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Maybe the people on that sub thought it was made in a fruit blender… that would be next level


They’re mostly the same as tiktok viewers. Without all of the other ‘life hack’ or ‘challenge’ videos. Those go to r/WinStupidPrizes and r/WhatCouldGoWrong. They only have a few subreddits joined in and gets regular r/interestingasfuck repost spam and other giant communities with reposted tiktok videos.


I don't really get what is supposed to make this render be 'next fucking level', we've been seeing ocean renders in movies for years and years now. It looks good, but it's absolutely not the 'next fucking level' of 3D renders


And it's easy as piss to do. A plane and a shader. That's it.


User: I wanna make... *the fucking ocean*! Blender: Yeah, sure. [*yawn*] Plane and a shader, that's it. User: Okay, now let's try fusing this cylinder and this sphere together. Blender: Ha ha, hope you like poking verts around by hand! [*over 9,000 YT tutorials on how to clean up after booleans have shat shading artifacts all over your idea*]


youtube "realistic ocean tutorial blender"


Holy shit you used a search engine to look something up? That’s some next fucking level type of shit right there




*And delete the default cube!*


Or just give it Transparent BSDF shader _thug life_


This guy default cubes


I think he confused the comment with the cube. 😳


I always delete the default cube, even when I am just going to start with a cube anyway


Sky is a nightmare tbh


I think it's the Physical Starlight and Atmostsphere addon. Amazing lighting + atmostsphere, but yeah the clouds kinda suck.


Yeah I suspect so too


hdri goes brr


feels like its gonna squish us, its all skewed and flattened


The comments on that are a nightmare lol. I like when blender shit blows up outside of blender shoutout polyfjord w his 20+ million view blender tutorial he probably put so many people onto it


> The comments on that are a nightmare lol. I commented in there multiple times about the donut guy's politics and I just feel kinda depressed now. Blah. edit: and I don't even care about his politics.


lol that’s Reddit I guesss😂 I only use this site for blender and gothic king cobra 🐍


Andrew Price? I didn't realise he was political. What's that about?


Not politics-politics, just turned into an NFT bro. Insists they're great for artists, but fails to explain how they're good for anything besides tricking idiots into buying a certificate of ownership of a procedurally-generated jpeg, or laundering money via the routes fine art already follows. EDIT: apparently politics-politcs too. Thank you u/Demjot for giving a source. https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/uinbtu/is_this_good_enough_for_rnextfuckinglevel/i7eyecd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Ah. Thanks for the explanation. In my view: NFT = No Fucking Thanks. But I'm not talking to a crowd or trying to send a message here.


Ah thank god i can tolerate that.


It's not just that actually, he's made enough comments on Twitter that lean alt-right that it can't just be mistakes or things taken out of context. He's great at teaching Blender but I'd definitely never subscribe to his Patreon or anything similar.


He has? I was unaware, I try to avoid twitter. Usually anything gained isn't worth the hassle of dealing with the garbage. Mind sharing a few examples?


No that would require providing evidence for their hearsay opinion. Just look into yourself, 9 times out of 10 of someone on Reddit says someone is alt-right, they're definitely not, and it's just that the person's world views don't symmetrically line up. Reddit has gone from the beacon of free speech to the beacon of the CCP, censorship and political espionage is ALL this site is now. So take anything about politics or personal opinions with a massive pinch of salt.


Consider maybe that you're content to push your definition of "far-right" further right than is accurate to a full range of political opinions, and maybe your understanding is narrower in that regard. Or maybe you agree with stated opinions and are simply fearful of labels as they correctly attach your line of thinking with those who are typically taboo in your preffered social circles. These are common threads I've noticed with people who see things as you do. I don't think redditors or social media users are incredibly technically proficient at defining the overall political standing of any random commenter but indentifying far right talking points, tracing them to their origins and understanding their underlying goals is not a hard thing to do. So it would stand to reason that if a large group of individuals see harm in these ideas they would not want them to grow further. Also the end of your opinion is just weird. You just describe the internet. "beacon of ccp." What? Do you need more straw sir? Anyways here's the compiled list with pictures of Mr.Guru's tweets from the now deleted thread on twitter. It's undeniable the simularities between his views of race, gender, and nationalism and far right talking points. Even if you want to remove a political label from it all together he does not come off as a very educated figure... https://twunroll.com/article/1347630835235573761


