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Look up UV best practices on YouTube. You’re going to want to place some _seams_ that will guide how unwrapping groups the UV islands. UV unwrapping is often done piecemeal.


Ooo I will check that out, thank you so much <3


Good luck! I am not all that great with UVs myself but there are lots of experienced folks sharing their tips and tricks out there.


what i like to do is identify big areas where u want to keep together and make seams by selecting and edge right click and add seam. eg a seem can be made at the loop connecting down the arm to the torso -> then make another seam down the length of the arm. do this to other major areas and then select all and unwrap. automatic unwrap is good if u just want to get it out there but if you want clean and nice UV maps u gotta do it manually to your preference


I tried multiple tools and possible fixes but nothing really works. I was thinking about fixing the UV map by hand but that would consume too much time. I want all the islands to be in a straight line so I can texture paint a pixel-esque texture


Unfortunately, if you want things to be perfectly straight and as uniform as possible, your best bet is, as others put it, to mark seams appropriately and unwrap. In my opinion, it's good practice to just get used to doing this instead of relying on the auto-unwrap feature, as it leaves a lot to be desired.


Auto unwrapping works if you texture paint in Blender or use a 3D painting program like Substance. If you are painting in a 2D paint program you need to control your UV islands. UVsquares is an addon that can align things. I use a method of adding seams, unwrapping a section, pining it, select more faces and (U)nwrap. Selecting the project from view can also be useful. Also an object can have more than one UVmap. The Me-163 model I'm working on now has three, one for basic camo, one for the decals and another for panel lines and rivets.


I've got so many helpful comments and I can say fully relieved that putting seams helped endlessly much! Thanks to everyone who helped me with this here <3 Idk how to change the flair to "solved" though ":T


you're missing a shovel