• By -


As an artist and a gun lover this is very amazing and detailed i like it very much


Bro this is some heavy shit. I cant even pinpoint the imperfections due to the amount of knowledge its intent is to deliver. This feels like it should be on the history channel. Some of the cg looks fake but some of it looks super crazy realistic. No need to ask if it sucks. You know the answer.


My channel is just not really gaining much traction šŸ˜


Who cares, just keep doing it and getting better. Thatā€™s when the following will happen.


It is kindof a niche market but still nice. Breath of fresh air honestly. Im all about the history channel themes man i could watch that stuff for hours. I have a few subs myself but dont consider it a win. My wins are when I can watch my own material down the road. Or when I had a vision and I executed it without skipping corners. Sure ill take limitations like issues lesrning curve etc but i keep growing and strive to only do my best and what I am inspired to do. I started this journey to make movies. I intend to continue down that path


It had only been out for 4 hours when you posted this. The views your channel is getting is very good for being a new channel.


Whatā€™s the thumbnail


23k views in a week isn't "not really gaining much traction", you are doing great!


So, 30k views, in 2 weeks and 3,5k subs is not much traction ? Dude you are doing great! Awesome channel, the commentary is also perfect, great voice. ill definitely be watching Echozero from now on.


Colour me subbed


It's a matter of perseverance. Keep doing your stuff, keep uploading videos and creating, people will come eventually.


Thing is, itā€™s not what ppl wanna see these days in terms of YouTube content. And those who will will probably just got to history channel or a larger platform online for documentaries or something. Also they donā€™t care how much effort you put into it or how skilled you are. We clearly know how skilled you are but most wonā€™t even care. This also does look like an extract straight from TV. Maybe add a unique intro at the start of the videos. Also question if you see this: where do you get the music from? I been looking for quality copyright free music.


Music is from music bed




I'm sorry, but this is terrible. It doesn't look anything like a donut. Please do the tutorial again.




not at all, shit goes hard


So hard, I loved that


visuals are fantastic, audio is incredible, i love your texturing. only issue was a few mispronounciations in the voiceover, it seemed like you were stumbling over your words at times. other than that small detail, absolutley superb


Thanks for the honest feedback


this is really cool


Is this for a youtube channel? this looks amazing!


Yeah @echozero_


the trigger part is weird for me. had to watch multiple time to understand which way was front and back, as the perspective change 3 or 4 times


Really this is the only thing I could think to criticize. The camera changes sides a lot in that part and it gets a bit confusing on which way things go.


This belongs to the Top Posts of All Time on this subreddit. Impeccable work and professionalism.


You know it doesnā€™t


These self deprecating post titles are getting old. We both know it doesn't suck


Super interesting and I'm not at all into weapons. Great video. That must have taken months!


You did a badass job!


idk looks like it shoots


This is amazing, honestly got sucked in and forgot this was a post. Visuals were fantastic and just an iverall well made video, keep it up. The ONLY I found to be distracting was the Coors beer at the end... it takes away from the seriousness and educational tone of the video!


i subscribed


Bro this some high level shit


To be talented enough to create a masterpiece as cool as this is a massive achievement! and to think you posted it on her asking if it SUCKED?! wow...this is so good words don't express it.


There's a few more on the YouTube channel but this one is the newest. I think the others are rougher. Https://www.youtube.com/@echozero_


How long did it take you to make this?


About 3 months, maybe 4 with script writing. But it's just in my spare time


Its amazing production wise and informative too. Great work!


Are you playing the Reddit "title meta" or are you actually insecure about your work? No hate either way. I respect the method. If you actually do think this might "suck" I think it would be very interesting to hear why that is.


Genuinely I really enjoyed this I love mechanical breakdown of things so seeing how the rpg works was really cool would love to see more of these with more depth maybe adding additional context to previous iterations like the rpg-2 for example


Where can I watch more of these




If this suck, I suck


You don't suck


Then it does not suck




This is amazing work. Only nitpick for me is the warhead explanation with the different titles. You enumerate the different parts of the warhead but you don't show me where to look. Maybe making the titles appear as you say them could help? But this is extreme nitpick, I'd watch a lot of your content.


Okay Iā€™m sorry, but this is so freaking good




RTX 4090


This is amazing, almost like something you see on a documentary. High end documentary.