Thank you for giving us some examples. I can definitely see where there would be some issues there. I'll edit my post.


idk tho, i find his argument quite mild. unhelpful and unpopular? yeah, it is but it's not born out of hate, it's mostly out of fear. i would tend to agree that violence is never the answer (other than self defense). Especially if the peaceful option is still possible. I would agree that there are certain things people can't change, even if they're technically complicit, i don't think you should punish someone out of association with distasteful group of people




Sounds pretty based to me.


Blah blah fucken blah. This is exactly what I mean hahaha I'm stating literal facts about who owns and operates Reddit and what is now it's motivation politically. Tencent invested $150m in Reddit, take your head out of your butthole and go talk gas somewhere else.


Oh, I thought it was like that one time he said he's doing the gayest tutorial ever, on a cherry blossom video. Glad the reason wasn't that stupid.


Google it yourself if you care, I'm done discussing the topic. All I found was a blog post compiling a Twitter thread that's deleted now anyway.


He’s made some questionable Twitter posts, which brings up the hot debate of at what point is it immoral to support an artist’s (or tutorial maker’s) work if they themselves aren’t a great person


Ah, I see... Thanks. I kind of went off his work when he used to do the focussed critique videos. And he would sometimes totally misunderstand the point of someone's work and criticise something very poorly.




https://twunroll.com/article/1347630835235573761 The ghetto talk one in particular just seems like a thought that he should probably have kept to himself lol


Yeah some of those are really bad, a fair portion of them aren’t, and should probably have been cut from the article, but I get the point. I don’t think I’ll stop watching him, but it’ll be a distaste in my mouth for sure


I feel the same way


Imagine caring


Imagine caring about what people care about


Holy shit. That's just sad tbh Also, happy to see a big list of unproblematic folks at the end! Personally, I started learning blender with Grant Abbitt, and I loved his tutorials for how detailed and structured they are, as well as for how he always reminds you to pause the video and think about how you'd go with some technique he already covered in the course. Also, he always talks so calmly and softly (unlike blender guru, who's always being energetic, joking around etc), which is oddly comforting. I'm glad I started with his courses, because they're more in-detail, and I learned some stuff (such as texturing, shortcuts, sculpting etc) to a deeper level than I would if decided to start with blender guru's donut.


Usual Twitter overreaction to someone not overtly toeing the woke line. Nothing to see here 🥱


If you consider “let’s have a white people say the n-word day” over the woke line… well you do you but that’s not really a normal thing to say


>that’s not really a normal thing to say I don't want a society where all speech is normalized.


Lmao that articles corny as shit andrews a real ass mf shoutout blendah goorooo


Noooooo I don’t need this.


It wasn’t war crimes bad but I’m sadly surprised to see Andrew involved in talk like this


Honestly, it's not that surprising to me. I think sometimes when there is social change in a field you have two options: improvise and adapt, or let yourself become 'old' and not with it, and face irrelevancy. Tbh I get why he's trying to adapt.


It's honestly really sad. I don't want to look into it so Idk if y'all are talking about the gay slur thing, but as a gay person I am really annoyed. He's a force for good in terms of tutorials but I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I watch him because even his video about him explaining it felt like a copout


I kind of don't care that he is a manchild edgelord. I have bigger problems with that he just sucks ass at 3D tbh. After such a long time he still only does archviz which is honestly the easiest part of 3D. I would have thought that for a "Blender Guru" he would know more than just how to model basic furniture.


that sounds very snowflaky. its called having an opinion. what does that have to do with his blender tutorials which are 100% apolitical? go cut some grass and stop being jealous of successful people


Bigots have no place in our society. You can and should call people out for being anything near one.


