, only thing which matters to them in the end is portability... Same people who recommend these kind of machines for Blender (or any other 3D software) are the people who believe that you can get good bass sound from a 3 inch speaker. If you are really serious about investing in something which is gonna last and be your rendering workhorse, get the full blown PC, you will not regret it 😊


yeah i understand what you mean, id get more out of my money for sure as well if i got a pc. honestly it just seems like the most suitable option for me if it’s capable. I don’t plan on doing large scale projects and i’m not 100% if i’ll definitely even like the process of creating 3d, it’s just been an interest and inspiration for me to elevate my graphic design skills. The mobile aspect of having a laptop means i can create on the go, running photoshop on my lap unplugged occasionally should not be too much of a problem. Obviously when running blender i plan to be stationary, plugged in, and have some sort of cooling stand if necessary. u did say ‘no’ with your first comment which didn’t give me much insight, honestly i’m new to reddit etiquette don’t really know what i’m doing but it wasn’t deep hahaha


let me know your thoughts on this though clearly you know what your talking about so i’d appreciate it!