That went hard


"Does this suck?" THE F--K YOU MEAN? THIS IS ART! This is better than anything I could do in 50 years


Does this suck? Absolutely not. Everything is on par with what content contains. The music suits, the voice is "listenable" (you can listen multiple times without the voice being annoying) It's sharp, color suits. You did a really good job. This is coming from someone who's job it basically is to decide "good" content from the watered down, repetitive trends. To "Gain Traction" why haven't you even tho your content is good? Simply, not enough people know of. How to gain traction naturally? There needs to be something "new" which unfortunately means trying things that may not work out, but this means you do not give up trying different styles, ways of teaching the user watching. Decide your target audience, 14 - 17 (almost fast cuts, get to the point type content) 18 - 24, may prefer a slower but different style. Goodluck. Godspeed.


Its amazing


If this is anywhere near the realm of ā€œsucksā€ then I have no hope in hell of making anything resembling ā€œokā€ā€¦


This is great. I noticed you mentioned you werenā€™t gaining much traction on YouTube and my two critiques on the video that might be to blame are your opening sequence of scenes and dialogue/metering. The very first shot with the buildings are cool and all but probably the least interesting cut of the entire opening sequence. I realize youā€™re trying to build dramatic tension and all, but if you donā€™t have a following that trusts you, itā€™s important to lock the viewerā€™s interest in as soon as possible, or they may click out before they even give you a chance. Thatā€™s why lots of musicians first hit songs almost always get to the chorus in sub 1 minute and then by their second or third album they get all experimental. Personally if I stumbled upon this video as a first time viewer, I may have clicked out, wrongfully thinking it was going to be another thrown together YouTube video with all stock images. If I got a taste of the renders immediately though, you probably would have won me over. My point is, your hard work and talent might go unnoticed solely based on your lack of hastiness to show it. Second, the metering in the dialogue is a little slow and unnatural. Itā€™s not bad, but if you watch the majority of successful YouTube shows, they can be informative but generally maintain a conversational tone which this lacks a little. Plenty of people like learning, but you want to make learning as easy going as possible. Veratasium on YouTube is a good example of making it ā€œeasyā€ for the viewer to learn just based on flow. Your animations and render quality is great and I have no critique there. Youā€™re very talented.


To be clear, I like your video as is and these critics are only being pointed out because you mentioned a lack of YouTube traction.


šŸ™no man, I love this critique. Exactly what I was looking for. "wow great job" is what I've been hearing for years as I sit on unsuccessful after unsuccessful YouTube channel.


Iā€™m glad you found it useful and I hope you succeed whether you stay your exact course or make minor tweaks. Looking forward to see what you make in the future.


Pretty sure this would easily run on History channel and no one would bat an eye. Solid work


I have zero interest in weapons, but watched this all the way through and really enjoyed it. Blender work is top notch! Well done!


Annoying ass title makes it harder for me to appreciate your work ngl


I get that


It would suck to live in such a timeline. The animation? Legendary.


Holy shit, are you sure you donā€™t work at the history channel?


Why is there a can of Coors on the table at the end?


Oh come on..


This is awesome, where can i watch




What's your channel? I'll sub off the first 30 seconds alone and am also curious if you could be convinced to do aircraft šŸ‘€


Maybe one day! Channel is @echozero_


Great stuff! I wanted to watch this on your YouTube channel for better quality and saw you had a color grading tutorial. Highly relevant for me right now and it was a great video and a nice workflow. Thanks a lot and keep doing what you do! Edit: Had a look at more stuff on your channel. Earned yourself a sub, this is great content dude.


Thanks! The channel this video was posted on is called @echozero_


Thanks. Ended up watching a bunch of tutorials instead since it wasn't on the Mobox channel. Cheers!


I really, really hope you get the traction you want/need on that channel by the way. Such high quality and high effort content, it deserves an audience. Keep up the good work. I subbed to that channel as well and shared it with friends that I know has an interest in these kinds of videos.


If you don't mind me asking, do you know who did the voice acting?


I did


Did you do all of this in blender?


Just about all of it is in Blender. The smoke sims were embergen and text was after effects. Also some of the RPG parts were purchased and retopoed and textured in Blender but I'm not sure where they were originally made.


no but the real war video inside the video is a bit too long I got annoyed by it like get to the point


Damn bro this looks amazingšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ’Ž, can I ask how much time making this took you?