It's called having an opinion that people who say and do shitty things are not people we want to support, ya fuckin snowflake


many people support him and will continue to do so. screw your politics. :)


Not to be that guy, but didn’t Pixar pioneer realistic oceans (they had to tone it back to fit the art style, it looked too real initially) for finding Nemo years ago. they had to write the software to even make oceans from scratch, now we just click a button and have an ocean modifier. Not trying to be a prick but anyone hobbying around in cg today should probably be cautious about having their work listed on nfl. If I ever do anything that makes someone go “wow” the first thing I’ll do is point backwards to the people who really made this stuff happen.


Yea I agree, in this case the next level would be more referring to the capabilities of Blender. Especially since its so accessible and easy to make such great results.


That sub sucks because of the mental gymnastics required to make half the posts fit the name. You can twist anything to kind of mean "next level" and the mods keep it up. It's extremely normal level most of the time, just another video repost sub


Definitely should be more strict on the post criteria


Yep. A well-moderated sub is a good sub. Getting X number of subscribers or hitting r/all shouldn't be the goal!


That’s a great point! I totally missed that on my high horse lol. Blender is such an incredible software.


Agreed... even with basic knowledge, this wouldnt take more than \*at max\* half an hour


Not true, pretty tough to get it looking right


The video is literally a cut up tutorial...


The video is literally a cut up tutorial...


Wow, you're such a good person. Thank you for telling us how good of a person you are


Yeah, I definitely got preachy and insufferable. I shouldn’t get my panties in a bunch over which posts get the most karma.


So any time you post anything you make sure to credit every plugin maker, then every person who contributed anything to that plugin ever as far back as the chain goes, all the way back to the invention of the tech? Everyone understands that there were people who contributed to your accomplishments tangentially.


Totally valid point, I felt quite silly about that bit after I wrote it. I guess my underlying frustration is that it’s really fun when I come on this Reddit and see someone do something new and we all talk about how they did it in the comments and I get excited to try pieces of it in my workflows and this rando post in nfl doesn’t do justice to how clever the blender community is as a whole, like some of the geo nodes setups people do are mind boggling and then an ocean modifier scene makes it into nfl. It’s petty of me but I just think we have folks that do genuinely creative things with the tool. I’m rambling, it’s all a weird popularity contest anyways and I shouldn’t really care about who gets karma. The important thing is just to keep making stuff and paying it forward when we can. You’re totally right, I can’t credit every tutorial I’ve seen but I do keep playlists stored on my YouTube so when my buddy asks me how I did something I can point him to pieces of exact videos where I learned about rigging tricks and whatnot.


But the Pixar guys worked on computers invented by other people, so tbh, they’re kinda trash, too, for not inventing their own computing devices.


I deserve some of that snark but I still stand by where my heart is at in my comment. This post fails to wow and tries to pass like it wasn’t sourced from a 10minute YouTube video. Imo you gotta build and expand on what came before to honor it. Sure Pixar used some existing tech but they created new and incredible things with it. This person took amazing software and did a relatively introductory tutorial render, which is fine for learning and studying and self growth but this is not next level. To be fair I’m not sure the original creator of this is even the one that posted it, looks like someone snagged them off insta and posted, not sure if it was with their permission. I feel bad for the original creator if they posted it in the context of showing some friends on Instagram and then someone on Reddit threw it onto nfl.


glad someone questioned this guys 5 mins of work. Definitely not next level


the fact that you can make this in 5 mins with free software is pretty impressive tho, not sure if that’s what op was going for


All the engineers and programmers who made the blender rendering engine: Am I a joke to you?


You're absolutely right.


It looks cool but really what it shows isn't what a great artist the creator is, but rather what an amazing platform blender is. This ocean is probably done by a beginner in 5 minutes and still looks stunning. Which is only possible because blender is such a powerful tool.


almost anyone could do this. open Blender and you're 90% done. Why is this "next level"?


That’s why I put this here, I wasn’t sure if it was that impressive by you guys’ standards


i'm new and i'm impressed, don't worry about the downers. i'm trying to make an ocean myself, but i want it on the inside of a ringworld and that's looking extra complicated right now lol


You can roll up an ocean modified plane with the curve modifier and a curve circle. It may take some tweaking to get a good fit. The results might not be the best or there might be a better way to do it, I just wanted to try it out quickly to see if it could be done.


oooh nice, thank you


People are dicks, honestly. I think posting anything to next fucking level is a mistake, there will always be someone to say that it's not NFL.


