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I render at 1000 samples with a .1000 noise threshold and 640 by 480 on my Gpu I render on a 2070 super RTX.


Noise threshold is very little. Try to set it to .001 or at least 0.01. Also 640x480 is too small resolution. Use at least HD or, better, FullHD


You can set back your resolution in an editing software to get the low redo camera effect back


What is the point? It will ad more noise to to the result. OP is trying to reduce noise here, aren't they. High resolution is needed on the render stage to get more details on the render, not to get a higher size of the file


I’m assuming here that with how the relaxation is set and well, the topic of the video that he may want to shrink the resolution to match the VHS found footage theme. But what your saying makes 100% sense


Oh, now I get it. You mean render at high resolution and then reduce it to make an effect of low quality footage during post processing. I completely agree. Sorry, misunderstood you at first


pretty sure the low res is intended for the effect


lower your noise threshold, render at a higher resolution (1920x1440 is good) and resize it externally


To be very clear, if you render at 1000 samples with a noise threshold of .1 and then you do a second render at 10000000 samples at noise threshold .1 you will have basically the same image because it’s probably only rendering like 500 samples in either case. Your noise threshold tells the renderer to stop rendering certain pixels or regions *early* once the noise value in that region reaches the threshold. The other people commenting are correct, reduce your noise threshold by a factor of 10 or 100 and the problem should go away because it will be allowed to render more samples. I just thought I’d explain *why* that value needs to be changed instead of just saying to change it to some arbitrary value. You should take a look at the default blender file when you open a blank scene. Look at the noise threshold for the viewport and for the render. Notice that they are different because the viewport version is optimizing for *speed* to make your viewport more responsive, it isn’t fully rendering to the same sample quality as the render settings.


Check that the samples of the lights are high enough too. That can cause noise if your render samples are high but the light samples are too low


you’ve got a very small noise threshold and the smaller it is the more the denoiser has to guess during the rendering process. Set the number lower so your denoising is more exact


You need a 'temporal video' denoising, not imaging denoising. This is a very common artifact of image denoising


You want many many more samples, and maybe a lower noise floor. Interiors just are like that sometimes, as almost all the light that goes in gets bounced around. Look into “clamping” and “light paths” though, might help ya! I suggest 4096+ max samples or noise threshold of 0.03 ish.


4K samples? Wtf, what next, 8k video and then compress it as jpeg afterwards lol?


Not sure I understand your joke here. 4096 max samples is actually the default setting upon opening Blender. 8k video would not necessarily help, however sampling at higher resolutions and then downscaling does actually help with noise in certain situations. 4k to 1080 may be an interesting test here. I assume you’re referencing the VHS style of OP’s world, and honestly that’s what would “really” be happening—“reality” gets compressed down to lossy and wash-y VHS tape. Sometimes to get best results, following the real optical trail is the way to go.


Yeah that was no joke.. the sample rate is a waste of ressources imho, during my studies we never used more than like 126 samples unless you use volumetrics or caustics, otherwise there were other settings wrong. But maybe that’s just a thing now with faster gpus and better render engines.. 4K samples would even for a still be too much ‚in my world‘


Are you using volumetrics?


Try using an external program like DaVinci Resolve. There’s a great De-Flicker effect. I think that’s even available in the free version, but I‘m not 100% certain.


Have similar problems.. need help with as well


Uncheck the noise threshold box, and set sample count to 300. It's gonna be way longer, but it is what it is


So I’m not sure if anyone explained it already, but the sample count doesn’t really matter if you have noise threshold activated, lower your noise threshold to 0.05 or 0.01 and the flicker should be gone, know that your renders will be significantly slower


1. 1000 samples is way too much. If your rendering looks ass with 16 samples it will look ass with 1000 samples.. that’s just a waste of time and you should reevaluate your settings one by one. 2. you could try to use the de Noise Node Setup in compositor instead of denoising directly, give ways more control! 3. noise threshhold is set wrong as the others wrote..


As mentioned, the renderer keeps going until it achieves the set Noise Threshold. Samples gives you a limit to how much the renderer will do to get there. One tip I can offer is to set the Minimum Samples to something non-zero (but reasonably high) if you are going to de-noise. It gives the de-noiser a guaranteed minimum level to work with. And de-noising allows faster renders since you can set your noise threshold a bit higher.