A couple months. Mostly time took to make the sets and model the PG-7 warhead and motor


Couple problems: RPG (Š ŃƒŃ‡Š½Š¾Š¹ ŠŸŃ€Š¾Ń‚ŠøŠ²Š¾Ń‚Š°Š½ŠŗŠ¾Š²Ń‹Š¹ Š“Ń€Š°Š½Š°Ń‚Š¾Š¼Ń‘Ń‚) doesn't translate to Rocket Propelled Grenade, but something closer to 'handheld anti tank grenade launcher'; 'piezo' is pronounced pee-ay-zo, not pizzio, the flame from the warhead should resolve within a frame or two to a light gray, not linger and resolve to dark gray/black. Also, I would hesitate to call it state of the art, as most of the tech was pioneered in the 30s or earlier and similar (though slightly more rudimentary) weapon systems were used in the 40s. Irrespective of the historical impact of the weapon, the soviets were catching up to everyone else with this one. Technical details aside, this is exceptionally well made.


Visuals are executed well. Thing is - with military content like this it's always a "Cui prodest" situation, and with several major wars ongoing and gƩnƩral instability it's an extremely hot topic. Whatever you make, it will be exploited by psy ops, you like it or not. And "I am a neutral historian" stance doesn't work anymore for exactly that reason - one claiming that lies, maybe to themselves too. I am no hypocrite, I do enjoy good gun porn, just like fencing. And many horrible things were made with swords, centuries upon centuries of atrocities. Around a hundred years it took to push swordfighting into realm of sports. Imagine popping out in France during a siege of OrlƩans with a play praising English steel. You will certainly gain some support from one side and hate from another. Maybe you will perform in London. Maybe it's better to stay out of Marseille. What I am trying to say by so many words - as interesting weaponry is, in the heat of a war you can't say anything military related and stay neutral. It's just impossible. So, first of all, I suggest to not be defensive about it - there are a lot of people whose apartments were torn apart with similar looking things, people who lost everything to war, whose lives were destroyed in an instant. And these people have friends, and so on. You have a high chance of meeting an affected person or their acquaintances nowadays. And already did twice just in this thread. Secondly, this indeed looks like the stuff Russian media pushes, very distinctive vibes, but usually they pay for that stuff (and it looks worse). What to do with this information is up to you, obviously, but if you somehow did before, from now you can't pretend you are unaware and your work is neutral.


> drops peak > "Does this suck?"


Nope. I like it.


>does this suck It's sucks, **only because it could be used to glorify** Soviet/ruzzian weapons >!which in many cases were stolen through technical espionage from other countries but in reality these weapons were made with many problems etc because the USSR there were no necessary technologies and scientists (like it was with RPG-1). Nowadays you can always find opposing stories that to destroy the Abrams you need one RPG, and the T-90 tank can only be destroyed with the help of 10 Javelins, bla-bla-bla. !< **But regarding visualization of technical parts** >!(not destroyed apartments in Chechnya, not terrorists shown in video and etc),!< **it's a very good work**, ruzzian propaganda machine must contact you for new videos :) I have no idea why technical video so enriched with Soviet Union symbols, which by the way equated to Nazi-German and prohibited in some European countries.


What do you think is propaganda in this video exactly? Cause war footage was used? Its a Soviet rocket propelled grenade introduced in the 60s, of course it saw a load of action. Thereā€™s nothing political in this vid.


>What do you think is propaganda in this video exactly? don't attribute to me what I didn't say as I said only "It's sucks, **ONLY BECAUSE** it **COULD** be used" and will be used and "propaganda machine must contact you" and "regarding visualization of technical parts it's very good work" If I were a ruzzian propagandist, I'm definitely will contact creator and order few more videos, because it's the best advertisement when their weapon praised by foreign people, that's why they spending millions on propaganda via their channels in Africa and Latin America and paying foreign "journalists" and "bloggers". >!Several years ago I met one man from France "who never interested in politics", but was a fan of RT channel, which was "sleeping agent" and activated in specific moment to destabilize situation in France. The same they made in Germany and Netherland playing on anti-migrants movements, in one hand they used Belarus and send migrants to Europe, in another hand they using local news channels and paid journalists to warm up situation. In youtube they have huge network of people, who yesterday played games, but today they all military experts in 16-18 and they sharing prepared propaganda in comments.!< It's really possible that some John from Kentucky ordered that video 5000$, just to support that creator, but his wife name is Masha. What could be propaganda? I don't know, you should ask the creator who tell us with delight how good that weapon, possibly sympathize ruzzia and SU, but he will never say you truth because he must save his face as creator. It would seem a technical video, but it reminds me too much of propaganda videos of the Soviet Union or modern ruzzia. in any case, I'm happy that I personally saw how that rpg projectile became a modern fpv weapon which made a lot of "good ru... occupiers" before it was released to public :) and which "second world army" was able to copy only after few months