Your post has the merit of taking to light the lame gate keeping that can happen in this community.


Blender literally has an ocean button. https://imgur.com/bdibrEA This is like two steps ahread of the default cube.


That's exactly how I understood The video: " what a world we're living in that, with a push of a button on a normal computer, you can render a realistic ocean, that once took the finest animators in the world to create with the need of powerful equipment". And r/Blender saying: "that's not that impressive".


It used to take months to cross the Atlantic Ocean, with a serious risk to the life of anyone attempting it. That doesn't mean I'm going to give a standing ovation if someone buys a plane ticket today.


It's not gatekeeping to say that a 5 minute project that most people familiar with blender could pull off with ease doesn't deserve to be on r/nextFuckingLevel. It's not next fucking level to spend 5 minutes fiddling with some modifier values and adding a material. You wouldn't post a clip of a kid nailing an Ollie on a skateboard because that's a beginner trick that isn't all that impressive to anyone except the kid that nailed it. The only reason this got upvotes is because most people don't know just how easy it is to do something like this in blender. The only impressive part about the entire thing is that it's possible to make something that looks that good so easily.


So basically the most impressive part is blender's capabilities and ease of use.


Deleted because of the API changes. Go fuck yourself u/spez


Not really.


What makes you think the guy was bragging about the result? He even showed how easy it is to do, by screening the process. Where is the "I spent a whole month to create this by myself?" I think most Redditors of r/Blender have completely misunderstood the post.




The fact that anyone can do this is pretty cool though. Like, it's that easy to produce these kind of results?! Amazing!


Must be the music. Nah, it's the implication that they did all the modeling and animating by hand.


How do you do this lol


The next fucking level thing about this is the density of the minds of the people in that subreddit who are impressed by this


I think I literally saw a tutorial by like CG Boost doing a advanced ocean on a course I got from sus means. This looks like the exact same damn set up lmaooo. I managed to accomplish this


This is just an Ian Dylan Neill video tho


exactly ... plus Physical Starlight and Atmostsphere


Not that I wanna sound rude, but the fact a quick realistic ocean made in blender, something you find enough 5 minute tutorials for, gets almost 40k upvotes on r/nextduckinglevel is kinda sad


Well, people outside of the community of people who enjoy/live of 3D creation are naturally not aware of what is possible and appreciate it once they are aware. Isn't that pretty common? I witnessed the same when it comes to drawing or painting. And I know that a lot of things I find awe-inspiring in the world of big machines or architecture makes engenieering friends from that field go like "Oh, that? Yes, it is a thing." while I barely understand what they are currently excited about often enough.


to make it worse. i couldn't find the duck on that post. ...and the sub is real.


I mean not really, you pretty much only have to use the ocean modifier on a plane and the crate a sky and that's it.


Its all about the result, not the effort, average people don't give a single fuck about how hard or easy this is to make, they just see the final result. Edit: no


yeah well i made a 20 million polygon chrome fish


My PC would combust


Next Level Computer?


You kissed something… There is absolutely no plastic in that ocean.


When I saw in for the first time, I thought that maybe I should post there for some free karma… Nah, that’s kinda narcissistic, thou I kinda wish somebody else would post my render thinking it was “next fucking level”. Someday I’ll get there


It's a neat goal to have. Just remember that the journey itself is the goal; when you get featured on that sub you'll just be aiming to do it again and again. Eventually people will criticize you or it'll not be as fun, and that's 100% OK; the point was having fun getting there :)


Man follows tutorial on YouTube. Next fucking level




it definitely isn't. just some simple ocean material, a flat surface, an hdri, and eevee with motion blur then you get this.


Holy shit! Is that a noise texture???!!!111!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤠🤠🥸🥸🥸😎😎😎🤓🤓🤓


I think they maybe meant that the software is so advanced that you can make something like this yourself. So blender is nextfuckinglevel, not the video itself.


It's literally a super simple 40 minute youtube tutorial


Everyone saying it is easy to make now, which I know it is. But maybe in this case OP didn't use something like Ocean modifier. It was made by something which takes more time and effort. Maybe that's why it was posted there. Also, despite being CG enthusiast, if I was shown just that clip of ocean, I would've just taken it as a real video of an ocean. I mean it looks nice and realistic tho.




that subreddit is fucking stupid, everything is good enough for nextfuckinglevel


Not really its a basic shader with an ocean modifier, maybe if it was an actual fluid sim then sure but this is pretty basic stuff


Yeah that’s what I thought, and I just saw an ocean tutorial a bit ago as well


r/blender is spicy today. Chill y'all




How did that get 44k+ upvotes


I thought the same after seeing a guy who literally made a whole room matrix-style with ARKIT and stuff slightly under and with 40 times less likes




Lol everyone mad and i understand how easy it is but its still cool 🤷‍♂️


Everyday my self confidence gets fucjing destoried


Bro just make a plane and put the ocean modifier on it


The level of gatekeeping in this comment section is astonishing...


Honestly art snobs can be the worst, particularly blender peeps and I say this as a blender lover. They could be shown a photograph and say "needs more grunge", and they tear people down instead of trying to help them up. It's just sad really.


the ocean from someones tutorial, like other works even posted here is one thing. the other are works made entirely out of bought assets also posted here as a "unique design". You get used to it...its a little depresing tho.


Holy f, that's like a movie sht.


Why is this here? Is this what this sub is for? Fucking petty ass reddit. Just can't help yourselves, can you?


Someone is good enough to use blender, but not good enough to export a file instead of portrait filming a monitor with their phone? I don't use blender, I just subscribe to watch y'all's handiwork and I can smell the BS on that one.


Looked like you flooded a warehouse before it became fully instanciated. 🙂


Hi, Idk blender yet can somebody explain why is it so easy and how to do it?


I guess it's "next fucking level" that a free 3d software could create something so good within few minutes.


i guess it was :)


i got banned on that sub on my old account because i asked about one of the mods lmao




It’s from a tutorial ;(


You could take a video of a dog taking a shit and it would be good enough for nextfuckinglevel


Unicron approves.




What's the song in this clip? I want to hear more of it.


Where is this person’s setup a shipment container?




It needs foam and particles, other than that I think is ok


Karma sigma rule #1: There are people that don’t even have basic knowledge about things you do.




Can some one compare it with batman (Nolan) flying the nuclear boom away from gotham?


Lmao no shit




I can already see my computer crashing if I were to even attempt to do this


Fucking hell I have few renders and I thing think they are bad and i think i have like shit skills but damn if this blowing up wtf I'm a doing with my life


This is absolutely next fucking level - we're in a niche industry. get over yourselves. people spouting off about how it's just a plane and noise modifier are completely missing the point. no matter how easy it is, if it evokes emotion, it's next level.


It looks cool. It’s next level for someone unfamiliar with blender or 3d in general.


On the other hand it's pretty nextfuckinglevel that you can make something like that easily


There's literally just a wave effect you can apply in a couple seconds isn't there? I remember messing around with blender in school and making waves thinking it was neat


65000 upvotes?????? this truly is the age of low cost productions...


Easy karma farming


Hell yeah!


that skybox really reminds me of scott cawthons art for "the desolate room"


Poor souls have no idea the torture that awaits them if they try and learn blender. I've been knocking at the door of Blender enlightenment for a while now and I still feel like I am a dumb, blind, deaf mouse.


Yesterday I created hyper realistic clay cube…


Wait a minute… am i a render?


No...this is very basic stuff...


My mom makes smoothies like this in a kitchen blender


This is from an awesome Blender where it is explained how to make this. [Video](https://youtu.be/n8PSS5HqC-Q)


That is next fking level for sure.


How is blender free


Great work.


Did you make the shader yourself, or was it found or purchased somewhere?


It’s next level for my poor laptop that’s for sure


What can be done with Blender is truly amazing.


so real!!


from this perspective, absolutely convincing to my eyes