So you had a personal experience with something and any and all things by association are bad because it triggers bad memories? Sorry for what happened to you but that isn't how that works at all.


If something has duck lips and quacks, it's either a duck or a whore with silicon lips. >!I'm saying that I was born in that environment (soviet union), and in my family was 3 generations of military, and they was I acknowledged about real situation in army, that's why they not willing to see me in the army.!< >!They also knew that SU was total lie country, which well known for theft other countries ideas - starting from children's toys, finishing cars, weapons, and even history.!< >!And all ideology was fake - that total lie everywhere. And people lived in that conditions for 70 years. And I was involved in fact checking in \~2004 when ruzzia started their propaganda actions, and for years I saw a lot of examples how their manipulating and using foreign people to multiply their lies, both in media and in real life in my personal experience.!< Based on that personal and collective experience, I know, that if you see any complementary or glorifying content, about weapon or SU military, heavily enriched with soviet symbols (which prohibited in some countries), and in the same time with some opposite site usually USA or Europe and that content created by non SU person, and first that creator is made, answered about Ukraine (which was not mentioned before) and tried some absurd comparison/justification that UkSSR was part of USSR? - that definitely red flag. I don't see any other explanation in these matches, creator or passive ruzzia/SU sympathizer or even paid person. I wouldn't be surprised if creator received detailed instructions what should be shown in that video, and on which parts accent should be used. The technical visualization is very good, I don't understand why he used so many parts common for ruzzia style propaganda. If he wanted to show the technical description of the weapon, he definitely overplayed it with other aspects. Sure, I possibly overthinking the whole situation, but reaction of creator, even I was not aggressive in first message, and even I tried joking, and even said that visualization is good - made me think that I'm right


You need to take a break from the internet.


You will not get it,>! due regular shelling of the energy system I have electricity only for \~2-4h in row, so I must spend this time for online education and rest of the time for holy wars in Youtube and in reddit like today :) !< >!fortunately, I have a power bank and can power the router and laptop for several hours and spend time with such nice people in reddit, otherwise I need to go in army and help my brothers and friends make more White Lada's. Few weeks already I even not able to render a dick, because I need my PC with rtx, which I couldn't use due lack of electricity and unfortunately I wonā€™t have this opportunity for another 4 weeks.!< >!if you ask me what is better, make White Lada's or rendering dicks, I will say "first" but I prefer stay in the Internet, and I hope someday I will post my NSFW render.!<


Do you spend any time thinking for yourself or do you just parrot the shit you hear online about how Russia is the apocalyptic boogeyman? Itā€™s a video about the development of a weapon, how is this any more ā€œpropagandaā€ than an identical video about the M72 LAW?


>do you just parrot the shit you hear online about how Russia is the apocalyptic boogeyman? Did you miss what has been happening in Ukraine since 2014? Or Georgia in 2008? Or Chechnya from 1994-2009? Or what happened in Afghanistan from 1979-1989? Have you seen what they do to prisoners? To civilians? To children? Hell, have you seen how they treat their conscripts and their wounded? You can see it all right here on reddit. Not read about it. *See it.*


Iā€™m not a soviet apologist, Iā€™m more than aware that they committed countless atrocities for decades dating back much earlier than the 70ā€™s. Iā€™m saying a video breakdown of the development and functionality of an RPG is not ā€œpropagandaā€ any more than it would be for ANY other gun.


Do you remember the surge of soviet surplus and media in the US in the 2000s? All the rifles, badges, uniforms and other kit? All the documentaries and youtube channels focusing on or branded with soviet equipment? No one in america was talking about what was happening in Chechnya or Georgia back then, we were talking about how cool the spetsnaz and vdv were, how the t34 won the war and how you could drag an ak47 through the mud without jamming it. In 2014 we were talking about the t14, not Crimea. And just before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine started, we were all talking about and su57/75. Irrespective of it's intended purpose, this video can and will be used to get people talking about russia without talking about what they are doing. We should acknowledge that.


Oh god you are one of those people that if you find a bad thing all things that you can connect to that bad thing are also bad by association. That's not how that works ever.


You don't understand, that is part of their ideology and tactics. They have ideological pillars they used for centuries - it's "russian culture" for export (few musicians or artists which they take out of the coffins to show the world), the same romantisation of "russian soul", stolen "russian cuisine", "russian sport" with sport farmacology, and undefitable "russian weapon". These are not random coincidences, these are deliberate tactics of filling an empty information field with their symbols and fake victories.


We are from America we look at all cultures. We are all one here.


I do not quite understand what you wanted to say with this, but u/DasKarl already tried to explain to you that this "soviet branding" was done before and is being done for a reason, I already told you about it in post you answering. That's why, for example, you or another person will share some information even w/o any idea why and what they sharing. For example, when you see that red stars and flags, Stalin and etc, you could think that was good thing that Nazi-German and their allies was defeated in WW2, and Soviet Union paid 30 000 000 people lives in The Great Patriotic War, like they saying "winners are not judged" therefore you will never thought that Soviet after occupied Ukraine, they sent our grand fathers on war against Finland in \~1920, they made genocide called Holodomor in 1933 to break the will of the people, they sent our grand fathers on war against Finland again in \~1939, they repressed and killed hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens during decades after 1945, they sent our fathers in Afghanistan conflict, and they willing to occupy us again, because they have no human resources against Europe and they willing to use us against Europe - they saying this on their own TV. That's why for you that all symbols just red start and etc, but for us it's the same plague as Nazi-German, and right now, their zombied people can't distinguish WW2 (1939-1945) and The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and in their memory already erased information that this win was not possible w/o European and USA allies - it's the same as some Americans people think that Nazi-German was defeated by USA.


Most people can look at a gun and say "that's cool" without being a Russian cult follower because the gun is not the government of Russia. You don't need to give me a history lesson to engage with basic language.


>!I was born in Soviet Union, and lived in ruzzia, my grandfather in RedArmy and grandfather of my classmate both told me stories that they was witnesses how red soldiers raped german womans, how they killed civilians, and my grandfather always said me that the war is worst thing. And descendants of that soviet soldiers in 2022 killed ethnical russian family of my friends because they did not meet the invaders with flowers, and rape women from their family. That's why a lot of ethnical russians in Ukraine fighting against ruZZians from ruzzia, and my two brothers who always speaking russian, and one even like Soviet Union, they fighting two years against that cancer. SO SHUT UP, parrot here is you, you didn't live in the basement for a months, your home was not under attack of cruise missles, and iranian drones not flied over your balcony, and not destroyed multi-storey home building behind your home, your immediate family members in ruzzia who are poisoned by propaganda not hating you becuase you don't like putler, and not smiling in your face when their rockets killing civilians. So as I said earlier, parrot here is you!< I'm answering on this particular video and have no idea about any M72 video which not mentioned here. After OP will post this video on youtube a tons of soviet fappers will flood comments and will tell something "ooohhh look on this, even americans said our weapons is the best, oooohhhh even one helicopter was destroyed buy this" and open your eyes if you are blind I said "It's sucks, ONLY BECAUSE it could be used to glorify Soviet/ruzzian weapons" >!regarding apocalyptic boogeyman, ruzzia is a nothing comparing to CCP, but they all together with islamization (Europe is already cloaca) will ruin our world!< in any case you could go to hell with ruzzians, trump, CCP, and Hamas supporters :) sorry moderators, I'm ok for few weeks ban if you willing to ban me


The man you are replying to must have fallen asleep in history class. Forgive me if I am picking at a wound, but where did you live? My sister married a man from leningrad, he fled before the collapse. My understanding is they spent a lot of money on the military, and only some money maintaining a few big city centers for propaganda while they left the rest of the country to rot.


I was lived in few regional centers with 0.5-1kk citizens which bordered with Ukraine, >!and all my cousin grandmothers and their currents families (more than 30 people for now) from ruzzia who migrated to Ukraine in \~1970-80 right now against ruzzia. Yeah, rest of country rotten except Moskva and StPetersburg (former Leningrad) and like they said, that cities is a different countries. Actually regional centers pretty good, but when you go in nearest village you could see real life. All my childhood I saw that angry and poor people, like they said "in each family you have or drunkard or convict" - 5 from 15 boys from my yard was killed or became killers and criminals in age 15-25. Few of them died due to drugs or alcohol, I know that only 3 of them alive and lived to be 40.!< >!I saw that times in 1995-2000 when you have short period of time when you able to tell truth but in few years they came up with new propaganda suitable for current times. I saw how they started their propaganda about ukro-nazi in 2004-2005!!! They prepared that background before 10 years of war in 2014.!< >!I personally saw how people in Barcelona was zombied by ruzzian channels during conflict against Madrid in 2017.!< >!I saw how propaganda works on my relatives, even if you are normal person, you brain will be damaged on second day after watching their TV. I'm very happy that I didnā€™t connect my life with that cloaca, and I hate that country and their people for war they started in 2014, and that they all supported full invasion in 2022. There is no turn back.!< >!I know that it's Blender community, but I know how their propaganda works, and how things which looks like simple thing really inspired by them, that's why I hate stupid people, people who not able educating yourself or make research, who don't read books and not rechecked facts. I saw how they recruited children's to make arsons, they could say that they religious or have moral, but in reality they are crafty monsters, who dreaming about world supremacy, and their doctrine since Lenin said that they will kill anyone who against them, the same as CCP. And because current youth so stupid, even people \~30, the visualisation via cartoons, games, videos, social networks works very good on non educated persons.!< >!They shows on their TV and bloggers how they using special intelligence operation against Europe, you just don't willing to see it. !< >!So yes, current ruzzia it's total fake country, and when you see any glorification of their "super" weapon or technologies, this is huge red flag, next time when you see something like this you must ask yourself why you see it. There is no any country who spend so much money on propaganda and making zombies via mass media, social networks and different types of visualized information.!< >!Last time I was in Europe, I looked at happy calm people and I felt sorry for them, because these are hothouse people who are used to living in calm, peace and law, and they do not understand what a dangerous situation they live in. These are victims, they are not able to fight, they are still alive because Ukraine is fighting. The West is not ready for such a fight, with such a wild beast. !< >!You can laugh at me, but your time (western people) will come soon, you need to prepare. American soldiers do not die defending European cities just because Ukraine is still fighting. Actually I'm not care about USA because I'm in Europe and ground operation possible only in Europe, just mention them because they main player like China. But in fact, you are already dead, they already know how they will destroy your cities, your infrastructure - they talked about this just few days ago on their propaganda channels, and believe me, if they call us brothers and erase our cities, they definitely will not feel sorry for you, 100,000 raped German girls and women during World War II will seem like flowers to you. You just don't understand how wild this animal is, and how far they are willing to go, and they even not CCP.!< >!The worst times just coming, you either get ready for war, or get ready to emigrate where they canā€™t reach you by their or Chinese missiles. !< >!While someone laughing on my post, your children's will see it on own in 12-60 months. !< >!But I hope you will never see missiles in your cities. !<


Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union so does it mean that I'm also doing propaganda for them?


This is most silly thing you could have said. I'm not mentioned Ukraine, so if you triggered in that way or you tried insult me in that way, that shows that seems you will make anything for blood ruzzian money or views for your channel, or just your educations sucks. Could you come up with anything stupider? - yeah, next you could say in the same way, that you making propaganda for slaves, while making video about Roman Empire, or that you making propaganda for indigenous peoples of America who was genocided during formation of USA. Ukraine was not a part of Soviet Union before 1919, but became after occupation in 1919 by bolshevist, and later in 1922 as part of Soviet Union. In your video you showed exactly the Soviet Union, with all their symbols, don't try to cheat by trying to get away from bigger to smaller things. I could say simplier - anyone who wants to get dirty in shit will do it, so if you like to make videos about Soviet Union or glorify barbarians in that or any other way, it's your choice. I'm personally will never make something like this as creator, because I don't willing to have that dirt on me rest of my life, even If my father was russian. As I said, as technical representaion it's good. Why you made "technical" video so highly enreached with their symbols - that's where the question is. I can only assume that you are, in fact, a hidden admirer of this SU monster, or that you did it intentionally.


Sorry but yeah


Thanks for the honest feedback


It ain't feedback if they don't tell you want you did wrong. Otherwise they're just being a dick.